i wann 怎样才算save as pdf

i wanna be the magnanimity 怎么存档啊?_i_wanna_be_the_guy吧_百度贴吧
i wanna be the magnanimity 怎么存档啊?收藏
i wanna be the magnanimity 怎么存档啊?
1楼 09:16&|
2楼 09:35&|
3楼 10:03&|
4楼 13:10&|
5楼 17:38&|
啃爹啊 QQQ 自杀 好不好~
收起回复6楼 17:58&|
8楼 09:16&|
9楼 11:32&|来自
10楼 20:35&|来自
11楼 13:40&|来自
12楼 14:20&|来自
收起回复13楼 20:20&|来自
本吧贡献榜 登录百度帐号推荐应用
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。&或[通关纪念]I wanna be the LTI_i_wanna_be_the_guy吧_百度贴吧
[通关纪念]I wanna be the LTI收藏
死亡次数不是很多 但大部分命死在最后的几个bigkid上 时间花的也很长 关卡不是很难 有些刺碰到了还不会死 最开始进入游戏就是bigkid的boss 其实是一场梦(抄袭了某部作品) 然后会让你用impossible难度玩 貌似是每到1个save点就增加一条命,最后命全部用完会给出一个分数 难度就又变回medium (前面的关卡抄lovetrap 后面的就比较简单了)↑bigkidboss中最后一个 也是最难的 靠一定运气下载地址:
1楼 21:00&|
2楼 07:28&|来自
乍一看以为是通了lovetrap的巨触 原来是。。。
收起回复3楼 08:59&|
收起回复4楼 19:23&|
5楼 22:12&|来自
朋友 最后这个kid怎么打阿。。。一直发子弹。。。都打不动他、、。。。 跳起来碰到蓝色没事 碰到黑色子弹就死了,求解。。。
收起回复6楼 21:20&|
7楼 21:22&|
= =感谢分享。。 也算击破过big kid了= =
8楼 13:41&|
我还以为是LOVE TRAP,233
9楼 14:34&|
本吧贡献榜 登录百度帐号推荐应用
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。&或I Wanna Be The Guy
Original Thread:
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Adverts by Project Wonderful
Hey, adverts can be pretty annoying, right? I I don't like it when I'm browsing a site and I accidentally trigger an awful flash ad where a big, freakish iPhone starts singing at me. That's why here on the Let's Play Archive we'll only ever serve up nice banners that behave properly.
The Archive is a personally-funded hobby, and without donation/advert revenue we won't be able to keep it going. Please, if you enjoy the site, consider adding us to your AdBlock whitelist&it really does make a difference.
I Wanna Be The Guy hates it's players. It hates you. It especially hates your childhood, because I Wanna Be The Guy is all about old nintendo games. It takes such lovable classics such as Contra, Megaman, and Battletoads, and turns them into spike-fests that make your avatar explode at the slightest provocation.
Despite all this, the game is really fun. Every room you get through gives you a sense of accomplishment. I want to share that accomplishment with you guys without making you actually play through the shitfest that is IWBTG, so here's the thread.
Take a look.
Questions that have come up:
What's with the editing of your deaths? Sometimes you let the game over screen run, sometimes you don't. Why?
This is simply a consequence of how I play the game. Recording a video can sometimes take up to an hour, and I don't have the patience or the inclination to let the Game Over Screen run to completion every time I die - when I fuck up, I immediately slam the restart button and keep going. That means sometimes I will start over halfway through a jump it looks like I'm going to make - I got overzealous.
Sometimes the game skips over to sections of other maps and makes things really confusing. Why?
IWBTG can be terribly buggy. When you restart a section from a save point, the game displays sections of other parts of the game before your part loads. I try to edit those out, but sometimes I sometimes something shows for four frames and I might miss it on my editing pass.
I'm really confused! Where the fuck are you going?
The game follows a branching structure, and some parts of the game are very difficult to get to. I started these videos when I was halfway through the game, and there's a lot of things I can only afford to record once to preserve my sanity. So I'm putting up videos as I can get footage and get commentary for them. The game's too difficult for me to want to do a full play-through 'in order'; though I'm re-recording things so that I can show a complete picture, it will take a while.
Are you going to sing again? I want to hear more/please oh god no:
No. Probably.
Adverts by Project Wonderful
Hey, adverts can be pretty annoying, right? I I don't like it when I'm browsing a site and I accidentally trigger an awful flash ad where a big, freakish iPhone starts singing at me. That's why here on the Let's Play Archive we'll only ever serve up nice banners that behave properly.
The Archive is a personally-funded hobby, and without donation/advert revenue we won't be able to keep it going. Please, if you enjoy the site, consider adding us to your AdBlock whitelist&it really does make a difference.


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