in-take from,take away什么意思思

food intake
food intake的用法和样例:
An eating disorder in which one alternates between abnormal craving for and aversion to food. It is characterized by episodes of excessive food intake followed by periods of fasting and self-induced vomiting or diarrhea.
Food consumption varied from day and night.
food intake的海词问答与网友补充:
food intake的相关资料:
相关词典网站:take refuge in
[teik 'refju:d? in]
[tek 'r?fjud? ?n]
1. When I am sad, I take refuge in remembering happier times.
当我悲伤时, 就从回忆过去快乐的时光中寻求安慰.
2. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!
3. Finally, take refuge in one of the hidden pavilions or pagodas.
最后, 可以到某处僻静的亭子或佛塔里休息一下.
4. Just take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha.
就是要皈依三宝,因为佛 、 法 、 僧三宝是一体的,有佛才有法,有法才有僧.
5. He wanted to take refuge in ar.
1. 投止权门
To take refuge in a powerful house ., 投止权门.
- 基于1个网页
1. 这位老人一用力气就感到很累
我好像进入了蓬莱仙境。The old man tires very soon if he exerts himself.这位老人一用力气就感到很累。To take refuge in or as if in a hideout.在洞穴中避难或躲藏To confine within oimprison.
- 基于1个网页
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
take refuge in
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沪江词库精选daily feed intake是什么意思、英语短语。
daily feed intake的中文解释: 每日采食量
2014daily feed intake是什么意思由沪江网提供。参考译文1:命运有时是不怎么样,例如,最近的试验中,我involved.When我被捕的年轻小伙子,我觉得肯定,他是guilty.I以下几个小时他周围像myself.Take警察和他进行自己suspiciously.He约昂一直徘徊在我看来,他为寻找机会steal.When我将他逮捕,他的休闲方式送达comfirm我suspicions.I以为我终于捉住小偷已经困扰了这么久的面积。参考译文2:命运有时不是非常种类对警察象我自己。采取为例我是介入的最近试验。当我拘捕了年轻小伙子我肯定感到他是有罪的。我跟随他在两三个小时,并且他可疑表现。他漫步关于它似乎对我的ang他寻找一个机会窃取。当我拘捕了他,他的偶然方式只为对comfirm我的怀疑服务。我认为我有在被捉住麻烦区域为那么长期的窃贼的为时。参考译文3:命运有时不是很好,像我这样的警察的。最近我在其中是涉及审判以为例。当我逮捕年轻小伙子我已确信他有罪。我曾一直在跟随他的几个小时,他可疑行为。他已经游荡关于昂似乎正在寻找机会,溜了。在逮捕他时他随便地只送达,确认我的怀疑。我以为终于捉贼了一直困扰的区域这么长时间。参考译文4:命运是有时不十分种到警察像我.采取的最近的一个例子是我所涉及的审判。当我被捕的青少年法援署我认为肯定他是有罪。我已在他的周围几个小时和他本人形迹可疑行为。他一直徘徊在我看来,洪先生对他是在寻找一个机会,窃取。当我被逮捕他,他随意地只起到comfirm我的怀疑。我以为我已经在去年被偷窃的人已令人不安的方面如此长的时间。语义参照:I remembered hearing about a quick and easy solution this was my free ride ive been crowned with success dont hesitate trying this out
我记得听到一个快速简便的解决方案,这是我的自由驰骋IVE取得圆满成功,不毫不犹豫地尝试了这一点我在英语方面有些问题,请给我一条建议(have problem with)
I had some questions in English, please give me a piece of advice (have problem with)凯拉
8 month生活像一面镜子,你笑它就笑,你哭她就哭,因此我为什么要哭呢?
Life is like a mirror, you laugh laughing, crying she cries, so why should I cry?what did Galileo discover in his legendary experiment on the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
When I was at the fitness club about a few India people各学科的学者对于文化都企图给予准确的解释。他们的解释都带有本学科的特色,也各自有不同的侧重点。所以就出现了各式各样关于文化的定义。
Academics from different disciplines, cultures are attempting to aid accurate interpretation. Their explanation has a characteristic of this subject, each of which has different priorities. So there have been various definitions of culture.i will rest when i finish with you ok
我将休息好和你一起完成时Food days
fierce jackfish and there is a fierce loyalty.benistall,butmrliis
benistall、 butmrliis与我聊天一定很无聊。
Chat with me must be very bored.谢谢你详细的解释,我可以放心的食用了。谢谢!
Thank you for your detailed explanation, I can safely eat. Thank you!每年上海吸引了许多来自世界各地的游客
Shanghai every year attracts many tourists from all parts of the world0 Ogrines will be used
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请提供BOOTROM pwned设备所需的IPSW飞机行李传送带
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By the window overlooking theSadness flooded over me. 悲伤充斥了我的心。bamb其他答案I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
Sadness flooded over me. Sadness filled my heart. Bamb other answer I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.fucking days
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Wang YuIn 1786,Adrien-Marie Legendre ()
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maybe you go to die, If I will hold a banquet, a very big banquet I . can not stand any more you think your husband is always You . good. but it is only your thougt . I I do not love him, and also do not want to telephone him, but just because of you, fuck! ! ! ! shit! ! Go to die.I do not want to h遇到了坏人不害怕,敢于和坏人对抗
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