brainno mushroom的意思 这个是什么意思

1. The UN secretary-general yesterday recommended an enlarged peacekeeping force.
2. An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer.
3. The balloon enlarged as we pumped air into it.
4. The castle was enlarged considerably in the fifteenth century.
5. We'll have an enlarged class tomorrow.
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Takaomi Sakai andToshihiro Kitamoto*DOI:&10.1002/neu.20262
Journal of Neurobiology pages 821&834, Author InformationDepartment of Anesthesia, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa 52242Email: Toshihiro Kitamoto (*Department of Anesthesia, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa 52242Publication HistoryIssue published online: 6 JUN 2006Article first published online: 3 MAY 2006Manuscript Accepted: 4 JAN 2006Manuscript Received: 12 AUG 2005
Drosophila melanogaster;shibireAbstractDrosophila male courtship is a complex and robust behavior, the potential for which is genetically built into specific neural circuits in the central nervous system. Previous studies using male-female mosaics and the flies with defects in particular brain structures implicated the critical central regions involved in male courtship behavior. However, their acute physiological roles in courtship regulation still largely remain unknown. Using the temperature-sensitive Dynamin mutation, shibirets1, here we demonstrate the significance of two major brain structures, the mushroom bodies and the central complex, in experience-independent aspects of male courtship. We show that blocking of synaptic transmission in the mushroom body intrinsic neurons significantly delays courtship initiation and reduces the courtship activity by shortening the courtship bout length when virgin females are used as a sexual target. Interestingly, however, the same treatment affects neither initiation nor maintenance of courtship toward young males that release courtship-stimulating pheromones different from those of virgin females. In contrast, blocking of synaptic transmission in a central complex substructure, the fan-shaped body, slightly but significantly reduces courtship activity toward both virgin females and young males with little effect on courtship initiation. Taken together, our results indicate that the neuronal activity in the mushroom bodies plays an important role in responding to female-specific sex pheromones that stimulate initiation and maintenance of male courtship behavior, whereas the fan-shaped body neurons are involved in maintenance of male courtship regardless of the nature of courtship-stimulating cues. & 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 200613 Most bizarre mushrooms
(C) TreeHugger
Lion's Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)
This strange mushroom goes by many names, including Lion's Mane Mushroom, Bearded Tooth Mushroom, Hedgehog Mushroom, Satyr's Beard, Bearded Hedgehog Mushroom, pom pom mushroom, or Bearded Tooth Fungus. Native to North America, it can be found growing on hardwood trees. Despite its strange looks, it is indeed edible.
/Puffball Mushrooms
There are quite a few varieties of puffball mushroom, all of which belong in the division Basidiomycota, and all of which have their own unique characteristics. But what they all share in common is that they do not grow an open cap with spore-bearing gills, but instead the spores are grown internally and the mushroom develops an aperture or splits open to release the spore. Besides their general appearance, they are called puffballs because of the clouds of spores that "puff" out when they burst open or are hit with an impact like falling raindrops.
/Indigo Milkcap (Lactarius indigo)
This purple beauty can be found in the coniferous and deciduous forests of eastern North America, East Asia, and Central America. When the mushroom is cut or broken open, the milk, or latex, that oozes out is a beautiful indigo blue. Though it looks quite poisonous, it is reportedly edible and is sold in some markets.
/Latticed Stinkhorn (Clathrus ruber)
This mushroom is known as the latticed stinkhorn, the basket stinkhorn, or the red cage. These mushrooms can be found growing in leaf litter, on garden soil, grassy places, or in mulches. Though it isn't clear if it is edible, apparently its smell is enough to deter anyone interested in eating it.
/Bleeding Tooth (Hydnellum peckii)
This odd mushroom is found in North America and Europe, and was in the last few years also discovered in Iran and Korea. The younger specimens of the species bleed a bright red juice that has anticoagulant properties, hence its common name. Though they don't seem to be poisonous, they have an extremely bitter taste and so are inedible.
/Amethyst Deceiver (Laccaria amethystina)
This purple beauty is found in deciduous and coniferous forests in temperate zones around North America, Central and South America, Europe, and Asia. Though vividly purple when young, older specimens loose their bright coloration and are more difficult to identify, which is why it is called the "deceiver". Though technically edible, it isn't considered a good choice to eat especially because pollutants in the soil, such as arsenic, can bioaccumulate in the mushroom.
/Veiled Lady Mushroom (Phallus indusiatus)
This delicate and strange mushroom can be found in gardens and woodlands in southern Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Australia. This edible and rather healthful mushroom is used in Chinese cuisine. While the lacy skirt is what draws our eyes, the mushroom actually uses the cap to draw attention too. It is coated in a greenish-brown slime that contains spores -- the slime attracts flies and insects that help disperse the spores.
/Mycena chlorophos
This glow-in-the-dark mushroom is found in subtropical Asia, including Japan, Polynesia, Java, and Sri Lanka, in Australia, and Brazil. They are bioluminescent, emitting a glowing green light when in the dark. It is brightest when surrounding temperatures are about 81 °F, and for about a day after the cap forms and opens. After that, the glow dulls until it is undetectable by the naked eye.
/Dog Stinkhorn (Mutinus caninus)
This phallus-shaped fungus is found in Europe, Asia, and eastern North America. First described in the 1700s, it's Latin name as well as its common names in English and French hint at its shape, which resembles a dog's penis. It starts as an egg-like fruiting body hidden in leaf litter in soils, and when the egg splits, the mushroom expands to its full height within a few hours. The tip is covered in a smelly spore-bearing slime that attracts insects, which help to disperse the spores.
/Entoloma hochstetteri
This lovely blue mushroom is found in New Zealand and India. Though possibly poisonous, its beauty has been recognized by it being part of a set of fungal stamps issued in New Zealand in 2002 as well as put on the back of a $50 bank note in New Zealand in 1990.
/Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor)
This common mushroom is found all over the world -- though however common it might be, it is always beautiful. It's fanning shape and layers of coloring resemble a tom turkey's tail. Colors can range depending on location and age, and the cap can be shades of rust-brown, dark brown, grey, and even black. Some older caps can appear green when they have a greenish algae growing on them. The turkey tail is considered a medicinal mushroom, and may possibly have positive benefits in protecting against cancer, though this is debated.
/Devil's Cigar (Chorioactis geaster)
This is an extremely rare mushroom, and is found only in very select locations in Texas and Japan. In Texas, the fruiting body grows on the roots of dead cedar elms, while in Japan it grows on dead oak trees. "Scientists do not know why the fungus mysteriously lives only in Texas and Japan, locations of approximately the same latitude,[20] but separated by 11,000 km (6,800 mi)," . "Fred Jay Seaver commented 'this is only another illustration of the unusual and unpredictable distribution of many species of the fungi. It would be difficult indeed to account for it, and we merely accept the facts as they are.'"
/False Morel, or Brain Mushroom (Gyromitra esculenta)
This odd mushroom grows a cap that quite resembles the shape of a brain. And indeed it does take brains to eat it. This mushroom is potentially fatal if eaten raw, but if prepared correctly it is considered a delicacy in Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and here in the US in the Great Lakes region. Though it can be found being sold fresh in some markets, it is required to come with warning labels. A Polish study from 1971 showed that this species accounted for up to 23% of mushroom fatalities each year. So if in doubt, just stick with real morels and leave this false morel alone.
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in Natural Sciences这六种食物对人体的好处,请用英文回答下tomato 番茄 fish 鱼 orange橙 chocolate 巧克力 mushroom 蘑菇 walnut 核桃 请各位朋友帮下忙...写下这几种食物对身体的好处,和它们含有什么成分...本人有150分_百度作业帮
这六种食物对人体的好处,请用英文回答下tomato 番茄 fish 鱼 orange橙 chocolate 巧克力 mushroom 蘑菇 walnut 核桃 请各位朋友帮下忙...写下这几种食物对身体的好处,和它们含有什么成分...本人有150分
这六种食物对人体的好处,请用英文回答下tomato 番茄 fish 鱼 orange橙 chocolate 巧克力 mushroom 蘑菇 walnut 核桃 请各位朋友帮下忙...写下这几种食物对身体的好处,和它们含有什么成分...本人有150分,写好了全部给你
Tomato:A large consumption of tomato can help improve skin texture and color.Tomato is a good blood purifier.Tomato helps in cases of congestion of the liver (protects the liver from cirrhosis) as well as for dissolving gallstones.Tomato is a natural antiseptic therefore it can help protect against infectionNicotinic acid in tomatoes can help to reduce blood cholesterol,thus helps prevent heart diseases.Vitamin K in tomatoes helps to prevent hemorrhages.Tomato contain lycopene (the red pigment in tomato),this pigment is a powerful antioxidant that can also fight cancer cells.Fish :Fish are nutritious and good to eat.When properly prepared,fish provide numerous health benefits,especially for the heart.The American Heart Association recommends eating two to three fish meals each week.The benefits of eating fish include:Fish offer high-quality protein with fewer calories than a similar-sized portion of meat.For example,both catfish and ground beef are about 18% protein.But,for an 8-ounce meal,the catfish will have only about 232 calories,while the regular ground beef will have about 640 calories.Fish are low in sodium and are good sources of potassium,vitamins,and other minerals.Fish are generally low in cholesterol and saturated fats,which have been associated with high blood pressure and heart disease.While the benefits of fish on nutrition are still being studied,much of the current research is focused on various kinds of beneficial fats in fish,particularly a kind called omega-3 fatty acids which are in some fish and fish oils.Some studies have indicated that these fatty acids have favorable effects on health conditions such as hardening of the arteries,high levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure.Orange:Orange is one of the most favorite fruit in the world.Orange is loaded with vitamins,and the most abundant vitamin in orange is Vitamin C.This powerful vitamin protect our body against harmful elements.Orange contains :Betacarotene,another powerful antioxidant that protects our cells from being damage.Calcium that helps protect and maintain the health of our bone and teeth.Folic Acid for proper brain development.Magnesium helps maintain blood pressure.Potassium helps maintain electrolyte balance in the cells,and is important in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.Thiamin helps to convert food into energy.Vitamin B6 helps support the production of hemoglobin that carries oxygen to all parts of the body.Chocolate:Chocolate contains more than 300 chemicals,and has been the subject of a number of studies by universities and other scientific organizations.Here's a quick rundown of the results.(Note,we have no way of proving or disproving these claims so we offer them here as a stimulus for further research.If you're really interested in the subject,this may provide you with a starting point.)* Cacao,the source of chocolate,contains antibacterial agents that fight tooth decay.Of course,this is counteracted by the high sugar content of milk chocolate.* The smell of chocolate may increase theta brain waves,resulting in relaxation.* Chocolate contains phenyl ethylamine,a mild mood elevator.* The cocoa butter in chocolate contains oleic acid,a mono-unsaturated fat which may raise good cholesterol.* Drinking a cup of hot chocolate before meals may actually diminish appetite.* Men who eat chocolate live a year longer than those who don't.* The flavanoids in chocolate may help keep blood vessels elastic.* Chocolate increases antioxidant levels in the blood.* Mexican healers use chocolate to treat bronchitis and insect bites.* The carbohydrates in chocolate raise serotonin levels in the brain,resulting in a sense of well-being.Mushroom:Mushrooms are valuable health food - low in calories,high in vegetable proteins,chitin,iron,zinc,fiber,essential amino acids,vitamins & minerals.Mushrooms also have a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine.Their legendary effects on promoting good health and vitality and increasing your body's adaptive abilities have been supported by recent studies.These studies suggest that Mushrooms are probiotic - they help our body strengthen itself and fight off illness by maintaining physiological homeostasis - restoring our bodies balance and natural resistance to disease.walnut:Health Benefits Walnut :Walnut is a good source of all important omega-3 fatty acids.Omega-3 fatty acids has a lot of health benefits ranging from cardiovascular protection,better mental function,anti-inflammatory benefits in asthma,rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory diseases like eczema and psoriasis.Walnut contain ellagic acid,an antioxidant compound that helps supports the immune system and contain several anticancer properties.Walnut has a mild laxative effect,it is beneficial in cases of constipation.It contains vitamins and minerals thus making it an excellent food for body and muscle building.Walnut helps improve body's metabolism.Walnut is recommended for patients with liver ailments.


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