
企鹅英语简易读物精选(上一)的故事概括(英文)谁有企鹅英语简易读物精选(上.一)《豹子与灯塔 》的英文概括?_百度作业帮
企鹅英语简易读物精选(上一)的故事概括(英文)谁有企鹅英语简易读物精选(上.一)《豹子与灯塔 》的英文概括?
企鹅英语简易读物精选(上一)的故事概括(英文)谁有企鹅英语简易读物精选(上.一)《豹子与灯塔 》的英文概括?
我们也要做这个作业啊..There is an island called Sindi in East Africa ,there is also a small village with white lighthouse .One day a leopard ran into the lighthouse ,peopel found it stood on the lighthouse.The Head Man of Sindi says:The man who catch the leopard can marry my daughter ,Tanza!At last ,the young man did,he took the leopard to the Animal Park in Nairobal,and the young man married Tanza,they got 3 lovely kids.关于企鹅的英语介绍20词左右即可._百度作业帮
Many of us are liking animals very much, some of us like dogs, others like cats, which can be easily seen in anywhere, well, i'm very keen on penguin. the reason of mine to have keen on penguin is because their uniqueness, unlike with most of other animals, they only live in the South Pole, and unlike with most birds, though they can't fly, yet they can swim in the extreme cold glacier, and the most wonderful part is they can stand like a human and walking, it's very cute when they are walking, Most of the endangered animals are very harmful, yet the penguin looks harmonious as well as entertaining, we even will put them on the movies and cartoons such as "Madagascar" and "Ice Age" and so on. I like penguin, and when i grow up, wish to do research on the south pole to observe penguin and protect them.
Penguins are very special animals. They live on the coledest place of the Earth.These birds can't fly at all. But they are good swimmers and can swim very fast.这样的可以么?31个单词企鹅英语简易读物16到20本书后答案.企鹅英语~上 (二) 16至二十 ._百度作业帮
企鹅英语简易读物16到20本书后答案.企鹅英语~上 (二) 16至二十 .
企鹅英语简易读物16到20本书后答案.企鹅英语~上 (二) 16至二十 .
《延克父女岛》讲的是珍妮的父亲被误认为小偷,珍妮你没有其他兄弟姐妹,只有爸爸,他爸爸要坐船被带去另一个地方,珍妮想办法在船上找到了一份工作,6个星期以后珍妮偷走了船长的钥匙,把他父亲救了出来,他们来到了一个没有人的小岛,他爸爸还做了一面国旗,有一天他爸爸被蛇咬了,回来的时候看到有一艘船,船上的人把她和他爸爸带回去了.他们离开家乡已经有2年了.《死人河》名探哈莱金和其他游客在穿越广褒的西部的旅途中,遇到一条混浊肮脏的河沟.向导说,人们都叫它“死人河”.名称的由来是这样的:多克是这一带有名的医生,一天下午,他正为一个小贩治病吉恩闯进了诊室.吉恩说,他在城里偶然遇到一个手握6响双枪的强盗在抢劫银行.由于枪战引起了混乱,吉恩被误认作是那个劫匪,不得不抱头鼠窜,到此躲藏.当时情况十分紧急不允许吉恩找证据澄清真相,况且一位警官已追踪而至.多克相信吉恩是清白的,因此他穿戴上吉恩的衣帽,想把警察引开,好让吉恩逃脱.在告诫那个小贩严守秘密之后,多克从床下拿出一条6英尺长的空心胶管.他要吉恩跳下河沟,通过胶管呼吸,胶管的口径约l英寸.干是,多克骑上古恩的马跑开了,警察紧追不舍.这样,吉恩摆脱了追捕.然而,结局却非常不幸,吉恩死了——溺死于河中.多克将警官引开之后,小贩将吉恩从水中捞出.多克猜测吉恩也许是因为在水下惊慌失措才淹死的.听向导介绍到这里,哈莱金打断他的话说:“不,古恩是被人谋杀的.”哈莱金何以得出这样的结论?《狂欢节》Romeo is a passionate,extreme,excitable,intelligent,and moody young man,well-liked and admired throughout Verona.He is loyal to his friends,but his behavior is somewhat unpredictable.At the beginning of the play,he mopes over his hopeless unrequited love for Rosaline.In Juliet,Romeo finds a legitimate object for the extraordinary passion that he is capable of feeling,and his unyielding love for her takes control of him.Juliet,on the other hand,is an innocent girl,a child at the beginning of the play,and is startled by the sudden power of her love for Romeo.Guided by her feelings for him,she develops very quickly into a determined,capable,mature,and loyal woman who tempers her extreme feelings of love with sober-mindedness.The attraction between Romeo and Juliet is immediate and overwhelming,and neither of the young lovers comments on or pretends to understand its cause.Each mentions the other’s beauty,but it seems that destiny,rather than any particular character trait,has drawn them together.Their love for one another is so undeniable that neither they nor the audience feel the need to question or explain it.
需要翻译一下几本:《冲浪好手》《汤姆索亚历险记》《逃命》《棕眼》《海底两万里》《爱丽丝奇遇记》《著名童话五则》《瑞普 凡 温克尔和睡古传_百度作业帮
需要翻译一下几本:《冲浪好手》《汤姆索亚历险记》《逃命》《棕眼》《海底两万里》《爱丽丝奇遇记》《著名童话五则》《瑞普 凡 温克尔和睡古传
需要翻译一下几本:《冲浪好手》《汤姆索亚历险记》《逃命》《棕眼》《海底两万里》《爱丽丝奇遇记》《著名童话五则》《瑞普 凡 温克尔和睡古传奇》
有几篇百度网上有,你可以先去看一下。 《冲浪好手》、《汤姆索亚历险记》、《瑞普
《海底两万里》《爱丽丝奇遇记》《著名童话五则》 等都已有华文翻译本了,容易。百度 谷歌 soso 保有你满意的!/s?wd=%B0%AE%C0%F6%CB%BF%C6%E6%D3%CE%BC%C7&word=%B0%AE%C0%F6%CB%BF%C6%E6%D3%CE%BC%C7&tn=sitehao123
《I'm Feeling Lucky surfing》 《Adventures of Tom Sawyer》《to flee for their lives,》 《brown eyes》 《 Alice adventure in mind》 《a well-known fairy 5》 《Rip Van Winkle and sleep ancient legend》


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