if you__(see)him,please__(give)him mygive love to thee.

目前英语各类考试中最常见的一种作文命题形式是提示性作文。一般要求写三段,除给出题目之外,还在每一段首或段末给出提示语,要求学生根据提示续写。虽然这类考题形式固定,但要求却十分灵活,这是学生审题规划时应当特别注意的。我们有些学生审题马虎或者因分析思考与判断能力较差而看不懂题,造成“下笔千言,离题万里”。还有些学生看懂了题,但整理不出思路,提不出明确的看法和观点,想到什么写什么,内容空洞,言之无物。不管写什么样的作文,在动手写之前,都应该审题规划一下。首先,确定用什么文体写,是用“记叙文”、“描写文”、或是“说明文”、“议论文”?怎样开头、怎样发展、怎样结尾?这些文章组织或安排的问题要先考虑好。更重要的是要使自己明确究竟打算写什么、想说明什么问题、达到什么结论、用什么事实或理由来证明这个结论。自己的思想清楚,才可以写出清楚的作文。例1: The Tape Recorder1) The tape recorder is one of the most welcome and popular electronic devices ever invented.2) This device is useful in many ways.3) However, it can also become a nuisance.根据本题在每一段中给出的提示语,学生应当领会并注意这里要求写的是篇说明文,不要试图将其写成议论文。因为题目中没有给出需要论证的鲜明的论点,不适合将其写成议论文。也不要试图将其写成记叙文,因为题目中所给出的提示语显然要求用一般的事例来扩展,不适合用具体的人称或事例来叙述。回答问题“How?”和“What?”是说明文的主要特征。也就是说,这种文章要告诉读者“某件事或某个东西是什么”、“功能如何”、“怎样使用”等等问题。它与着眼于事物外在形态的描写文不同,而重在着眼于事物的内在因素及其缘由。因此,说明文有两个最基本的写作方式,第一个是对所要说明的东西下定义(Give definition),第二个是对事物发展过程作解释(Explain the process of …)。“如果向朋友说明网球如何(How)打法,那便是说明文;如果邓朋友学打网球(Why-Because),那就是议论文了。”(李赋宁等《英语学习指南》,高等教育出版社,1986年)。在科普文章的写作中,定义法是必不可少的。通过下定义,即回答“How?”可以使读者对该事物有一个更直接的认识。例2:A computer is a machine designed (How?功能如何) to perform work mathematically and to store and select information that has been fed into it. It is run by either mechanical or electronic means. These machines can do a great deal of complicated work in a very short time.读完这段文字,相信“computer”也在你头脑中有了大致的印象。在写一篇简短的说明文时,举例法通过举出全体事例来阐述,说明主题句的内容或解释作者观点。例3:There are many different forms of exercise to suit different tastes.(What? 什么锻炼方式) For example, those who enjoy competitive sports may take up tall games. But if they prefer to exercise alone, they can jog or take a walk in the morning or in the evening. Also, people can go swimming in the summer and go skating in the winter. In short, no matter what their interests are, people can always find one or more sports that are suitable to them.本段采用了三个事例来说明或回答主题句中的主旨“different forms of exercise”。例1:参考样文:The Tape RecorderThe tape recorder is one of the most welcome and popular electronic devices ever invented. Everybody likes it and uses it, and whereve we go, in shops, schools or public places of entertainment, we can see and hear tape recorder being played.This device is useful in may ways. With it, young people can listen to their favorite singers, little children can listen to fairy tales and the aged can enjoy Beijing operas and comic dialogues. Apart from these entertainment activities, it can also be used for educational purposes. People can use it to learn foreign languages. It has, for example, helped many students to pass the Band Four English Test. Important lectures can be recorded and studied again afterwards. Some people get tapes on various subjects and study in their spare time.However, it can also become a nuisance. Since some people, for example, are not considerate of othrs, they tend to make too much noise by playing the tape recorder loudly. Therefore, it sometimes makes trouble and causes quarrels among classmates, neighbors and even family members. So it is important to bear in maind not to disturb others when using a recorder.(邓燕萍)二十二、另辟蹊径在英语写作中的运用
在各类考试中,英语作文最多只能有半个小时的写作时间(包括构思、成文和纠错三个步骤)。因此,尽量缩短构思和成文时间是争取胜利的关键。而词汇量不足是影响成文时间或写作成绩的一个重要因素。一个意思往往因为一个单词不会而表达不清,一个好的句子也会因为一个词汇想不起来而无法完成。如何应付这种情况使作文顺利进行下去?我们学生可以另辟蹊径,从多解度、多渠道进行思考。当遗忘产生时,或碰到生词时,我们可以采取放射性思维,发挥想象力,想出一切与之有关的词不达意,利用语言的内在联系,多层次、多角度地运用语言。英语语言中词与词汇之音是有联系的,词与词汇之间语义的“共核”现象给我们提供了极大的方便。我们可在语言的海洋中自由地畅游,而不会因为某个单词或短语而受阻,同一情景用不同的句型或词汇进行表达,现在让我们分析2000年6月的四级英语作文考题:IS A Test of Spoken English Necessary?1. 很多人认为有必要进行口语考试,理由是…..2. 也有人持不同意见3. 我的看法与打算Opening Sentence: A test of spoken English will be included as a component of the College English Test.第一段:根据提示,这一段要求阐述赞成口语考试的理由。构思:一般我们至少用两个理由来阐明观点,比如说1)社会形势发展的需要;2)若能说一口流利的英语,毕业后就更有“资本”找一份好的工作。句1)是给出的开头句;句2)Many people consider it necessary to adopt such a test.假如这个句型我们不会用,或者adopt不太好记,我们可以探求其它方式表达相同内容材料,如:=Many people express their support for the test.=The test has got wide support from many people.=Many people regard the test as being necessary.句3)For one thing, fluent speaking ability is abdly needed in todays’s society, a society that is txperiencing reform and opening-up.=First, being able to speak fluent English has become an essential quality in today’s society, a society that is carrying out the reform and opening-up policy.=In the first place, with the deepening of reform and wider opening to the outside world, face-to-face talks with foreigners are becoming more and more frequent, so our society needs a large number of people who have the ability to speak fluent English.句4)For another, in a competitive society such as ours todays, fluent spoken English usually becomes that ounce of advantage you need to beat your rival in competing for a position having much appeal for both of you.=Second, in such a competitive society as ours today,a fluent speaking ability often gives you an advantage over your opponent in applying for a well-paid job.=In the second place, people who can speak English fluently will have a better chance of getting a better job.句5)All these show clearly the necessity of a spoken English test.=All these show clearly the necessity of a spoken English test.=Therefore, such a test is really necessary.第二段:对于口试,也有人持不同意见。他们认为没有必要进行这项考试。构思:我们也要用两个理由阐述,一方面,即使能说一口流利的英语,也未必能得到一份待遇优厚的工作,因为有时其它因素如“机遇”也很重要’另一方面,在现实生活中,许多人的工作与口语根本无关。句1)However, some people hold an opposite viewpoint.=Some people, however, take a different view.=Some people,however, do not agree with the abovementioned opinion.句2)They consider it unnecessary to adopt the test.=They believe the test is unnecessary.=They do not think the test is essential.句3)Sometimes it is opportunity, and not the ability to speak fluent English, that opens up the bright path towards a better job.=Fluent spoken English, they argue, does not necessari sometimes, opportunity plays a more important role.=There are two reasons for this. One is that even if a person speaks fluent English, he may not find a satisfactory job, for opportunity, in some cases, is more important.句4)In additio, many people’s jobs are irrelevant to sopken English.=What’s more, many people’s jobs have nothing to do with spoken Englsih.=The other is that spoken English does not play any role in many people’s jobs.=Furthermore, amny people do not use English at all in their work.第三段:我的看法与打算构思:根据我们国家改革开放的实际情况,对能讲英语的人才需求越来越多,因此,我们态度应该是支持和造成实行口语考试的。那么,我们打算就是努务去提高自己的口语水平。句1)As far as I am concerned, I am undoubtedly in favor of the test because it will stimulate college students to use every possible way to better their spoken English, which will be neneficial to them in all their life.=For me, I am really for the test because college students wilbenefit endlessly in their future career if they can speak fluent English.=As for me, I support the test because it can encourage students to try every means to improve their spoken English, which wil benefit them all the time.句2)And I resolve to improve my spoken English through various means, and surely I will benefit a lot from it.=So I have decided to make use of every opportunity to practice my spoken English and I’m sure it will do me much good.=And I make up my mind to practice my spoken English as much as possible. I am sure it will bring much good to me.比较以上的各原句和另辟蹊径的改写句后可以看出,原句用词准确,文学性强,组合后不失为一篇优秀作文。而改写句采用普通的词汇,意思同样清楚,也不失得体、流畅。其实,闭卷作文的判分标准一般侧重于能清楚地表达意义,段落层次有系统性,语法正确。而并不过分强调文体及用词的精确度。因此作文应试要领应该是快捷、清楚、流畅。那么,碰到难词或遗忘词时,过分地反时间花在“钻牛角尖上”是不明智的,而应该采取灵活的思维方法、迂回的战术,用简单、易记的词汇及表达法,回避大词、难词。这样,我们就可以用有限的词汇作了美妙的文章,轻松自如地驾驭语言,把握时机,以聪明克服缺陷,以机智灵巧克服学究式的笨拙,最大限度地发挥自己的潜能。(邓燕平)二十三、英文书信的基本格式及起草模式
我们都知道信函是人们交际的一种手段,一般说来,书信就内容而言可分为私人信函(Personal Correspondence),公务信函(Business Correspondence)和常用往来信函(Common Social Correspondence)三种形式。英文信函在结构,格式等方面不同于中文信函,它具有特定的结构,格式和一些惯用的表达方式,掌握这些特点对一个英语学习者来说是十分重要的。下面首先介绍英文书信的书写格式,信封写法等,然后再分类予以介绍。(一)比较规范的书信的格式英文书信一般由下列部分组成:(1)信头(Heading),(2)日期(Date),(3)信内地址(Inside Address),(4)称呼(Salutation),(5)正文(Body),(6)结束敬语(Complimentary Closing),(7)签名(Signature)。此外有些信件还有事由(Subject Heading),附言(Postscript),附件(Enclosure)等一些特殊而不常用的项目。各部分都有一定的格式和位置,除私人信函外,正式或公务信函通常都是用打字机打出的。例:英文信函书写的格式如下:address(写信人的地址)date(写信日期)name(收信人姓名)address(收信人地址)salutation(称呼语)body of the letter(书信正文)complimentary closing(结尾敬语)signature(签名)需说明三点:1. 对日期的写法,英国人习惯先写日,再写月,再写年。如:2 April,2001(或2nd April,/2001),美国人习惯先写月,再写日,再写年。如:April 2,2001(或April 2nd,/2001)2. 英文信里的称呼都是以Dear或My dear开头的。写给家人,亲戚关系密切的朋友等时,一般在Dear之后分别加上表示亲属关系的称呼,或直书其名(并非姓氏)。如:Dear Mother, My Dear Dad, Dear Bother/Niece, Dear John, My Dear Mary.对于比较年或关系一般的朋友,同事,老师或其他受尊敬的人,习惯于在之后用诸如“先生”,“小姐”,“教授”等之类的称呼加上某人的姓氏或全名。如:Dear Mr. Smith, Dear Dr. Lewis, Dear Prof. Tong...。公事信函的称呼都以“Mr.” “Mrs.“ “Miss” “Ms”,加姓名全称或姓。如果发信人不知道收信人的姓名则用Dear Madam, Dear Sir(s), Gentlemen,或者用To Whom it May Concern(致有关管理人员)等一类词语。3. 结束敬语,公事信件一般用:Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Yours truly或Yours respectfully。私人信件;对于长辈或地位高的人用Respectfully yours, Y 对于朋友之间用Yours cordially, yours sincerely, Y 对于情人,夫妻之间用Loving, Your own, Devotedly, All my love.A. 信封的写法收信人的姓名和地址应写在信封的中央部位,离左右两边的距离最好大致相等。姓名下面再写地址,由小到大,这项的写法与正式信封上的“信内姓名、地址”完全相同。而发信人的姓名和地址则一般写在信封的左上角或背面的盖上,这一点与中文信封的书写格式完全相反。例(一)Yang Jian120 West Lake RoadHuizhou 516051China Lisa Saul413 ClarendonEast Lansing MI.48823U.S.A.By Air Mail例(二)正面 --------------------------------(To) Professor Kavin TangHuizhou UniversityGuangdong ProvinceP. R. ChinaAir mail反面_______________________________________________________________John Smith5118N. 32nd pl.Phoenix, Az85018U. S. A.
B. 寄信的常用词语airmail (Air M Par Avion) 航邮(airmail sticker) 航邮标签letter box 信箱mailbag 邮袋mailday 邮件截止日期 maildrop 邮箱;(书信人)信箱mail order 邮购,函购(定单)pillar box 邮筒P.O. Box 邮政信箱postage paid for inland mail 国内邮资已付postage paid for overseas 国外邮资已付postage free 免付邮资postage due欠邮资postal remittance 邮汇Registered (Reg.) 挂号Ordinary Mail (General Delivery) 平信Immediate (Urgent) 急件Rush 速件Express 快件Parcel Post 包裹邮件Printed Matter 印刷品Sample (post) 样品Sample(s) of No Commercial Value 无商品价值样品With Compliments 赠品Photo Enclosed (Please Do Not Bend) 内有照片(请勿折叠)If undelivered, please return to... 如无法投递,请退给......original mail returned on grounds of incorrect address 地址不确原件退回To trace missing mail matter 追查遗失邮件
C. 私人信件(Personal Correspondence)的起草模式私人信件一般指家人之间,师生之间等个人之间进行的信息交流,表达感情等而书写的往来信件。它的格式和语言不象公务信笺那么正式,一般比较随便,语言写得平易,亲切而富有感情。一封信的核心部分,要根据内容划分段落。开头是寒暄语(Opening Sentences),中间部分叙述写信人的要求或写信目的,结尾部分则是祝愿语(Closing Sentences)。以下是两例完整的私人信件:例1:924 W 32nd St.Chicago 1L 60618U.S.A.April 3, 2001Wang MingForeign Language Dept.Agriculture UniversityChongqingP.R.ChinaDear Professor WangWhat a nice surprise to get Christmas greeting from you!I only wish you had told me more about yourself, your family and how the teaching is going and what is new on the campus.This spring I am thinking of Chongqing especially because it is now exactly eight years this month that I left Chongqing for Chicago.I wish you and your family health, wealth and happiness in the coming year.Affectionately yours(Signature)Stenhen Tsui例2:88 Main StreetBakersfield,CA 95822January 25,2001Dear Mary,How are you and your family?I certainly look forward to your writing us again at Bakersfield. It’s hard to realize that a year has passed since your last visit. I’m dying to see those cute twins of yours. You, Cali, and the children are always welcome at my house. I hope I am still your favorite aunt.The weather out here has been terrible. This has been the worst winter we have ever had. It even snowed...which is unusual for this part of California.Please let me know when you plan your next visit.Love,Aunt JohnD、 公务信件(Business Correspondence)的起草模式公事信件也称公函,指的是单位与单位,单位与个人或个人之间为某一公事而进行的往来信件。公事信件的格式一般比较规范,文体较正式,措辞严谨,其基本要求是:言简意赅,具体分明,切忌拖泥带水。公事信件的信头一般已印刷在公用信笺上,包括单位的名称,地址,电话号码,电报挂号等,其位置没有一定的规则,有的位于信笺的左上角,有的在右上角,还有的左边是单位名称,右边是地址,电话号码等,还有的位于信笺上部中间位置。如个人给某单位的公事信,可用打字机打上,一般不用手写。公事信正文的写法与私人信件基本相同,只是语气不同。公事信件较正规,措辞较严谨,妥切;而私人信件语气较亲切,随便,无拘束。公事信件的签名很重要,它一方面表示书信的作者,另一方面它具有一定达的法律效力。签名者信中所述及事情必须承担一定的法律责任,所以公事信的签名应清楚且风格独特。签名要用全姓名,也可以姓用全称,名字取首字母。因为公事信件一般都是用打字机打出的,所以为了使收信人看得清楚,在手签的名字下面要用打字机打出签署的姓名,如果写信人是代表某公司,某商号写信的,还要在打字机打出的姓名下面,打上其身份或职业。如:Yours sincerely, Truly yours(signature) (signature)Dali Wang Berry MillerPresident Associate Dean
公事信件实例:English Language Institute/ChinaBeijing Information Technology InstituteWeizikeng Deshengmen WaiBeijing 100101P. R. ChinaSeptember 15,1999English Office DirectorLaiyang Agricultural CollegeLaiyang, Shandong Province 265200
Dear Director,Greeting on behalf of English Language Institute/China. I trust you had a restful summer holiday and that the school year has gotten off to a great start. I am busy teaching my classes here in Beijing and planning my fall visits.I plan to visit your school on Tuesday, November 2 through Thursday, November 4. I hope to be able to stay in the guest-house near our teachers. During my visit I hope to spend time with the ELIC teachers, observe their classes if the schedule is conductive, and meet with both a foreign affairs offices representative and an English office representative.I would greatly appreciate your arranging a time to see me during my visit to discuss any concerns or suggestions you have for our teachers.Thank you for your help. I look forward to my visit.Sincerely yours,(signature)Joni M. StrohmELIC Shandong Personnel OfficerLocated in Beijing
E、 书信常见的一些开头语和结束语Commonly-used Opening Sentences of Letters1. Thank you very much for your letter dated___2. What a nice surprise to get your letter!3. I feel very much complimented by your kind letter which arrived yesterday.4. I am very glad to notify you that...5. I was delighted to receive your letter.6. I have the pleasure to tell you that I got home safe and sound last night.7. Please forgive me for not having replied to you earlier.8. Not having heard of you for long, I feel anxious about you.9. Your letter which arrived this morning gave me so much fun/great comfort/entertainment.10.Please send me the information...11.I should be grateful if you would send me some information about...12.I certainly look forward to your writing me.Commonly-used Closing Sentences of Letters1. With best wishes.2. With kindest loving regards.3. With all good wishes./All good wishes.4. With kind regard to your wife/parents.5. All the best. 6. With every kind wish for you and your family.7. Please convey my best regard to your father.8. Thank(Thanking) you once again for your kind letter.9..All my best wishes for the future.10.Present(Give) my compliments to your parents.11.Wishing(Wish) you every success in your future career.12.With the seasons greeting.13.Wish you the best of health and success.14.Hoping to hear from you soon.15.I am look forward to your response at your earliest convenience.16.Hoping you will excuse me for making this request.17.An early and favorable reply will greatly oblige.18.Trusting me may hear from you soon.19.Thank you in advance for your kind assistances in this matter.20.Please remember me to your father/wife/parents.(蒲云玲)二十四、根据范文准确书写申请信和推荐信
申请信和推荐信在上学和求职等各项社会活动中使用广泛,按规则写好这类信函至关重要。写申请信的目的在于使收信人了解自己的情况,以便取得学习和工作的机会。这类信应写得简明扼要,实事求是。信中概述其简历或附一简历表---写明年龄,经历,专业和兴趣以及证明人等。推荐信最好由被推荐人的领导,资力和专业造诣深的同事或专家,教授撰写为宜。信应写得真挚,谦恭,突出被推荐者的才能和优点,语言和格式要规范,严谨。(一)申请信(Letters of Application)1.出国留学申请信首先要写一封申请信,简单介绍个人情况,说明出国留学的目的及是否需要所申请的学校给予资助等。由于申请攻读学位需要填写一系列表格,所以第一封信中就应申请对方给你寄一套申请表格。信不必太长,写明意思即可。如:Department of BiologyHuizhou UniversityHuizhou GuangdongChina 516015April 10, 2001Office of Admissions Department of Biology Jackson UniversityNew York, N. Y.
Dear Sir,I’m a senior in the Department of Biology at Huizhou University. As an undergraduate, I specialized in Marine Biology and I would like to continue studying it as a graduate student. Could you send me more information on your Department and an application for admission. I also would like to apply for a tuition scholarship or assistantship. Could you please send me this application form as well.Thank you very much. I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours respectfullyHua Li在寄申请信的同时,可附个人简历。如:Department of EnglishHuizhou UniversityHuizhou GuangdongP. R. China 516015April 10, 1999Graduate StudiesDepartment of LinguisticsJackson UniversityNew York, N. Y.
Dear Sir:I am a citizen of the People’s Republic of China. Graduated from Department of Foreign Language, Sichuan University I began teaching English in Huizhou university three years ago. I wish to read for M.A., and Ph.D., if possible, in your institution. I should be grateful if you could send me an application form and provide me with related information.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours respectfullyHua LiMy ResumeFrom To Name of School Position Type of Course/BusinessSept. July Huiyang Senior Student Study() High School Sept. July Department of Student Study English() Foreign LanguageSichuan UniversitySept. Department of Teach English(1996--- ) English Huizhou University
2. 工作职务申请信这种申请信的格式类似于一般商业信函。其称呼在不知其姓名时,用即可。申请信应写的简练、清楚、态度诚恳:即表达渴望得到这一工作之心情,但又不失其尊严。申请信内容大体包括:(1)申请此项工作的理由。如看到广告,朋友介绍或专业、志向对口等。(2)信中要简述个人经历、特长,表明自己能胜任此项工作。(3)希望聘方能认真考虑其申请,愿意接受面试,并请尽早答复。例1:123 Water Gate StreetHuizhou,April 15, 2001Dear Sir:My friend Mr. Tang has kindly informed me that you are looking out for a book-keeper and has suggested that I should apply for the appointment. I am experienced in business, having served in the capacity of book-keeper and typist for three years with the LG Company. Mr. Tang has made no reference to salary, but no doubt we can easily come to terms if you agree to give me an interview.Yours trulyJiang Ling例2:2707 Green StreetLincoln, NE 68505April 17,1998Ms. Marlene O’DanilVice President for AdministrationContinental Insurance Company3717 Donahue StreetDes Moines, IA 50316
Dear Ms. O’Daniel:On the suggestion of Mr. Victor O. Krause of your staff. I submit the following summary of my qualifications for work as your correspondence supervisor.Presently I am in my fifth year as correspondent for Atlas Insurance. Primarily my work consists of writing letters to atlas policy-holders. This work has made me a student of business writing. It has sharpened my writing skills. And more important, it has taught me how to gain and keep friends for my company through writing.Additional experience working with business people has given me an insight into the correspondence needs of business. This experience includes planning and presenting a correspondence-improvement course for local civil service workers, a course in business writing for area business executives, and a course in bank correspondence for employees of Columbia National Bank.My college training was certainly planned to prepare me for work in business writing. Advertising and public relations were my areas of concentration for my B. S. degree from Northern State University. As you will see in the enclosed resume, I studied all available writing courses in my degree plan. I also studied writing through English and journalism. In summary, Ms. O’Daniel, I believe that my studies and my experience have equipped me for work as your correspondence supervisor. I know business writing. I know how it should be practiced to benefit your company. May I have the privilege of discussing this matter with you personally? I could be in your office at any time convenient to you.Sincerely,Mildred E. Culpepper Enc.(二)推荐信(Letters of Recommendation)推荐信(或自荐信)与申请信大致相同,其内容包括:a.推荐人与被推荐人的关系b.被推荐者的业务水平,成果及发展前景,人品,性格爱好等c.希望考虑接收或录用d.如不知道被推荐单位的负责人,可写Dear Sir,或To whom It may Concern等e.信后签名并注明职称和学衔。
例(1)Hui TangForeign Languages Dept.Sichuan UniversityChengdu 610065P. R. ChinaNov. 10, 1994To Whom It May CI am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Miss Ling Pu, one of my favourate students and who is currently teaching in Chongqing Institute of Technology & Management for admission to your esteemed university.Miss Pu studied in Sichuan University during . She is intellectually alert and independent in thinking. Miss Pu has a solid foundation in spoken and written English and shows skilled observation, brilliant imagination and painstaking attention to social functions of languages. She has special interest in the study of education and also most interested in the means and methods of communication. I am sure she will bring fruitful result in the fields of education and communication.Miss Pu has a pleasant personality. She is always very cooperative and helpful. When she was studying in our department, she was always willing to help other students who had difficulties in their studies and she always responsible in the completion of any task she undertook.I hereby take pleasure to recommend Miss Ling Pu to your university as a candidate for graduate studies in your department.Your sincerely(signature)Professor of LinguisticsDean of Foreign Languages Dept.
例(2)Dear Mr. Jones:I am very glad of this opportunity to give Miss Hellen Fraser a reference.She was my secretary at the New York office of the Kenyon, Day C and I was certainly sorry to lose her when I was transferred to the Chicago Office.Miss Fraser is an excellent secretary. She is efficient and conscientious, always pleasant to everyone, tactful and intelligent.I recommend her without reservation, as I know you will find her a most helpful and responsible secretary.Sincerely yours(signature)Mark BarreraAssistant Manager(三) 申请信和推荐信常用语句1. I would like to apply admission to your University for study in ......2. I am writing to you to apply for admittance to your University as visiting scholar.3. Please send me an application form for admission to your graduate program.4. I am deeply interested in your graduate school in the Department of Chemistry and plan to apply for admission for the fall of 20001.5. I would like to apply for admission and a tuition scholarship at your University for the spring semester of 2001.6. I wish to apply for a position with your office as a typist (accountant, stenograph, assistant manager...)7. My friend Mr. Smith has kindly informed me that you are looking out for an accountant and has suggested that I should apply to you for the appointment.8. With reference to your advertisement appearing in the local press for this morning I beg to offer myself for the situation as an editor.9. In answer to your advertisement in today’s “The South Daily News” for a secretary, I wish to tender my services.10. Your advertisement for a telephone operator in the “Huizhou Daily” of May 10 interests me. I feel I can fill that position.11. It is my pleasure to recommend to you Mr......12. I am glad to recommend Mr......to you.13. May I take the liberty to recommend to you two of our colleagues, Mr......and Ms......14. We have no hesitation in recommending Mr. Wang as a first class accountant, who is worthy of the highest trust and confidence.15. We have found him a most capable and responsible worker and our relations with him have been entirely cordial.16. He is strictly honest, a hard worker and an intelligent man.17. He is a hard worker as well as a very Pleasant and sociable person who willingly and consistently is of service to his fellow students.18. She is a wonderful girl, full of enthusiasm (is a serious girl, self-sufficient, and thoughtful).19. My colleagues speak highly of his study habits, his creativity, and organized manner in which he approaches every problem.20. He has consistently ranked high in his class.( 蒲云玲) 二十五、英美介绍信和证明信的常见格式
(一)、介绍信(Letters of Introduction)介绍信也是社交信中较常用的。有时可以邮寄,但是同常是将信交给被介绍人,由他将信交给收信人。所以信中要详细叙述被介绍人的情况,说明情由,要求对方给介绍人提供什么帮助,向收信人致以问候等等。这类信必须写的慎重,谦恭,切忌浮夸。介绍信的信封一般不封,在信封的左下角写有:To introduce Mr...或Introducing...例1:某研究机构官员签署的介绍信Testimonial Issued By An Officer In The Academic Field
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNI, the undersigned, Assistant Director of the School of Language and Communication, testify that I know MS MARTHIE ALETTA VAN STRAATENwell, since she has been a member of my staff over the past seven years. She joined my staff in 1991 and was appointed as junior lecturer. She has since been promoted to senior lecturer, a position which she holds with great distinction. Ms. Van Straaten is highly proficient academically as well as being well trained. She has excellent qualifications. Several of her dissertations have been published. She is continually researching new trends in her special field of interest. The 100% pass rate of her students (since she has been here) bears testimony to her sound lecturing methods and exceptional dedication to the profession.She maintains excellent relations with her colleagues and always goes out of her way to assist when necessary. Her staff work with a rare diligence and enthusiasm under her guidance. She expects high standards yet she is open to new perspectives and ideas.Should any institution require a hardworking, loyal and reliable member of staff, Ms. Van Straaten can be appointed without hesitation.(signature)JJ Bekker例2Dear Prof. Yang:I take great pleasure in introducing to you, by this letter, Engineer Ting Wei, my college classmate, who is going to take part in a meeting about scientific research work on laser to be held in your university. This is his first time to visit your city. He might be interested in attractive things and places, I should be grateful if you would give him the benefit of your advice, experience and introductions that may be of help to him.Appreciatively yoursWang Yufeng(二)、 证明信(Letters of Certification)证明信是以机关,单位,团体或个人的名义凭确凿的证据,证明某人的身份,学历,品行,工作能力,或者证明有关事件的真实情况的专用书信。这类信在国外一般是离职时写的,故往往无法事先确定给谁看,所以信上无需信内姓名地址,通常To whom it may concern或Dear Sir(s)代替。但有时遇到某处来信询问,则需要写上信内姓名,地址(Inside address),这类信要求写得真实,但有关某人的缺点一般不写在证明信上,而只是附一句“如果知详情,请另函询问,证明人乐于奉告”(Any requires regarding him will be answered.)这就表明此人另有欠缺或失败的经历等。例1:To whom it may concern,Miss S Weatherspoon was employed by Giant Bricks as chief typist from 10 May 1998 to 30 August 2000.During this period Miss Weatherspoon conducted and fulfilled her duties in a most efficient and responsible manner. Wherever she could she took on responsibilities and always saw to the welfare and efficiency of the typing pool.I do not hesitate to recommend her on the basis of her honesty, integrity and diligence.J Smithers(signature)Personnel Manager例2To whom it may concern,Mr. Ling, a graduate of the above institution, is young and energetic and good at English and mathematics. As a student, he distinguished himself for his diligence, accuracy, integrity and conscientious discharge of every duty and has passed the final examination with credit. I cordially recommend him to any person in need of such service as he can perform.Yours fainthfullyJ. Smithers(signature)President例3 学业成绩证明信:Huizhou UniversityHuizhou, GuangdongP. R. ChinaJune 20, 2000To whom it may concern,This is to certify that Mr. Hang Yifan has completed his English courses in Huizhou University. He studied English at Huizhou University as an undergraduate student from 1996 to 2000. He has passed the National Examination of English(College English Test Band Six), which is the highest English proficiency test designed for college students.Tang FuhuaAssociate Professor, DeanCollege English DepartmentHuizhou University例4 公证书Certificate(99) Hui Zi No.This is to certificate that Zhang Xiaoling holds a diploma issued to her in July, 1998 by Huizhou University (Diploma No. 1190) and that we have carefully checked the seal of the University and the signature by president Chen Yousheng.Huizhou Notary Public OfficeGuangdong ProvinceThe People’s Republic of ChinaNotary: (signature)September 20, 1999(三)、介绍信和证明信常用语句Commonly-used Sentences in Letters of Introduction1. It gives me great pleasure to introduce you the bearer of this letter Ward Kiven a talented young man.2. I have the pleasure/honour to introduce to you my esteemed friend...3. Allow me introduce to you...4. I am writing you these few lines to introduce you to...5. If you will be so kind as to render him your valuable assistance, I shall hold myself under great obligation to you.6. Any favour you will show him will be sincerely valued by me.7. I hope you will kindly show him attention which I shall consider as shown to myself.8. Many thanks for the trouble you will have to take.9. With the best wishes for your kind consideration and attention.Commonly-used Sentences in Letters of Certification1. This is to certify that...2. It is hereby certified that...3. I have pleasure in certifying that...4. It is my pleasure to give evidence that...5. I have much pleasure in certifying to the diligence and good conduct of...6. This is a letter of intention to indicate that...(蒲云玲) 二十六、求职信和简历的规范写作
在科技高速发展,中外合资企业增多,人才济济的今天,人们要想得到一份称心如意的工作着实不易。单说能否得到面试(Job Interview)的机会,有时也显得很难。事实上,求职人能否引起雇主的重视并到底面试的机会,关键在于求职信(Letter of Position Application)和简历能否写得成功。在求职时,将求职信和简历一并交给聘方或雇主本人。求职信和简历起着穿针引线,先行开道的作用。(一)、 求职信(Letters of Position Application)求职信属于正式信函,一般分三个部分:第一,说明向单位求职的理由;第二,概括本人能胜任工作的有关学历,经历,资格,强调简历中的精华(注意一定不要过于自谦);第三,希望聘方给予考虑并提供联系方法。例1:Dear Mr. White,Professor Wang suggested that I write to you about my interest in English. He thought your agency might be in need of someone in my field.I am good at speaking English. As a trained guide, I have eight years of experience working in a travel agency. I am particularly experienced in folklore.I would appreciate your consideration or any advice you may give as to where and how I should apply for such a position. May I come to see you at your convenience? Please call me at 266--1199.SincerelyZhangwei例2:Dear Sir:Here are my qualifications for the secretarial position you advertise. My stenographic speed is 160 words per minute, my typing speed 90 words per minute.I am a graduate of the Interstate Secretarial School where I had training in many business courses their than typing and stenography. I am 35 years of age, and married.I wish to leave my present position because it does not offer me the opportunities which I would expect to find in a firm like yours. My present employer, Mr. George Thurston (Vice-President, Jones & Pratt, investment counselors, of this city) knows that I am looking for new place.The following are firms by which I have been employed in the past. You may write to either of them, or to Mr. Thurston, for references.Southern Electric Corp.205 Madison StreetDallas 4, Texas
ABC Publish Company52 Third StreetChicago 10, IllinoisI should be happy to call on you at what time you suggest. You can call me at Boulevard 5---9300, or write me at home, 73 Sands Street, Woodmere, Illinois.Yours trulyJulia Anderson
(二)、简历(Resume或Curriculum vitae)在求职,申请或自荐时,为了使聘方更清楚的了解求职者的各种情况,在写信的同时,寄上一份简历是很有好处的。简历大概包括:个人情况,教育状况,专长与成就,工作经历,社团兼职,出版物,推荐证明人等。个人简历可按其填写目的和具体需要,适当增加或减少其内容。一般简历格式如下:RESUME 简历Personal 个人情况Name: 姓名Sex: 性别Date of birth: 出生年月Place of birth: 出生地点Nationality: 国籍Marital status: 婚姻状况... ...Education 教育状况Graduation: 毕业学校Major: 所修专业Experience 工作经历1.Duration 1工作时间2.Working places 2工作地点3.General description 3一般说明... ... References 证明人... ... 如有特殊目的和要求,除个人情况外,可对教育,经历和成果等几项内容加以详细叙述。 如:Education 教育状况Graduation: 毕业学院Degree: 学位Dissertation: 毕业论文Specialization: 专业Language proficiency: 语言程度... ...Research Experience 研究经历1.Places and titles 1地点与职业2.Research areas 2研究领域3.Professional achievements 3科研成果Teaching Experience 教学经历1.Places and titles 1地点与职称2.major courses 2主讲课程... ...Publications 出版物1.Books 1图书2.Papers 2论文3.Transation, etc. 3翻译文献等References 证明人... ...例1RESUMEZhangweiPERSONAL DATABorn 5/12/63 Single Excellent healthOBJECTIVETo work as a guide in a travel agencyQUALIFICATIONSUniversity education in the English language and literatureEDUCATION1982---1986 Department of English, Jilin UniversityMajor: EnglishCourses included: Phonetics, Grammer, Lexicology, Literature,French, Writing1980---1982 Yucai High SchoolEXTR ACURRICULAR ACTIVIESMember of Science Association, Jilin University, 1985AWARD AND HONORSScholarship from Culture Foundation, 1984REFERENCESWill be furnished upon request例2RESUMEName: Li WeihongAddress: Chemical Department, Hunan Normal UniversityChangsha, HunanPeople’s Republic of ChinaPhone: -2530Objective Desire: Position for a visiting scholarNationality: ChineseDate of birth: Feb. 18, 1962Place of birth: Xiangtan City, Hunan Province, P. R. ChinaSex: FemaleMarital Status: marriedHealth: excellentEducation:August, 1987---July, 1990 Hunan UniversityFood Industry Chemistry, Ph. D.August, 1984---July, 1987 Hunan UniversityApplied Chemistry, M. S.August, 1980---July, 1984 Xiangtan UniversityOrganic ChemistryWorking Experience:August, 1990---Present Lecturer of applied chemistryChemistry Department of Hunan Normal UniversityPersonality: Responsible, cooperative, cheerfulInterests: music, classic novels, and badmintonPublications:Papers: ......Books: ......References: Professor Xu DongminDean of the Chemistry DepartmentHunan Normal UniversityP. R. ChinaTel. (.......)
Dr. Wu QuoliangDirector of Research Institute of Applied ChemistryHunan University, Hunan, 410006P. R. ChinaTel. (.......)
(三)、 写求职信的常用语句:1. I found your advertisement in today’s_____(newspaper) and apply for the situation of _____in your company, enclosing my personal history.2. Replying to your advertisement for a _____ in today’s ____(newspaper), I take the liberty of offering myself for the situation.3. I learn that the position of cashier/secretary/typist in your firm to be vacant, and I should like to make an application for it.4. I would like you to consider my application for the position of a clerk which you advertised in the June I issue of the Times.5. I should like to be considered for the post of Personnel Manager at your Company, which was advertised in the _____.6. I am enclosing my personnel record sheet for your kind consideration and reference.7. The details of my education and experience are given on the enclosed sheet.8. I hope that the information I have provided in this letter and the enclosures are sufficient for your purpose.9. I am confident that I would be suitable for the kind of work you are advertised.10.I trust that my qualifications will meet your requirements and that I may have the pleasure of a personal interview. (蒲云玲)二十七、如何写出一封可行的求职信
随着我国加入WTO,劳务市场越来越趋向国际化,白领人士不仅要有专业知识,还得具备较好的外语能力。在出具求职材料时就不仅仅是简单地提供毕业证、学位证书及四、六级英语过关证书。今后恐怕还得附上一份你的英文求职信或个人简历。原因很简单,将来效益较好的公司可能是合资公司属多。人事经理可能是外籍人士,可能是亚洲人,也可能是美洲、欧洲人,总之英文文体将被视作一种中立性的文字,无论哪一个国籍都可以接受。在动笔写求职信前写信人将不可避免想到收信人会怎样看。很自然会自问:人事经理是什么模样?是男是女?什么喜好?偏向哪一类性格?这些我们是无法知道。只能仅凭自己的感觉,一气写下自己的个人住信息和经历。看上去是被动的,但如能主动地去动笔,效果就大为不一样。动笔之前可对收信人作一些心理定位:1. 人事经理的职务在任何单位都是重要岗位。2. 人事经理必定是年富力强,且有较高的学历和外语水平以及较丰富的人生经历。3. 人事经理的工作顼碎,事无巨细都得插手,是管理服务性工作,一般女性较多。4.人事经理可说是什么样的人都看过,人事经理是为公司挑选人才,而公司是需要各种各样的人才。这种种假设是很有必要的,只有这样你才发现人事经理的个人喜好并不重要,重要的是平实简洁地写清自己的想法。消除了心理顾虑后,你就可以迅速拟出纲要。如下;1.求职的内容。(直面工作职位)2.自己的硬件。(坦率地直白自己的优点和受过的教育及工作经验)3.希求的待遇。(如有,写出最低待遇要求,应与市场价不相上下,不然信是白写的,最好是见面再谈。)4.联系的方式。(信未应附上自己的联系电话或手机号码等各种联系方式。)如例一:Personnel DepartmentShanghai Garment Engineering Corp.No.555 Wuding Road, Shanghai 200040To Whom it may concern:I am enquiring if you need a garment engineer in your corporation, starting working June this year.I was born in 1974 and I’m from Hunan. I will obtain my B.S. degree in Garment Engineering from Huizhou Garment Institute in July, 1998. During the period of study. I have gotten some actual experience in fashion design, garment facitity maintenance, and CAD.You may find enclosed my resume and academic records. I’m easy-going and energetic. I don’t mind working long hours. I’m sure once you accept me, you will find me qualified and enthusiastic. Looking forward to your prompt reply.(P.S. My resident number is , and my mobile phone number is .)Yours Faithfully,(signature)Qian Qiang这篇范文单刀直入讲清希望应聘的职位,接着就介绍自己的籍贯和受教育的情况以及对工作的态度。对待遇只字未提,这也是可行的。这种文体较为直白,比较常见。符合中国人的口味。称谓表达时要注意,在不知对方性别时,最好写上Dear Sirs/Ma’am, 或To又如例二:Dear Sir/Ma’am,Having known that your office needs a typist and stenographer, I hasten to apply for the post.I was born in 1964 and graduated from a Commercial School in Chicago in 1984, Took one year’s special training in shorthand and typewriting, served at a ship company in San Francisco from 1964 to 1972 as private secretary to the manager, was married in 1991, resigned from the Company due to severe illness.My husband teaches at Southern California University and we have a son of six and a daughter of four years of age. As they are now old enough and also naive enough to be nursed by my mother-in-law while I am out, I feel I would like very much to work again in an office.My speeds were: shorthand 100 words per minute and typewriting 60. I was often entrusted to compose the manager’s letters and in most cases, they were approved as they were. Of course, I am out of practice now, but confident I can regain my abilities in a short time.I shall be much obliged if you will accord me an opportunity for an interview.Yours sincerely,Alice Yuan该文是西文语境类求职信,这种文章行文较为流畅。对于我们来说有一定的困难,但如多模仿几次,写得也就流畅许多。又见实例三:To Whom It May Concern:Miss Pu Yu Lin worked as a secretary in Huizhou Trading Company for two years, from 1995 to 1997. She is very competent at typing and shorthand and has fulfilled her other duties well. As her immediate supervisor for the last two years, I can say that she is a very good secretary. She is hard-working and pleasant and is well liked by the other members of our staff. She now wants to move on th a job with more responsibility and higher pay, for which she is surely qualified.I can give her a wholehearted recommendation and hope that she will be employed.Sincerily yours,TANG FU HUA上面的信是推荐信,属求职信的辅助类,起同样的作用。总之,求职信能如例实实在在、平铺直叙、坦然无忌,读信人就会觉得格外流畅易懂。这本身就胜了一筹,再加上一些实际内容,这样的求职信应该能得到人事经理的青睐。(汤富华)二十八、怎样起草正式与非正式的邀请信和请柬
(一)、 邀请信(Letters of Invitation)在涉外交往,亲友通信的社交活动中,邀请是相当频繁的。特别是在社会交往、科技交流、宴会、舞会、婚礼等活动中,总是少不了要发一些邀请的请柬。邀请信措词要婉转,诚恳有礼,使对方看了有亲切感。其内容大体包括:1 邀请信发出的单位,学会,组织或个人。2 活动的时间,地点。3 活动内容和日程安排。4 要求被邀请人回复。
例1:邀请参加自愿活动,捐款,社会调查Miss Mary Lou Parton498 Syracuse AvenueRochester, NY 14685Dear Miss Parton:Please begin to make arrangements for the end-of-year luncheon for our volunteers. The principal purpose of this affair is to show our appreciation to the volunteers for the excellent quality of their valuable services throughout the year.The last two affairs which you planned yielded many benefits, and messages of congratulations resulted. I know you will exercise the same good judgment that you have used in the past.Inasmuch as I know that you always do such an efficient job, I am grateful that I don’t have to spend unnecessary time trying to persuade you to accept this additional chore.Sincerely yoursLillie Popp, President例2:邀请参加学术会议,互访交流Dear Professor Tang:I am glad to learn that you are preparing to attend the 5th Foreign Language Teaching Research Conference.I understand that you may be able to extend your stay after the meeting, which will be held in Beiging. I would like to invite you to stay in our university for a while. I hope , you can perform some training experiments with us on the Language Sense Project, discuss with us the possible cooperative project between your university and our university, and also give us a lecture on the Second Language Learning. We will look after your accommodation, food and some other living expenses.I hope you can accept my invitation and stay in our university for at least a week. Please let me know your acceptance to my invitation at your earliest convenience.I am looking forward to seeing you, and all my colleagues here are also waiting for you.Sincerely yours(signature)Noyes Lou(二)、 请柬(Invitations)请柬分为正式请柬和非正式请柬。正式的请柬一般采用齐头式和缩进式,这与书信的格式有相同之处。非正式请柬的格式比较随便。与书信不同的是,请柬要用第三人称来写,主人(及其配偶)的姓名排在第一行,客人(及其配偶)的姓名在第三行,以下是时间和详细地址。如对被邀请者在服装上有所要求,则需在请柬下方注明Dress: Formal(要求穿礼服)。如要求被邀请者答复是否接受邀请,则需在请柬的右下方注明R.S.V.P(或RSVP)(请答复)。此外,对于邀请无论接受与否,都应及时答复。例(1) 正式格式Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Greyrequest the pleasure of the company ofMr. and Mrs. James Whiteto dinner on Saturday, 25th August 8 O’clockWest lake RestaurantR.S.V.PTel. 2364789Dress: Formal例2 非正式格式Dear Mr. and Mrs. James White:Will you have a dinner party with us at the West Lake Restaurant on Saturday, 25th August 8 O’clock?It has been a long time since we had the pleasure of seeing you, and we do hope you can come.Sincerely yoursPeter Grey(三)、 回柬(Answer to An Invitation)在社交活动中,如果你被邀请参加宴会,婚礼,生日晚会等,你应该在收到邀请信后尽快答复,表示接受或谢绝,以示礼貌。如果接受,则表示谢意;如果谢绝,则表示歉意,并说明原因。答复邀请信也分正式和非正式两大类。1. 接受邀请(Acceptance)正式格式: Mr. and Mrs. James Whiteaccept with pleasureMr. and Mrs. Peter C. Grey’s kind invitationfor dinneron Saturday, 25th August, 8 o’clockWest Lake Restaurant非正式格式:Dear Mr. Peter Grey:Many thanks for your invitation. We’ll be delighted to dine with you on Saturday, 25th August, 8 o’clock at the West Lake Restaurant. We are looking forward to the happy time when we meet and have a good time together.Yours sincerelyJames White2.谢绝邀请(Regret)正式格式;Mr. and Mrs. James Whiteregret that a previous engagementprevents their acceptance of Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Grey’s kind invitationto dinneron Saturday, 25th August, 8 o’clockWest Lake Restaurant非正式格式:Dear Mr. Peter Grey:I can’t tell you how sorry we are that we can not dine with you on that day. We are unfortunately prevented from coming by a previous engagement. Thank you for asking us. Have a good time on that day. I certainly wish we could be with you!Yours sincerelyJames White
(四)、 邀请信的常用语句1. request the pleasure of the company of......2. request the honour of......3. request the pleasure of......4. request the honour of your presence......5. The honour of your presence is requested......6. Welcome to......7. Your presence is requested......8. accept with pleasure of......9. accept with pleasure the kind invitation of......10.be very glad to accept the kind invitation of......11.We are delighted to accept......12.It is with great pleasure......13.We look forward with pleasure to joining you......14.We are sincerely happy to join you.......15.Nothing would give us greater pleasure than accepting your invitation..16.I shall have to say no to your kind invitation......17.Very regretfully......18.regret.....19.Unfortunately (it) will be impossible for......20.I regret I cannot accept......21.Because of Joan’s illness, we find that we cannot join your dinner party......22.Nothing would please me more than to join you for lunch on Tuesday, but unfortunately......23.Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join......24.I am sincerely sorry that John and I cannot join your dinner party...(蒲云玲) 二十九、感谢信和贺信的基本格式及范文
(一)、感谢信 (Letters of Gratitude)收到别人赠送的礼物,或得到别人的某种帮助后,都应写封信以表示感谢。感谢信的特点是:时间及时;简明扼要;着重事由;感谢真诚。1. 感谢送礼Dear Mr. Zhang:My husband and I would like to thank most sincerely for the Christmas present you so kindly gave us. We very much appreciate not only the gift but the kind thoughts which promoted you to send them to us.May we, in return, express to you our very best wishes for wishes for your personal well-being and happiness in the coming year, and also for further successes in the project which lies so close to all your hearts, and to ours as well.Yours sincerely Linda2. 感谢招待Dear Mrs. Johnson:It is a pleasure to write this letter because it gives me an opportunity to tell you how much I enjoyed your hospitality last weekend. It was my first visit to an American family and, at first, I was very anxious about my limited English and my knowledge of American customs. Then I saw you and your children waiting for me at the station with warm smiles of welcome on your faces. I immediately knew that everything was going to be all right. You and your wonderful family put me at ease right away.There are many happy memories of the weekend that I will keep with me forever. Above all, I will remember that you made me feel at home. There were so many new and different things for me to see and do.I am back at school again now and I am very happy because I know now a real American family and it is one of the nicest families I have ever met. Because my English is still not very good, I cannot express my feelings better. I can only say “Thank you” and hope that someday you will visit my country and I can return your hospitality.Sincerely yoursCarlos Gomez(二)、 祝贺信 (Letters of Congratulation)每个人在一生中都会有许多不平凡的日子,如毕业、订婚、周年、生日、生子、乔迁新居、金榜提名、就职、晋升、获奖、当选、退休等。每年都有一些值得庆祝的节日,如圣诞节、新年、感恩节、复活节、情人节、母亲节、父亲节和教师节等。根据西方国家的风俗习惯,凡是遇到重大的喜庆节日,亲友间都要写信表示祝贺。写祝贺信的要求是:时间及时,谈事具体,用词亲切有礼,态度真诚热烈,语言简明扼要。例1:祝贺新婚Dear Pearl:I’m delighted to receive the announcement of your marriage and now send you and your Frank my sincere congratulations and best wishes for a happy and harmonious life together.Your brotherVern例2:祝贺新年Dear Barry:As the New Year is approaching. I take this opportunity to send my greeting and best wishes to you for 2001.May this New Year bring you much success in your life. Look forward to it with peace and confidence.Thinking of youHarvey例3:祝贺生日Dear DawnI’m sending along this little package in the hope that it is something that will help make your birthday a happy one.With best wishes, Dawn, for a joyous birthday.Affectionately yours,Celia例4:祝贺节日 Dear Miss Goss:This is Teacher’s Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. It is a profession that deserves such special recognition. There is no more appropriate time than this to honor you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness.Your studentZhang Xiao例5:祝贺晋升 Dear Mr. Miles:It was a pleasure to notice in today’s newspaper about your promotion to the position of Credit-Manager of your bank. I really think that you deserve the position after years of service and experience you have had in this field of business with your company.My congratulations should also be extended to the president of your bank. He has the good sense to recognize a good man. From what I know about people in the field he could’t have picked a better man. Congratulations on a well-deserved promotion.Yours SincerelyCarol(三) 感谢信和祝贺信的常用语句Commonly-used Sentences in Letters of Gratitude1. Many thanks for your kind invitation.2. We are indebted to you ......3. You were kind to send a gift ......4. You could not have given me anything that I wanted ( would enjoy) more.5. We were delighted to receive ......6. Thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip.7. Thank you so much for your generous hospitality.8. Thank you for doing me a real favor.9. I realize that the task took a great deal of your of precious time.10. I appreciate your kind words your note of congratulations is deeply appreciated.Commonly-used Sentences in Letters of Congratulation1. Let me offer you my warmest congratulations on the happy occasion.2. May every happiness be yours on this Wedding Day. Let an old friend of yours send her love and congratulations to you and your groom.3. On the occasion of your marriage, I wish you and Emily ever increasing happiness and the best of everything in the world.4. Sincere congratulations from the bottom of my heart on your marriage.5. May every day in your life together be as full of happiness and joy as your wedding day.6. The coming of spring means the coming of hope.7. We hope that your harvest will be profitable.8. With the new year we have new hope.9. I hope that you come into a good fortune this year.10. I hope that next year will be luckier than the last one.11. With my wholehearted congratulations and best wishes for many happy returns of your birthday.12. All my family unite and join with me in sending you hearty greetings on your happy birthday.13. Wishing you many happy returns of your birthday!14. I send you love, congratulations and warmest wishes for this day and every day.15. A very, very happy birthday and many, many more of them to come.16. Congratulations on your latest promotion. I know that you will make good in your new job because you thrive on responsibility.17. I am sure that the honor has been solely on the ground of personal merits.18. It means more work, more fun and more pay. Good luck to you .19. We are highly pleased that your outstanding work is being recognized and we offer own sincere congratulations.20. I do hope that your career continues to be a success!21. We send our love to all the family and the hope that you’ll have a gay and merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.22. With the warm and fragrant breath of Spring, here approaches the bliss of Easter tide. May it shower joy and happiness upon you all.23. Wishing you blessed St. Valentine’s Day and joyful holidays.24. Best wishes for very happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.25. I appreciate you all year round, but today I really want to show my love.( 蒲云玲)三十、怎样写日记和便条
(一)、 日记(Diary)日记是记载一天内的事件或个人的思想等,所以一般不宜过长。记英语日记时,日期写在右上角,此外,还需写上天气。紧接着一行即开始正文。一般用过去时。例如:A Page from a Student’s DiaryMarch 9, 2001, Sunday, FineThis morning I went to the shops. I just needed some batteries for my radio, a birthday card for my mother and a pair of sports shoes. I decided to go town by bus.It was not until ten o’clock that I was in town. I didn’t get new batteries because they had sold out of the size I wanted. I tried dozens of shops, but in vain. But I had more luck with the birthday card. By this time, I was too tired that I decided to return.By the time I got home, I was too tired to do anything. I spend the afternoon in bed. Anyway, I’ve decided not to do any shopping on Sunday.Two Diaries of Ann FrankThursday, 9th July 1942So we walked in the pouring rain, Daddy, Mummy and I , each with a school satchel and shopping bag filled to the brim with all kinds of things thrown together somehow. We got sympathetic looks from people on their way to work. You could see by their faces how sorry they were they couldn’ the gaudy yellow star spoke for itself.Only when we were on the road did Mummy and Daddy begin to tell me bits and pieces about the plan. For months, as many of our belongings as possible had been sent away and things were sufficiently ready for us to have gone into hiding of our own accord on 16th July. The plan had to be speeded up by ten days because of the call-up, so our quarters would not be so well-organized, but we had to make the best of it. The hiding place itself would be in the building where Daddy has his office. It will be hard for outsiders to understand, but I shall explain that later on. Daddy didn’t have many people working for him: all knew of our arrival except for two boys who worked in the warehouse: they had not been told…Saturday, 19th July 1942Daddy, Mummy and Margot cannot get used to the sound of the Westertoren clock yet, which tells the time every quarter of an hour. I can. I loved it from the start, and especially in the night it’s like a faithful friend. I expect you wil be interested to hear what it feels like to “disappear”: well, all I can say is that I don’t know myself yet. I don’t think I shall ever really feel at home in this house, but that doesn’t mean that I hate it here, it is more like being on holiday in a very peculiar boarding house. Rather a strange idea, perhaps, but that is how it strikes me. The “Secret Annex” is an ideal hiding-place. Althogh it leans to one side and is damp, you’d never find such a comfortable hiding-place anywhere in A no, perhaps not even in the whole of Holland. Our little room looked very bare at first with
but thanks to Daddy who had brought my film-star collection and picture post cards on beforehand, and with the aid of paste-pot and brush, I have transformed the walls into one huge picture. This makes it look much more cheerful, and when the Van Daans come we’ll get some more wood for the attic, and make a few little cupboards for the walls and other odds and ends to make it look more lively…(二)、 便条(Notes)便条实际上就是简单的书信,是在有事需要告诉别人而又不能面谈时写的。便条的特点是用途广泛,形式简单,文字要求不严格,其格式除一般不写地址外,与普通书信基本相同。常用的便条有请假条和留言条。1. 请假条写请假条时,应写清楚请假的原因和请假的时间,同时,应说明请假的理由。如有医生出具的证明,电报等。最好随请假条一起附上。例如(1):请病假(asking for sick leave)Dear Miss Helen:I am very sorry to tell you that I am unable to attend school today owing to a bad cold. I enclose a certificate from the doctor who is attending on me, as he thinks it will be several days before I shall be able to resume my study.Hoping you will excuse my absence. Yours sincerelyAlice例如(2):请事假(asking for business leave)Director Wu,A telegram has just come to hand saying that my mother is seriously ill and urging me to go home at once. Because of this I should very much like to have a leave of three days beginning on Oct. 6. I hope that my request will be given due consideration.Wei HongEncl.: a telegram from my home
2. 留言条(Messages)写留言条的基本要求是言简意赅,直接了当,无须使用客套语。留言条的应用范围亦很广泛,可用于说明一件事,做一次活动安排以及询问或请求等。例1:(说明一件事)Dear Professor Bay:I wonder if I might have a word with you about my proposal for the Ph. D.? Would you kindly let me know when would be convenient? I am free every morning except Friday.Yours sincerelyBang-Yoon例2:(活动安排)Jim,1. Miss Allen called. Wants a meeting tomorrow at 9.2. Henry calling tomorrow at 4 p.m.3. Remember to hand in annual summary.John例3: (询问与请求)Xiao Wang:I was wondering whether you still have an extra typewriter? If you have, could I borrow it for a few weeks? I’ve got lots of official letters to write. I’ll return it to you as soon as I finish.Ling Hua(蒲云玲)


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