请根据以下填写表格,然后写一篇短文介绍你的这位好友。李华是一名九皇缠宠 萌妃十三岁岁的中学生。她出生于2000年

假设你是李华,你打算在互联网上写一篇介绍北京的短文,让外国朋友了解北京。请跟据以下提示,写一篇英语100词左右的短文。1中国的首都,国家政治,文化中心。2人口超过一千万,面积大约16800平方公里。 10
Beijing is an ancient city with a long history. Back in 3000 years ago in Zhou dynasty, Beijing, which was called Ji at the moment, had been named capital of Yan. Thereafter, Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty all made Beijing their capital. Therefore, Beijing was famous for "Capital of a thousand years". The long history leaves Beijing precious cultural treasure. Winding for several kilometers in Beijing area, the Great Wall is the only man-made structure that could been seen in the space. The Summer Palace is a classic composition of ancient royal gardens, and the Forbidden City is the largest royal palaces in the world. Tiantan is where the emperor used to fete their ancestors, and also the soul of Chinese ancient constructions. The four sites above has been confirmed world cultural heritage by UNESCO. However, the best representatives for Beijing are the vanishing Hutongs and square courtyards. Through hundreds of years, they have become symbol of Beijing's life. Tian'anmen square being still brilliant today with cloverleaf junctions and skyscrapers everywhere, the old-timey scene and modern culture are combined to present a brand new visage of Beijing. As Beijing has been confirmed home city of Olympics 2008, the spirit of "green Olympics, scientific Olympics and humanized Olympic" will surely bring more and more changes to Beijing, promote the development of sports and Olympics in China as well as in the world, and strengthen the friendly communications between Chinese and foreign people.
提问者 的感言:谢谢你帮了我大忙!
假如你叫李华,是某校高三学生。高考在即,看到每天家人和学校为自己做的一切,深有感触。请根据下表提示写一篇短文。 家长生活上的照顾学校提供了方便(延长图书馆和教室的开放时间……)老师学习上给予的帮助(鼓励,答疑解难……)你自己感受和打算,至少两点&&&注意: 1.必须包括主要内容,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯、完整; 2.词数:120词左右; 3.开头已给出,不计入总词数内。
I’m a senior 3 student.The college entrance exam is on the way&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
I’m a senior 3 student. The college entrance exam is on the way and everyone around us is trying their best to help us in different ways. At school, all the teachers work very hard, encouraging us to build up our confidence and inspiring us to improve our study. Whenever we meet with difficulties, they are ready to come to our help. Meanwhile, our school also provides good facilities for us students, for example the library stays open in the evenings and even on the weekends. At home, our parents take good care of us and make sure we are well fed so that we can always be full of energy. I’m very grateful for the efforts of our parents and teachers. I’m determined to try my best to prepare for the exam. I am sure that with their encouragement and timely help I’ll be able to achieve my goal and be a useful person of our society in the near future.试题分析:本题是提纲类作文写作,文章题材和体裁已经给出,无需考生过多考虑。而考生重点要注意审题,只有做好了审题环节才能保证写作的有效性和目的性。审题主要要做到以下几点:①分清层次和段落,切勿平铺直叙,“一逗到底”。②句式﹑词汇要尽量多样,恰当使用较复杂的句式结构和较高级的词汇。③文章衔接紧密,过渡自然,恰当使用好连接词或过渡性词汇。④注意书写的整齐、美观,并正确使用标点符号。【亮点说明】这篇范文使用了高中教材中出现的词汇,短语,语法,句式,如:At school, all the teachers work very hard, encouraging us to build up our confidence and inspiring us to improve our study.这句话用了现在分词做状语, Whenever we meet with difficulties, they are ready to come to our help. 这句话用了让步状语从句, our school also provides good facilities for us students, for example the library stays open in the evenings and even on the weekends. 这句话用了provide sth for sb“提供某人某物”,At home, our parents take good care of us and make sure we are well fed so that we can always be full of energy.这句话用了so that…引导的目的状语从句, I’m very grateful for the efforts of our parents and teachers. I’m determined to try my best to prepare for the exam. 这两句话都用了不定式,还有范文中还有Meanwhile,这样的关联词使文章更加连贯。
第一步:审题: 审题是否清楚是一篇书面表达成功与否的关键所在,在整个写作过程中起着决定性作用。审好题会让我们做到“磨刀不误砍柴工”,审题时要做到以下几点: (1)审要求:书面表达试题一般都由“情景”和“要求”两部分构成。“情景”中包括所写材料的目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等,一般在书面表达题的前半部分;而“要求”一般在书面表达的后半部分,以“注意”形式给出,实际上是对考生提出的要求。因而考生对于题目所提供的说明,应认真分析、反复推敲,搞清提出的内容要求,抓住所要表达的信息点。 (2)审文体:高考书面表达的体裁一般有三大类:记叙文、说明文和应用文,具体形式有便条,日记,通知,书信,人物、事情、情景故事的描写,看图说话,缩写,扩写,改写等。审题时要审清文体,注意格式上的不同,避免出错。 (3)审人称:审查书面表达题干中隐含的读者对象和撰写人,即搞清楚此篇文章是“由谁写给谁”的。写稿人是谁一般都已明确指出,给出形式假设环境中的“某人”,如“假设你是李华”,写作时即用第一人称“我”,即李华。而读者对象有时没有明示,要考生自己去进行判断。 (4)审时态:根据情景判断短文需要的主体时态,即搞清楚要写的是什么时候的事,过去的就用过去时。比如日记,是叙述过去发生的事情,自然用过去时;通知多用将来时。 第二步:抓中心,列要点,列出写作提纲: 写作文时,一定要切题,抓住中心,紧扣要点。不要任意发挥,画蛇添足,也不要丢三落四,要点不全。通过对众多提示或图画、图表的观察和分析,获取与写作内容有关的主要信息,并按一定的逻辑顺序排列起来,找出最密切相关的要点,列出写作提纲。 第三步:选词组句:在体裁明确、中心突出、要点清晰的前提下,应该选择自己最熟悉、最有把握的词语、句型,将要点逐条表达出来。表达时应该综合运用所掌握的知识,避开生僻的词汇,并克服母语的干扰,按照英语的习惯方式,用地道的英语表达出来,力求做到语言准确无误。 第四步:连句成篇:根据要点选词组句,然后按照篇章结构连句成篇。在这一过程中要注意选择恰当的表示并列、递进、因果或转折意义的过渡词,把所有要点、句子连接起来,使句与句意思连贯,结构衔接,力求准确生动、条理清楚。 第五步:复查纠错: 通读全文,检查内容是否符合要求,要点是否齐全,格式是否正确,词数是否合乎要求。最主要的是要检查句子是否符合英语习惯,句型是否正确,语法是否正确(包括句子结构、时态、语态、主谓一致等),检查单词是否误写、少写,习语搭配是否得当等,以及字母大小写、标点符号是否正确等,这就要求考生在定稿认真检查,仔细核对,及时发现并改正问题,保证要点齐全,句子完整通顺,力争减少失误。 第六步:书写规范,卷面整洁:书面表达不仅反映在表达内容上,也反映在书面形式上。一定要注意单词拼写正确,书写规范,字迹工整,卷面力求整洁,正确使用标点符号,使别人看起来耳目一新,具有整体美感,从而提高自己的得分档次。
445517397184201341344898202861416280假如你叫李华,是某校高三学生。高考在即,看到每天家人和学校为自己做的一切,深有感触。请根据下表提示写一篇短文,谈谈自己的感受和打算。家长生活上的照顾学校提供了方便(延长图书馆和教室的开放时间,上晚自习..域名:学优高考网,每年帮助百万名学子考取名校!问题人评价,难度:0%假如你叫李华,是某校高三学生。高考在即,看到每天家人和学校为自己做的一切,深有感触。请根据下表提示写一篇短文,谈谈自己的感受和打算。家长生活上的照顾学校提供了方便(延长图书馆和教室的开放时间,上晚自习…)老师学习上给予的帮助(鼓励,答疑解难……)你自己(自由发挥,至少两点) 注意: 1.必须包括主要内容,可以适当增减细节,使内容连贯、完整; 2.词数:120词左右; 3.开头已给出,不计入总词数内。
I’m a senior 3 student. The college entrance exam is on the way, and everybody around us   马上分享给朋友:答案I’m a senior 3 student. The college entrance exams are on the way and everyone around us is trying their best to help us in different ways. At school, all the teachers work very hard, encouraging us to build up our confidence and inspiring us to improve our study. Whenever we meet with difficulties, they are ready to come to our help. Meanwhile, our school also provides good facilities for us students, for example the library stays open in the evenings and even on the weekends. At home, our parents take good care of us and make sure we are well fed so that we can always be full of energy.I’m very grateful for the efforts of our parents and teachers. I’m determined to try my best to prepare for the exam. I am sure that with their encouragement and timely help I’ll be able to achieve my goal and be a useful person of our society in the near future.点击查看答案解释本题暂无同学作出解析,期待您来作答点击查看解释相关试题英语短文关于旅游帮我写一篇假设你是李华,你的新西兰笔友Nick将于八月来四川旅游,特来信询问有关旅游景点情况.请根据下表所提供的要点,写一封回信,并表示盼望他的到来.注意:1.词数100左右.可根据内容要点适_百度作业帮
英语短文关于旅游帮我写一篇假设你是李华,你的新西兰笔友Nick将于八月来四川旅游,特来信询问有关旅游景点情况.请根据下表所提供的要点,写一封回信,并表示盼望他的到来.注意:1.词数100左右.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.景点:tourist attraction,scenic spot名胜古迹:place of interest“Dos and Don’ts for the 2008 Olympic Volunteers” 为题,用英语写一篇短文,讨论志愿者应该做什么,不应该做什么。短文应包括下表中的内容:Dos Don’ts 1.待人礼貌、友好 1.避免不得体的言行 2.坚守岗位 2.不忘履行自己的职责 3.介绍中国历史和文化 3.不损害祖国的形象 这个也帮我编一个.呵呵!
DEAR Nick,I'm glad that you will come to Sichuan this August.I can tell you something about the tourist attraction.There are many places of interest in Sichuan .And the famousest are Mount Emei and Leshan Buddha.Mount Emei is famous for its beautiful view and the culture.There are many old temple and monks on the mountain.when you're climbing the mountain,you can see many monkeys are jumpping up and down the trees.As for Leshan Buddha,it's the bigest buddha in China.If you go there,you must be surprised at the big buddha.Besides,there are still many scenic spots in Sichuan ,such as Jiuzhaigou Valley and the Huanglong Scenic area .They're all worth a visit.Hope you have a good trip !See you !yours li hua第二篇Dos and Don’ts for the 2008 Olympic Volunteersthe 2008 beijing olympic is coming,many teenagers will work as a volunteer in the olympic game.As a volunteer ,what we shoud do and what we shouldn't do is pretty important.first ,we should be polite and friendly to everyone,and we shouldn't say the impolite words to others .because as a volunteer ,our words stand for our country's behaviors.Second,we should do our works wholeheartedly.and we should know what responsbilities we have .so that,we will do everything we can to help others.Third,we can tell chinese atient stories and chinese troditional history to the foriengers.in this way ,we can make our cultures more widely known by the people from all over the world.Finally ,the most important thing is that we shouldn't say the words which is bad for our mother country.也许有的地方有拼写错误.还请多指正
Dear Nick,
Glad to hear that you are going to visit Sichuan Province.
There're a lot of tourist attraction in Sichuan,such as Wolong,where there are many pandas.Though some places of int...


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