everything seemed so calm, when sun goes downyou calm down an

. Being calm begins with being
(which does not mean being ). It's all too commonplace for us to take a negative tone with ourselves and to be our own unkindest critic. Calm cannot settle when you feel nothing but self-criticism, self-loathing and a lack of self- if these are your main inner feelings, then you're too busy running internal self-deprecating chatter for calm to descend! Remind yourself frequently that it is okay to love and trust yourself.
Talk gently to yourself. When the self-deprecating,
wells up, remind yourself that you matter and that you deserve respect and that such negative talk hasn't got a place in your life.
Remember that everyone makes mistakes. If everything worked out immediately and you just got everything you wanted all at once, what would be the point of living?
Know how valuable you are. Remind yourself daily of the virtues, strengths and beauty that you bring into the world.
with yourself and with others. Being unable to forgive compels you to discontent and internal war. Holding old , being bitter and fueling constant
create an inner turmoil that chains you to reliving past hurts. Do you really enjoy lugging that ball and chain around? Worse still, your health is impacted by long-lived grievances and your blood pressure, heart rate, physical and
will be suffering.
It is hard to live a calm life when you constantly hate, feel a need to avenge and see ghosts in every shadow. Forgiveness allows room for kindness and self liberation. Forgiveness nurtures a sense of calm because you no longer spend a big part of your life resenting other people.
Remind yourself that when you forgive, you remove the toxic fee it is not about condoning what another person did but it is about no longer letting that person's actions run your outlook on life.
When you feel yourself getting angry at someone that hurt you, try to stop and think. Breathe slowly for a second. Does being angry make your life better? Does the hate you feel make you happy? Would the people that really love you want you to keep suffering like this? The answer to all of these questions is "no"...so release those negative feelings and seek out positive ones instead.
. Patience is the begetter of calm. Impatience is the source of agitation and turbulence. Impatience says "I want it NOW" and when "it" doesn't appear now, you're liable to lose your temper and let the blood pressure rise. Impatience is often linked to unreasonable expectations about the world and other people (you expect too much of both yourself and of other people) and is often linked to , which allows of no space to make errors or slow down. A calm person, on the other hand, is fully aware that errors occur sometimes and that speeding things up is liable to bring on errors, not alleviate them.
If you catch yourself wanting to rush to do something, stop and evaluate the situation. Will someone die if you don't get what you need right now? If not, consider that stressing about this situation will only make your life worse and might even impair your judgement.
If you're still having trouble being patient, you might just need to practice more. Start by trying to be patient with small things, like waiting in line at the grocery store. Distract yourself by reading all of the headlines on the trashy magazines in the checkout line. Work your way up to more challenging areas in your life, like road rage or dealing with your kids.
for more ideas on bringing more patience into your life.
Think about things before you start worrying. Most of the time, it is okay to not worry. Most of the time the news, the rumors, the negativity, the volatility, the insane highs and lows of human systems are just noise. Listen to too much of it and you sink into the mire of the rat race, ever running somewhere without a clear map forward. That will create intense disquiet and unease in your life. The wise person knows what to read, who to listen to and when to ignore the rumors (most of the time). The wise person is calm because the wise person accesses knowledge and knows how to use it for betterment of life. Responding to sensationalism and fear is "so yesterday" for the wise person.
Slow down your life. Many people try to push, push and make for the exit even before the door is open (both in the metaphorical sense, and not). Consider all the times when a plane lands and everyone rushes to get off but all they do is end up standing in a . Know when it's really important to hurry and when it's okay to slow down. You'll find that for most situations, it's okay to slow down.
Slowing down will also let you doing things more thoroughly so that you can get them right and do them well the first time around. This will save you even more stress later on.
Hold in your reactions. When you feel like you want to react to a situation, hold in the tears or shouting. Think about how you feel before you let yourself react. Once you start, it's easy to snowball into a bigger reaction than the situation is really worth. Don't bottle your emotions but do think of a better way to express them or save them until you are in a better, safer place.
Waiting until the next day to talk to someone who upsets you, for example, can be really good. You'll have the chance to calm down and you'll be better able to defend and express yourself.
Keep some perspective. Think about the situation that's happening around you and think about how it affects your life. Is it really as big a deal as it seems or is it really only going to set you off a little. Compare it to other problems that people might have, like getting cancer or having your house flood. Is it really that big a deal? No? Then don't sweat it. Learning to let the small things slide off of you can really make a huge difference in how you experience your life.
Think of how your grandma would react. As we get older, we usually get a lot calmer. This is usually because we have hard problems in our life that we got through just fine and we know that this one will be okay too. Try and apply this kind of thinking to the situation you have now. If your grandma would laugh and just keep moving, then you should do the same.
Stop procrastinating. Procrastination is one of the biggest sources of stress in our lives. If you can learn to just get things done early or at least on time, you'll find yourself a lot more calm. This, of course, means focusing when things are supposed to be getting done and save distractions for later!
One way a lot of people lose a lot of time during the day is to checking their email. Have specific email times, just two or three times a day, and do not check your email in between.
Stay away from drama. Drama with the people in our lives is another sources of serious stress. Make sure to keep drama-causers out of your life. You should also work hard to not cause drama. Work on communicating clearly and be patient with people. Give people the benefit of the doubt. And when people cause one too many dramatic situations with you, just make sure their in your life as little as possible.
. If you're having a conflict with someone or you struggle to stay calm in the moment, you'll need to work on being a little more chill or at least find healthy ways to immediately release the feelings that you have. Being more communicative and good about telling people how you feel when you feel that way is a great start. If you can't do that or it's not appropriate, try singing yourself a song in your head.
for when you're really mad and you need to calm down.
. Aromatherapy has proven benefits in the realm of calming and the use of particular essential oils can help to bring about a state of calmness after a period of stress and agitation. This field is quite complex and it's a good idea to read through a good aromatherapy reference if you're keen to find ways to induce calmness through aromatherapy.
You can have a , a
that uses these oils.
You can also try dabbing on a perfume or a spraying a lovely room scent.
Another good place to get started is to try aromatherapy baths – see
for more options.
. Meditation is a great way to relax. This is where you find yourself a peaceful spot to sit down and turn your thoughts inward, to the quietest corner of your mind. Try to focus on the natural sounds around you and let all your worries flow out of your mind.
You don't need to say "ommm", you don't need to light incense....all you have to do is think in a way that slows you down and calms you down!
Listen to music. Music has a very relaxing effect on how we think. If you're having a hard time calming down, try some calming music. Avoid music with harsh sounds or fast tempos, even if it's music you really like, because this music can actually add to your stress! Just listen to calm music when you're trying to calm down.
Classical music is good for calming down. Debussy wrote many calming pieces that are great for relaxing.
You can also listen to modern music that's calming. Enya is a popular option.
If you want to skip music in favor of calming sounds, try , which generates a seamless stream of natural sounds or music.
Exercise. Exercise lets us work out energy and tension, allowing us to calm down significantly. It also makes us healthier and feel better generally. You don't have to go lift a bunch of weights or anything either! Just do some squats or take a quick jog around the block!
Play a game. Video games, board games, and card games are great for letting us give our brains a break. Do whichever of these you have access to in order to calm yourself down. It works even better if you play with friends and family, because then you get to make each other laugh!
If you're by yourself, video games and games like solitaire are probably best.
If you're looking to play games with other people, a round of Apples to Apples always brings a smile to everyone's face!
Play with kids or pets. Kids and pets are the best at knowing how to loosen up and have fun. If you're having trouble relaxing, find some kids or animals to hang out with. They'll appreciate a playmate and you'll get to join in on their joyful experience of life!
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For example:Don't say: Eat more fats.Do say: Add fats with some nutritional value to the foods you already eat. Try olive oil, butter, avocado, and mayonnaise.
Keep an open mind. Closed, calculating minds are the root of ignorance. Nothing changes if all minds are certain – remember that people once believed the world to be flat.
Take a break and ask yourself what the older and wiser version of yourself would do.
If you are in a stressful situation and feel the need to be clam just simply walk away from the problem or take ten seconds to breath deeply and let all the thoughts sink in, before you can regret anything.
Keep perspective: There are always worse situations so count your blessings.
Leaving the mind to settle on its own is the best way – effortless effort.
Never impose on other people. Though you may feel uplifted and enlightened by your new realizations, most people remain stuck in the cycle of the mainstream working/family/business life. They have not yet or will never have the chance to see above it and many will work actively to convince themselves that being calm is not for them.
If you feel yourself on the brink of crying with anger or slapping someone, imagine yourself on a beach in the sun or swimming in a calm lake on a warm sunny day, or some other favorite thought. The gentle thoughts should bring back dignity.
If you're feeling angry or upset, just count to ten and take deep breaths. Then make yourself some cooling herbal tea or chilled water and take yourself to another place to sit still and allow your imagination take over.
Drink some chamomile tea. It is always good to calm your muscles down.
Pertaining to religion: Do not dismiss your beliefs, but always consider you are not correct. With thousands of religions in the world, at least a few are guaranteed to be untrue. Sometimes letting go of dogma welcomes a spectrum of new and exciting ideas and brings more calm into your life when you don't feel compelled to react defensively all the time.
Talk to your friend or anyone you are close to, it really helps.
Don't look back because you never going to see what is infront of you. So accept, and just and move on.
A good way that I always find soothing, is to do what you love. For example: Running, singing, baking, listening to music, reading, etc.Just be yourself and everything will turn out just fine.
Do things you love.
If you're in a stressful situation and feel the need to be calm, simply just walk away take time to sink in all the thoughts before you can retreat anything.
Relax and breathe. Always remember the stressful incidents will make you stronger.
Don't pressure yourself. Doing tiring exercise is not a good way to calm your nerves. Do slow, and gentle activities like yoga. It'll help to soften your muscles, relieve you from exasperation, and free your mind.
Remember to keep a balance. Just as it is poisonous to become a slave to material life you can lose grounding in the realities of survival in modern times. Rent isn't the philosophy of sages but it does provide your shelter. Don't become so lost in fantasy that you cease to engage with the real world.
As ignorance is bliss, enlightenment is sometimes a burden.
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你可能喜欢KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON Guide - Everything you need to know about Keep Calm and Carry On
What is 'Keep Calm and Carry On'?
Right. Pay attention at the back, and no slouching.
Keep Calm and Carry On was the third in a series of World War 2 posters drawn up by the UK Ministry of Information in order to
boost the morale of the British people by passing on a message from King George VI. The posters were a stark white text on a red
background, with the only image on the poster being the royal crown of George VI.
The first two posters, "Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution will Bring Us Victory" and "Freedom is in Peril" were widely printed and distributed. However, the third poster, which carried the simple message "Keep Calm and Carry On" although printed, was never distributed, as it was intended only if invasion was imminent.
At the end of the war, the posters were collected up and pulped. It is believed that only two original posters out of a print run of over a million survive to this day.
The story would have ended there were it not for Stuart and Mary Manley, who run a bookshop called
in Northumberland. Whilst sorting through a box of old books, they found one of the few surviving original copies of the 'Keep Calm and Carry On' poster. They liked it so much that they had the poster framed and placed near the till in their shop.
They soon found that customers were very keen on the poster - even to the point of asking if they could buy it! So, Stuart and Mary started selling and printing facsimilie copies of the poster. The rest, as they say, is history...
In the years since 2000 the poster has become world famous, having been mentioned in news articles, on TV and having been seen in many disparate places from country pubs to Parliament.
Frequently asked questions
So was this poster real?
Yes! Although it was never published, it was a real poster that was produced by the UK Government during the Second World War.
Who produced it?
It was produced by the Ministry of Information - a Government Department set up at the beginning of the war with the primary
aim of producing propaganda material. They produced many famous campaigns including the classic 'Careless talk costs lives'
Is the poster out of copyright?
The poster is out of copyright and therefore can be freely reproduced and mashed up. Spare a
thought, however, for Barter Books who rediscovered this classic poster. They are an independent bookshop in the UK who sell
reproductions of the original poster.
What font does the poster use?
Anyone under the age of 20 or so might not believe this, but there was a time when computers didn't exist. The Keep Calm poster was hand-designed by a (sadly) anonymous civil servant and as such doesn't use a standard font. However a very clever chap called Keith Bates has painstakingly recreated the original font as closely as possible by taking examples from the original Keep Calm poster and the two other posters in the same series. You can buy his font from .
Also, according to discussions at
the closest pre-existing match is a font called Avenir by the famous font artist Adrian Frutiger, which can be purchased from . The next best match is a font called Gotham which is available only from its creators .
We have both Keith Bates' 'Keep Calm' font and the Avenir font available for use on the Keep Calm-o-matic, allowing for even closer reproductions of the original poster.
Some of the information on this page is courtesy of Bex Lewis and her extremely helpful PhD thesis on World War 2 propaganda pages. We recommend you visit her site at
for more information.
About the Keep Calm-o-matic
Back in the mists of time (early 2009 to be precise) the phenomenon that is &Keep Calm and Carry On& was
in full swing. Posters were appearing everywhere, news articles could barely resist mentioning &Keep Calm&
and even the police got into the act with their Policing Pledge posters which seemed to bear an eerie
resemblance to everyone's favourite wartime poster.
So, with all that in mind, what better than a parody site allowing people to create their own posters? A
flash of frantic coding later, and the Keep Calm-o-matic was born! The site was the the first
Keep Calm poster generation site on the web, and it remains the best and most popular one by a long way.
Who is behind it?
The Keep Calm-o-matic was made and is run by the team at , a British technology company. We're a friendly bunch. If you'd like to send us any feedback, please use the bright red feedback button in the lower right of every page page. We always love to see pictures of the poster out and about.
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