
楼主发言:16次 发图: | 更多
  好特别的话题.....  我都是先用谷歌翻译出一个草稿,然后自己再慢慢改。
  @yc0428 1楼
16:17:43  好特别的话题.....  我都是先用谷歌翻译出一个草稿,然后自己再慢慢改。  -----------------------------  我试了用软件翻,我水平有限改不好,直接用不行啊,而且老师特别说了不能直接用软件。
  你的论文给老师看过了么???关键词里出现 汉文帝
  @小勇军 3楼
16:28:40  楼主,100元都没有吗?  -----------------------------  100元够我在学校吃多少顿饭啊
  @danchao22 4楼
16:28:59  你的摘要好短啊~~~~~~我也是法学的~~~~~不过我写的是环境法,深深觉得写法史的都是勇士~~~~你最好把中文改一改,有些话太绕口翻译的时候会很想死~~~~  -----------------------------  老师要求三百字以内,我觉得中法史算相对好写的诶
  回复第2楼,@Cookiesweet  @yc0428 1楼
16:17:43  好特别的话题.....  我都是先用谷歌翻译出一个草稿,然后自己再慢慢改。  -----------------------------  我试了用软件翻,我水平有限改不好,直接用不行啊,而且老师特别说了不能直接用软件。  --------------------------  软件翻译文章根本不行,翻译出来多是笑话,多是单词累积在一起,别听那人说,长篇大论的句子还需要人工翻译。  
  @danchao22 6楼
16:31:26  你的论文给老师看过了么???关键词里出现 汉文帝
真的大丈夫么,你写的是法学论文啊  -----------------------------  说到我那个老师我就一肚子气啊,我能说缇萦救父是他让我加上去的么!!!我本来没有缇萦救父的,至于汉文帝这个,是因为我在知网找的那些大神的论文里好的都用他做了关键词,而且汉文帝是我这里的主角所以就觉得还可以吧
  回复第7楼,@Cookiesweet  @小勇军 3楼
16:28:40  楼主,100元都没有吗?  -----------------------------  100元够我在学校吃多少顿饭啊  --------------------------  如果这东西重要,我看你还是出钱的好。  
  @灯下的痕迹 10楼
16:34:34  楼主我可以鄙视你一下下吗?然后建议你去淘宝上找那种代理翻译  -----------------------------  如果鄙视一下可以翻译一个字那随你鄙视三百下
16:31:38  100元够我在学校吃多少顿饭啊  —————————————————  搞笑吧你,自己水平有限还舍不得花钱,那别人就应该给你做无偿的?市场上明码标价还千字200呢。专八飘过,就不给你翻~  
  昨晚过得好刺激啊,那晚只是去kjsdfiew.uk.pn 一直都知道那上面的女人开放又寂莫,但也没想到自己初次玩就能遇到那样的,说回这个女人,她真是很大胆,跟我没聊几句就说自己单身感觉好寂莫,不想一个人睡觉什么的,我只觉她那是在暗示我,于是就提议ML,就这样做了,真是很爽  
  @面朝幸福春暖花开 14楼
16:36:13  @Cookiesweet
16:31:38  100元够我在学校吃多少顿饭啊  —————————————————  搞笑吧你,自己水平有限还舍不得花钱,那别人就应该给你做无偿的?市场上明码标价还千字200呢。专八飘过,就不给你翻~  -----------------------------  那就不要翻咯,我没逼你,你慢慢飘,别掉下来。
  @botanicsT 15楼
16:36:46  google翻译挺靠谱的,我都是不会的地方自己先用google大概翻译一下,然后再改改语法语序啥的。  -----------------------------  恩恩,如果实在没人帮忙我就只能自己动手了
16:28:59  你的摘要好短啊~~~~~~我也是法学的~~~~~不过我写的是环境法,深深觉得写法史的都是勇士~~~~你最好把中文改一改,有些话太绕口翻译的时候会很想死~~~~  -----------------------------  @Cookiesweet 8楼
16:32:49  老师要求三百字以内,我觉得中法史算相对好写的诶  -----------------------------  是么~~~我法史学的一塌糊涂
  我可以试着帮你翻一下 不过我自己也就是个六级水平~~~~
16:36:46  google翻译挺靠谱的,我都是不会的地方自己先用google大概翻译一下,然后再改改语法语序啥的。  -----------------------------  @Cookiesweet 18楼
16:39:41  恩恩,如果实在没人帮忙我就只能自己动手了  -----------------------------  我现在正在国外读硕写英文的论文,吐血。 google翻译帮了大忙。。。自己动手丰衣足食
  回复第13楼(作者:@Cookiesweet 于
16:35)   @灯下的痕迹 10楼
16:34:34   楼主我可以鄙视你一下下吗?然后…… ==========你找英语好的朋友帮忙翻译下然后请人吃顿饭什么的,在这里找人翻译质量你放心?毕竟是自己的论文呐!如果卤煮你连一顿饭钱都舍不得,那我就呵呵了  
@Cookiesweet  yc0428
16:17:43  好特别的话题.....  我都是先用谷歌翻译出一个草稿,然后自己再慢慢改。  -----------------------------  我试了用软件翻,我水平有限改不好,直接用不行啊,而且老师特别说了不能直接用软件。  --------------------------  @小勇军 9楼
16:33:33  软件翻译文章根本不行,翻译出来多是笑话,多是单词累积在一起,别听那人说,长篇大论的句子还需要人工翻译。  -----------------------------  我是用谷歌翻出草稿然后自己改的啊......软件可以给个参考。语法啊顺序什么的全是自己改的。我没让楼主照搬照抄啊拜托。
  楼主我愿意给你翻,不过现在准备下班了,晚上出去happy 明天白天翻译如何
  我本科论文是用google翻译加自己修改的  不过看楼主的摘要。。。好像普通google翻译行不通的样子= =
  @啃啃啃 27楼
16:59:31  楼主我愿意给你翻,不过现在准备下班了,晚上出去happy 明天白天翻译如何  -----------------------------  好啊好啊,我4号交,你明天翻也可以的,谢谢了,太谢谢了
16:28:59  你的摘要好短啊~~~~~~我也是法学的~~~~~不过我写的是环境法,深深觉得写法史的都是勇士~~~~你最好把中文改一改,有些话太绕口翻译的时候会很想死~~~~  -----------------------------  @Cookiesweet
16:32:49  老师要求三百字以内,我觉得中法史算相对好写的诶  -----------------------------  @danchao22 20楼
16:41:02  是么~~~我法史学的一塌糊涂
我选环境法主要是因为环境法老师温柔又亲切  -----------------------------  我们是给一百多个题目,选完题目才知道是哪个老师带,我其他大学上学的同学也是先选老师再订题目,我们是反着来的。现在带我的老师不是当年教我法史的老师呢。
  @danchao22 21楼
16:43:10  我可以试着帮你翻一下 不过我自己也就是个六级水平~~~~  -----------------------------  恩恩,我还没过六级呢,你愿意帮忙我就很感谢了,真是谢谢你。?
  @灯下的痕迹 23楼
16:48:13  回复第13楼(作者:
16:34:34   楼主我可以鄙视你一下下吗?然后…… ==========你找英语好的朋友帮忙翻译下然后请人吃顿饭什么的,在这里找人翻译质量你放心?毕竟是自己的论文呐!如果卤煮你连一顿饭钱都舍不得,那我就呵呵了  -----------------------------  不是不舍得请客,是我周围的小伙伴跟我水平差不多啊,先不说没有英语专业的,她们一个个的都急的不行呢,有一个找的以前的同学,她同学跟我也不认识还是异地的帮她就不容易了
  @咬尾巴的猫猫 29楼
17:28:07  我本科论文是用google翻译加自己修改的  不过看楼主的摘要。。。好像普通google翻译行不通的样子= =  -----------------------------  我觉得中国话都不好说翻译成英文应该外国人都不认识了
  @阿桃tianya 35楼
18:42:54  楼主你就没有英语好的同学吗?我的摘要就是让同学a翻译然后朋友b校对的,老师看了之后一个字没改,一般同学都会帮忙的吧。  -----------------------------  还真没有,我认真的想了她们都是四级水平,哈哈
16:43:10  我可以试着帮你翻一下 不过我自己也就是个六级水平~~~~  -----------------------------  @Cookiesweet 32楼
18:29:52  恩恩,我还没过六级呢,你愿意帮忙我就很感谢了,真是谢谢你。?  -----------------------------  Corporal punishment that is the core of slavery penal system existed
more than two thousand years in China. Its direct purpose is to mutilate body,destruct skin and damage
physiological function.In this paper, the reasons and process and historical background of the abolition of corporal punishment are thorough analyzed from the observation of origin and development and abolition of corporal punishment.In the beginning of Han dynasty, Emperor Han summarized the experience that Qin dynasty had been overthrown and take the opportunity of “Ti Ying Saving Father” to abolish corporal punishment.Emperor Han abolished corporal punishment reflected the ruling ideas that include Bright Virtue and Careful Punishment and Governing by Noninterference from the ruler and demands of social development at that time. Abolition of corporal punishment guaranteed the amount of labor,increased the productivity, advanced the economy,made the social stability. Abolition of corporal punishment established the foundation for the later Five Chief Forms of Punishment and make the penalty system from savage ruthlessness toward the civilization and humanity. The successful experience of Emperor Han abolished corporal punishment also bring important revelation to contemporary Chinese criminal law reform.  今儿过节 我去吃饭啦 没校对 你自己看看吧
16:43:10  我可以试着帮你翻一下 不过我自己也就是个六级水平~~~~  -----------------------------  @Cookiesweet
18:29:52  恩恩,我还没过六级呢,你愿意帮忙我就很感谢了,真是谢谢你。?  -----------------------------  @danchao22 37楼
18:56:24  Corporal punishment that is the core of slavery penal system existed
more than two thousand years in China. Its direct purpose is to mutilate body,destruct skin and damage
physiological function.In this paper, the reasons and process and historical background of the abolition of corporal punishment are thorough analyzed from the observation of origin and development and abolition of corpo......  -----------------------------  恩恩,谢谢谢谢,我现在看看,节日快乐~
16:43:10  我可以试着帮你翻一下 不过我自己也就是个六级水平~~~~  -----------------------------  @Cookiesweet
18:29:52  恩恩,我还没过六级呢,你愿意帮忙我就很感谢了,真是谢谢你。?  -----------------------------  @danchao22
18:56:24  Corporal punishment that is the core of slavery penal system existed
more than two thousand years in China. Its direct purpose is to mutilate body,destruct skin and damage
physiological function.In this paper, the reasons and process and historical background of the abolition of corporal punishment are thorough analyzed from the observation of origin and development and abolition of corpo......  -----------------------------  @Cookiesweet 38楼
19:14:12  恩恩,谢谢谢谢,我现在看看,节日快乐~  -----------------------------  你能看出哪里不对?
16:43:10  我可以试着帮你翻一下 不过我自己也就是个六级水平~~~~  -----------------------------  @Cookiesweet
18:29:52  恩恩,我还没过六级呢,你愿意帮忙我就很感谢了,真是谢谢你。?  -----------------------------  @danchao22
18:56:24  Corporal punishment that is the core of slavery penal system existed
more than two thousand years in China. Its direct purpose is to mutilate body,destruct skin and damage
physiological function.In this paper, the reasons and process and historical background of the abolition of corporal punishment are thorough analyzed from the observation of origin and development and abolition of corpo......  -----------------------------  @Cookiesweet
19:14:12  恩恩,谢谢谢谢,我现在看看,节日快乐~  -----------------------------  @耶律泡泡面 39楼
19:21:26  你能看出哪里不对?  -----------------------------    楼主也就是说说罢了,她要是能看出写得咋样,就不可能自己憋不出来了
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The basic education curriculum reform wave billowing from the new courses in the curriculum system function, structure, content and so on the course than the original significant innovations and breakthroughs. This reform has brought to the teachers severe challenges and rare opportunities. Teachers have also become the development of the knowledge-based economy era, curriculum research, education reform and teacher curriculum reform movement growing world concern. Teachers as the main educational practice, not only the quality of the impact of their own development, while impact on the smooth implementation of the new curriculum, the impact on the quality of education and, ultimately, affect the growth and development of students. The development needs of teachers as the professional development of teachers affect intrinsic fundamental factors, particularly in the course of implementing the new curriculum, teachers in the growing need for the development of what, what types of needs, with the help of the extent to which, if this does not give adequate attention will directly affect teacher education, curriculum Oxfam&#39;s effectiveness, and impact on the ability of teachers self-awareness, self-development planning capacity formation. So. This study author to the strengths and the lack of teachers on the implementation of the new curriculum under the background investigation and study, in a bid to explore new courses under the concept of the development requirements for teachers to promote better teachers to adapt to the new curriculum development. The new curriculum and teachers to a total growth of this study is a fundamental goal. The full text is divided into six parts: The first chapter is devoted to the purpose of this study, the research value, research methods and processes, including the study, the choice of research methods, data collection, collation and analysis, of the reliability and validity. The second chapter on the significance of the new curriculum reform, the new curriculum reform in a student-centered, the main exchanges in construction activities independently, learn how to learn the basic concepts and ideas in the new curriculum on the role of teachers under the repositioning. In accordance with Chapter III of the research framework established through a sampling survey of teachers and teacher representatives forum, focusing on understanding the implementation of the new curriculum the strengths and the lack of teachers, and the impact of the development needs of teachers have explored factors, including teachers change attitudes and understanding of the key events, key issues , the key figure in the school environment and the impact of the atmosphere and impact. Chapter IV in the survey research and analysis on the basis of concern about how to meet the development needs of teachers, teachers growth for the promotion of meaningful exploration, proposed in the new curriculum development of the concept for teachers targeted constructive comments. Chapter V conclusion of the study and thinking. Key words:
A L D Strategy
Chinese abstract
The elementary education curriculum reforms the tide rolling comes, the new curriculum system in the curriculum function, the structure, the content and so on the aspect all original curricula had the significant innovation and the breakthrough.This reform has brought the stern challenge and the rare opportunity to the teacher.Teacher&#39;s development has also become the knowledge economy time, the curriculum research area, the teacher educates the reform and the world curriculum reform movement more and more matter of concern.The teacher takes the education practice the main body, not only its quality height affects own development, simultaneously affects the new curriculum the smooth implementation, affects the education quality the height, finally and affects student&#39;s growth and the development.Teacher&#39;s development needs to take affects the teacher career development the intrinsic basic factor, specially implements in the process in the new curriculum, which contents does the teacher need to develop in the growth, needs what kind of type, what kind of degree help, if has not given the full attention directly to affect the teacher regarding this to educate the effectiveness which, the curriculum implements, affects the teacher self-cognitive ability, the self-development plan ability formation.Therefore.In this research the author and places teacher&#39;s superiority under the background which the new curriculum implements to carry on deficiently the investigation and study, tries hard to discuss under the new curriculum idea the request which develops to the teacher, promotes the teacher better adaptation new curriculum development.Urges the new curriculum and teacher altogether growth is a this research primary purpose.
The full text altogether divides six parts:
First chapter introduced this article research goal, the research value, the research technique and the process, including the object of study, the research technique choice, the material collection, the reorganization and the analysis, the research letter and the validity.
Second chapter studied the significance, the new curriculum which the new curriculum reformed reformed take the student as this, the main body contact, the basic idea as well as in under the new curriculum idea which in the activity the independent construction, the academic society studied to the teacher role again localization.
Third chapter according to research frame which already has, through samples the questionnaire survey to the teacher and the teacher represents the discussion, understood with emphasis the new curriculum implements in the process teacher&#39;s superiority with to lack, and to affected the factor which the teacher developed needs to carry on the exploration, including teacher manner and understanding change, essential event, key question, essential character&#39;s influence as well as school environment and atmosphere influence.
Fourth chapter and analyzes in the investigation and study how in the foundation to pays attention to, the satisfied teacher develops the need, promoted the teacher to grow carries on had the significance exploration, proposed the teacher developed under the new curriculum idea has the pointed constructive opinion.
Fifth chapter research conclusion and ponder.关键词语要吗?Key word: N S D D Strategy忽忽.我花了45分钟呢
Chinese summaryFoundation education course reform of the wave tide be since then billowing, new the course system is in the course function, structure, contents...etc. all more originally of the course had a graveness innovation and break.This reform brought teacher a rigorous challenge with can&#39;t much get of opportunity.The teacher&#39;s development also has become knowledge-based economy ages, course research realm, teacher&#39;s education reform and world course reform sport more and more concern of problem.The teacher is education practice of corpus, Gao Di of its character not only influence oneself of development, in the meantime influence new course of smooth implement, influence education quality of Gao Di, and end influence student of growth and development.The teacher&#39;s development demand Be influence teacher profession development of inside root factor, especially in newly the course the implement the process, the teacher need to be develop in the growth which contentses, demand what type, what degree of help, if to this give full of concern will direct influence teacher education, course implement of real results, influence teacher ego understanding ability, ego development programming ability of formation.Therefore.The writer carry on with lack to put under the background that new course implement the teacher&#39;s advantage to investigate research in this research, dint diagram study new under the course principle to teacher development of request with promote teacher better orientation new course of development.Urge new course and teacher total growth is this research of a root purpose. The full text is total cent six part: Chapter 1 introduction textual research purpose, research value, research method and process, include a research object among them, research method of choice, data of collection, sorting and analysis, research of letter degree and effect. Chapter 2 research new course reform of meaning, new course reform in take student as origin, corpus association, in the activity independence construction or purchase, academic association study of basic principle and under the principle that new course relocate teacher&#39;s role. Chapter 3 according to current of research frame, pass to the teacher sampling questionnaire and teacher representative group discussion, point understanding new course implement the teacher&#39;s advantage in the process with lack, and to influence teacher development demand of the factor carried on investigate and include teacher&#39;s attitude and understanding of variety, key affairs, key problem, key person of influence and school environment and atmosphere of influence. Chapter 4 in investigate research and analysis of foundation rightness how concern, satisfy teacher development demand, promote teacher growth carry on meaningful of investigate, put forward at new under the course principle teacher development of have already aim at sex of constructive an opinion. Chapter 5 research conclusion and thinking.


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