
有的人渴望自由,因为自由的生活是无拘无束的.有的人渴望飞翔,因为可以清楚的看清世界万物的奥妙,让人有一种充实的快感.可是我不像你们那样想,我渴望成功,因为我认为成功的感觉是世界上最美的享受,它能给我带来一种由然而生的力量催使我勇敢坚强的往前进. 人生就象是在攀登一座座陡峭的山峰,然而这里只有两条路可选,要么就是象山峰举手投降,那么你就注定失败,成功之路就是离你越来越远,它只能远远的看你从它身边走去,只到永久消失.还有一条就是跟山峰斗争到底,永不放弃.选择这一条路的人,他们就会永远的面上含笑,知道抵达成功的彼岸.所以我渴望成功. 我渴望成功,渴望在一次次的考试中得到成功.因为成功能给予我奋斗的动力,让我能再接再厉,不被考试吓倒.这时的我才能信心大十足,勇敢坚强的朝着前方走去.这时成功的感觉是美好的. 我渴望成功,渴望在一次次的尝试中得到成功.因为很多人都因为自己第一次的失败而变的很不相信自己,觉得自己很无能,居然连尝试一下都不能.因此我渴望在尝试中得到成功,它能让我告别忧郁,告别烦恼.从而发现一个全新的自我.这时成功的感觉是快乐的. 我渴望成功,渴望在一次次的挑战中得到成功.因为它已表名我已成功的接受了挑战,并且很优秀的完成了挑战.从而会不畏艰难的继续去创更大的辉煌.让我变的更加优秀,更加充实.这时成功的感觉是自豪的. 我渴望成功,成功是我们活着的追求,谁不希望自己在生活的每时每刻都能让成功围着你转,一直跟在你的身边.成功的感觉是美好的,是快乐的,是自豪的.这就是一个渴望成功的我!每个人都有一颗善良的金子般的心灵,请以“让___走进心灵”为题,写一篇短文,250字左右。250字_百度知道
使人回味的瞬间 生活的瞬间 每个人的都有精彩的瞬间,瞬间是短暂的有时让人回味无穷,又无法忘怀。我的瞬间我会永远保存在心中,在我需要的时候,回忆就会使我高兴。在一次暑假期间家中只有我和妈妈,我生病了。妈妈就带我去医院,从未去过医院的我心中有点害怕,当医生说我需要输液是我更是吓到了。妈妈知道我害怕就在一边安慰我,我的心慢慢的平静下来。妈妈在我输液期间一直在我的身边,我观察到妈妈在一旁打瞌睡,我很是心疼说,妈妈你先睡嘛,我自己先看一会了叫你。妈妈轻声的说,我不困,你快点睡。接着就吻了吻我的额头说,怎么还有点烧啊。哇噻,妈妈吻了我呃,我心里暗暗的高兴。想不到被妈妈吻的感觉真好,像是被幸福包围着,非常的甜蜜。真希望时间就一直停在这一刻,我希望一直出现这样的瞬间。在我小学的时候,我在一次英语竞赛中获奖了,当时的奖励是一张奖状和几块钱,我想这是我第一次没有从父母那里要的钱,心中充满了骄傲感。当我从老师那里接过奖状和钱时,心里激动极了,迫不及待的想要去向父母炫耀自己的‘本领 ’。在那一瞬间我感到了充实感。在我上初中的时候,我的班主任感觉上十分的严厉。她上课时同学们不敢捣乱,都安分守己也不敢做小动作,因为她的眼睛很犀利。学校要求办板报,老师叫我们踊跃参加,我和几个同学就主动站了起来。老是叫我们下课去办公室讨论主题。我们到了办公室却可望而不可及,老师亲切的对我们说,进来呀,傻站在那里干什么。讨论好主题后老师对我们说要好好干哦。我想原来老师也不是那么可怕。然后拍着我的肩膀说,你们做好了我请你们吃冰淇淋。我又想老师是拍着我的肩膀说的,我感到好荣幸哦,被信任的感觉真的挺不错。在老师拍我肩的那瞬间感觉真好 。每个瞬间我都会完好无缺的保存下来,在我孤单寂寞的时候做我的美好回忆。
出门在外也不愁以internet and human life为题写一篇作文 内容包含网络使人类的生活更便捷更舒适网络带来的问题我们怎么办_百度作业帮
以internet and human life为题写一篇作文 内容包含网络使人类的生活更便捷更舒适网络带来的问题我们怎么办
以internet and human life为题写一篇作文 内容包含网络使人类的生活更便捷更舒适网络带来的问题我们怎么办
internet and human lifeNowadays we are living in an era called “Information Explosion Age” in which information is much accumulated at a fantastic speed every day. There are infinite resources, creativities, opportunities and excellence in the Internet. Therefore, how should we look upon Internet and our daily life?Internet is being used in many aspects: science, education, agriculture, industry, astronomy and so on. So it has a significant effect on human beings.It is convenient for us to get the up-to-date news about politics, business, science, entertainment and so forth through Internet. Many people like chatting in the chat-room. Though chatting on it can help people make friends from all over the world as many as they can, and practice communicating skills, it also has a risk to meet bad persons, especially girls. Friends on the internet often like to cheat and bring vulgar and indecent news to you. In this case we prefer to turn a deaf ear to them rather than believe them.Now on-line shopping is getting more and more popular. It is more convenient for customers to buy things on line. Paying on line is much safer than paying in cash. So losing cash or being robbed is avoidable. The biggest benefit of on-line shopping is that you can buy many goods that you cannot see in the real life. In conclusion, on-line shopping will benefit both customers and stores.Subsequently, with the development of science and technology, network is becoming an essential tool for people to communicate with each other and attain information. But at the same time, network crimes also happen consequently. Some people make bad use of Internet to spread viruses and damage the computers’ normal works. Therefore, a new occupation called “Network Police” comes into being. Out of the particularity of network crimes, network police must possess not only professional skills related to computer, but also experiences of transacting network cases. They administer 9 kinds of network crimes primarily. Of course, authorities should take effective measures to crack down network crimes.At the same time that computer has been bringing the enjoyment of high technology, its harm bringing to computer users is drawn attention by commonages. There are many defensible measures against computers’ harm.1. Hold a correct sitting posture.2. Wash faces and hands constantly.3. Eat food containing vitamin A and drink more green tea.4. Set a basin of cactus at the side of the computer,because it can absorb much radiation.As far as I am concerned,great changes have taken place in our daily life with the popularity of the Internet, which makes the world connect together.The internet makes it easy for us to keep in touch with family and friends.I can talk with my mother face to face although she is in Shandong while I am in BI can communicate with my friends with freedom through it.Moreover,the Internet has brought great social benefit: students can study autonomous customers can make purchases convenient companies can make great profit
everyone can read the latest news just by clicking on the keyboard……The internet seems to be a tool that could be used for everything, including playing games and accept informations.However,the Internet has also brought many side effect.Some organizations take advantage of the internet to disseminate harmful information or something like that.What’s more, some persons do swindle or steal other’s privacy.This kind of phenomenon is quite widespread which makes the security on the net quite bad.In addition, many teenagers are addicted to the games on the net which leads to their study fall down.Some information on the net is not so suitable for them to read.From what has been illustrated above, we can draw the conclusion that every coin has two sides. Not everything in our life is perfect and exists beneficially. The world of network is a fictitious world. Though it is useful to people’s life, it also has drawbacks. We must distinguish fiction and reality clearly and form a correct attitude toward Internet and make full use of it.Internet and life are inseparable. If all of us do something effective, I believe that Internet will make more contributions to our life.·All in all, I think that internet is necessary for everyone as it provides a more efficient way to get information and communicate with others,but everyone ought to do well to make a better internet environment.


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