
鄂州市2015年中考英语试题及答案(word版 听力mp3)
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2015年鄂州市中考英语试题及答案(word版 听力mp3)第一部分
听力测试 Ⅰ. 听力测试(共三节,20小题,满分25分) 第一节:听描述或对话, 选图画。听下面2段描述和3段对话。听完以后,从A、B、C三幅图画中选出正确的一幅。每段描述和对话读一遍
&&&&&& 鄂州市2015年中考英语试题及答案(word版 听力mp3)
  第一部分& 听力测试
  Ⅰ. 听力测试(共三节,20小题,满分25分)
  第一节:听描述或对话, 选图画。听下面2段描述和3段对话。听完以后,从A、B、C三幅图画中选出正确的一幅。每段描述和对话读一遍。(共5小题,每题1分,计5分)
  6. What show is Paul watching?
  A. A TV play.& B. Music videos.C. A football match.
  7. Why doesn&t Paul&s grandma sit down and watch?
  A. Because she is tired.B. Because she has watched it.
  C. Because she doesn&t like what Paul likes.
  8. Where will the two speakers go for the picnic?
  A. In James& house.B. In the mountain.& C. In the park.
  9. How will the two speakers go there?
  A. By bike.&&&& B. By boat.&& C. By bus.
  10. Who will go with the two speakers?
  A. Jacky.&&&&&&& B. Betty.&& C. James.
  11. Why doesn&t the man like his job?
  A. Because he feels lonely.&& B. Because he has to work at night.
  C. Because he meets all kinds of people.
  12. Where does the man want to work?
  A. At the Great Wall Hotel.&& B. At the Garden Hotel.
  C. At the Golden Hotel.
  13. What time did Mr. and Mrs. Taylor get up yesterday?
  A. At five.B. At six.C. At half past six.
  14. What kind of farm work did Mr. Taylor do this morning?
  A. Milked the cows.B. Collected the eggs.
  C. Watered the vegetables.
  15. How often does Mr. Taylor milk his cows?
  A. Twice a day. B. Three times a day.
  C. Once a day.
  16. When do some students take jobs in England?
  A. After school. B. During the winter holidays.
  C. During the summer holidays.
  17. How old must the students be if they want to take jobs?
  A. At 18 years old.& B. At least 16 years old.
  C. More than 16 years old.
  18. Where do the students find jobs?
  A. In business centers.& B. In police stations.
  C. In factories.
  19. How long do the students work a day?
  A. Five or six hours.&&& B. Eight hours.
  C. Both A and B.
  20. Why can some students take jobs at that time?
  A. Because many of the workers want to go abroad to spend their holidays.
  B. Because many of the workers are tired and want to stay at home.
  C. Because the students want to make money for their daily life.
  第二部分& 语言知识
  Ⅱ. 单项选择 (共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)
  21. & Do you know _________ this iphone5 belongs to?
  & Let me see. Oh, it&s __________.
  A. her B. hers&& C. her&& D. hers
  22. & I always get nervous when I start a(n) _________ with others.
  &Take it easy. Believe in yourself.
延伸阅读:岳阳市2015年中考模拟考试英语试题答案 英语听力mp3下载_试题真题_中考网北达教育旗下_北京中考网
岳阳市2015年中考模拟考试英语(满分:120分 & &时量:90分钟)I.听力技能 (本大题分A,B,C三部分,20小题,每小题1分,共20分。每段材料读两遍)&A)图片理解(从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与你所听到的对话内容相同或相近的图片)B)对话理解 &根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳选项回答问题第一节 听第6至第10段小对话,回答第6至第10小题。( )6 What does the man want to be?A. &English teacher & & & & &B &pilot & & & & & & &C. doctor( )7 Where’s the restaurant?& A It’s next to the post office & &B It’s in the supermarket &C. It’s between the post office and the supermarket( )8 How long have the woman been ill?A 2 weeks ago & & & & & & &B Since 2 days ago & & &C For a week&( )9 What’ Bob’s sister doing?A She’s swimming & & & & &B She’s running & & & & C She’s sleeping&( )10 What hamburger does the man want?A chicken & & & & & & & & B fish & & & & & & & & C beef&
第二节 &听下面两段对话,每段对话后各有几个问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。听下面一段对话,回答11,12小题( )11 Where did Jack go ?A Beijing & & & & & & & & B Changsha & & & & & &C &Shanghai( )12 How did Jack go there?A By train & & & & & & & B By bus & & & & & & & C By plane听下面一段对话,回答13--15小题( )13 What does the girl want to buy for her father ?A hat & & & & & & & & & B watch & & & & & & & &C T―shirt&( )14 How much is the gift ?A 13 dollars & & & & & & &B 10 dollars & & & & & &C 15 dollars&( )15 What color does the girl prefer ?A white & & & & & & & & &B green & & & & & & & C blue&C)笔录要点,根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下列的表格,每空不超过三个单词II 知识运用(共两部分。21―35小题,每小题1分;36―45小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)A) 单项填空 从A. B .C 三个选项中选择一个最佳答案填空( &)21. Kate is ____ eighteen Cyear-old &girl.& &A. a & & & & &B. an & & & & & & & & &C. /( & &)22.He is too young to look after ____. &A. herself & & & B. himself & & & & & & &C. myself( & &)23. The restaurant is so popular. Look, there are so many ___ here.& A. food & & & & B. dish & & & & & & & & C. people( & &)24. There were ___ people and ___ noise in the park last Sunday.& A. many , much &B. much, much & & & & &C. much, many( & &)25. & &   is dangerous for children to swim in the river alone.A. It & & & & & & & & & & B. That & & & & & & & & & & & & C. This&( & &)26 . I think it must be a dog, but he thinks it __________be a dog.A. must & & & & & & B. mustn’t & & & & & & & & &C.can’t&( & &)27. & &The train was late, & &    we had to wait for half an hour. & &&A. because & & & & & B. or & & & & & & & & & & & & C. so &&( & &)28. Autumn is ____season of the year.A. a third & & & & & &B. the third & & & & & & &C. the three&( & &)29. I want to be a doctor when I _______ .& A. grow up & & & & & &B. talk about & & & & & & & C. agree with&( & &)30. It’s six o’clock now . It’s time _______ .& &A. get up & & & & & B. got up & & & & & & & & C. to get up & &&( & &)31. The girl enjoys _______ to the radio very much .& &A. listen & & & & & & & & B. to listen & & & & & & & & C. listening &&( & &)32. A talk on Chinese history _______ in the school hall next week .& &A. is given & & & & & & B. has been given & & & & &C. will be given & & &( & &)33 If she _________ harder, she will catch up with us soon.& & & & A. study & & & & & B. studies & & & & & & &C. will study&&( & )34. ―Hi, Tony. Here is a letter for you.―Thanks. I wonder & &   .A. who the letter was fromB. who was from the letterC. who was th e letter from&( & )35.---Let’s go out for a picnic on Sunday. & & & &&---_______. &A. Nice to meet you & & &B. Here you are & & & C. Good idea
B) 完形填空 通读全文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A.B.C 三个选项选出一个最佳答案What will our life be like in the future?Each family will have a __36__in the future. You can ask it to do everything__37__you.It will serve you__38__hours a day. The robot will__39__like a human. It can talk with you when you are __40__.You won't know whether it is a human__41__ a robot when you meet it on the street.People will have__42__time to work and more time to travel. The vehicles (交通工具)in the future will fly freely in the sky because every vehicle will have wings with it. They will__43__ you to any place you want to visit. You can go to__44__during your travel when you feel tired. All vehicles will be__45__because they're driven by robots.( &)36.A. rocket & & & & & & &B.robot & & & & & & C.computer( &)37.A. on & & & & & & & & & &B.about & & & & & & C.for( &)38.A. eight & & & & & & & &B.twenty & & & & & &C.twenty-four & & & &&( &)39.A. sound & & & & & & & B.live & & & & & & &C.look & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&( &)40.A. happy & & & & & & & B.alone & & & & & & C.ill( &)41.A. so & & & & & & & & & & B.and & & & & & & & C.or & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &( &)42. A. less & & & & & & & & & & B.few & & & & & & &C.more & & & & & & & & & & & &&( &)43.A. make & & & & & & & &B.take & & & & & & & C.let & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &( &)44.A. school & & & & & & &B.work & & & & & & &C.sleep( &)45.A. safe & & & & & & & & &B.dangerous & & & & & C.unpleasant&III. 阅读技能(共四部分,25小题.46-60小题,每小题2分;61-70小题,每小题1分;共40分)&A) & 判断正误 阅读下面的材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文的内容。符合的写“T”,不符合的写“F”.(T=True, F=False) & &&A cheap sweaterMr. Ford saw a nice sweater in the shop window. It was very cheap. So he bought one. When he went back home he put the sweater on, It was all right and he was pleased with it.In the afternoon he went out to work in his garden. It soon began to rain, andMr. Ford had to run into his house. He ran quickly, but he still got wet.Then his sweater started to shrink. It got smaller and smaller. Mr. Ford tried to takeit off, but he couldn’t.In the end, with the help of his wife, he got out of the sweater. Mrs. Ford laughed, “ You see, you bought a cheap thing, but…”阅读短文,然后根据文章内容判断下列各句是否正确,对的用“T”、错误的用“F”表示。( )46. Mr. Ford bought the sweater because it was very nice and cheap.( )47. Mr. Ford’s sweater became smaller.( )48. Mr. Ford was not good at buying things.( )49. Mr. Ford put the sweater on as soon as he bought it.( )50. Mr. Ford took off the sweater by himself.
B)选择答案 阅读下列材料从A . B .C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。Peter’s plan for next week( )51. Peter’s study group meeting will be on ______.A. Saturday morning & & &B. Monday afternoon & &C. Saturday evening &&( )52. From Peter’s plan we learn that Peter likes ______.A. table tennis & & & & & & & &B. music & & & & & & & & & &C. basketball&( & )53 &What does Nancy do?& &A doctor & & & &B &A policeman & &C &A student( & )54 When did Henry go on vacation ?& &A On July 15th & B On July 25th & & &C On August 1st & & &( &)55 Where did Steve go ?& &A The Summer Palace &B The Central Park &C The Mount Tai &C) 回答问题 阅读短文,然后根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题&Have you ever heard of a girl of 15, who set up a company of her own? Wendy Wong is the girl. She started the business two years ago. She has already written several successful computer games. They are so popular that over half a million games are sold every year. Now all of her family work in her business, and she is still at school. &She gets up early in the morning, and then she talks with her family about the business over breakfast. Every day she goes to school in her own car with a driver, for she is not old enough. &She enjoys her school, but some of the work is too easy for her to feel interested. She usually gets “A”grades in all her subjects, so the other students often ask her for help. & She finished her homework in half an hour after her driver takes her home. After dinner, she goes to her office and goes on working on her computer, writing games until 2 am. She does not usually need so much sleep as other children. &56. When did Wendy Wong start the business? &________________________________________________&57. What has Wendy Wong already written successful?&________________________________________________&58. How does Wendy Wong go to school every day?&________________________________________________&59. How about her grades in all her subjects? &________________________________________________&60. How long can she finish her homework? &________________________________________________&
D)阅读填空 根据下列短文内容,在文中空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整,通顺Some birthday customs are quite similar in many parts (61) _ _ & the world---- birthday candles(蜡烛), birthday games,and birthday cakes. But some customs are more specific to certain countries. Here are some children talking about their customs.& & & &Linda---I am fourteen. I (62)___ from Aruba. In our country, Children take (63)___ special to school for their classmates and all teachers. Each teacher (64)___ _ the birthday child a small gift like a pencil, an eraser or a postcard. The birthday child is also (65)____ &to wear special clothes instead of the school uniform.& & & &Lucy---I am one year older (66)____ Linda. Denmark is my country. A flag is flown outside a window to show that someone (67)____ lives in that house is having a birthday. Presents are placed around the child's bed while they are (68) ____ so they will see them at once when they (69)____ up.Tom---I am as (70)____ as Linda. I am from Brazil. The birthday child receives a pull on the earlobe(耳垂) for each year in my country. The birthday person also gives the first slice of cake to his/her most special friend or relative, usually mom or dad.Ⅳ. 写作技能(共两部分,6小题;71~75小题,每小题2分,76小题20分;共30分)A) 翻译语篇  阅读下面的短文,将文中划线部分译成汉语或英语。71Almost every child in cities has the chance to go to school, but not all children in the countryside are so luckily.There is a girl called Xiao Juan. She is ten years old and lives in a small village. 72当她七岁时,她想去上学 But she could not, 73 because her family was too poor to afford the school fees(学费) for her, so her parents had to keep her at home. Instead of studying,&Xiao Juan looked after her brother and worked in the fields every day. Then Hope Project heard about Xiao Juan. It agreed to help Xiao Juan to go to school. Her wish of study came true, and now she is studying in a school.&Unluckily, 74there are many thousands of children who can not go to school. You can join in Hope Project and help these children. &You know all the good work needs money. 75 希望工程需要你的帮助.&If you give Hope Project ¥300 each year, it can pay for one child to go school for a whole year. With more money, Hope Project can build new schools, buy good desks, chairs, blackboards and books. Let’s help the children together and give them a chance to have a good start in life.71. ___________________________________________________ & &&72. ___________________________________________________73. ___________________________________________________ & &74. __________________________________________________75. ___________________________________________________B) 作文许多同学在进入初三生活中会有许多烦恼,烦恼会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,根据以下的信息点,以“Less Pressure, Better Life”为题,联系实际,适当发挥,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。  (1) 同学们中普遍存在的压力(pressure)是什么;  (2) 我的压力是什么;  (3) 我是如何成功缓解我的压力的。   注意:文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。  _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2015英语模拟考试样卷英语(满分:120分 & &时量:90分钟)I.听力技能 (本大题分A,B,C三部分,20小题,每小题1分,共20分。每段材料读两遍)&1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15B A A B C B C B C A C A C C CWhen
__Last __________ & _____week_________What’s her job To ___sell______ &______clothes____during the breakWhat’s her feeling ____Tired __________What’s their resolution To __have____ &___another___ &___show_____next yearWhy do they work hard They want the show to ___be___ __a__ &___success___II 知识运用(共两部分。21―35小题,每小题1分;36―45小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)A) 单项填空 从A. B .C 三个选项中选择一个最佳答案填空21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35B B C A A C C B A C C C B A CB) 完形填空 通读全文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A.B.C 三个选项选出一个最佳答案36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45B C C C B C A B C AIII. 阅读技能(共四部分,25小题.46-60小题,每小题2分;61-70小题,每小题1分;共40分)&A) & 判断正误 阅读下面的材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文的内容。符合的写“T”,不符合的写“F”.(T=True, F=False) &&46 47 48 49 50T T T F FB)选择答案 阅读下列材料从A . B .C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。51 52 53 54 55B C C B CC) 回答问题 阅读短文,然后根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题56. When did Wendy Wong start the business? &_______two ___years ______ago________________________________&57. What has Wendy Wong already written successful?&_______Computer________games_________________________________&58. How does Wendy Wong go to school every day?&_______In ___her______own______car_____with_____a____ driver59. How about her grades in all her subjects? &________She___usually_____gets_______”A”______&60. How long can she finish her homework? &________In_____half______an_______hour_______D)阅读填空 根据下列短文内容,在文中空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整,通顺61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70of come something gives allowed than who sleeping wake oldⅣ. 写作技能(共两部分,6小题;71~75小题,每小题2分,76小题20分;共30分)A) 翻译语篇  阅读下面的短文,将文中划线部分译成汉语或英语。71 几乎城里的每个孩子都有机会上学72 When she was 7, she wanted to go to school73 因为她的家庭太困难,以致于不能负担她的学费74 有成千上万的学生不能上学75 Hope Project &needs &your helpB) 作文Pressure is a serious problem in today’s world. Students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students can’t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams. & &I’m always under pressure, too. My parents want me to be the top student in class. They want me to get good grades and go to good high school .So they send me to all kinds of training classes on weekends.&& Last Monday evening, I had a talk with my mother. I told her I was not lazy. I really felt tired. I needed time to relax. My mother agreed with me at last. So I think having a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem.听力下载链接: /s/1jGvMPaI 密码: x93s
15:52:42&&&来源:&&&评论: 点击:
北京市2015年中考英语试题及答案(Word版)(含听力MP3)听力理解(共30分) 一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)
  二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容, 从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分)
  6. When will Grandpa arrive?
  A. AT 8:00 PM.&&&&&&&&&&& B. At 7:00 PM.&&&&&&&&&& C. At 6:00 PM.
  7. How is Grandpa coming?
  A. By train.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. By bus.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. By car.
  8. What is the woman studying?
  A. English.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Chinese.&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. Maths.
  9. What is the woman good at?
  A. Playing the guitar.&&&&&& B. Playing the piano.&&&&&& C. Playing the violin
  10. Where is the woman going?
  A. To France.&&&&&&&&&&&& B. To Australia.&&&&&&&&&& C. To China.
  11. Who will the woman visit?
  A. Her friend.&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Her brother.&&&&&&&&&& C. Her teacher.
  12. How is the weather tomorrow?
  A. Cloudy.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Rainy.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. Sunny.
  13. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
  A. A plan for tomorrow.&&&& B. Programmes on TV.&&&& C. Food for the dinner.
  14. What can we know about the speaker?
  A. He was a good football player.
  B. He will take part in the game.
  C. He likes maths and science.
  15. Why does the speaker give the speech to the students?   
  A. To explain the rules of the game to them.
  B. To encourage them to play football.
  C. To introduce his school to them.
  21. Miss Smith is very kind. We all like ____.
  A. it&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.her&&&&&&&&&&&& C.him&&&&&&&&& D.them   
  22. We usually have the first class ____ 8:00 in the morning.
  A.of&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.in&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.on&&&&&&&&&& D.at
  23.Get up early, ____you&ll be late for school.
  A.so&&&&&&&&&&&& B.and&&&&&&&&&&& C.or&&&&&&&&&&& D.but
  24. &____ T-shirt is this?
  & I think it&s Tom&s.
  A.Whose&&&&&&&& B.Which&&&&&&&& C.What&&&&&&&&& D.Who
  25. I jumped ____ than Bill in the sports meet last year.
  A.high&&&&&&&&&& B.higher&&&&&&&& C.highest&&&&&&&& D.the highest
  26. & Jack, ____ you ride a bike?
  &Yes, I can.
  A.can&&&&&&&&&& B.may&&&&&&&&&& C.need&&&&&&&&&& D.must
  27. & Mum, where is Dad?
  & He ____ flowers in the garden now.
  A.planted&&&&&& B.plants&&&&&&&& C.will plant&&&&&&&& D.is planting
  28. My grandparents____ in that city since 2008.
  A.will live&&&&&& B.live&&&&&&&&&& C.have lived&&&&&&& D.were living
  29.These model cars ____ in China in 2013.
  A.are made&&&& B.were made&&& C.make&&&&&&&&&&& D.made
  30. & Can you tell me ____ to London?
  & Sure. Next month.
  A.when you will travel&&&& B.when will you travel
  C.when you travelled&&&& D.when did you travel
  五、完形填空(共15分,每小题1.5分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
  The Phone Call
  It was getting dark. Paul looked out of the window and signed (叹气).
Dad said he could come home by 5:30, but it was almost 7:00. Even if Dad came back, it wouldn&t be much fun playing __31__ in the dark. Paul walked into his room and threw his baseball into the corner. He tried to do some homework, but couldn&t.
  The phone rang at about 8:00. It was Dad: &Paul, I&m __32__ , but I couldn&t play baseball with you tonight. I have to finish my work at the office. Maybe we can play this weekend. Oh no. How about next weekend?....&
  Paul couldn&t under stand why Dad was so __33__ . He threw himself into the sofa and soon fell asleep. His book was still opened to the first page.
  The next day at school, Paul didn&t hand in his homework and __34__ a test. Mrs. Green, his teacher, asked him to stay after school. &Paul, you didn&t do your homework.You didn&t pass the test and only got a D. This isn&t like you. What&s wrong?&
  Paul just sat there& __35__ . &Paul, if you don&t want to talk, I will. I know that something&s worrying with you, but you have to get it out. You need to tell someone.&
  As Paul walked home, he thought of what Mrs. Green said. Maybe he didn&t do his homework because he wanted to get his dad&s __36__ . He knew Mrs. Green was right. He decided to take her advice.
  When Paul got home, he __37__ his dad. But there was no answer. Then it went to voicemail (语音信箱). Paul began talking: &Dad, I can&t play with you next weekend. I&ve got lots of problems with my homework. Also, I really don&t want to spend another day looking out of the window and waiting. Whenever you __38__ our plans, Dad, it hurts me. It&s not too late to rebuild our relationship, but we have to start small. Maybe you can help me with my __39__ sometime. Dad, I love you.&
  As Paul ended the call, he felt much relaxed. He didn&t know whether his dad would be different, but it didn&t matter. He himself __40__ . He expressed his feelings to the right person. He had a clear head as he was doing his homework that evening.
  31. A. baseball&&&&& B. cards&&&&&&&&&& C. chess&&&&&&& D. toys
  32. A. lucky&&&&&&&& B. sorry&&&&&&&&&& C. surprised&&&& D. pleased
  33. A. famous&&&&&& B. helpful&&&&&&&&& C. lazy&&&&&&&& D. busy
  34. A. made&&&&&&&& B. missed&&&&&&&& C. failed&&&&&&& D. chose
  35. A. cheerfully&&&& B. comfortably&&&& C. hopefully&&&& D. quietly
  36. A. attention&&&&& B. message&&&&&& C. praise&&&&&&& D. trust
  37. A. saw&&&&&&&&& B. thanked&&&&&&& C. called&&&&&&& D. greeted
  38. A. prepare&&&&&& B. break&&&&&&&&& C. follow&&&&&&& D. question
  39. A. choice&&&&&&& B. homework&&&&& C. speech&&&&&& D. decision
  40. A. regretted&&&&& B. complained&&&& C. insisted&&&&& D. changed
  41. Matt&s favourite season is _____
  A. spring&&&& B. summer&& C. autumn&& D. winter
  42. Where is Anna from?
  A. The US.&& B. Canada&& C. The UK&& D. Germany
  43. What&s the weather like in Neil&s hometown in summer?
  A. Wet&&&&& B. Cool&&&& C. Windy&&&& D. Cloudy
  44. In winter, Kat loves _____.
  A. going camping&&&&&&&&&& B. taking a walk
  C. building snowmen&&&&&&&& D. having picnics
  Bags of Love
  Last year, I workedin a middle school near my mother&s house, and I stayed with her for a month. During that time, I helped her do some housework and buy some food.
  After the first week, I noticed that the food was eaten up very quickly. Then I began keeping an eye on my mum. To my surprise, I found that she would put some of the food into a paper bag and go out with it at about nine every morning. And finally, I decided to follow her. I saw her taking the food to the street children. She would also spend a lot of time talking and playing with them.
  One day, I talked to aneighbour and found out that my mum was well-known in the area. The children were very friendly with her and even thought of her as their own mother. Then it hit me & why wouldn&t she want to tell me about it? Was she worried that I would stop buying food if I found out?
  When my mum got home, I gave her a big hug (拥抱).I told her she didn&t need to keep it a secret from me. And she told me something about the children. Some of them lived with an old lady in a small house. Others slept on the street. For years, she was helping the poor street children by giving them food. After she told me everything, I was so moved by how selfless (无私的) she was. She helped others in need. As her son, I was so proud of my mum.
  I continued to buy& food for my mum after that. But I always added one more bag for her other children.
  45. After the first week, the writer noticed that _____.
  A. the food was& put into a big box&&&&&&&&&& B. his mum followed the children
  C. the food was eaten up quickly&&&&&&&&&&& D. his mum stopped buying food
  46. The street children thought of the writer&s mum as their _____.
  A. old grandma&&&&&& B. own mother
  C. new neighbour&&&& D. dear teacher
  47. How did the writer feel about his mum after she told him everything?
  A .He was proud& of her.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. He was confident in her.
  C. He was& angry with her.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. He was worried about her.
  48. The writer added one more bag of food to _____.
  A. make friends with the children&&&&&&&&& B. get a hug from his mother
  C. become well-kn own in the area&&&&&&&& D. help the poor street children
  Do you enjoy visiting a museum? Did you ever make a plan before a visit? Every museum must have something that attracts you. And there are many possible ways to enjoy yourself in a museum.
  If you follow these steps below, you'll know what is worth seeing and doing, so that you can make the most of your time at the museum.
  Decide what museum you will visit. There are so many different kinds of museums and you first need to find one that you like. It's easy for you to choose one and start an enjoyable visit!
  Do some research online. Every museum now has a website which allows you to look through the information about it. On the website, you may look for such things as:
  The exhibits(展品)&See what is on show at the museum at all times, and what special exhibitions are held for a short time.
  The history of the& museum &There will often be very interesting stories about the exhibits and the benefactors(捐赠者). That can make your visit more interesting.
  Activities ?See& whether there are talks, tours our special activities on the day when you visit. Many museums hold some activities that meet the interests of all age groups.
  Cost,food or shortage&It's important how much the visit will cost. You have to decide whether or not you can eat there. You might also need to find out transportation needs, as well as storage for coats, bags etc.
  Learn at least& one thing on your visit. It is always good to take away something new from your visit.
  Plan breaks into& your visit. When you walk around, standing here and studying exhibits there, you may become very tired. So it is important to take breaks. A break is a good opportunity for you to think of what you have seen and what else you might want to do in museum.
  Take a friend or two. Visiting museums is always a lot more fun when you are with someone else. You can talk over what you&re seeing. A friend also brings another way of thinking when you talk about the exhibit.
  49. According to the passage, we should first ____.
  A. do some research online&&&&&&&& B. make a plan for lunch
  D. decide on amuseum to visit&&&&& D. choose a friend to go with
  50. To make our visit more interesting, we can____.
  A. organize activities like special shows and talks
  B. read the stories about exhibits and benefactors
  C. learn about the interests of all age groups
  D. walk around the museum without breaks
  51.If we visit a museum with friends, we can____.
  A. share the experience with them&&&&& B. come up with strange ideas


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