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音标:[ dri:m ]&&发音:&&过去式:dreamed&&&过去分词:dreamed&&&名词复数:dreams&&&现在分词:dreaming&&&
中文翻译英英解释百科解释n.1.梦。2.幻想,梦想;空想。3.理想,愿望。4.梦一样美好的人[物等],美景。短语和例子vi.(dreamed , dreamt dreamed, dreamt)1.做梦;梦见,梦到 (of about)。2.幻想,梦想;想像。3.向往,渴望 (of)。4.〔与 little, not, never 等连用〕 (很少,没有,决没有)想到。 短语和例子vt.1.做(梦);梦见。2.想像,幻想;臆想。3.(在空想中)虚度(光阴)。4.〔与 little, not, never 等连用〕(很少,没有,决没有)想到。短语和例子adj.-ful 梦多的;常易梦见的。adj.-less 无梦的,梦不见的。adj.-like 梦一般的;梦幻的,朦胧的。-ern.1.做梦的人。2.空想家,梦想家。
例句与用法1.He wondered if he had been dreaming .他不晓得自己是不是做了一场梦。2.Why should we dream away another year ?我们为什么还要虚度一年光阴?3.My liege, it is an ill time for dreaming .皇上,现在是不宜於幻想的。4.During her illness she had feverish dreams .她生病期间因发烧而做梦。5.You have been dreaming up a romance for me !你在替我编出一段罗曼史!6.Mayor orden stood, still half dreaming .奥顿市长站着,仍是半睡半醒。7.It was as still and steady as dreaming .一切宁静安谧,恍若置身梦境。8.One is always rather fluid in a dream .做梦时,人总是变幻莫测的。9.Her life closed in a gentle dream .她的生命是在一个温柔的梦里终止的。10.She just sits by the window and dreams away .她只是坐在窗前虚度年华。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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Come by tonight
Be by my side
Like the weathers turning all day
You chase my sorrows away
Friends are here to stay
Wow Wow Wow
Be part of my dream
Wow Wow Wow
Cause I know what you need全新献唱的广告歌曲Part Of My Dream曝光与曾和BeyonceSantanaEminem等欧美一线大牌艺人合作过的德国著名音乐人Robert Matt合作歌曲旋律优美主题鲜明呼吁大家在繁杂的生活与工作之余多抽出一些时间与亲朋好友分享快乐
近日由尚雯婕代言并出演的某国际洋酒品牌广告在包括日本新加坡马来西亚台湾等地在内的亚太地区多国电视台播放很多境外媒体电台DJ纷纷致电华谊音乐公司求证该电视广告中的主题曲Part Of My Dream是否由旗下艺人尚雯婕演唱公司在与代言品牌协商后现将这一广告版歌曲正式曝光
据悉在包括日本新加坡马来西亚台湾等地在内的亚太地区许多看到该广告的观众都向当地电视台电台询问或在网路上搜索这首Part Of My Dream的演唱者因此会引起媒体如此的广泛关注有趣的是这样的事情并非第一次发生了早在两年前尚雯婕为法国电影面纱献唱了法文主题曲梦之浮桥当时很多观众被那首悠扬深远的歌曲触动心底却万没有料到那是一位中国歌手演唱的再到去年年底尚雯婕受到导演冯小刚的邀请为其年度贺岁大戏非诚勿扰献唱中文主题曲与法文插曲该插曲先后在电影里最为重要的环节出现配合电影情境之后的歌曲让所有的观众无不为之动容
尚雯婕作为华谊兄弟集团未来三年内重点培养的女歌手得到了很多品牌客户与媒体的大力支持此次曝光的广告歌曲Part Of My Dream其实是早在今年年初由华谊兄弟与该洋酒品牌共同安排尚雯婕秘密赶赴德国柏林与曾和BeyonceSantanaEminem等欧美一线大牌艺人合作过的德国著名音乐人Robert Matt合作这首由Robert亲自创作的歌曲旋律优美主题鲜明呼吁大家在繁杂的生活与工作之余多抽出一些时间与亲朋好友分享快乐非常适合Party时播放助兴
尚雯婕出道近三年认真努力地在流行乐坛寻找适合自己的位置一步一步走的非常稳健扎实也得到了行业内许多前辈的点拨与看好有别于东方人演绎美式花调的浮夸造作她用欧洲歌手内敛质朴的演绎方式诠释情歌每当她在大型晚会与颁奖典礼出场演唱时全场观众好似心有灵犀般安静下来静静的听她用真挚的情歌触及每个人的心灵Robert Matt表示尚雯婕是国际乐坛范畴内难得一见的心灵歌者
关于这首Part Of My Dream是否会收录进华谊音乐公司正在为尚雯婕紧锣密鼓般筹备的新专辑目前尚未确定但已确定的曲目中将会有一首华谊音乐为其安排的影视题材主题曲而尚雯婕也对接下来的一系列合作充满期待 (本文来源网易娱乐 )
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看单词:dream         
[dri:m]n.梦, 梦想 v.做梦, 梦想
So you want a rise? Dream on!
He dreams of one day becoming a famous violinist.
Her new dress is an absolute dream.
I never dreamed that I should see you again.
Their new house is a real dream.
He thinks she is in love with him, but it's only a dream.
英英解释:名词 dream:
a series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep
a cherished desire
imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake
a fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe)
a state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality
someone or something wonderful
动词 dream:
indulge in a fantasy
experience while sleeping
dreamdreamD.J.:[dri:m]K.K.:[drim]n.1.■梦I often return in dreams to my hometown.我常常在梦中回到我的故乡。2.■梦一般美好的人或事物In the past she lived in a dream.过去, 她过着梦一般的生活。3.■抱负, 理想, 梦想It's my dream to win a Nobel Prize.我的理想是获得诺贝尔奖。vt. & vi.1.■做梦; 向往I often dream at night.我夜里常常做梦。vt.1.■想到, 料到Who'd have dreamt it? They're getting married!谁能想到?他们都快结婚了!
dream 在牛津词典中的解释
dreamnouna series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep梦,梦到的事物I had a recurrent dream about falling from great heights.我多次梦见从极高的地方跌落。■[in sing.]a state of mind in which someone is or seems to be unaware of their immediate surroundings出神;心不在焉,恍惚he had been walking around in a dream all day.他整天精神恍惚地游荡。■a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal梦想I fulfilled a childhood dream when I became champion.成为冠军实现了我儿时的梦想。the girl of my dreams.我的梦中情人。[as modifier]they'd found their dream home.他们找到了理想的家。■an unrealistic or self-deluding fantasy幻想,空想maybe he could get a job and earn some money—but he knew this was just a dream.也许他可以找一份工作,赚些钱——但他知道这只不过是幻想罢了。■a person or thing perceived as wonderful or perfect梦一般美妙的人(或事物),完美的人(或事物)her new man's an absolute dream.她的新恋是个绝对的完人。it was a dream of a backhand.那是一次绝妙的反手击球。she's a couturier's dream.她是女装设计师的理想模特。(past and past participle dreamed dr&#603mt, dri&#720md 或 dreamt dr&#603mt)[no obj.]experience dreams during sleep做梦I dreamed about her last night.昨夜我梦见了她。■[with obj.]see, hear, or feel (something) in a dream梦见,梦到maybe you dreamed it.你也许是做梦见到的。[with clause]I dreamed that I was going to be executed.我梦见自己将被处死。■indulge in daydreams or fantasies, typically about something greatly desired幻想,空想she had dreamed of a trip to America.她梦想去美国旅行。■[with obj.](dream time away)waste one's time in a lazy, unproductive way虚度[with negative]contemplate the possibility of doing something or that something might be the case想到,考虑到,料到;想象I wouldn't dream of foisting myself on you.我做梦都没有想要将自己强加于你。[with clause]I never dreamed anyone would take offence.我做梦都没想过有人会生气。常用词组beyond one's wildest dreamsbigger or better than could be reasonably expected大大超过所望的(地),大大出乎意料的(地)stockbrokers command salaries beyond the wildest dreams of most workers.股票经纪人薪水之高是大多数工人做梦也想不到的。in your dreamsused in spoken English to assert that something much desired is not likely ever to happen[用于口语]梦中才有的in one's wildest dreams[with negative]used to emphasize that a situation is beyond the scope of one's imagination无法想像的(地)she could never in her wildest dreams have imagined the summer weather in New York.她做梦也无法想像纽约夏天的天气。like a dream(informal)very well or successfully(非正式)很好地,完美地the car is still running like a dream.那辆车行驶起来依然像梦一样完美。派生dreamfuladjective(poetic/literary )(诗/文)dreamlessadjectivedreamlikeadjective语源Middle English: of Germanic origin, related to Dutch droom and German Traum, and probably also to Old English drēam 'joy, music'继承用法dream on[in imperative](informal)used, especially in spoken English, as an ironic comment on the unlikely or impractical nature of a plan or aspiration(非正式)做梦(尤在口语中用于讽刺某计划或想法的不现实)Dean thinks he's going to get the job. Dream on, Babe.迪安认为他会得到那份工作。做梦吧,宝贝。(dream something up)imagine or invent something空想出;设想出he's been dreaming up new ways of attracting customers.他一直在大胆设想吸引顾客的新办法。
dream 在给力大辞典中的解释
dreamn.1. 梦[C]I had a bad dream last night.昨天夜里我做了一个噩梦。2. 白日梦[C]3. 幻想, 空想[S1]Sophie lives in a dream.索菲生活在梦幻之中。4. 理想, 愿望[C]He realized the dream of his life time.他实现了他毕生的愿望。5. 【口】梦一般美妙的人, 美妙之事[C]His new sports car is a dream to drive.他的新赛车开起来好极了。vt.1. 做(梦)[+a ... dream];梦见 [+(that)]She dreamed that she could fly.她梦见她会飞。Annie dreamed an extraordinary dream last night.安妮昨晚做了个奇特的梦。2. 想像, 幻想3. (常用在否定句和疑问句)想到, 料到[+(that)]I never dreamed that he would be so ungrateful.我做梦也没有想到他会如此忘恩负义。vi.1. 做梦; 梦见, 梦到[(+of/about)]I dreamed about my native village.我梦见我的家乡。Mary once dreamed of God.玛丽有一次梦见了上帝。2. 梦想; 向往[(+of/about)]He dreamed of becoming a movie star when he was young.他年轻时向往着成为电影明星。3. (常用在否定句和疑问句)想到; 料到[(+of)]I wouldn't dream of hurting you.我做梦也不会想到伤害你。a.[Z]如梦的; 理想的
词形变化:名词复数:dreams过去式:dreamed, dreamt过去分词:dreamed, dreamt现在进行时:dreaming
短语词组:dream of/about1. 梦见I dreamt of seeing her last night.我昨晚梦见了她。2. 梦想; 渴望Many boys dream of becoming pilots.许多男孩梦想成为飞行员。
词义辨析:同义:vt.想像, 幻想imaginevisionmusefancy同义参见:moondelusionvapordaydreamapparitionfantasize反义:n.梦; 幻想; 理想reality
dream 在现代词典中的解释
dreamdream[dri:m]n.1.■梦2.■梦想, 幻想, 空想3.■理想, 愿望(of)4.■梦一般美妙的人[事物], 美景have a bad dream做恶梦awake from a dream从梦中醒来a fond dream黄梁美梦His dream of being a doctor has come true.他当医生的愿望实现了。The girl is a perfect dream.这个女孩子太美了。词性变化dream[dri:m]vi.(dreamed [dremt, dremd], dreamt [dremt])1.■做梦, 梦见, 梦到 (of, about)2.■幻想, 梦想; 想象3.■向往, 渴望(of)4.■[常与 not, little, never 等连用](没有, 很少, 决没有)想到I never dreamed of meeting you here.我绝对未想到在这里遇到你。Little did I dream of succeeding so well.我做梦也想不到如此圆满的成功。dream[dri:m]vt.1.■做(梦), 梦到, 梦见2.■想象, 臆想3.■(因空想)而虚度(away, out, through)dream a happy dream做了一个快乐的梦dream away one's life虚度一生I never dreamed that such a thing could happen!我从没想到这种事竟会发生!继承用法dreamboat[&#712dri:mb&#601&#650t]n.[美俚]1.■理想的人(物), 理想的情人2.■同类事物中最好的dreamholen.1.■(仓库等的)风窗, 气窗dreamland [&#712dri:ml&#230nd]n.1.■梦境, 梦乡2.■幻想世界dreamworldn.1.■梦境, 梦乡2.■幻想世界dream-readern.1.■解[断]梦者dreamscape[&#712dri:mske&#618p]n.1.■如梦的景色; 幻景dreamer[&#712dri:m&#601(r)]n.1.■做梦人2.■空想家, 梦想家dreamful[&#712dri:mf&#650l]adj.1.■多梦的, 常做梦的dreamless[&#712dri:ml&#618s]adj.1.■无梦的, 不做梦的dreamlike[&#712dri:mla&#618k]adj.1.■梦一般 的, 梦幻的习惯用语beyond sb.'s dream1.■超过某人的期望be in a dream1.■象作梦一样; 梦一样的过日子live in a dream1.■象作梦一样; 梦一样的过日子go about in a dream1.■象作梦一样; 梦一样的过日子go to one's dreams1.■进入梦乡like a dream1.■毫不费力地not dream of1.■无论如何不会考虑到, 决无...之意never little dream of1.■无论如何不会考虑到, 决无...之意pipe dream1.■[口](鸦片鬼的)幻想, 白日做梦, 想入非非的计划read a dream1.■圆梦walking dream1.■空想, 白日梦wet dream1.■梦中遗精dream away1.■象梦一样地度过, 虚度dream out1.■象梦一样地度过, 虚度dream through1.■象梦一样地度过, 虚度dream of1.■梦见; 梦想2.■设想, 考虑dream about1.■梦见; 梦想2.■设想, 考虑dream up1.■[口]凭想象虚构, 凭空想象出dream out1.■[口]凭想象虚构, 凭空想象出
dream 在21世纪词典中的解释
dream[dri:m]n.1.■梦,睡梦2.■梦到(或梦中出现、梦景中所见)的人(或事物)3.■梦想,(荒唐可笑的)空想,幻想,梦幻,白日梦4.■梦幻事物,梦一般短暂的事物5.■梦幻似的美好的人(或事物),(梦一样的)佳境,美境;美梦6.■梦乡7.■梦寐以求的东西;夙愿,理想,愿望;抱负,目标8.■出神;沉思;恍惚;心不在焉vi.1.■做梦;梦到,梦见;梦(of, about):I often dreamt about(或 of) my hometown.我经常梦见我的故乡。2.■做白日梦,梦想,幻想,空想;想望;向往(of, about):She dreamt about vacation plans when she should have been working.她在本应工作时胡思乱想着度假计划。3.■[常用于疑问句和否定句]想,料想,考虑;想像(of):I wouldn't dream of inviting him.我决不想去邀请他。4.■显得如梦境一样宁静;静止不动:Mist dreamed along the mountains.雾薄山间。vt.1.■做(梦),梦到,梦见:I dream all sorts of dreams.我做各种各样的梦。I dreamed that I was in London.我梦游伦敦。2.■梦想,幻想,想像,臆想;设想,料想,猜想:She has long dreamt that she will marry a rich man.她一直梦想着嫁给一位富翁。3.■[常用于疑问句或否定句]考虑到,想到,料到:I never dreamed that such a thing could happen!我做梦也没想到会出这种事!4.■虚度(光阴),(在空想中)度过(时间),迷迷糊糊地度过(与 away,out 连用):She dreamt away the office hours.她在想入非非中混掉办公时间。adj.1.■梦的,与梦有关的;梦中的2.■[口语]梦一般完美(或美妙)的;理想的,合乎理想的;梦想的,幻想的3.■不切实际的beyond someone's (wildest) dreams超过某人所望(或期望)的(地),出乎某人意料的(地),为某人所梦想不到的(地)dream and cream[美国俚语]作色情的梦想go to one's dreams进入梦乡,入睡like a dream[口语]轻而易举地,毫不困难地,毫不费力地;完美地read a dream解梦,评梦变形vi.dreamtdreaming
友情链接:TO dream a dream是什么意思?_百度知道
TO dream a dream是什么意思?
TO dream a dream前面的dream是动词,后一个是名词,梦/白日梦dream a … dream做一个***的梦TO dream a dream个人翻译为白日做梦
Part of complete coverage on
If the shoe fits...Sarah Jessica Parker teams up with Manolo Blahnik CEO
From , for CNN, and , CNN
April 2, 2014 -- Updated 1502 GMT (2302 HKT)
SJP to launch new shoe range with Manolo Blahnik
Cost between $195 and $500 per pair at Nordstrom
'Sex and the City' star tries each shoe to ensure comfort
Influenced by mom's chic style growing up in Ohio
Editor's note: connects you to extraordinary women of our time. Each month, we meet two women at the top of their field, exploring their careers, lives and ideas.
(CNN) -- "You can take my Fendi Baguette, you can take my ring and my watch, but don't take my ," begs Carrie Bradshaw while being mugged at gunpoint.
It's no use. The heartless thief takes her precious strappy sandals anyway.
Should health be the third metric of success?
Advice for ambitious women
Ok, so while it's a pretty far-fetched story line -- how many criminals are going to spot a designer heel two meters away? -- it does point to the
character's unhealthy obsession with the shoe label.
Indeed, Manolo Blahniks were as much a part of the hit TV show's lexicon as Cosmopolitans and Rampant Rabbits. The six-year series introduced the Blahnik brand to millions of women across the world --
Of course, Carrie's shoe infatuation wasn't just the stuff of fiction. Actor
-- who won four Golden Globes for her portrayal of the sassy New York columnist from 1998 to 2004 -- is a Manolo Blahnik diehard for real.
So when she called up the coveted shoe company's chief executive, George Malkemus, on the off-chance he'd want to create a range together, she was delighted when the business mogul "took on this little pipsqueak."
A dream come true: SJP shows off her new shoe range at Nordstrom.Getty Images
"I was terrified at picking up the phone and being bold enough to say to George: 'Would you ever consider a partnership?'" says 49-year-old Parker, while sitting next to Malkemus in an interview with CNN's Maggie Lake. "I was perfectly willing for him to say no, prepared for it in fact."
"But I did not say no," adds Malkemus, who had never worked with a female designer before. "I said 'come to my office tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.'"
Accessible accessories?
I have always felt that there was this group of 10 million women that I was honor-bound to in some waySarah Jessica Parker
The shoes will cost between
and be sold at U.S. retail giant
--a place partly chosen for its accessibility to a wider range of women.
"I have always felt that there was this group of 10 million women that I was honor-bound to in some way," said Parker. "I wouldn't be having this opportunity if it weren't for the dedication and diligence with which they committed to the TV show and my character who loved shoes.'"
"Sure, it would be a thrill to make shoes that cost hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dollars. But the truth is those would not be accessible to those women who have given me this opportunity."
Creature comforts
Apart from the 'SJP' stamp of approval, how much influence did Parker actually have in the design?
"Sarah Jessica told me she was going to try on everything," said Malkemus. "And she does try on everything -- she runs up and down the corridors to make sure that it'll be comfortable for the woman who's going to purchase that shoe."
Fab Four: "Sex and the City" introduced millions of women to Manolo Blahniks.Getty Images
Parker added: "I would say to George: 'How comfortable is that going to be under the ball of my foot?' Because we have spent so many years of our lives, rightly or wrongly, running around in shoes, we know how it feels."
Other personal touches included different colored ribbons on each shoe -- relating to the ribbons Parker would wear in her hair as a little girl.
"This was something for my mother," she said of the striking strips of material.
Fashion house
Born in Ohio, Parker was one of eight children -- including four from her mother's second marriage.
We have spent so many years of our lives running around in shoes, so we know how it feelsSarah Jessica Parker
"We couldn't afford beautiful things, but my mother was very clever and industrious," she said. "We would go to church Tag Sales in the wealthier neighborhoods."
"I do remember sitting in what we called my mother's dressing room -- it was just a closet that separated me and my sister's bedroom that we shared, and my parents' room -- and we would watch her get dressed, and the last thing she would do was spray fragrance and it seemed like she was walking down this long boulevard to go down to the glamorous nightlife of Ohio."
The family later moved to New York, where Parker attended acting schools, landing the lead in the Broadway musical of "Annie." She made a name for herself on the big screen in "Footloose," "Hocus Pocus," "The First Wives Club," among many others.
Mum's the word
Parker married fellow actor Matthew Broderick in 1997 and the couple have three children. How does she juggle a successful career and family?
Parker and Matthew Broderick have been married 16 years.Getty Images
"I am in a position to choose to be busy," she said. "There are millions of women in this country who have to work two or three jobs, who don't have the support system, who don't have the financial means to choose the kind of care they want for their children."
"When I ride on the subway, every day I can see in someone's eyes that they're off to their second or third job in the day, and that they haven't seen their kids, and they're leaving their children someplace that they'd rather not. And so it seems ridiculous for me to wax on about how busy I am or how hard it is to balance these things in my life."
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