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key media是什么意思
中文翻译关键媒体:&&&&n. 礁,暗礁(=cay, quay)。 :&&&&短语和例子 media2 n. 1. medium 的复 ...
例句与用法1.Speech is one of the key media to make language spread语音是语言传播的一种重要载体。 2.Key media relations staff and representatives at the hktb s head office香港旅游发展局总办事处企业传讯及公关部,负责香港及全球传媒查询的同事: 3.Network is key media of cause and effect ' s linkage to turn . individual ' s action into total typicality网络是变个体行动为总体型态的因果连结的关键媒介。 4.Use this to contact our key media relations staff and representatives at the hktbs head office and around the world联络香港旅游发展局总办事处,负责香港及全球传媒查询的同事。 5.An extensive publicity drive with advertisements to be placed in key media outlets . mounting of outdoor and mobile publicity to promote hong kong as asia s world city广泛性的宣传活动包括在区内主要媒体刊登广告、制作户外和流动广告以推广香港为亚洲国际都会; 6.In this thesis , the complicated temporal relationship and dynamic synchronization properties existed in multimedia in distributed multimedia system , and the problem of higher priority demands of key medium in application , and etc . are the course of multimedia communication , the transmission characteristics and the synchronization requirements of multimedia objects , and the algorithms of channel allocation and synchronization transmission schedule in synchronization communication scheme , and etc . at the same time , the problems of multimedia synchronization control mechanism in the practical packet - switching networks and so on are studied too本文深入研究了分布式多媒体系统中,多媒体具有的复杂的时态关系和动态同步特性,以及关键媒体在应用中享有同步优先权等问题;深入研究了多媒体通信过程和多媒体对象的传输特性、同步需求,以及同步通信方案中信道分配以及同步传输调度算法等问题;同时,深入研究了实际分组交换网络中多媒体同步控制机制等问题。 7.Focused on " understanding media " , the article analyses in chapter i the key media theory of employing what could be of mcluhan in a thoughtful angle , and advances the viewpoint of " human being - the extending of media ? " . in chapter ii 、 in the following third part , the idea of " media ' s endding " is expounded and demonstrated , which is composed of three parts : extreme of speed , content of the content , and human being ' s last extending - the extending of central nerves 。 in the final part , the general conclusion ? ? electronic media ' s influence on human behavior is given , that is human are under universal narcissism and pacing to the bottom of it impelled by electronic speed . the article has five original points in it : first of all , in virtue of " content theory " , it analyzes the theory of " meida equals to information " by mcluhan from a scale theory stand . secondly , the tremendous power of electronic media is emphasized from an implosion view . in the third point , the article advanced originally that , after extension of central nerve system , human themsevels reverse to an extension of media and turn at the same time , the article proposes that , all extensions before that of central nerve are " controllable extension " , however , it reverses to " uncontrollable extension " then the authur put forward for the first time that , the concernful reason obsessing human is the failure of their in - body central nerve system " s jointing and controlling on out - body central nerve system naturally . 。 the fourth point is , the article demonstrates systematically the idea of " media ' s endding " from three levels solely by thoughtful means , and this is the most revolutionary point of it all论文的创新之处有五点:一是从“尺度论”的角度,借助“内容论”来解读麦克卢汉的“媒介即讯息”的思想;二是从“内爆”的角度突出电子媒介的巨大力量;三是独创提出在电子媒介时代,人类延伸了自己的中枢神经系统之后,人类本身被逆转为媒介的延伸,成为电子媒介的一个节点;同时在本章节中提出中枢神经延伸之前的所有延伸为“可控延伸” ,而中枢神经被延伸时“可控延伸”逆转为“不可控延伸” ,并首次提出,困扰人类种种问题的重要原因是体内的中枢神经系统无法无缝地对接和控制被延伸出去的体外中枢神经系统;四是独自运用思辩的力量从三个层面综合论证了“媒介的终结”的观点,此处论证为本文最大创新之处,而此结论也将具有重大的理论与现实意义;五是根据以上几个部分的论述,对人类目前的总体状态作了一个定性的判断,即:我们这个时代的迷惘在于我们深陷于自恋的漩涡里难以自拔,在电子媒介以其固有的电力速度的推动下,我们走向自恋的尽头。 8.An improved interactive dynamic multimedia synchronization model ( idsm ) based on tpn is proposed . the new model takes the dynamic synchronization properties and the demands of the priority of key medium and the function of user interaction in the distributed systems into account , introduces the allowed blocking time , backtracking rules and so on to handle the problems caused by random delay , blocking or lost packets , and describes the temporal behavior of multimedia information stream fully , accurately and formally . 4提出了一个新的基于tpn网的交互式多媒体动态同步模型idsm ,该模型充分考虑到分布式环境中多媒体的动态同步特性以及关键媒体的优先权和人机交互要求,通过引入容许阻塞时间、回溯算法等有效克服了网络随机延迟、阻塞和丢包等因素的影响,以形式化的方式完整、准确地描述了多媒体信息流的时间行为。
blury是什么意思 blury在线翻译 blury什么意思 blury的意思 blury的翻译 blury的解释 blury的发音 blury的同义词 blury的反义词 blury的例句
bluryblury 网络例句1. I tryed to work with more stoppy brushes on the borders of the beard and make it more blury in the centers. & &我能力的去在胡子的边缘使用鋭化比刷来描绘,并且在胡子的根须部分使用模糊。2. Try to give the beard more style now. Remember that the hairy effect comes through the combination of blury parts and stoppy ones. & &尝试去描绘更多形态的胡须,毛绒绒的效果是通过模糊和鋭化工具做到的。3. My students are in second or third grade in elementary school.with samll minority in a higher grade,everyday,i gave them a homework of planting a composition.to let them practice.but when i correcting their composition,it's really a headache.becase they are still little students.they don't have too much composition to plant in school,most of the compositions they had planted are terrible,there are many grammer mistakes,in addition to many samll and blury characters,sometimes i cann't keeping reading,but life is tough,it's not very easy to earn money.i still have to be petient on correcting their homework.the time after school is really happy,the boys will play chess,such as chinese chess,and the girls will play such as fly chess.these times really did made me feeling like i was back to childhood,that kind of innocent,happy time.it's really good that there is no obsessing about being grew up. & &我教的都是些二三年级的小学生,也有少数的几个是高年级的。每一天,我都会给他们布置一篇作文,锻炼他们的写作能力。不过改作文那是相当头疼的一件事,因为年纪比较少,学校里作文写得也少,他们大部分人的作文都是很糟糕的,语句不通,再加上有些学生字写得很小很模糊,有时候我都看不下了,不过赚钱不容易啊,我还是得耐心地改。课后的那些时间,真的很开心,男孩子会一起下棋像象棋军旗的,女孩子们则玩玩飞行棋,那些时候真的让我感觉回到了童年,那种无忧无虑的快乐时光,没有成长的烦恼真好。blury是什么意思,blury在线翻译,blury什么意思,blury的意思,blury的翻译,blury的解释,blury的发音,blury的同义词,blury的反义词,blury的例句,blury的相关词组,blury意思是什么,blury怎么翻译,单词blury是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2015  京ICP备号-6 音节划分:drink?ing
喝(酒)( drink的现在分词 );
1. He returned from a lunchtime drinking session with his business cronies.
2. She stopped drinking but began obsessing about her weight.
3. The reason women are drinking is just because they like it.
4. Some of the finest drinking glasses are made from lead crystal.
5. More than 100,000 people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water.
喜欢饮酒的;经常饮酒的;贪杯的 Someone's drinking friends or companions are people they regularly drink alcohol with.&
【搭配模式】:ADJ n
1. 喝饮料;喝酒
As expected,excessive drinking caught up with him.
Abstention from drinking and smoking is the only way to improve your poor health.
1. the act of consuming liquids
2. the act of drinking alcoholic
"drink was his downfall"
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Cholera is treated by drinking an oral rehydration solution which replaces lost fluids and salts ., 霍乱的治疗是通过饮用能够补充失去的液体和盐分的口服复水溶液.
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he may start drinking , maybe ., 他可能会开始酗酒.
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所以,中药汤剂是可以应用的,美国人往往把中药汤剂称之为草药茶(Herbal tea)、草药饮(Herbal Drink),有的干脆称它为中国茶(Chin…
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...距离的敌人,尤其是达奇使用的时候。(来自《异形2》的剧照,图中女陆战队员赫思嘉所持的正是精灵机枪。), 10.软饮料(soft drink):能够回复10%的血量,满血捡起可以加5000分。, 11.热狗(hot dog):能够回复20%的血量,满血捡起可以加5000分。(貌似不很合理…).
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