massengill 意思

November | 扇贝网(一起背单词)伊战已是数年前的旧事。如今美军虽然基本撤出了伊拉克,但是其影响长久存在。  这种影响究竟如何?  我们的媒体除了偶尔报道伊拉克出现针对美军或平民的爆炸之外,越来越鲜见其新闻。  伊拉克作为多教派共存的国家,已经成立了新的国家,实现了全民选举,究竟前路如何?  网上发现一些照片,可能来源较单一,是美国的喉舌机关遵行上级的舆论导向所炮制,不知真伪,诸位共鉴。  无论如何,我认为,自由的笑容是最美丽最真实的。  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  ◥█▄▃▁      ...◥█☆█▅▄▃▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▃▄▅00▅▄▁      〓▇█████拿分专用机████████████▅▄▃▁▁▁▁▁      〓〓〓█████████████◤
    作者:第九耻 回复日期: 09:51:40 
  没人知道真相是什么样 所有的一切 眼见为实 还是不要妄作评论的好!
  It used to be hard to understand, but it's all part of taking a chance and expanding man's horizons. The future doesn't belong it belongs to the brave.
  这话太操蛋:  Thousands of the human's history conduct many value things,the best one is not the varies technology of the science, the classical literature of the lion literator, the fancily spoken of the politician,but it contribute to a tie for the make the dream come out for caging them。。。
  病句:对占领区统治的好坏并不能说明发动这场战争的目的是纯洁的  ============  占领区统治得好并不能说明发动这场战争的目的是纯洁的  
  有当年占领德国日本的宣传照片吗?  拿来让我们人民群众鉴定一下!
  不真实,我只看新闻联播 哈哈哈
  作者:版主的领导 回复日期: 01:08:01   
    楼主见过当年日军在中国拍的照片没?比这个亲热  =============  见过。  所以眼睛要擦亮,思维要健全,善恶虽难辩,心怀真善美,也就足矣了。
  文章提交者:中国木马 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】  美军飞越“驼峰”航空牺牲烈士名单(-)  此名单原在纪实文学《驼峰航线》附录二,由于各大网站在转载该书时并未将其收录其中,故木马将其发至“猫眼”,在以飨众网友时也希望“粪青”能洗心革面。该名单包括在抗日战争中来华作战美国空军牺牲人员,由于还有部分人员尚在查找中,故,陆续添加………    Namelist of American Matyrs  姓名 职务 牺牲日期  Aaltonen, kullervo T. M/Sgt.   Abbott, George H
M/Sgt   Abelson, Joel
S/Sgt.   Aberle, Wayne J 2nd Lt.   Abrahams, Sardou W 1st Lt.   Abrams, Stanley Z
1st Lt.   Adams, C. M. 1st Lt.   Adams, Claude S. Jr. Cpl.   Adams, Donah L. S/Sgt.   Adler, Richard Pfc.   Ager, Robert Cpl.   Ahrendtsen, John E. Pfc.   Aken, Donal C. S/Sgt.   Akins, Kenneth L. Major   Albers, Frazier W. S/Sgt.   Albert, Roland L. 2nd Lt.   Albright, L. 2nd Lt.   Aldieri, Sisto A. S/Sgt.   Alexander, Howard F. Pfc.   Alexander, Kenneth S. 2nd Lt.   Alfrey, Malcolm P. Capt.   Alkire, Clarence H. 2nd Lt.   Allen, James E. T/Sgt.   Alley, John S. Jr. Capt.   Almond, Paul E. 1st Lt.   Alsop,
  Alstot, G. E.
  Altman, Walter S/Sgt.   Ambrose
  Anderson, Clarence I. Pvt.   Anderson, Dale R. 2nd Lt.   Anderson, George E. 2nd Lt.   Anderson, Lenard L. T/Sgt.   Anderson, R, E.
  Andrade, E. T/Sgt.   Andrescavage, Joseph S. S/Sgt.   Andrews, Chester Sgt.   Andrews, Harry G.. F/O   Anglin, S.
  Aquino, Thomas F. S/Sgt.   Archer, Lawrence C. Capt.   Arison,
  Armoska, Raymond Capt.   Armour, Raymond J. F/O   Armstrong,
  Armstrong,Jasper B. T/Sgt.   Arnds, Richard C. Sgt.   Arneit, W. J. 2nd Lt.   Arneson, Olaf F. 1st Lt.   Arnold, John C. Capt.   Arnold, Rex D. 2nd Lt.   Arrasmith, John P. 2nd Lt.   Ash, Paul K. 1st Lt.   Atwater, Leo B.
  Auble, Donald C. 2nd Lt.   Ault, Kenneth D. 2nd Lt.   Auslander, Samuel 2nd Lt.   Austin, Linus J. 1st Lt.   Babbitt, James W. M/Sgt.   Baca, Max C. Jr. M/Sgt.   Bach, Roger Cpl.   Baer, Robert M. 1st Lt.   Baggett, John H. Pvt.   Bailey, James A. Sgt.   Bailey, Louis C. 2nd Lt.   Bailey, WilfredC. S/Sgt.   Baily, Harold G T/Sgt.   Bains, Lois G. 1st Lt.   Bak, Michael J. Pvt.
  Baldi, Albert M. M/Sgt.   Bales, Olin W. Capt.   Ball, S. J. Capt.   Bannon, Douglas Sgt.   Bannon, Douglas Sgt.   Banzer, Jack F. 1st Lt.   Baran, Alex M/Sgt.   Barbaro, Joseph M. Pfc.   Barna, Basil 2nd Lt.   Barnes, Carl L. Major   Barnes, Lamor A. 2nd Lt.   Barnes, N. E. F/O   Barnes, Robert E. Sgt.   Barney, Robert J. F/O   Barr, Arthur T. T/5   Barr, Gordon R. 2nd Lt.   Barringer, Timthy. J 2nd Lt.   Barrett. Joe D. F/O   Bartlett, Arthur L. S/Sgt.   Bartlett Charles L. Capt.   Barton Francis R. 1st Lt.   Barton, Lynn, B. Sgt.   Bartos, George R. S/Sgt. 1943-11  Basko, Richard E. Pfc.   Bastien, Armond Cpl.   Bates, R T. 2nd Lt.   Bauer, Clyde D. 2nd Lt.   Bauer, Jack J. 2nd Lt.   Baumgartner,
  Bayne, Norman T. Pfc.   Beadle, Duane S. 1st Lt.   Beal,Duane J. 1st Lt.   Beals,William D. 1st Lt.   Beasley, Dennie Jr. 1st Lt.   Beat, Walter B. Major   Beck, Buster Cpl.
  Beck, Walter W. 2nd Lt. 1943-11  Beckett, Richard J. 1st Lt.   Becking, Herbert H. S/Sgt.   Beckwith, Richard H. 1st Lt.   Beebe, Eugene E. Pfc.   Beecher, Gordon M/Sgt.   Beenec, Fufus E. 2nd Lt.   Beeves,
  Behm, Howard A. Sgt   Belknap, Glenn V. 2nd Lt.   Bell, George V. Capt.   Bemish, Louis J. 1st Lt.   Benedict, Charles C. Capt.   Benko, Arthur J. T/Sgt.   Bennett, Gordon F. Capt.   Bennett, Leo J. S/Sgt.   Benoit, Frederick E. Jr. Sgt.   Berg, R. T. Capt.   Berger, Stanley J. S/Sgt.   Bergren, Paul D. Sgt.   Berman, Harvey 2nd Lt.   Berman, Robert 1st Lt.   Bernardo, Gustave S. Pfc.   Bernert, Walter S/Sgt   Bernstein, Eugene L. 1st Lt.   Berringer, Merroll J.
  Berry, Webster J. Sgt.   Bevan, Jack R. 1st Lt.   Bierbaum, Charles B. 1st Lt.   Bigelow, John A. 2nd Lt.   Bippus, William F. 1st Lt.   Bircher, Thomas W. 1st Lt.   Bisbing, Dudley E. Pfc.   Bischoff, Arthur H. Sgt.   Bishop, Elvin V. 2nd Lt.   Bishop, Robert L 1st Lt.   Bitner, Paul E. 2nd Lt.   Bittner, Paul M. Cpl.   Bjerk, Lloyd D. 2nd Lt.   Blaesing, Frank Sgt.   Blazejewske, Teddy S/Sgt.   Blood, Craig N. 2nd Lt.   Blum, Willaim H. Pfc.   Bodart, Neuman A. S/Sgt.   Boddy, Alan D. 2nd Lt.   Boe, Arnold 2nd Lt.   Boehm, Leonard W. 1st Lt.   Boesker, Milford E. 1st Lt.   Boger, John D. Capt.   Boggus, Jewell H.
  Boley, W. P. Sgt.   Bolton, George B. 2nd Lt.   Bolton, Nelson 1st Lt.   Bonner, Frank A. Jr. S/Sgt.   Borucki, Florian F. S/Sgt.   Bos, Harvey 2nd Lt.   Boss, Donald R. 1st Lt.   Bouche, Raymond V. 2nd Lt.   Bove, A. E.
  Bowdoin, Edgar L. Cpl.   Bowen, Robert M. 1st Lt.   Box, Paul L. Sgt.   Boyer, Robert E. Pfc.   Boyle, Clifford D. 1st Lt.   Boynton, John Sgt.   Bradfield, George E. 1st Lt.   Bragg, James E. 1st Lt. 1943-11  Brattie, Garnett S. 2nd Lt.   Breckenridge, Russell T. 1st Lt.   Breese, John C. 2nd Lt.   Brenner, Albert M. S/Sgt.   Brenner, Jerome B. Cpl.   Brenner, Richard G. S/Sgt.   Brenner, William J. 2nd Lt.   Bridge, Raymond J. S/Sgt.   Bridges, Kenneth R. Capt.   Briggette, John V. Pfc.   Briggs, James A. Sgt.   Brink, Thomas U. Jr. 1st Lt.   Brissey, Edwin N. Capt.   Britain, Alexander H. 1st Lt.   Brixey, Hugh S. 1st Lt.   Brockmiller, Harvey E. S/Sgt.   Brokaw, James W. 1st Lt.   Brooke, Gayle O. 2nd Lt.   Brooks, Gordon C. Capt.   Brooks, Stals V. Cpl.   Brown, Albert C. Sgt.   Brown, Cloyd D. S/Sgt.   Brown, Delmat K. 2nd Lt.   Brown, Eric C.
  Brown, J. S.
  Brown, James W. T/Sgt.   Brown, Roy E. S/Sgt.   Brown, Russell A. F/O   Brumaghin, Charles Pfc.   Brumagim, Charles R. 2nd Lt.   Brunner, Raymond F. Sgt.   Bruntraeger, Charles E. 2nd Lt.   Bryan,
  Bryce, Willie L. 1st Lt.   Bucher, John A. 1st Lt.   Bucholz, Bruce E. 2nd Lt.   Buckley, Fred P. Pfc.   Buelna, Edward R. Cpl.   Bufkin, Francis P. T/Sgt.   Bunger, Robert C. Sgt.   Burk, Phillip E. 2nd Lt.   Burkett, Jack V. 2nd Lt.   Burlage, Collin N. F/O   Burling, Phillip R. Capt.   Burnett, Bruce L. T/Sgt.   Burns, Frank 1st Lt.   Burns, Vincent P. 2nd Lt.   Burrel, Howard S/Sgt.   Busch, Stanley W. Pfc.   Bush,
  Bush, James E. 2nd Lt.   Bushbears, Melvin R. S/Sgt.   Bushey, Howard G. 2nd Lt.   Bushman, Major   Bustin, John H. Pfc.   Butler, Walter S. Capt.   Butler, Warren H. Sgt.   Butow, Julius 1st Lt.   Buttala, Justice J. 2nd Lt.   Buttala, Justice J. 2nd Lt.   Butz, Raymond G. S/Sgt.   Buzanonski, Sylvester B. S/Sgt.   Byers, Bernard A. 1st Lt.   Byrd, Cleo W. 2nd Lt.   Byron, John B. 2nd Lt.   Cabral, Robert W. S/Sgt.   Cadugan, William R. F/O   Cain, J. L. 2nd Lt.   Caldwell, Robert E. 2nd Lt.   Caldwell, Thomas G. 1st Lt.   Calhoun,
  Callander, Richard B. 2nd Lt.   Callender, Albert W. Pvt.   Campbell, Donald Jr. 1st Lt.   Campbell, Robert D. 2nd Lt.   Cannady, William J. Sgt.   Cannon,
  Cannon, Carl K. S/Sgt.   Cannon, Charles A. Jr. 2nd Lt.   Cantlin, Thomas J. Sgt.   Cantrell, James W. 1st Lt.   Capell, Elmer H. 1st Lt.   Caraway, James T. 1st Lt.   Carey, Fred M. 1st Lt.   Carey, James C. 1st Lt.   Carhart, Sanford W. Jr. T/Sgt.   Carlin, Edwin 2nd Lt.   Carlson, James R. Pfc.   Carmody, John M. 2nd Lt.   Carnes, Gleen B. T/Sgt.   Carney, Robert. 2nd Lt.   Carnie, Keith E. 2nd Lt.   Caron, Warren L. 2nd Lt.   Carpener, Floyd B. 2nd Lt.   Carr, Frank A. S/Sgt.   Carroll, William E. 2nd Lt.   Carson, Robert S. 1st Lt.   Carswell, Horace S. Major   Carter, Stanley Jr. Pvt.   Carter, Thomas J. Jr. Pfc.   Cartwright, Perry B. S/Sgt.   Case, Harold W. T/Sgt.   Casey, Lee R. T/4   Casper, Harlan G. S/Sgt.   Cassidy, Edward G. 2nd Lt.   Casson, Virgle Pvt.   Castro, Pascual Sgt.   Catalano, Alvin N. Capt.   Catron, Cleo D. S/Sgt.   Chambers, Sheldon L. F/O   Champlin, John B. Cpl.   Chapman, Ernest R. T/Sgt.   Charleston, Harry T.
  Charney, Theodore L. Sgt.   Cheseboro, George F. S/Sgt.   Chibnik, Albert S/Sgt.   Christ, Robert A. S/Sgt.   Christen, Verne D. Capt.   Christian, Carl F. 1st Lt.   Christian, Ralph D. Cpl.   Churgin Robert E. 1st Lt.   Ciochon, Walter C. S/Sgt.   Citron, James M. 2nd Lt.   Claiborn, Alden F. Pfc.   Clair, Alexander A. Capt.   Clare, Thomas H. Capt.   Clark,
  Clark Charles A S/Sgt.   Clark George M. Jr. 2nd Lt.   Clark John D. 1st Lt.   Clark Ray L. S/Sgt.   Clark W. M. T/Sgt.   Clarke, William S. T/Sgt.   Clauson, Charles A. T/Sgt.   Cleaveland, Floyd Jr. Capt.   Clegg, William G. 1st Lt.   Clemans, Walter J. Capt.   Clendenen, Norman B. 1st Lt.   Clinton, Harry D. 2nd Lt.   Clocker, E. T/5   Closen, Robert N. Cpl.   Clow, Philip M. 2nd Lt.   Cohan, Aaron S/Sgt.   Coker, Percy B. Capt.   Coker, Robert D. 2nd Lt.   Cole, Robert M. 1st Lt.   Collier, Neil R. Jr. 1st Lt.   Collinge, Duane 1st Lt.   Collings, Pryor D. T/4   Collins, Edward C. Capt.   Collins, William D. 2nd Lt.   Colon, Alfred J. T/Sgt.   Colvard, Harold D. 2nd Lt.   Colville, Leonard R. 2nd Lt.   Comstock, Edwin W. Cpl.   Congro, Edward C. S/Sgt.   Conklin, Leslie H. T/Sgt.   Connell, Kenneth K. 1st Lt.   Conner, James B. 2nd Lt.   Conroy, Robert J. Sgt.   Conroy, William S. Jr. 1st Lt.   Conte, Joseph P. Sgt.   Cook,
  Cook, Harold V. T/Sgt.   Cook, Myron L. 1st Lt.   Coombe, Thomas C. 1st Lt.   Cooper, C. J. S/Sgt.   Cooper, F. Pvt.   Cooper, Russell H. Col.   Corbiere, Roger Edger L. 2nd Lt.   Corbin, Robert L. S/Sgt.   Coric, Kenneth Sgt.   Coriell,
  Costell,William M. T/Sgt.   Cotton,
  Cotton, Jesse L. Sgt.   Couch, Howard H. Col.   Coughenour, M. H. 1st Lt.   Coughlin, John A. S/Sgt.   Cousins, Allan H. T/Sgt.   Craig, Forrest T. S/Sgt.   Crawford, Fred A. Capt.   Crawford, Harry V. Sgt.   Cregin, Cornelius D. 1st Lt.   Creise, James A. Sgt.   Cressgrove,
  Crimmins, Edward D. T/Sgt.   Crocker, Lex C. 2nd Lt.   Cromer, Robert J. S/Sgt.   Crouch, Emery D. S/Sgt.   Crowder, Robert L. Pvt.   Crowther, Sgt.   Cuanin,
  Cumming, John M. 2nd Lt.   Cummings, Hugh D. Pvt.   Cunningham, James L. 2nd Lt.   Cunningham, James T. Capt.   Cunningham, Leroy D. Capt.   Cupp, Clifford H. Sgt.   Cupp, Clifford H. Sgt.   Curley, John E. T/Sgt.   Curtis, Arthur B. S/Sgt.   Cybowski, Paul S/Sgt.   Cytlak, Charles E. T/Sgt.   Daily, Warren D. 1st Lt.   Dalberth, Arthur C. 2nd Lt.   Daley, Jordan L. Cpl.   Dallessandro, Arthur A. F/O   Dalstron, Harold W. M/Sgt.   Dalton, William T. Jr. T/Sgt.   Dananberg, Jerome B. Cpl.   Daniels,
  Danielson, Glen E. Sgt.   Danovitz, Albert E. M/Sgt.   Daughetee, Clyde L. Sgt.   Daum, William R. 1st Lt.   Davidson, Donald D. 1st Lt.   Davidson, Gene V. Capt.   Davidson, Sidney G. 1st Lt.   Davis, August W. S/Sgt.   Davis, Bruce Q. Pfc.   Davis, Carl F. Sgt.   Davis, Clarence H. S/Sgt.   Davis, Jack C 2nd Lt.   Davis, Luther
  Davis, Raymond J. S/Sgt.   Davis, Robert E.
  Davis, William H. 1st Lt.   Davis, William H. Jr. 2nd Lt.   Dawson, Harold R. S/Sgt.   Day, J. W. F/O   DeCoito, Joseph E 2nd Lt.   DeFusco, Anthony J. S/Sgt.   DeGrasse, Richard R. 1st Lt.   DeMarcus, Louis D. 2nd Lt.   DeYampert, Lucius L. 2nd Lt.   Dean, J. J.
  Deaux, John A. 1st Lt.   Degon,
  Delamater, Ray B. 1st Lt.   Delonge, Jean F. 2nd Lt.   Delucia, Anthony W. S/Sgt.   Demeugere, Alphonse F.
  Deming, Robert L. 2nd Lt.   Dennison, Walter R. Capt.   Derenthal, Everett D. Capt.   Desoumeaux, Lloyd Cpl.   Detzel, James F. 2nd Lt.   Devine, David A. 1st Lt.   Dewsnup, Ralph L. Major   Dickens, Charles L. F/O   Dickson, Theodore N. 2nd Lt.   Diehl, Rolland C. 2nd Lt.   Dietrich, Eugene E. 2nd Lt.   Diets,
  Dietz, Robert H.
  Dietzel, John M. 2st Lt.   Dillon, Guy J. Cpl.   Dipaolla, Frank D. Pfc.   Disharoon, Donald R. Capt.   Dishman,O. G. T/4   Dixon, John T. Jr. Capt.   Dixon, Robert J. Jr. 2nd Lt.   Dodd, Ernest M. 2nd Lt.   Dodenhoff, Kenneth L. 2nd Lt.   Dolan, Cornelius A. P. 1st Lt.   Dolbow, Jay C. Jr. Cpl.   Dolicek, Laddie A. Sgt.   Dolton, J. V. Sgt.   Donabedian,
  Donlin, Allan T. Pvt   Donofrio,
  Dornbach, Gerald H. 2nd Lt.   Down, Frank W. 2nd Lt.   Doyle,
  Doyle, George E. 1st Lt.   Drackert, Hal R. 2nd Lt.   Drager, William A. Sgt.   Dragon,
  Drennan, Robert H. 1st Lt.   Drieben, Murray H. Pfc.   Drozda, John Cpl.   Drummond, Carl L. T/Sgt.   Duffey, William, M 1st Lt.   Dugas, Albert J. F/O   Dumas, John D. F/O   Dumont, Alfred C. Jr. Capt.   Dumont, Donald S/Sgt.   Dunaway, Carl P. Capt.   Dunaway, Joseph W. S/Sgt.   Dunbar, Gerald S/Sgt.   Duncan, Carroll B. S/Sgt.   Dunlap, James W. 1st Lt.   Dunn, Julius W. 2nd Lt.   Dupuis, Joseph C. Sgt.   Durgin, Cilfford R. Pfc.   Durkee, Leslie R. Jr. 2nd Lt.   Dwyer, Edward T. 1st Lt.   Dye, Glenn F. 2nd Lt. 1943-11  Dyer, Hamilton H. Jr. Major   Dykstra, George E. 1st Lt.   Ealey,William R. 2nd Lt.   Earnest,Lewis S. lst Lt.   Eaton,
  Eberhardt,Gerard R. S/Sgt.   Eckert,Karl Sgt.   Edgar,Marvin B. Sgt.   Ednie,Donald G. Cpl.   Edwards, Sgt.   Edwards,J. Pvt.   Edwards,John M. lst Lt.   Egger,Stanley E. Pfc.   Eichmann,john J. lst Lt.   Eignor,Douglas G. 2nd Lr.   Eisenman,Jerome E. lst lt.   Eisenman,Jerome F. lst lt.   Eldridge,Morris L. 2nd Lt.   Elkin,Kenneth C. Capt.   Elkin,Kenneth P.
  Ellerbe,Richard U. T/Sgt.   Ellictt,J.B 2nd Lt.   Elsworth,William W. Major   Embury,Richard M. lst Lt.   Emmeluth,John D. T/5   Eng,William
  Engel,Richard J.
  Engfer,Martin C. 2nd Lt.   Engfer,Martin C. 2nd Lt.   England,Sheridan lst lt.   Englander,William H. Capt.   Epp,Ernest H. M/Sgt. 1943-11  Erdman,Albert J. Pfc.   Erckson,Jack W. lst Lt.   Erwin,Harold B. Pvt.   Escher,Henry lst Lt.   Ethell,Lyle C. lst lt.   Eudy,JohnA. Sgt.   Eustis,Cyril E. 2nd Lt.   Evans,Charles C. T/Sgt   Evans,Douglas G. Lt.   Evans,Frank W. T/Sgt   Evans,Herbert W. 2nd Lt.   Evans,John F. lst Lt   Evans,Tom C. lst Lt   Evanson,Ernest F. 2nd Lt. 1943-11  Evenson,Ernest L. lst Lt.   Everly,James M. Capt.   Eyerman,H. H. S/Sgt   Eyotte,Owen A. Sgt.   Falk,Harleth D. lst lt.   Falkowski,Eugene F. Cpl.   Falvo,
  Fansler,Dahl M. S/Sgt.   Farrell,Fdward Cpl.   Feld,Phillip S/Sgt.   Feld,Stephen Cpl.   Felix,Charles W. 2nd Lt.   Ferguson,David R. Cpl.   Ferguson,Jack R. T/Sgt.   Ferguson,William G. Sgt.   Ferracane,Ralph V. Sgt.   Ferris,Hugh C. F/O   Fields,Q.E.
  Fillman,Richard D. Sgt.   Fincher,
  Finely,Clyde C. F/O   Fink,Lavern A. S/Sgt.   Finks,Robert E. T/Sgt.   Finley,Harry T. Cpl.   Fiorentino Robert P. S/Sgt.   Fisher,Carl K. Cpl.   Fisher,Caroll A. lst Lt.   Fisk,Martin B. 2nd Lt.   Fiske,Robert M. F/O   Flach,John A. lst Lt.   Flansburg,Robert B. S/Sgt.   Fleming,Robert J.
  Flood,Richard T. Cpl.   Floro,Charles E. Capt.   Flowers,Osburn K. F/O   Floyd,Alva H. T/Sgt.   Floyd,Marion C. lst lt.   Floyd,Marion C. lst lt.   Flynn,Charles F. Jr. Sgt.   Folkors,
  Follett,G.E. Pvt.   Ford,Clyde F. 2nd Lt.   Foreman,John M, Cpl.   Forston,Bernard K. 2nd Lt.   Forzani,Paul P. Pvt.   Fountain,William J. 2nd Lt.   Fox,J.R.
  Fox,Lawrence H. 2nd Lt.   Franey,Romuald J. 2nd Lt.   Franken,Richard H. F/O   Franklin,Joseph L. lst Lt.   Franklin,R.W. 2nd Lt.   Frazier,John B. 2nd Lt.   Fredette,Eli N. T/5   Freel,Walter W. S/Sgt   Frega,Donald T/Sgt.   French,Thomas J. Sgt   Fry,Raymond C.Jr. 2nd Lt.   Fulk,Paul D. 2nd lt.   Funk,John W. 2nd Lt.   Furman,Saul 2nd Lt.   Furrier,John D. lst Lt.   Gaetano,Frank R. S/Sgt.   Gagas,Charles J. Pvt.   Gage,Winthrop S. Pfc.   Gaines,Frank L S/Sgt.   Galica,Stanley W. F/O   Gallaher,Boyd H. Capt.   Gamet,Duane E. 2nd Lt.   Gardner,Gonon B. S/Sgt   Gauldo,
  Gauvain,Vernon R. lst Lt.   Gaylor,Joe A. Sgt.   Geer,Everett K.Jr. 2nd Lt.   Geer,Marcus D. F/O   Gendler,Louis J. Sgt.   Gensler,George W.Jr. 2nd Lt.   Gepura,
  Gerdes,Paul W. Pfc.   Gerrans,Alfred H. Jr. Sgt.   Gerstonkorn,Edmund A. S/Sgt.   Ghelsan,Roy W. 2nd Lt.   Giacalone,Bartholomew Pfc.   Giblin,Richard B. Capt.   Giellissen,Fred F. Pvt.   Gieseke,William H. T/Sgt.   Gilbert,James P. lst Lt.   Gileman,Sidney Sgt.   Gilliam,Bryan R. F/O   Gilliland,William F. Sgt.   Gilmore,Richard H Cpl.   Gilson,
  Ginn,Charles D. S/Sgt.   Ginsburg,Julius T/Sgt.   Ginter,Richard F. Major   Glass,Charles M. Capt.   Glass,Edwin R. Major   Glaub,
  Glaze,Morris C. Cpl.   Glore,Jack M. Pvt.   Gochnauer,Toney W. 2nd Lt.   Goldman,Henry Pfc.   Goldren,R.W. Capt.   Goldsmith,Seymour 2nd Lt.   Gollong,Henry L. Capt.   Goltz,William F. Pfc.   Good,Stanley 2nd Lt.   Goodman,Harry F/O   Goodman,J. G. Pfc.   Goodroe,James E. M/Sgt   Goodwin,George M. S/Sgt.   Goodyear,Ralph W. S/Sgt.   Goonan,
  Gordon,John C. lst Lt.   Gordon,John S. lst Lt.   Gorham,Howard W. Cpl.   Graber,Harry S. Capt.   Graham,Harry E 1st Lt.   Graham,Harold A. T/5   Granger,Lloyd A. T/Sgt   Grant,Roy Jz. 2nd Lt.   Graper,Charles W. 2nd Lt.   Gray,
  Green,J.M. 2nd Lt.   Green,Lyle F. 2nd Lt.   Green,Max A. Sgt.   Green,Wesley M. 2nd Lt.   Greenberg,Harold E. 2nd Lt.   Greenspan,Leon Cpl.   Gregory,Carrol D. Major   Griffin,Charles R. 2nd Lt.   Grill,Kenneth E. F/O   Grimes,Delbert L. S/Sgt.   Grimmer,Frank 2nd Lt.   Grochocki,Felix S/Sgt.   Groff,Ralph H.Jr.
  Grove,Edward F. 2nd Lt.   Guest, Sgt.   Guffey,William R. Pfc.   Gunn,William R. Sgt.   Guny,Ezra H. 2nd Lt.   Guthric,Allen S. S/Sgt.   Gwin,William lst lt.   Habel,Leonard W. S/Sgt.   Hadley,
  Hagen,James B. 2nd Lt.   Haggerty,Charles E. Jr. S/Sgt.   Hall,Max K. Cpl.   Halsell,John C. 2nd Lt.   Hamilton,B. L. 2nd Lt.   Hamilton,Clifford T. S/Sgt.   Hamlin,Boyd H. 2nd Lt.   Hammell,C. R. Capt.   Hammell,Charles R.
  Hammond,Claudius lst Lt.   Hamrick,Howard D. Pvt.   Hankison,George E. Sgt.   Hanley,J. H. Sgt.   Hanlon,John J. Sgt.   Hanlon,John W. Cpl.   Hansen,Hans G. T/Sgt.   Hanson,Robert A. lst Lt.   Harless,Jack V. F/O   Harmon,U. V. S/Sgt.   Harper,Deward B. Capt.   Harper,James L. lst Lt.   Harper,Samuel B. lst Lt.   Harper,Thomas J. Capt.   Harris,Lawrence E. 2nd Lt.   Harris,Philip H. F/O   Harris,Richard A. Capt.   Harris,Robert C. Sgt.   Harrison,
  Harrison,H. B. Pfc.   Harrison,Russell R. Cpl.   Hart,Kenneth Sgt.   Hartman,R. A. Sgt.   Harvey,Edward J. 2nd Lt.   Harwell,Rufus T. 2nd Lt.   Haskins,Harlold L. lst Lt.   Hatfield,Millard F. Pvt.   Hathfield,Earl M. S/Sgt.   Hatzenbeller,Joseph P. Cpl.   Haut,Walter S/Sgt.   Hawbecker,Jack G. Cpl.   Hawks,William C. Cpl.   Haworth,
  Haynes,Joseph E. Capt.   Heck,
  Hedges,Charles O. Jr. Pfc.   Hedlund,Lawrence C. Cpl.   Hedrick,
  Heilman,Franklin P. Pvt.   Heise,James B. 2nd Lt.   Heller,Charles D. lst Lt.   Helm,Fred D. Sgt.   Hemler,James L. Pfc.   Hemmer,Alfred S. 2nd Lt.   Hempe,Herbert F. 2nd lt.   Hendrickson,Milton H. Major   Henley,Charles H. lst Lt.   Hensley,Gene lst lt.   Herdic,John R. lst Lt.   Herforth,Henry H. S/Sgt.   Hert,Albert Pfc.   Hetsler,Stanley E. Pfc.   Hewitt,Joseph B. S/Sgt.   Hewitt,Robert J. lst lt.   Hicks,Charles F. Sgt.   Hicks,Floy L. Sgt.   Hicks,James L. S/Sgt.   Hicks,Norman I. 2nd Lt.   Higgins,Edward H. Capt.   Higgins,Edward W. T/Sgt.   Hill,Robert K. 2nd Lt.   Hillier,Walter W. 2nd Lt.   Hillmeyer,Herman J. 2nd Lt.   Hinds,Joseph M. Sgt.   Hinson,James A. Sgt.   Hird,
  Hjorth,Richard P. lst Lt.   Hoag,Donald L. Pfc.   Hoard,
  Hockbarth,Robert W. Cpl.   Hodges,Norman O. lst Lt.   Hodghinson,
  Hodgson,Edward G. F/O 1943-11  Hoenig,James F. Cpl.   Hoffa,James W. Sgt.   Hoffman,James E.
  Hoffman,Warren E. T/Sgt.   Hofford,Roger A. lst Lt.   Hogue,Harold F. S/Sgt.   Holden,Kenneth R. 2nd Lt.   Hollens,George Jr. 2nd Lt.   Hollens,George Jr. 2nd Lt.   Holley,Carl W. S/Sgt.   Holm,Darcy L. T/Sgt.   Holmes,Harold P. T/Sgt.   Holton,Harry H. lst Lt.   Hopkins,Howard E. Cpl.   Horgan,
  Hornes,John W. Cpl.   Houck,John P. 2nd Lt.   Houghton,William R. M/Sgt.   Houston,William A. 2nd Lt.   Hout,George M. 2nd Lt.   Howard,Clifford L.
  Howell,Charles R. Capt.   Howey,Henry E. lst Lt.   Hoyle,Merrill 2nd Lt.   Hruska,P.S. S/Sgt.   Huba,Joseph F. lst Lt.   Hubbard,Orville R. Capt.   Hubert,Jerome J. Cpl.   Hudson,Hobson E. F/O   Hughes,Bert F. 2nd Lt.   Hughes,H. C. F/O   Hughes,James E. Sgt.   Hull,Wellington W. T/Sgt.   Humphries,Terry L. T/Sgt.   Hunt,Huland K. 2nd Lt.   Hunt,Toby Capt.   Hunter,Frank B. Sgt.   Hunter,Jack 2nd Lt.   Hunter,Reese Jr. S/Sgt.   Huntington,Omer E. 2nd Lt.   Hurd,Vernal L. lst Lt.   Hurda,Clement W. Pfc.   Hurrell,R. M. 2nd Lt.   Hurst,
  Hurst,Albert G. Major   Huston,J H.
  Hutchings,William H. S/Sgt.   Hutchinson,Alvin S. S/Sgt.   Hutsell,Paul H. F/O   Huver,Walter Cpl.   Hyde,Merrill R. Sgt.   Hymel,Robert J. 2nd Lt.
  Hynes,Walter A. Cpl.   Idema,Hank lst Lt.   Iles,Francis H. S/Sgt.   Ingle,Ira J. S/Sgt.   Irvine,Dwight L. lst Lt.   Isham,Billy R. S/Sgt.   Israel,Solomon 2nd Lt.   Ivanovic,Dushan D. Capt.   Jablonski,Benjamin R. 2nd Lt.   Jackson,William B. S/Sgt.   Jacobs,Lawrence G. T/Sgt.   Jacobs,Loren R. Pfc.   Jacobs,Max Capt.   Jacobs,Warren W. Pfc.   James,Williams E. F/O   Jamieson,William L. lst Lt.   Janek,Anton J. T/Sgt.   Janson,Everett C. F/O   Janssen,Charles H. 2nd Lt.   Jefferies,Garland B. S/Sgt.   Jeffery,
  Jelgerhuis,Elmer S/Sgt.   Jennings,Chester L. Sgt.   Jennings,Don E. Pvt.   Jensen,Kenneth H. F/O   Jensen,Nels G. Cpl.   Jesberg,P. A.
  Johannsen,John J. lst Lt.   John,francis A. 2nd Lt.   Johns,Charles A. Cpl.   Johnson,Srthur W. lst Lt.   Johnson,Donald A. Cpl.   Johnson,Earl B. 2nd Lt.   Johnson,Floyd H. Sgt.   Johnson,Guy A. lst Lt.   Johnson,Jotty S. Pfc.   Johnson,Kenneth L. 2nd Lt.   Johnson,Maynard P. Capt.   Johnson,Merlin A. 2nd Lt.   Johnson,Ralph B. Capt.   Johnson,Ray S. Pfc.   Johnson,Wesley Capt.   Jolley,Theodore S/Sgt.   Jones Walter H. S/Sgt.   Jones William S. Capt.   Jones,
  Jones,Albert D. S/Sgt.   Jones,Eugene M. S/Sgt.   Jones,Floyd L. Sgt.   Jones,Jim L. lst Lt.   Jones,Norman E. Jr. F/O   Jones,Phillip A. Sgt.   Jones,Roy A. S/Sgt.   Jowett,Edward R. Sgt.   Justesen,George A. 2nd Lt.   Kadet,Gerald M. lst Lt.   Kaldon,Joseph J. Sgt.   Kale,Arthur 2nd Lt.   Kaler,Henry I. Pvt.   Kan,Longfellow
  Karger,Edward H. lst Lt.   Karns,John W. S/Sgt.   Katzman,Norman Cpl.   Kauffman,John G. lst.Lt.   Kawolick,
  Kearns,Robert F. 2nd Lt.   Kearsey,Robert L. Sgt.   Keating,John E.
  Kehrer,Joseph F. T/Sgt.   Keller,Lavern J. Cpl.   Kelley,Bennie F. lst Lt.   Kelley,Ellsworth V. S/Sgt.   Kelliher,Charles Cpl.   Kelly,Jack S. 2nd Lt.   Kelsey,Matthew O. S/Sgt.   Kemper,Herschel C. 2nd Lt.   Kendall,William G. T/Sgt.   Kendzur,Max S. 2nd Lt.   Kennedy,Leo J. S/Sgt.   Kenner,John W. 2nd Lt.   Kenny,George R. S/Sgt.   Kent,James C. Cpl.   Kent,Lloyd F. 2nd Lt.   Ketchum,R. F. F/O   Keup,Fred E. S/Sgt.   Kieffer,William P. 2nd Lt.   Kilpatrick,John A. T/Sgt.   King,Lee 2nd Lt.   King,leon Pfc.   King,Robert M. lst Lt.   King,William C. Capt.   Kizer,Richard D. 2nd Lt.   Kleffen,Charles G. 2nd Lt.   Kleiner,George Cpl.   Kleinmen,Lester B. Pfc.   Klemme,Walter Capt.   Klingensmith,Thomas L. Sgt.   Klingensmith,Thomas L. Sgt.   Kloepfer,Frederick H. 2nd Lt.   Klopot,Matthew F. Cpl.   Knight,Charles B. Cpl.   Knipshield,
  Knwlan,William L. lst Lt.   Kockie,
  Koerner,Paul J. T/Sgt.   Kosier,
  Kottke,William F. 2nd Lt.   Kowallow,Theodore F. Sgt.   Kraeger,Norbert D. S/Sgt.   Kret,Jacob T/Sgt.   Kreyer,John J. T/Sgt.   Krimer,L. B. S/Sgt.   Krueger,Robert H. 2nd Lt.   Krupper,Jake F.Jr S/Sgt.   Krutz,Eugene W. 2nd Lt.   Krysazak,Norbert S. Sgt.   Kryscio,Anthony S. S/Sgt.   Kuhn,Archie T/5   Kuhns,Robert H. Sgt.   Kunz,Robert C. Major   Kupchun,Alphonse B. Cpl.   Kurta,Joseph P. T/Sgt.   Kurzowski,Raymond W. 2nd Lt.   Kwiatkowski,Leonard 2nd Lt.   Lablanc,Byron E. Sgt.   Labrack,Arthur R. lst Lt.   Lackey,Lester F/O   Laguttuta,Jasper A. 2nd Lt.   Lair,Maurice C. lst Lt.   Lake,Wallace W. 2nd Lt.   Lambert,Paul R. T/Sgt.   Lambert,William L. S/Sgt.   Lampros,Paul S. S/Sgt.   Lancaster,David L. Cpl.   Land,Leonard R. Capt.   Landauer,Lewis C. Sgt.   Landstreeter,Samuel H. F/O   Landwer,George A. Pfc.   Lane,Donald G. lst Lt.   Lane,Rudolph L. Cpl.   Laney,Jack R. S/Sgt.   Lange,Robert M. Capt.   Langhorst,Frederick W. 2nd Lt.   Lanier,Fulton P. lst Lt.   Lapping,C. J. lst Lt.   Larkins,John M. T/Sgt.   Larrecou,Emile A. Jr. 2nd Lt.   Larsen,Hartvig 2nd Lt.   Lask,Clifford A. Sgt.   Lautzenhiser,Melvin R. Pvt.   Lawrence,Jack F. Pfc.   Lawson,
  Lawton,Marlin R. Cpl.   LeFlamme,George E. Pfc.   LePine,Wilbrod J. lst L t.   LeSuer,Richard P. T/Sgt.   Leahy,Howard P. 2nd Lt.   Leavitt,Carlton L. lst Lt.   Leckliter,Richard P. Cpl.   Lee,Edmond J. Jr. lst Lt.   Lees,John H. Sgt.   Leichtman,William L. Sgt.   Leidholdt,Robert H. Sgt.   Leimer,Frank J. T/Sgt.   Lemmel,Virgil G. Cpl.   Lemmon,John W. F/O   Lenox,Alvin J. S/Sgt.   Leonard,William T. Capt.   Lescher,George A. 2nd Lt.   Leslie,Thomas Pvt.   Leubke,C. lst Lt.   Levi,Marshall D. 2nd Lt.   Levin,Stanley A. Cpl.   Levine,Leo W. S/Sgt.   Levy,Herbert G. S/Sgt.   Levy,Louis T/Sgt.   Lesis,Gaylord J. T/Sgt.   Lewis,Raymond S. 2nd Lt.   Lewis,William R. lst Lt.   Leda,Harry L. Cpl.   Liebing,M. W
  Lindburg,Virgil E. S/Sgt.   Lindenfelter,George R. S/Sgt.   Lindsay,Robert M. Capt.   Linford,Oneal R. T/Sgt.   Linihan,Harold W. F/O   Lisch,Fred Capt.   Liske,Paul L. lst Lt.   Liston,Alva H. 2nd Lt.   Litton,Willie R. Sgt.   Loew,Raymond Pfc.   Lofland,John A. lst Lt.   Loftus,Walter O. Pvt.   Long,Maynard B. F/O   Longanecker,
  Longfellow,Daniel S. 2nd Lt.   Looney,
  Love,Bennett F. lst Lt.   Lovell,Gordon
  Lovell,Samuel H. lst Lt.   Lovett,W. R. Pvt.   Lowery,Clyde L. Pfc.   Lowery,Paul D. T/5   Luce,Rollard J. F/O   Ludwig,Michael B. T/Sgt.   Lund,Floyd E. 2nd Lt.   Lundahl,
  Lunday,Samuel E. 2nd Lt.   Lundberg,Howard J. F/O   Lustig,David M. lst Lt.   Lyle,James P. Jr. lst Lt,   Lynch,James B. 2nd Lt.   Lynch,James M. S/Sgt.   Lyons,Calvin L. lst Lt.   MacIntosh,
  MacMillan, Lawrence E. F/O   Maddox, Carroll R. 1st Lt.   Maddox, Robert H. 2nd Lt.   Madeline, John J. 2nd Lt.   Magee, H. Sgt.   Magin, Lewis H. Jr. Capt.   Magruder, Evard L. Sgt.   Maholick, Peter S. T/Sgt.   Malick, William B. Cpl.   Malin, J. P.
  Mallet, John S. 1st Lt.   Mallory, Ralph E. Cpl.   Mamnn, Arnold H. Sgt.   Manley, Daniel 1st Lt.   Mann, Joe T. S/Sgt.   Manuel, Mata, S/Sgt.   Marcianille, C. Pfc.   Marcucelli, Michael F. 1st Lt.   Marich, Grorge Pfc.   Marrs, Emmett S. S/Sgt.   Marrs, Loyal Stuart Jr. 1st Lt.   Marsh, Robert G.
  Marshall, Glenn E. S/Sgt.   Marshall, Robert H. 1st Lt.   Marszalek, John J. 2nd Lt.   Martin, Charles A. S/Sgt.   Martin, Daniel B. 2nd Lt.   Martin, Donald C. 1st Lt.   Martin, Earl A. Capt.   Martin, Jack Pfc.   Martin, Louis G. Cpl.   Martin, Paul Sgt.   Martin, Ralph L. 1st Lt.   Martin, Robert W. Cpl.   Masek, William F. Cpl.   Massengill, S/Sgt.   Massing, Fred R. 2nd Lt.   Mast, Ewald A. S/Sgt.   Mast, Hays B. Capt.   Mathews, Donald E. Cpl.   Mathews, J. C. Major   Matthews, Geoffrey G. 2nd Lt.   Maupin, George R. 2nd Lt.   Maurer, Robert M. F/O   Mavety, Hillyer Greer 2nd Lt.   Maxfelt, Norman C. Pfc.   Maxwell, Sgt.   Maxwell, P. E. Capt.   Mayton, J. P. 1st Lt.   McAdoo, Robert L. Cpl.   McBride, Howard E. 2nd Lt.   McCall, John F. F/O   McCarthy, Charles R. S/Sgt.   McCarthy, John D. Pfc.   McCarthy, Richard A. 2nd Lt.   McCarthy, William V. 2nd Lt.   McCauley, James L. Pvt.   McCook,
  McCorkell, George T/Sgt.   McCormick, Wesley F. Pvt.   McCrary, Billy Y. 1st Lt.   McCue, Dudley V. M/Sgt.   McDonald, Archie E. 1st Lt.   McDonald, Robert D. 2nd Lt.   McDonough, John F. Jr 1st Lt.   McDowell, James D. 2nd Lt.   McFatridge, Matthew J.Jr Pfc.   McGraw, Robert L. 2nd Lt.   McGuire, George E. 1st Lt.   McJury, Kenneth C. S/Sgt.   McKensie, R. H.
  McKissock, David Jr. S/Sgt.   McKnight, Robert Sgt.   McLain, Frederick C. Cpl.   McLaughlin, Richard T. T/Sgt.   McLoan, Malcolm E. T/Sgt.   McMichael, Conley M. 2nd Lt.   McMinn, Kenneth Pfc.   McNeer, Emerald B. S/Sgt.   McNeil, Herbert W. 1st Lt.   McPherson, Emmet H. 2nd Lt.   McPherson, Sydney H. S/Sgt.   McVicar, James A. M/Sgt.   McWhirk, William A. 2nd Lt.   McWilliams, Williams H. Cpl.   Meibler, Harold S/Sgt.   Meiklem, Wesley J. 2nd Lt.   Melloan, Barry E. Major   Mellon, Leslie G. Cpl.   Mengel, Daniel L. M/Sgt.   Menier, Robert G. Sgt.   Merenda, Louis J. Pvt.   Mersereau, John G. 2nd Lt.   Messe, Jennings H. Capt.   Mettert, Wendell G. S/Sgt.   Metzker, Ira L. S/Sgt.   Metzler, Jacob Jr. S/Sgt.   Meyer, Emil S. 1st Lt.   Meyer, Matthew M. S/Sgt.   Micciche, Joseph Sgt.   Michael, Thomas H. Sgt.   Mickelson, Einar I. 揗icky?Capt.   Miehe, Henry E. 1st Lt.   Miesse, John F. 1st Lt.   Mignogna, Michele T. S/Sgt.   Mikeworth, Herbert L. 1st Lt.   Miklosh, Walter B. 2nd Lt.   Milczakowski, J. Cpl.   Milford, B. F. Capt.   Miller, Charles P. 1st Lt.   Miller, Deroy L. 1st Lt.   Miller, E. R. Pfc.   Miller, Elmer E. 1st Lt.   Miller, F. H. Capt.   Miller, Frank D. Pfc.   Miller, Franklin G. S/Sgt.   Miller, Harry C. 1st Lt.   Miller, Horace J. S/Sgt.   Miller, Richard E. 2nd Lt.   Miller, Voigt W. 1st Lt.   Miller, Wayne A. Cpl.   Milner, Raymond W. Sgt.   Milstead, Morris A. 1st Lt.   Minco, Henry F. 2nd Lt.   Miner, William D. S/Sgt.   Minnick, Donald Capt.   Minnis, Robert H. Pvt.   Minor, Alonzo R.
  Miranda, Thomas G. S/Sgt.   Mitchell, Arthur W. Pfc.   Mitchell, Don 2nd Lt.   Mitchell, Erwin H. S/Sgt.   Mitchell, Evert P. 2nd Lt.   Mitchell, Scott F. 1st Lt.   Mixon, William B. 2nd Lt.   Modesta, John T/5   Moessner, Robert 1st Lt.   Mohn, James C. Pfc,   Mohner, Jerome J. Sgt.   Mohoney, Arthur R. 1st Lt.   Monrose, Gibbs A. 1st Lt.   Montero, John F. Sgt.   Montgomery, William J. F/O   Montisano, Anthony Pfc.   Mooney, Arville M. Pfc.   Moore, Charles B. 1st Lt.   Moore, James F. 2nd Lt.   Moore, John D. Pfc.   Moore, Lloyd R. 1st Lt.   Moore, Richard C. Pfc.   Moore, Richard E. 2nd Lt.   Moore, Stuart M. 2nd Lt.   Mooy, John C. 2nd Lt.   Morales, Jose J. 2nd Lt.   Morgan, Henry 1st Lt.   Morgan, James R. S/Sgt.   Morris, Loren S/Sgt.   Morris, Lowell H. S/Sgt.   Morrison, Robert J. T/Sgt.   Morrissey, Douglas C. Cpl.   Morse, Harold B. 1st Lt.   Mortimer, Charles P. 1st Lt.   Mortimer, Donald R. 2nd Lt.   Moser ,Robert H. 1st Lt.   Moses, Hogan D. 2nd Lt.   Moses, Sidney A. Sgt.   Mosteiro, Calso R. 1st Lt.   Mostoller,
  Mount, Wayland D. T/Sgt.   Moyes, Carl D. 2nd Lt.   Mroz, John V. 2nd Lt.   Mundt, William R. 1st Lt.   Munoz, Salvador Jr. 2nd Lt.   Munson, Frank L. 1st Lt.   Munson, Theodore O. 1st Lt.   Murdock, Robert T. Sgt.   Murphy, David R. Pvt.   Murphy, Edmund T. Pfc.   Murphy, Francis G. 1st Lt.   Murphy, Sidney L. 2nd Lt.   Murray, C. 1st Lt.   Musinski, Harry H. Major   Myers, Harold B. 2nd Lt.   Myers, John A. Sgt.   Myers, Walter S. 1st Lt.   Myles, James L. 1st Lt.   Myre, John B. T/Sgt.   Nagy, John M. 2nd Lt.   Nagy, William M. Sgt.   Natvick, Joseph I. Pvt.   Nazarowiz, R. J. Pfc.   Neary, Ashley F. T/Sgt.   Neitzel, Gordon M. S/Sgt.   Nelson,
  Nelson, Herschel T/Sgt.   Nelson, Manley W. F/O   Nelson, Oden H. S/Sgt.   Nelson, Robert K. 2nd Lt.   Netherwood, Vincent J. Pvt.   Nettles, Edger B. S/Sgt.   Newsome, A. J. 1st Lt.   Newton, Dewey C. Sgt.   Nicholson,
  Nicoll, Melvin A. Capt.   Nixon, Claude E.
  Nocek, Thaddeus S. T/Sgt.   Noise, Sgt.   Norris, Robert E. F/O   North, Willis L. 1st Lt.   Northington, Churman W. M/Sgt.   Norton,
  Norton, James E. 2nd Lt.   Norwood Evan W. Jr. Sgt.   Nunn, James E. 1st Lt.   Nuss, Willard J. Cpl.   Nygaard, Charles W. 2nd Lt.   Nysteen,
  O払rien Willis Jr. Sgt.   O払rien, David J. Sgt.   O扗onnell, James T. T/Sgt.   O扗onnell, John A. S/Sgt.   O扚allon, Edmund J. 1st Lt.   O扢alley, Patrick J. F/O   O扤eal, James L. 2nd Lt.   O扲eilly, John B. Pfc.   O扲eilly, Leland S. Jr. 2nd Lt.   O扴hea, Robert H. 1st Lt.   Ocavage, George J. S/Sgt.   Ogborn, Peter G. Lt.   Ohlund, James A. S/Sgt.   Olsen, Edwin J. 2nd Lt.   Olsen, John P. F/O   Olson,
  Olson, Cecil L. T/Sgt.   Olson, Harold T/Sgt.   Olson, Jerome L. 1st Lt.   Orloff, Chester L. 2nd Lt.   Oroyecz, John K. S/Sgt.   Osborn, George C. Pfc.   Osnes, Thelen H. Sgt.   Oswalt, Walter R. S/Sgt.   Owen, Barton W. T/Sgt.   Owens, James J. Jr. 1st Lt.   Oxford, Robert E. 1st Lt.   Pack, Homer B. Jr. Sgt.   Page, Burnard L. 2nd Lt.   Page, Walter E. Jr. 1st Lt.   Pakari, Paul E. Cpl.   Palecek, Alvin P. Cpl.   Palmer, James W. 2nd Lt.   Pandolfi, Carmine S/Sgt.   Papandrew, Harry P. 2nd Lt.   Park, Glen H. Sgt.   Parker, Douglas Lt.   Parker, Francis D. Sgt.   Parker, James E. Sgt.   Parkhurst, Clarence H. 1st Lt.   Paruck, Frank G. Sgt.   Pavilina, Raymond L. S/Sgt.   Pawlikowski, Theodore T/Sgt.   Payne, John W. Jr. Sgt.   Pearce, Chester W. Sgt.   Peavy, Henry E. T/Sgt.   Peek, Paul E. F/O   Peekshat,
  Penka, Carl S. S/Sgt.   Penn, George L. Sgt.   Pennington, John A. 1st Lt.   Pennisi, Sebastian J. Sgt.   Perchorowicz, Raymond W. Sgt.   Perez,
  Perla, John T/Sgt.   Perram, Wiliam A. Cpl.   Perron, C. A. Cpl.   Perry, Elza D. 1st Lt.   Perry, Elza D. 1st Lt.   Perry, Robert N. 1st Lt.   Perry, Tom Capt.   Perry, Walter W. D. 1st Lt.   Perry, Willard C. 2nd Lt.   Pershke, Kenneth H. T/Sgt.   Peters, Russell W. Sgt.   Peterson, Allen J. 1st Lt.   Peterson, Garrett E. 2nd Lt.   Peterson, Raymond L. Pfc.   Peterson, Warren C. Capt.   Petrella, Joseph Cpl.   Pfeiffer, Lambert A. Cpl.   Philips,
  Philips, Adrian S/Sgt.   Philips, William E. 2nd Lt.   Pickup, Merle L. Cpl.   Pierce, Cloyce D. Pfc.   Pierce, William G. T/Sgt.   Pierce, Claire N. 2nd Lt.   Pierpoint, George H. 2nd Lt.   Pierson, Eugene E. 2nd Lt.   Pierson, Howard S. 1st Lt.   Pierson, Ray L. 1st Lt.   Pietsch, Horace E. Capt.   Pilchard, Robert M. 1st Lt.   Pinneo, Harry B. F/O   Pinto, Keith W. 2nd Lt.   Pizzoferranto, Vincent J. T/Sgt.   Plante, Napolson E. S/Sgt.   Playford, Harold W. 1st Lt.   Plummer, Everett J. S/Sgt.   Pohan, Armen Lt.Col.   Polchlopek, Walter S. S/Sgt.   Polski, Frank J. Cpl.   Polson, Edwin W. Pvt.   Popiolek, Frank J. Pvt.   Poppell, Harry W. Jr 1st Lt.   Porter,
  Porter, Albert E. 1st Lt.   Porter, John (Blackie) Capt.   Porter, Samuel B. Jr. 2nd Lt.   Portyrata, Henry F. 1st Lt.   Posner, Erwin H. S/Sgt.   Pottol, Robert L.
  Potts James C. 2nd Lt.   Powell, David H. Sgt.   Powell, David H. Sgt.   Pratt
  Presley Norvan M. F/O   Price, William E 1st Lt.   Priest, William W. Sgt.   Pringle, Robert P. 2nd Lt.   Privensal,
  Proctor, Gordon E. Capt.   Proulx, Jeno G.. A. T/Sgt.   Pruitt, William A. 2nd Lt.   Pryor, Jack W. Capt.   Puckett, Claude K. Cpl.   Purdy, Gerald E. 2nd Lt.   Purvis, R. C. 1st Lt.   Pyka, James M. F/O   Quartrocchi, Joseph P. S/Sgt.   Queen,Harry B. S/Sgt.   Quirke, William F. S/Sgt.   Raab, Blaine F. S/Sgt.   Rabbitt, Walter A. Pfc.   Rabinowitz, Julius W. 1st Lt.   Radke, Lee S/Sgt.   Rae, William S. 2nd Lt.   Raff, Lyndon O. 1st Lt.   Ragland, Harold L. S/Sgt.   Railey, Hunter T. 1st Lt.   Rajnic, A. L. Pfc.   Ramos, Frank M. 2nd Lt.   Rapone, Antonio J. Sgt.   Raubinger, Frederick J. S/Sgt.   Rauch, Russell L. 1st Lt.   Ray, Patrick E. S/Sgt.   Raymond, J. A. S/Sgt.   Raysman, Hubert S. Cpl.   Reade, Robert B. 2nd Lt.   Reamer, Jack M. 1st Lt.   Redding, Emmett L. Jr. Sgt.   Redfield, Harold Sgt.   Redman, Louis R. 1st Lt.   Reed, F. P. Sgt.   Reed, Garland J.
  Reed, John A. Pfc,   Reed, Ray W. S/Sgt.   Reese, Harold L. 2nd Lt.   Regal, Arthur S/Sgt.   Regan, John J. T/Sgt.   Reid, Harvey E. Capt.   Reid, Robert G. 2nd Lt.   Reinerston, Rowan N. Cpl.   Reis, Paul J. Capt.   Reiter, Saul E. Pfc.   Reno, Roswell M. 2nd Lt.   Renshaw, David N. 2nd Lt.   Rettinger, George L. Capt.   Reynolds, Fletcher P. 2nd Lt.   Reynolds ,Forrest Pfc.   Rice, John R. S/Sgt.   Richards, Robert B. 1st Lt.   Richardson, Donald G. 1st Lt.   Richardson, Fay R. 2nd Lt.   Ridgell, Alonzo H. 2nd Lt.   Rightbower, Harold V. S/Sgt   Rigney, Stanley O. Cpl.   Riley, Robert R. T/Sgt.   Ring, Theodore H. 1st Lt.   Ringler, Ray A. F/O   Rinke, Chester L. F/O   Rinker, James H. 2nd Lt.   Rittnger, Lloyd K. 1st Lt.   Robbins, Frank D. S/Sgt.   Roberts, Frank A. Major   Roberts, Harry S. F/O   Roberts, Jack L. 1st Lt.   Roberts, John T. 2nd Lt.   Robertson, Norvel G. Sgt.   Robertson, Walker C. Pfc.   Robertson, William D. Cpl.   Robinson, Charles W. 2nd Lt.   Robinson, Clarence J. 1st Lt.   Robinson, David V. 1st Lt.   Robinson, Dorman G. Cpl.   Robinson, Stanley B. Pvl.   Rodosta, Vincent M/Sgt.   Roe, George W. 2nd Lt.   Roesch, Richard J. Cpl.   Rogers, Arthur H. 2nd Lt.   Romine, Luther F. Jr. T/Sgt.   Romonak, Theodore A. Lt.   Roney, John W. 2nd Lt.   Roney, Stanley J. Cpl.   Ronney, John W. Capt.   Root, Raymond S. Sgt.   Rosbert C. J.
  Rosenfeld, Samuel Lt.   Rosno, James M. Pvt.   Ross, Arnold E. F/O   Rosser, Frank J. Capt.   Rouillard, Chester F. Jr Cpl.   Rourke, Francis J. Cpl.   Rouse, Richard R. 1st Lt.   Roush, Ernest E. C/C   Ruane, William H. T/5   Rubalcava, Salvadore F. S/Sgt.   Rucker, R. L. 1st Lt.   Rufini, Giocondo A. 2nd Lt.   Rugers, Gerald L. Pfc.   Rule, Willie J. Cpl.   Rush, Frank J. T/Sgt.   Russel, Ross O. 2nd Lt.   Russell, Harry N. T/Sgt.   Russell, John H. S/Sgt.   Rutherford Donald
I. Jr 2nd Lt.   Rutledge, William A. 1st Lt.   Ryan, Edward J. Sgt.   Ryan, George M. Cpl.   Ryland, Victor G. 1st Lt.   Sabo, Alex 1st Lt.   Sadler, J. W. Cpl.   Salkin, Douglas 2nd Lt.   Samuel, Robert B. 2nd Lt.   Samuelson, Howard G. 2nd Lt.   Sanders, Malcomb E. 1st Lt.   Sanders, Wiiliam S. 1st Lt.   Sarcy, Robert H. 2nd Lt.   Sasser, James E. 2nd Lt.   Satterfield,
  Sattig, Henry B. 2nd Lt.   Savidge, Marlin S. 2nd Lt.   Sayer, Robert V. S/Sgt.   Schaefer, Alvin C. S/Sgt.   Schaefer, W. C. T/Sgt.   Schaeffer, Walter
  Schapansky, Cliffort T. 1st Lt.   Scheetz, Paul A. Pvt.   Scheinmann, Henry Cpl.   Schenck, Ernest B. S/Sgt.   Scherer, W. 1st Lt.   Schexnayer, Walter J. S/Sgt.   Schipior, Seymour Pfc.   Schleicher, James L. Capt.   Schlentz, Wayne S. 2nd Lt.   Schlick, James F. Pfc.   Schmidt, John T. 2nd Lt.   Schmierer, John W. 1st Lt.   Schmoker, Gerald D. Pfc.   Scheider, Waldo B. 1st Lt.   Schofield, Fred J. Cpl.   Schooley, John H. F/O   Schotter, Charles L. S/Sgt.   Schroeder, M. J.
  Schroeder, Paul E. S/Sgt.   Schulkump, Lyle L. 2nd Lt.   Schuller, Albert Pfc.   Schustenbauer,
  Scoff, Jim Capt.   Scott, Jasper N. S/Sgt.   Scott, Ray A. S/Sgt.   Searle, Harold K. 1st Lt.   Seden, Charles E. S/Sgt.   Sedlak, John 1st Lt.   Seidel, Kenneth L. Pfc.   Sellers, L. F. Cpl.   Sercombe, Charles S. F/O   Sexton, Raymond Mac F/O   Shadow, John R. Pfc.   Shaff, Darrow E. Sgt.   Shallcross, William J. Sgt.   Shanahan, William F. S/Sgt.   Sharder, Joseph T/Sgt.   Sharpe, Elmer S/Sgt.   Sharples, Robert P. Sgt.   Shatz, Samuel Cpl.   Shea,
  Shea, James F. T/5   Shearer, Walter A. Cpl.   Shebeskie, Frank J. Pvt.   Sheldon, Hugh F. 1st Lt.   Shenkel, William
  Sherman, Harold H. F/O   Sherman, Mark E. 1st Lt.   Sherman, Robert F. T/4   Sherry, William S. F/O   Shields, Samuel J. 2nd Lt.   Shiles, O. L. 1st Lt.   Shilling, Dalton D. 1st Lt.   Shine, John R. Sgt.   Shirley, James B. 1st Lt.   Shull, Charles M. Cpl.   Shull, Leo M. 1st Lt.   Siana, Joseph A. S/Sgt.   Siegal,
  Sigrist, Calvin D. 2nd Lt.   Silvershatz, Marvin J. Capt.   Simonson, Donald W. 2nd Lt.   Sims,
  Sirlouis, James R. 2nd Lt.   Sisak, Theodore G. S/Sgt.   Sisco, Walter E. Cpl.   Sizemore, Curtis M. S/Sgt.   Skelton, Thomas L. 2nd Lt.   Skully, Joseph T. 2nd Lt.   Slamkowski, Barney X. 2nd Lt.   Slemmons, Donald M. S/Sgt.   Sliepka, Milan J. Sgt.   Sloan, Harold T. Cpl.   Sloan, Phillip 2nd Lt.   Slocomb, Edwin F. T/Sgt.   Smerke, Fred J. 1st Lt.   Smith,
  Smith, Charles O. 2nd Lt.   Smith, Donald W. T/Sgt.   Smith, Earl L. S/Sgt.   Smith, Elza E. 1st Lt.   Smith, Everette W. S/Sgt.   Smith, Forman F. 1st Lt.   Smith, Howard A. T/Sgt.   Smith, James D. T/Sgt.   Smith, James W. 1st Lt.   Smith, Jesse H. Cpl.   Smith, Joseph
  Smith, Kenneth D. 2nd Lt.   Smith, Mayo P. T/3   Smith, Robert E. 2nd Lt.   Smith, Thomas J. 1st Lt.   Smith, W. H. Capt.   Smith, Walter J. 1st Lt.   Smith, Walter L. Cpl.   Smoot, Edwin C. Pfc.   Smreck, John P. S/Sgt.   Sneyd, Glen A. Cpl.   Snitzer,Samuel Pvt.   Soline, Angelo C. T/Sgt.   Somers, Homer W. Sgt.   Somervell, William D. Capt.   Soersin, Rodney R. Cpl.   Sorenson, Millard H.
  Sorenson, William H. S/Sgt.   Southcott, William E. Jr. 2nd Lt.   Southhall, Samuel Cpl.   Southworth, Oswald O. Capt.   Spahlinger, Homer A. 2nd Lt.   Spain, Rhea L. 2nd Lt.   Spaulding, Ellsworth M.
  Spellman, Robert R. Capt.   Spells, William E. T/Sgt.   Spiller, S. T/Sgt.   Spofford, William W. 1st Lt.   Spots, Leo T/Sgt.   Sprague, Howard E. Sgt.   Sprague, Howard E. Sgt.   Spurling, Donald G. Sgt.   Stachelhaus, Peter G. 2nd Lt.   Stafney, Eldred W. S/Sgt.   Stahl, Kenneth H. F/O   Stanley, Clarence B. 2nd Lt.   Stanley, Russell E. Pvt.   Stapleford, Richard Sgt.   Steiger, Francis G. 2nd Lt.   Stein, Harry H. Pfc.   Steinman, Kaemper W. S/Sgt.   Stelle, Truman M. 1st Lt.   Stellmacher, Allyn, C. Capt.   Stepczyk, Bronislaw J. 2nd Lt.   Stephens, Jack C. Pvt.   Sterling, Vincent E. F/O   Sterngold, Kingdon H. 2nd Lt.   Stevens,
  Stevenson, Henry C. Jr. 1st Lt.   Sticka, Florian Cpl.   Stilfield, Elmer E. T/Sgt.   Stine, Dale O. 2nd Lt.   Stock, Floyd W. Pvt.   Stocker,
  Stockett, Marvin M. Capt.   Stockinger, Gilbert C. Sgt.   Stockinger, Gilbert C. Sgt.   Stohl, Fred F. Capt.   Stone, Henry G. 1st Lt.   Stone, Roy Lt.   Stoner, Arlington 2nd Lt.   Stooksbury, James W. S/Sgt.   Stowers, Clarence A. Cpl.   Straub,
  Strauch, William H. 2nd Lt.   Strayer, Floyd K. 2nd Lt.   Streeter, Glenn C. 2nd Lt.   Streicker, Max Cpl.   Stribling, Jimmie L. Cpl.   Stromberg, Paul G. Lt.   Stroud, Adrian P. 1st Lt.   Stulz, John M. W. 1st Lt.   Stump, Dale F. Cpl.   Sturges, Rai P. 2nd Lt.   Sturt, R. A. Capt.   Sturtevant, Franklin D. Sgt.   Sullivan, Eugene Cpl.   Sullivan, John F. 2nd Lt.   Sullivan, Walter J. Cpl.   Surgent, Stephen J. 2nd Lt.   Sussman, Seymour S/Sgt.   Swanson, Donald S. M/Sgt.   Swanson, Frederick E. T/Sgt.   Swanson, William A. 1st Lt.   Swart, Ernest G. 1st Lt.   Swenson, Clarence E. S/Sgt.   Swindle, Eates T. Capt.   Sybesma, Lawrence 2nd Lt.   Sybo,
  Syfert, Dale D. 2nd Lt.   Sylvester, W. A. 1st Lt.   Szezopanik, Stanley A. 2nd Lt.   Tadych, Joseph A. 2nd Lt.   Tallant,
  Tanner, Richard J. 1st Lt.   Tarpley,
  Tate, Jack R. 2nd Lt.   Tate, Luther W. 2nd Lt.   Tate, Tipton O. 1st Lt.   Taylor, Donald R. 1st Lt.   Taylor, R. E. T/Sgt.   Taylor, Ray C. 1st Lt.   Taylor, Willam C. Cpl.   Teer, John W. Jr. Sgt.   Tennison, John T. 1st Lt.   Tharp, Warren Pfc.   Theil, Eugene L. 2nd Lt.   Thieman, Warren E. M/Sgt.   Thomas,
  Thomas, Herbert C. Jr. Sgt.   Thomas, James E. 2nd Lt.   Thomas, Kenneth C. Sgt.   Thomas, Riley E. F/O   Thomas, Tommy F. Pvt.   Thompson, E. A. 2nd Lt.   Thompson, Glen G. Capt.   Thompson,Kenneth
E. 2nd Lt.   Thompson,Loren
B. 2nd Lt.   Thompson,Robert
J. Sgt.   Thompson,William
B. S/Sgt.   Thornton,Leo
F. Pfc.   Thorwaldson,Albert Olafur Capt.   Throgmorton,Raymond S. 2nd Lt.   Thurston,Clarence H. Cpl.   Tidy,Eric H. Sgt.   Tinsley,R, W. 2nd Lt.   Toal,Lawrence E. Jr. S/Sgt.   Todd,Stllart D. Sgt.   Tomaro,Dominic lst Lt.   Tomcheck,Donald J. Lt.   Tomenendale,Franklin A. 2nd Lt.   Tone,John F. Jr. 2nd Lt.   Toombs,Russell J. S/Sgt.   Torango,Robert P. 2nd Lt.   Torbert,Roy D. S/Sgt.   Torpey,James F. Pfc.   Townsend,Alton L. 2nd Lt.   Treischmann,Earl O. F/O   Tricarico,Donald I. Cpl.   Troy,Frank C. S/Sgt.   Tuchek,Arthur A. S/Sgt.   Tucker,Claude W. Capt.   Tucker,Frank F/O   Tucker,Goyled H. 2nd Lt.   Tucker,Harry D. S/Sgt.   Tullius,Joseph G. Pfc.   Turner,Allen R. lst Lt.   Turner,Carl H. Capt.   Turner,Clinton A. 2nd Lt.   Turner,Louis E. 2nd Lt.   Tyler,Mahlon J. lst Lt.   Ucha,Edward S/Sgt.   Urquhart,John M. S/Sgt.   Ursillo,Alfred Jr. Pfc.   Utecht,Alfred Pvt.   Vail,Frederick W.Ⅲ. 2nd Lt.   Van Deventer Emmett B. lst Lt.   Van Sant
  Vandenberge,Emil J. Sgt.   Vannoy,Edward L. Major   Varner,Willam J. Pfc.   Varsafaky,Charles A. S/Sgt.   Vasely,Frank S/Sgt.   Vaughn,Raymond Cpl.   Viall,
  Vickery,Richard L. lst Lt.   Vigue,George David Major   Vogel,
  Volpe,Leonard V. Sgt.   Voorhees,Harry C. Pfc.   Vousden,John L. Sgt.   Wade,Harry E. T/Sgt.   Wakefield,Ralph H. 2nd Lt.   Walicki,
  Wallker,Earl W. Cpl.   Walker,Hobar T. Capt.   Walder,Raymond D. S/Sgt.   Wallace,
  Wallace,Walter F. Sgt.   Walsh,George T. 2nd Lt.   Walsh,Robert A. 2nd Lt.   Walter,Henry W. lst Lt.   Walth,Harold J. 2nd Lt.   Waltman,Arthur R. Cpl.   Walton,Arthur E. lst Lt.   Wang,Elmer F. Pvt.   Ward,
  Ward,Demming M. 2nd Lt.   Ward,George A. 2nd Lt.   Ward,R. D. Capt   Warren,Richard G. 2nd Lt.   Warren,W. D. Capt.   Wart,Parl H. Van Sgt.   Watson,Imman A. Sgt.   Watson,Robert O. S/Sgt.   Watts,James J. Sgt.   Watts,Wayne C. 2nd Lt.   Watzka,Robert H. S/Sgt.   Waugh,Charles L. Capt.   Wax,John H. Capt.   Waxberg,Herbert 2nd Lt.   Wane, Don E. S/Sgt.   Weaver, Cecil A. F/O   Weaver,Willie C. Pvt.   Webb,Lee E. 2nd Lt.   Webster,Floyd E. S/Sgt.   Webster,Paul E. T/Sgt.   Webster,Ralph A. lst Lt.   Webster,Walter E. F/O   Weidmeyer,Herbert L. Cpl.   Weidman,Loren B. lst Lt.   Weinberg,John L. S/Sgt.   Weiss,Murray lst Lt.   Welch,O. M. Capt.   Welch,Willis J. S/Sgt.   Wells,Elwood O. Capt.   Wells,Wilfred C. F/O   Welsh,C. B. L. 2nd Lt.   Weren,Ralph W. Van S/Sgt.   Wert,
  Wertz,Lewis W. Pfc.   Westphal,Eugene R. Pfc.   Whaley,A. D. Sgt.   Wheatly,Edward B. Sgt.   Wheeler,Harold E. 2nd Lt.   Whispell,Clyde W. Pvt.   White, F/O   White,Bruce M. Pfc.   White,Herbert N. 2nd Lt.   White,Millard F. Pvt.   White,Sam B. Jr. Major   White,William R. 2nd Lt.   Whitman,Charles E. T/Sgt.   Whitney,
  Whorton,A. B.
  Wichmann,Robert F. 2nd Lt.   Wickett,Albert D. Capt.   Wieland,Elmer E. F/O   Wight,Douglas R. lst Lt.   Wigonitz,Martin S. lst Lt.   Wilbur,Mar E. F/O   Wilcox,Ernest M. F/O   Wileman,
  Wilkerson,Lawrence A. 2nd Lt.   Wilkin,Roland W. 2nd Lt.   Williams,
  Williams,William T. Sgt.   Williamson,William B. Capt.   Willis,Wilbur H. S/Sgt.   Wilson,
  Wilson,Cecil T/Sgt.   Wilson,Clarence W. T/Sgt.   Wilson,Edward W. 2nd Lt.   Wilson,John N. lst Lt.   Wilson,Walter E. S/Sgt.   Wilt,Donald E. 2nd Lt.   Wiltband,Glen G. 2nd Lt.   Wimmer,E. B. 2nd Lt.   Winch, Delbert E. Cpl.   Windishman,Joseph J. T/Sgt.   Winkler,E. E. Capt.   Winmill,Allen Townsend Capt.   Winslow,Leon M. S/Sgt.   Witcher,Mell Sgt.   Withers,Rudolph S. F/O   Wodd,Eugene B. Sgt.   Wolbert,John J. Cpl.   Wong,Ernest C. 2nd Lt.   Woodbury,
  Woods,Harold C. S/Sgt.   Woodward,Reid T. lst Lt.   Woolcott,Kenneth H. S/Sgt.   Worland,Louis P. lst Lt.   Worley,Thaddeus J.
2nd Lt.   Wright,Bert N. T/Sgt.   Wrobel,John J. Pfc.   Wydra,Charles E. 2nd Lt.   Xita,Kosta S/Sgt.   Yoeman,Frank H. Sgt.   York,James H. Lt.Col.   Yotice,Charles J. 2nd Lt.   Young,Ralph R. Pfc.   Young,Howard N 2nd Lt.   Young,Marshall Capt.   Young,Martin W. Capt.   Young,Robert W. 2nd Lt.   Yuskaitis,Francis P. F/O   Zacharias,Richard D. Sgt.   Zaetz,Irwin lst Lt.   Zahnen,James P. Pfc.   Zalusky,LeRoy J. F/O   Zapalac,Ray E. S/Sgt.   Zayon,Morris Pfc.   Zepeda,Trini P. Cpl.   Ziolkowski
  Zobb,Elmer E. Cpl.   Zok,John T/Sgt.   Zombeck,Leon F. S/Sgt.   Zuber,Joseph H. Pfc.   Zwiercan,Alexander S/Sgt.   
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  美国?仔细看看这个吧!    美国?仔细看看这个吧!        美国?仔细看看这个吧!    美国?仔细看看这个吧!
    呵呵,美分党太不专业了    这张明显是小布什戴个头巾冒充的:)  
    呵呵,美分党太不专业了    这张明显是小布什戴个头巾冒充的:)  
  看看他们    对了,伸涂颜料的指头,箱子里扔纸条,什么意思啊?    
  作者:牛逼牛 回复日期: 13:19:18   
    美国大兵什么时候来咱这儿呢  -    又见胡说八道!我们又不是伊拉克,我们是民主共和国。我们比美国还要好。谴责美国的虚伪行径!霸道行为!


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