on the up and up绿茶婊是什么意思思

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求翻译:If you are looking up at the sky on a clear night and you see a sudden flash of light,it is a shooting star.是什么意思?
If you are looking up at the sky on a clear night and you see a sudden flash of light,it is a shooting star.
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请输入您需要翻译的文本!up to the challenge是什么意思?_百度知道
up to the challenge是什么意思?
Or, if you’re up to the challenge, join the thousands of runners expected for the Lausanne Marathon on October 30
迎接挑战be up to有&胜任,胜过&的意思
迎接挑战up to the challenge接受挑战,那么就加入到成千上万运动员的队伍中去:如果你准备迎接挑战、面对挑战句子意思,准备参加10月30日的洛桑马拉松吧
up to the challenge可译为“接受挑战、迎接挑战、面对挑战、敢于挑战”if you’re up to the challenge, join the thousands of runners expected for the Lausanne Marathon on October 30你若敢于挑战的话,可以来参加10月30日的千人洛桑马拉松来源:《国家地理》全段:The Lavaux Vineyard Terraces blanket the lower mountain slopes along the northern shores of Lake Geneva. Each autumn, the 2,050 acres of ancient vineyards—established by Benedictine and Cistercian monks in the 11th century and protected as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2007—attract hikers who walk and taste their way along the 21-mile Grand Traversée de Lavaux from Ouchy in Lausanne to Chateau de Chillon Castle. Yellow arrows mark the main path, which leads though working vineyards (Chasselas is the region’s predominant wine grape variety) and medieval villages, facilitating frequent refueling stops at local wine cellars, pubs, and restaurants. Saturdays through October 15, the Lavaux Panoramic wine tasting tourist train rolls—on tires, not tracks—through the villages of Chardonne, Chexbres, Rivaz, and St-Saphorin. A crisscross network of public and private railways makes it easy to explore the entire Lavaux region on foot or by bike. Or, if you’re up to the challenge, join the thousands of runners expected for the Lausanne Marathon on October 30, which follows the shore road between Lake Geneva and the terraced hillsides.译文:
拉沃克斯葡萄园位于日内瓦湖北部北岸山坡低处。它是11世纪由圣本铎和西多会的僧侣们创建的,从2007年起被联合国教育科学文化组织列入世界文化遗产重点保护对象,每年秋天,这占地2050英亩的古老葡萄庄园吸引着各地的登山客们,他们沿着21英里长的观光走廊,从洛桑的欧奇到奇隆城堡一路观赏及品尝美食。黄色的箭头标记出观光的主要路线,游客们可观光葡萄园工作区(主要盛产萨斯拉葡萄酒)和中世纪庄园,还可以到沿路的酒窖、酒吧和餐馆里休息和品尝美酒美食。从现在起至10月15日,每周六都将开通“拉沃尔葡萄酒品尝专车(车轮式)”,在沙尔多纳、沙克伯、希维和圣·萨菲茵等庄园内巡游。四通八达的公共及个人铁路网为观光提供了便捷,游客们可以步行,也可以骑自行车。你若敢于挑战的话,还可以来参加10月30日的千人洛桑马拉松,其路线是沿内瓦湖滨至梯田山坡。拓展:The Earth of Rifts is a world ready for heroes- are you up to the challenge?地球的裂痕是为英雄所生,你准备好去迎接挑战了吗? Are you up to the challenge?你准备接受这个挑战吗? Let's team up for the challenge.让我们共同来迎接挑战。
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bounce up and down是什么意思
中文翻译蹿上跳下:&&&&vi. 1.(球等)跳起,弹起,反跳,弹回;(人)跳跃, ...:&&&&adv. (superl. uppermost ) 1. ...:&&&&短语和例子 dance and delight = de ...:&&&&短语和例子 down3 n. 1.(装被、褥等用的)鸭绒 ...
例句与用法1.A : stop bouncing up and down , you weirdo不要跳来跳去的,怪人2.Patient : why do you ask me to bounce up and down on my bed病人:为什么你让我在床上上下蹦跳呢? 3.Stop bouncing up and down , you weirdo不要跳来跳去的,怪人4." i love you as high as i can hop ! " laughed little nutbrown hare , bouncing up and down小兔子笑起来了,说: “我爱你,像我跳的这么高,高得不能再高。 ”他跳过来又跳过去。 5.E . t . was riding in elliott ' s basket , bouncing up and down again … with the world at their heels又在艾略特的车筐里随着自行车上下颠簸起来… …然而似乎有一世界的人在他们身后紧跟、向他们逼近。 6.If the shock absorbers are in good shape , the car should rebound just once or twice and not keep bouncing up and down如果减震状况良好,汽车应该只是弹回一次或两次,就不再继续上下地反弹了。 7.I felt very wealthy and as we walked back into town able was 7 ) bouncing up and down asking to see the money我感到非常富有,在我们回镇的路上,艾布尔蹦蹦跳跳,一个劲儿地嚷嚷要看一下收到的钱。 8.Some fans of fishing claim that a good day fishing is when you close your eyes at night to go to sleep and still see the bobber bouncing up and down有的钓鱼迷声称钓鱼成果多的那一天晚上,一闭上眼睛依然会看到鱼浮子上串下跳。 9.He bounced up and down a little , smiling in a self - satisfied way , and pointed at the many glittering photograph frames on the dresser , each peopled with tiny moving occupants他脸上带着得意的笑容,往上跳了跳,指着柜子上那许多闪闪发亮的像框,每个像框里都有活动的小人儿。 10.H all three of the dursleys were cowering with their arms over their heads as their glasses bounced up and down on their skulls , their contents flying everywhere哈利转头一看,只见德思礼一家三口都用手遮住头,拼命躲闪着上窜下跳敲着他们脑壳的杯子,杯里的酒溅得到处都是。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
up and down , as high as he could, at the
of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple . Still it remained out of
Not giving up , he though , if only he had something to
on . His school bag wouldn’t give enoug_百度作业帮
up and down , as high as he could, at the
of each jump stretching his arms to get the apple . Still it remained out of
Not giving up , he though , if only he had something to
on . His school bag wouldn’t give enough height and he didn’t want to
the things inside , like his lunch box , pencil case , and
Gameboy . Looking
, he hoped he might find an old box , a rock , or ,
luck , even a ladder , but it was a tidy neighborhood and there was nothing he could use .
He had tried everything he could think to do .
seeing any other choices , he gave up and started to walk
. At first he felt angry and disappointed thinking about how hungry he had become from his
, and how he really wanted that apple . The more he
like this , the more unhappy he became.
,the boy of our story was a pretty smart guy, even if he couldn’t always get what get he wanted .He started to say to himself .,This isn’t
don’t have the apple and I’m feeling miserable as well. There’s
more I can do to get the apple
that is unchangeable-but we are supposed to be able to
our feelings. If that’s the case, what can I do to feel better?问:If that's the case, what can I do to feel better?为什么要填case?全文请百度,字数太多.
case是事件的意思,这句话是说,如果事情是这样的话,我能做什么能使我感觉好一些?on the up and up的用法和样例:
I checked out his story, he's on the up and up.
She may very well prove to be on the up and up, but it pays to be careful. This burg is full of gold diggers, you know.
From now on everything is on the up and up.
The offer seems to be on the up and up.
We want to keep it on the up and up.
On the up and up Open and honest.
on the up and up的海词问答与网友补充:
on the up and up的相关资料:
on the up and up 在《外研社英语词典》APP的缩略释义:
(尤指经修 ... &&


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