dave's note book is the lost and found 绘本case.

External Entries v2.6.4 (Free)
The squat, the perch — a reminder that .
Released: . Note how Murdoch’s careless spelling and grammar improves after receiving a reply in Steve’s impeccable English. Murdoch capitalizes News Corp’s businesses, “Studios, Books, and Newspapers” but then writes lowercase “apple”, which, if deliberate, is kind of thuggy.
Cary Grant’s 1963 op-ed in This Week magazine .
Hanna Rosin writes . The beginning could have appeared anywhere, the middle in any number of magazines, the end in only a small handful. And a rather relevant topic at the moment in this house, where Good Morning is spoken as “Where the iPad gone!”
Surely the definitive . Only eating white or yellow food seems a glaring sign that not everything there was quite right.
. Many of these homes are small so encourage ingeniousness and are in general encouraging.
on YouTube.
Stand up for your work! Or as The New York Times puts it, .
Andy Ihnatko, MacTech Conference attendee, on the group , an advance screening of Wreck-It Ralph, and John Lasseter’s desk. [via TidBits]
Manage any MySQL database table from an ExpressionEngine template.
As ExpressionEngine becomes more deeply embedded in organizations’ business processes, there’s more of a need to integrate it with other systems. The External Entries plugin helps make this easier. It also helps you manage your EE database.
The plugin enables you to select from, update, insert into and delete from a table either within your EE database or any other MySQL database on the internet to which you have administrative access. This means your site can easily import and export data to and from EE and among the backends of any number of other MySQL-based systems.
Put the plugin in its own EE template, call the template with jQuery’s
functions for AJAXy goodness, and your web site is now a web app!
One possible use is when deciding how to approach a catalog for ecommerce. Do you publish your product catalog as EE entries? Or as entries in your ecommerce package? Or both? This plugin could tip the balance towards keeping them in the ecommerce package only, as it enables EE to easily view, edit, create and delete them over there.
External Entries is now free and released under the GPL license. It works in both EE v1.x and v2.x.
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&Your stuff just made my work a heck of a lot easier!&
&...skilled insight…&
&I love it when developers get all transparent with their process.&
&...incredible, invaluable, indefatigable…&
&...a bang-up job of coding all our unusual business practices.&
&Adam C. Engst, Take Control Ebooks
&...an obvious choice for ExpressionEngine projects.&
&Jon Robinson, Best Network Security
&I’m extremely impressed…&
&[External Entries] has made my current project go so smoothly! You are awesome!&
&...incredibly happy with the system…&
&I’ve decided I like [Tied Entries]. I think it’s great. It works with Stash and Switchee.&
&...greatly satisfied…&
&Ken Wackes, Christian Schools of Florida
&This is great. Really great.&
&Dave Jennings, General Manager, Music Box Theatre
&...terrifically talented…&
&Glenn Fleishman, Contributing Editor, TidBITS
&Dominic Sawyer, Dot Tourism
&The actual options [External Entries] opens up are enormous…&
&I love your allowing us to try the addons first.&
&Bookmarked for the EE Jedi tricks…&
&...definitely worth the cost…&
&Brian Andreotti, Music Box Theatre
&Talk about fast turnaround! Completely awesome.&
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