connect to 和用connect with造句有什么区别

大学英语四级常用词组 ... be composed of 由…组成 connect with 连接;相通,衔接 be considerate of 体谅…,替…着想.
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高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... connect to 连接,相连 connect with 与……相连 cut down 砍倒.
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高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... connect to 连接,相连 connect with 与……相连 cut down 砍倒.
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几个单词的区别_百度知道 ... connect vt. 连接;联合;关连 connect with 连接;与…联系 key link 关键环节;中心环节.
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connection with
有关系 common with共同connection with有关系conversation with谈话
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联系性 the periphery has many features , as the connection with economic central , margin , interleaving , economic lagging changeability and so on , and all of these induces the edge-effect .内容提要经济边缘地具有与区域经济中心的联系性、边缘性、交错性、经济落后性、变化性等特点,这些产生了其边缘效应。
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connected with
有联系的 英语阅读词汇-第1页_自考英语_英语听力... ... application n. use 应用 attendant a. connected with 伴随的;有联系的.
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连接到 华硕主板BIOS升级程序... ... Connected with = 连接到 Unable to send command! Logging off server! = 指令无法传送,登出服务器.
- 基于16个网页be related to 与connect with的区别_百度作业帮
be related to 与connect with的区别
be related to 与connect with的区别
我觉得差不多意思,不过好像be related to给人感觉更抽象些,而be connected with具体抽象的用法都有.connect to 和 connect with区别_百度作业帮
connect to 和 connect with区别
connect to 和 connect with区别
没有connect to 的专用说法要么contact to...connect with就是连接,有联络的意思connect本身表示联合,连接,关联的海词问答和网友补充:
相关词典网站:Welcome to Trimble Connect | Trimble Connect


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