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By David Lawler, Washington and Nick Allen in Colorado
15.45 (22.45)
That will conclude our live coverage of today's proceedings. Thank you for joining us on what was an at times disturbing and emotional day in the Colorado courtroom. All of the latest updates can be found on our .
15.40 (22.40)
Nick Allen has filed a full report on today's events. Excerpt below:
As his trial opened at Arapahoe County Court, seven miles south of the cinema, Holmes sat silently at a table with his legal team 20ft from the relatives of victims who have called for him to be put to death by lethal injection. He was dressed casually in a pale blue open-necked shirt and grey slacks, and wore reddish oval-shaped spectacles.
Prosecutor George Brauchler said Holmes had, earlier in 2012, split up with an unnamed "first love".
He described how the pair would discuss subjects including neuroscience and cannibalism, and Holmes' pet gerbil Lucifer.
But Mr Brauchler said: "This was when he lost his last battle with biology his last great battle of falling in love. His girlfriend doesn't want a long term relationship with him."...
The prosecutor said the "greatest massacre in our memory was intended to be far worse" and he showed the jury a picture of the youngest victim, six-year-old Veronica Moser-Sullivan. He said: "That guy shot her four times, four times!"
Jurors were also shown a picture of a door at the cinema with blood leading to it.
Mr Brauchler said: "Through this door are bullets, blood, brains and bodies. Through this door one guy who felt as if he had lost his career, lost his love life, lost his purpose, came to execute a plan that had been his heart his whole life, and for two and half months in his his mind.
15.04 (22.04)
The video stream has resumed as Brauchler concludes his statement by forcefully asking the jury to find Holmes accountable for 12 murders and 70 attempted murders.
15.01 (22.01)
Below are pictures of Holmes shown by the prosecution during their statement. He bought black contact lenses in the days before the shooting.
15.00 (22.00)
Apologies as we've just lost the livestream as the prosecution was concluding its statement.
14.56 (21.56)
Brauchler quotes Holmes as saying, "I shot at people trying to run away... to make sure others wouldn't try and follow". He's now getting emotional talking about the victims.
14.53 (21.53)
Prosecution now describing the night of the massacre. Holmes parks behind the theatre, puts on headphones and turns his techno music up to full blast. Readies his teargas, "pulls out the shotgun and pulls the trigger". Individual victims who were hit in the first volley of shotgun fire are named and their photos shown.
14.48 (21.48)
Holmes has been staring steadily ahead throughout. Hard to detect any emotion.
14.45 (21.45)
Brauchler: "The greatest massacre in our memory was intended to be much worse". One of the things that prevented it- "heroes".
14.39 (21.39)
The prosecutor now discussing Holmes joining online dating sites in the weeks leading up to the shooting. Littering in info about prepartions for the crime. Holmes asked multiple people, "will you visit me in prison?"
Adult Friend Finder - James Asks “Willl you visit me in prison”— The Gold Patrol™ (@thegoldpatrol)
14.34 (21.34)
Prosecutor alternating between casual conversations between Holmes and his mother and the weapons and body armour he was stockpiling in his apartment. He says Holmes dying his hair red had nothing to do with looking like the joker. Did it "to stand out".
14.29 (21.29)
Our own Nick Allen is in court today reporting on the trial.
Prosecutor has rightly chosen to highlight the victims' stories in his opening statement at
trial— nick allen (@nickallen789)
14.26 (21.26)
The prosecutor now getting into Holmes's academic struggles in the months before the shooting. They contend that struggles in his love life, his academics and his finances together serve as motive.
14.14 (21.14)
We're now getting into the plotting of the crime itself. Holmes ranked possible theatres based on number of exits, and the number of possible casualties. He made pros and cons list, says the prosecutor: "The cons typically involve situations when he can't kill enough people".
This notebook is CRITICAL To understanding the mind and thoughts of
Great job by the prosecutor so far!!— David Bruno (@DBrunoEsq)
14.02 (21.02)
Prosecution recounts conversation between Holmes and his ex-girlfriend in which he talks about his homicidal thoughts and she says "why don't you kill me, then". He says he can't because he'd be caught.
13.59 (20.59)
Prosecution: Holmes was extremely anxious around people and had been prescribed medication for it.
13.57 (20.57)
Prosecution discussing the end of Holmes's relationship with his girlfriend. He told a psychiatrist at the time that he was not suicidal but had thought "about killing some people".
Tells an anecdote about Holmes confronting a man who had spoken to "his girlfriend" at a bar. Her response: "I am not your girlfriend".
13.54 (20.54)
Prosecutor George Brauchler has a serious tone but a folksy style. Says he doesn't understand the advanced work Holmes was doing in graduate school, and that he can't pronounce the name of an associate of Holmes's. Refers to Holmes as "this guy".
13.51 (20.51)
A clever and (in my opinion) quite effective format from the prosecution. Alternates descriptions of Holmes life and mental state with anecdotes about the victims and what brought them to the theatre that night.
13.48 (20.48)
Brauchler talks about Holmes's "first love". He reads some instant messages the two shared. The topics include cannibalism and a hamster named Lucifer, and more routine things like classwork.
13.44 (20.44)
Nick Allen has filed a more full version of the begining of the prosecution's opening statement from the courthouse:
Prosecutor George Brauchler started by showing the jury a picture of a door at the cinema with blood leading to it.
H "Through this door are bullets, blood, brains and bodies. Through this door one guy who felt as if he had lost his career, lost his love life, lost his purpose, came to execute a plan that had been his heart his whole life, and for two and half months in his mind.
"On a cool July evening 400 people filed into a box-like theatre to be entertained and a person came there to slaughter them.
"The man that came that night was covered head to toe in armour to protect himself from injury.
"The man, who brought with him four weapons and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, is in the court room today. This man is James Eagan Holmes. On July 20, 2012 he tried to murder a theatre full of people to make himself feel better and because he thought it would increase his self worth."
13.40 (20.40)
Prosecutor discusses Holmes "longstanding hatred of mankind". Holmes wrote in a notebook that this hatred began in grade school.
He says Holmes went to university to study neuroscience, "and he rocks it". Was very high performing academically but was rejected from graduate school, which left him dejected.
13.37 (20.37)
The prosecution shows video of Holmes undergoing psychological evaluation. He describes the wounded as "collateral damage". DA Brauchler says Holmes wanted to maximize fatalities, and that the deaths gave him a sense of satisfaction.
13.34 (20.34)
The district attorney is now getting into more detail about Holmes's mental state, and the "delusions" which Holmes described and was fascinated by.
Earlier he spoke about some individual victims.
Brauchler begins talking about victim Rebecca Wingo . — Cathy (@courtchatter)
13.28 (20.28)
DA describes Holmes sitting at a table in police custody, with bags on his hands to preserve gunshot residue, tapping out the beat of the techno music that had blared in his headphones "while he pumped rounds" into the audience at the movie theatre.
13.25 (20.25)
Brauchler says Holmes took an IQ test from prison which ranked his intellect as "superior": "He is smart".
13.23 (20.23)
DA George Brauchler says the conclusion of the experts who spoke with Holmes was, "That guy is sane".
In openings,
says Holmes wanted to make himself feel better about trouble w/ professional & love life.
— Brandon Rittiman (@BrandonRittiman)
13.19 (20.19)
Prosecution says Holmes committed the horrific act "to make himself feel better". Promise that we'll hear from or about all of the victims throughout the trial. Now we're hearing about individual victims.
13.17 (20.17)
The prosecutor opens with an image of the door to the cinema.
"Through this door is horror. Through this door is blood, brains and bodies. Through this door one guy who felt he had lost his career, lost his love life, lost his purpose, came to execute a plan..."
Says people came to the theatre to be entertained, "and one person came to slaughter them".
Plays audio of panicked call to police.
13.14 (20.14)
Some more lighthearted moments prior to the opening statements. The judge tells the jurors they will be provided lunch for the next three days, "but don't get used to it". He also says they'll end early on Thursday so one juror can catch a flight.
13.10 (20.10)
We're back from recess, and the judge is telling spectators to avoid making any emotional outbursts during the proceedings. The jury is filing back in, and we're underway once again.
12.55 (19.55)
We're now taking a 10 minute recess prior to opening statements
12.48 (19.48)
The judge's instructions will be followed by the prosecution's opening statement. The prosecution has said that for Holmes, "justice is death".
12.42 (19.42)
We now have more images of Holmes from the courtroom.
12.39 (19.39)
The judge getting a bit more technical now. Tells the jurors that "the culpable state of mind" is as relevant as the crime itself. Especially vital in this case.
12.29 (19.29)
The process of selecting the jury was especially strenuous in this case, with 9,000 potential jurors summoned and whittled down to the 12 jurors and 12 alternates in court today.
Brief interruption as a phone rings. The judge was goodnatured about it: "at least it was a good jingle".
12.23 (19.23)
The jury can return three possible verdicts in this case: guilty, not guilty, or not guilty by reason of insanity. There is no question that it was Holmes who carried out the shooting, but the defense will argue that he is not guilty of any of the dozens of murder and attempted murder charges he faces due mental defect.
12.14 (19.14)
The livestream is now up and running. The judge is giving instructions to the jury and describing how the opening statements format will work. Holmes can be seen on the left, in the white shirt and glasses.
11.51 (18.51)
Arlene Holmes, James' mother, recently said that her son is .
She wrote: "I don’t believe Satan took my son. I believe mental illness exists. I'm praying for those who have been written off as evil."
Immediately after the shooting, many who knew Holmes expressed shock that he could have done such a thing.
Tom Tai, a neighbour, said he was "blown away".
He was a quiet guy, very nice … I’d see him washing the car for his parents, he was a typical American boy. We shared Christmas with the family one year and he served cookies to my children. He was a good guy.”
11.40 (18.40)
Nick Allen reports from court:
James Holmes' parents Bob Holmes, 64, a Stanford-educated mathematician, and Arlene Holmes, 60, a nurse, are at court and will be sitting just a few feet behind him during proceedings.
They will be seated across an aisle from relatives of the victims. There are notices in the court asking those present to refrain from outbursts. Last month Mrs Holmes said her son was "not a monster" and that executing him would be "futile". She said he was in the grips of mental illness.
11.30 (18.30)
We will have live video from the courtroom shortly. In , witnesses recount the terror of the night in July of 2012 when Holmes allegedly opened fire in a crowded cinema.
11.08 (18.08)
Nick Allen in Colorado reports that James Holmes' appearance has changed dramatically since 2012:
At the time of his first court appearance James Holmes was wild-eyed and his hair was bright orange. Nearly three years later he looks completely different and much like the nerdy neuroscience graduate student he once was.
His hair has faded to brown and is neatly trimmed, and he also has a closely cropped beard.
He has been allowed by the court to wear civilian clothes and is dressed in a pale blue, open necked shirt and grey slacks. He is wearing oval-shaped reddish glasses and sitting at a table with his team of lawyers where he reads papers on the desk in front of him. He has also gained a lot of weight.
10.54 (17.54)
For the sake of clarity, 10.54 is the time in Colorado, where Holmes trial is set to begin shortly and where our own Nick Allen is on hand to cover the proceedings.
Relatives of some of the victims of the shooting will also be in court today. Below are Lonnie and Sandy Phillips, whose daughter Jessica Ghawi was killed.
10.27 (17.27)
The Telegraph's Nick Allen has filed , the brainiac who turned into a mass killer.
James Eagan Holmes was born on December 13, 1987 in San Diego, the son of a Stanford-educated mathematician and a nurse.
He grew up in a suburb where his family attended the Lutheran church and "Jimmy" excelled at school, getting a reputation among fellow students as a "brainiac" who also loved football. He was, they thought, a "bit odd" but not deranged.
The first video footage of him dates from 2006 and shows Holmes as an 18-year-old standing in front of slightly baffled members of a science summer camp at Del Mar College in San Diego.
In a presentation he described how he he had been studying "temporal illusions - an illusion that allows you to change the past" and also "subjective experience, which is what takes place inside the mind as oppose to the external world".
His goal, the audience heard, was to make scientific discoveries, but he also wanted to own a Slurpee machine. He seemed nervous and nerd-like, but not threatening.
10.25 (17.25)
Hello and welcome to our live coverage of the trial of James Holmes, who stands accused of killing 12 people and injuring another 70 during a screening of Batman: The Dark Knight Rises in 2012.
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