the horse is standingwith its eyesbig clit videomay_ sleep

The Orbis Pictus by Johann Amos Comenius - Free Ebook
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The Orbis Pictus
Release Date
Mar 9, 2009
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audio books by Jane AustenDo Horses Sleep Standing Up? | Wonderopolis
Have You Ever Wondered...
Why do horses prefer to sleep standing up instead of lying down?
Why don't horses fall down when they’re sleeping on their feet?
Why do some animals sleep during the day, while others sleep at night?
Because horses are
animals, they don’t like sleeping on the ground. Due to their straight backs, horses can't get up quickly. If a
approaches a sleeping horse while it's lying down, the horse may not be able to get up fast enough to escape.Thanks to
legs, however, a horse can lock its knees and fall asleep standing up — without falling over! A horse’s fear of predators also leads it to do most of its sleeping during the day.Just because a horse can fall asleep standing up doesn’t mean it never lies down, though. Sometimes horses will take naps lying down during the day. This gives them a chance to rest their legs.On a sunny day, you may see horses stretched out in a field soaking up sunshine. When you see a group of horses lying down, you may also find one horse standing up,
the others and keeping an eye out for intruders.Many people are
to seeing horses lying down. Some police stations report that on
sunny days — when horses are most
to stretch out for a nap — they will receive
calls from
people passing by who think the horses are dead. Of course, these horses are just taking a summer snooze!&
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Make sure to get plenty of rest tonight, because tomorrow’s wonder will have us soaring up, up and away! Join us tomorrow for an adventure that is up in the air.
Try It Out
Speaking of catching some zzzzzs, do your children ever resist the nightly call to bedtime? If so, try some of these fun and relaxing
to make going to sleep a fun activity for everybody.&
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Wonder Words
My favorite part was............
THE WHOLE THING!!!!!!!!!!!............. but mostly the part about predators and prey. What was your FAVORITE and LEAST FAVORITE part?
Welcome back, MADY! Thanks for commenting! We really liked the whole thing. We can't choose only one favorite part! It is interesting to learn that often a horse will stand guard if the horses are lying down resting. Thanks for WONDERing with us and have a WONDERful day! :)
It was so so short,..............BUT SUPER DUPER GREAT!!!!!!!!!!
We're glad you enjoyed this WONDER, MADY! What was your favorite part? Thanks for WONDERing with us! :)
Now I know why they sleep like that. :)
Welcome, Annette! We are glad you learned new information from this WONDER. There are a few other WONDERS about how animals sleep.
Here are some of our favorites for you to explore.
Happy WONDERing! :)
Horses do not sleep standing up they lay on there side or on there stomach because if they sleep standing they could hurt there legs badly.
Hi Chris! Great thinking there, Wonder Friend. Please be sure to check out the Wonder article... it may surprise you! ;-)
Wouldn't the horse die if on its side too long ???
Great Question, Jordon! If the horse has been on its side for a long time, this may be a sign that the horse is not feeling well. We recommend that you call a veterinarian. Thanks for WONDERing with us today! :-)
Horses do sleep standing up!!!!!!
How right you are, Abbie D! We are glad you enjoyed our horse Wonder today! :)
That video was cool I think most horses lay down while sleeping THAT WAS COOL by the way I love horses.
Hi there, Sydney! We are glad that you shared something new with us about how horses sleep! Thanks for WONDERing with us and we hope you have a SUPER day! :)
First comment wooohoooo!
You're so AWESOME, Rithik!
Thanks for being the very first Wonder Friend to leave us a comment on this Wonder of the Day(R)!
We hope you enjoyed WONDERing about horses as much as we did!
Umm hey I'm new here and I was wondering would the horse die if it stayed on its side ?
Welcome, Jordon! And, Great Question! We think that after about 30 minutes the horse would probably get up, unless it was really sick. So, it may be a good idea to phone the vet and ask for their advice. Thanks for WONDERing with us, Wonder Friend! :-)
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(C) National Center for Families Learning (NCFL)thehorseisstandingwithitseyesopen同义句_作业帮
The horse whose eyes are opening is standing .


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