
苍蝇老虎一起打? - FT速读测试 - FT中文网
Why China’s hunt for tigers and flies is bound to fail
David Pilling, FT Asian editor
The anti-corruption campaign appears to have taken on the characteristics of a Maoist purge
In his crackdown on corruption, Xi Jinping, China’s president, promised to take down lofty officials as well as lowly bureaucrats, “tigers” as well as “flies”. In detaining Rui Chenggang, the flashy, self-confident star anchor of state-owned CCTV, however, the Chinese authorities have gone for a strutting peacock.
Mr Rui was apprehended last week shortly before he was due to appear on his show, Economic News, whose 10m viewers matched his personal army of followers on the Twitter-like Weibo. In a slightly surreal echo of the 2010 Nobel Prize ceremony in Oslo, when an empty chair was placed on stage to draw attention to Liu Xiaobo’s enforced absence, Mr Rui’s seat and microphone were left conspicuously on the television set.
On the face of it Mr Rui is an unlikely victim. Few people so embody the patriotic swagger of a new, seemingly confident China as the 36-year-old television personality. It was he who organised a successful online campaign to dislodge Starbucks from the Forbidden City because its “unrefined food culture” was an affront to Chinese tradition. It was he who, in a question to Barack Obama, the US president, claimed to speak for “all of Asia”. And it was he who mocked former US ambassador Gary Locke for flying economy class, asking him whether it was because the US owed China so much money.
That Mr Rui, a poster boy for China’s new status, has been swallowed up, shows how far Mr Xi’s campaign has spread. Mr Rui was a close associate of another senior CCTV figure arrested on suspicion of taking bribes in what appears to be an assault on the entire organisation. Mr Rui was also the co-founder of a public relations business that he sold to Edelman of the US, and in which he retained a stake even while the firm was doing business with CCTV.
In truth, Mr Rui is a sideshow. Mr Xi’s anti-corruption drive has gone far deeper and lasted far longer than anyone could have imagined. Among the big beasts ensnared is former state security chief Zhou Yongkang, so powerful and so well connected he is sometimes referred to as the Dick Cheney of China. Xu Caihou, a general who served as vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission that Mr Xi now heads, is another downed heavyweight. He has been stripped of his Communist party membership and will be prosecuted for allegedly distributing military promotions in return for bribes. As the dominoes fall, you have to wonder who is next.
The purge is reaching all parts of society. Lowly party cadres are terrified of hosting banquets or wearing fancy watches lest they be accused of impropriety. Foreign food companies, including McDonald’s and KFC, have been accused of using rotten meat. (More a case of maggots than flies?) And GlaxoSmithKline is being investigated over allegations that it bribed doctors and officials in pursuit of higher sales. Some of China’s biggest state-owned enterprises have also been targeted, including the cash-cow China National Petroleum Corporation, once headed by Mr Zhou.
In one sense, the anti-corruption drive is commendable. Many developing countries in Asia, from India to Indonesia, are riddled with graft. Almost alone, Beijing is doing something about it. Undoubtedly Mr Xi is using it to fell political opponents and to consolidate his power by showing who is boss. But the zeal of the campaign suggests there is more to it than that. China’s new president appears to have concluded that corruption is eating away at the very legitimacy of Communist party rule. A re-education campaign has been mounted that, in the words of Xinhua, the official news agency, seeks to reinforce cadres’ “political, ideological and emotional identity in socialism with Chinese characteristics” – and presumably lessen their attachment to Gucci bags and Ch?teau Lafite wine.
Yet if the aim really is to purge China of corruption, the campaign is bound to fail. The reasons are twofold. First is the manner by which the battle is being fought. With no independent judiciary, the exercise amounts to trial by the Communist party, not trial by law. Many of those whisked into detention may well be guilty. Since trials are often cursory – or even secret – and since judges answer to the party, we will never know for sure. Nor will the Chinese public. However successful, ultimately the exercise can only be seen as arbitrary and politically driven.
The second problem is related. The campaign appears to have taken on the frightening characteristics of a Maoist purge, with ever more people, industries and government agencies sucked into its vortex. Yet one can almost be certain there are limits. Some people are immune. After all, allegations of unfathomable fortunes go right to the top. These point the finger of suspicion not only at the previous leadership, but also at the current one. So where does the whole thing stop? One presumes Mr Xi will at some stage have to call a halt. The unthinkable alternative would be that, as in 18th-century France, the revolution ends up devouring its own children.
Which of the following statement is not true about Rui Chenggang?
他质疑的是前任驻华大使骆家辉(Gary Locke)。
He campaigned successfully to dislodge Starbucks from the Forbidden City.
He questioned US president Barack Obama "on behalf of Asia".
He mocked current US ambassador to China Max Baucus for flying economy class.
His Economic News on CCTV had 10m viewers.
In 18th century, which country's revolution ended up devouring its own children?
Good! A正确。法国大革命“吞噬了自己的儿女”是一个著名的说法。
According to the author, why China’s hunt for tigers and flies is bound to fail?
Good! C正确。作者不看好目前的反腐运动的原因在最后两段。
Mr Xi’s anti-corruption drive has gone far deeper than imagined
Mr Xi’s anti-corruption drive has lasted far longer than imagined.
The exercise amounts to trial by the party, not trial by law.
Historically, big-scale anti-curruption campaigns had never suceeded in China.
Who is not influenced by the anti-corruption campaign?
Good! D是答案。前三人都是目前被反腐运动打下马的人物。
Rui Chenggang
Zhou Yongkang
Liu Xiaobo
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  “有权不可任性”、“拦路虎”等30个富有中国特色的政治术语首次“寻找”到了对应的外语版本。  4月27日,中央编译局中央文献重要术语译文审定委员会发布了中央文献重要术语译文(2015年第一期)。据悉,承担本次翻译工作的是中央编译局中央文献翻译部,其前身是成立于1961年的毛泽东著作翻译室。自今年1月28日开始,其承担了《政府工作报告》、《关于2014年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2015年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》和《关于2014年中央和地方预算执行情况与2015年中央和地方预算草案的报告》等文件的翻译任务。本次公布的30个翻译术语,便从这三份文件中摘取。  对于这个主持翻译了多位党和国家领导人著作的部门而言,这些政治术语的翻译究竟“难”在哪儿?记者就此采访了中央编译局中央文献翻译部(以下简称“翻译部”)主任杨雪冬,英文处处长、副处长刘亮等幕后翻译团队成员。据青年报  对话  “蕴含中国政治意图的术语最难译”  记者:翻译过程中,哪些词语的翻译最有难度?  翻译部:有两类术语的翻译最有难度:一种是蕴含中华丰富文化底蕴的术语,另一种是富有中国政治语言特色、蕴含中国政治意图的术语。之所以翻译有难度,是因为要理解这些术语,必须具备一定的知识和文化背景。  “我们的翻译流程包含十多道工序”  记者:中央文献翻译部如何做好“把关”工作?  翻译部:最大的把关是“政治关”,如何准确理解和合理表达中央文献的精神。  中央编译局长期从事重要中央文献的对外翻译,熟悉党和国家的大政方针,了解重要政治术语的内涵和历史沿革,因此在翻译的过程中,能够较深入地理解原文含义,照顾历史传承和传达的对象选择翻译方案。  我们在长期翻译过程中形成了一套包含十多道工序的翻译流程,中外译者通力合作,确保了整个翻译工作的内在一致性、译文的准确性。  此外,中央文献内容丰富、涉及领域广,专业性越来越强,这要求译者必须保持学习精神,努力做到视野开阔,更新知识储备。  链接  政治术语历来怎么译?  “一切反动派都是纸老虎”咋译?  1946年8月,毛泽东和记者安娜?路易斯?斯特朗的对话中,提出了“一切反动派都是纸老虎”的论点。该论断提出时,英语的习惯用法中没有“纸老虎”这个组合词。  公开报道显示,当时在场的翻译使用了英语中类似习惯用语“稻草人(Scarecrow )”来代替。毛泽东了解后说:“不行,我的意思是纸糊的老虎,是Paper-Tiger。”就这样,“All the reactionaries are the Papertiger”的表述在世界范围内逐渐流传。  “老虎苍蝇一起打”直译保留原味  与“黑猫白猫”类似,“老虎、苍蝇一起打”的说法在国外也有着较高的普及度,它还被视为对中国反腐行动的形象概括。在十八届中央纪委二次全会上,国家主席习近平首次提出这个概念,如今“cracking down on both tigers and flies”的表述成为常见译法,对“老虎”和“苍蝇”这两个词语的直译也保留了中文的原汁原味。
05/04 05:0804/27 14:2903/16 07:5803/15 10:41
人民网北京8月28日电 (朱书缘)今天上午,就中宣部理论局通俗理论读物《理性看齐心办――理论热点面对面?2013》,人民网强国论坛邀请5位专家围绕“干部作风怎么改”的话题与网民在线交流。中央党史研究室宣传教育局副局长薛庆超在谈及薄熙来受审时指出,这体现了新的一届中央领导集体老虎、苍蝇一起打的坚定理念和信心。
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