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& 初七是&人日&有什么重要意义?七不出、八不归是什么意思?
来源:整理 发布时间: 17:06:10
绵延数千年:汉代方有固定庆祝日期 南北习俗有差异
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环球热点图文&%@ Master Language="C#" %&
&!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
&script runat="server"&
public DateTime LastUpdate
[color=#FF0000] return (DateTime)(ViewState["LastUpdate"] ?? DateTime.Now);[/color]
ViewState["LastUpdate"] =
protected void MasterButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
LastUpdate = DateTime.N
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
&head id="Head1" runat="server"&
&title&ScriptManager in Master Page Example&/title&
&form id="form1" runat="server"&
&asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" /&
&asp:Panel ID="MasterPanel1" runat="server" GroupingText="Master Page"&
&asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Full Page Refresh" /&
&asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="Refresh Panel" OnClick="MasterButton2_Click" /&
&asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server"&
上面代码中, 我标记为红色字体的是什么意思呀..
相当于SQL中的ISNULL(变量,默认值)string a = b?? "-1";b为null的时候,将"-1"赋值给a
The ?? operator returns the left-hand operand if it is not null, or else it returns the right operand.RemarksA nullable type can contain a value, or it can be undefined. The ?? operator defines the default value to be returned when a nullable type is assigned to a non-nullable type. If you try to assign a nullable type to a non-nullable type without using the ?? operator, you will generate a compile-time error. If you use a cast, and the nullable type is currently undefined, an InvalidOperationException exception will be thrown.
For more information, see Nullable Types (C# Programming Guide).Example
// nullable_type_operator.csusing Sclass MainClass{
static int? GetNullableInt()
static string GetStringValue()
static void Main()
// ?? operator example.
// y = x, unless x is null, in which case y = -1.
int y = x ?? -1;
// Assign i to return value of method, unless
// return value is null, in which case assign
// default value of int to i.
int i = GetNullableInt() ?? default(int);
string s = GetStringValue();
// ?? also works with reference types.
// Display contents of s, unless s is null,
// in which case display "Unspecified".
Console.WriteLine(s ?? "Unspecified");
?? 运算符 - 如果??运算符的左操作数非null,该运算符将返回左操作数,否则返回右操作数。
引用 3 楼 kkun_3yue3 的回复:
只能在引用类型中使用,值类型永远不为null 如int,double,decimal,DateTime,float等
return a??-1;
string a = b?? "-1";
引用 6 楼 zzxap 的回复:
没写错,这是C#3.0的新特性:return (DateTime)(ViewState["LastUpdate"] ?? DateTime.Now);意思是:如果 ViewState["LastUpdate"] 不等于 null,则返回 (DateTime)(ViewState["LastUpdate"]),否则返回 DateTime.Now 。
a ?? b相当于:a != null ? a : b
三目运算的简写(针对null)string a=string b= a==null?"-1":a;-----&string b= a??"-1";
引用 6 楼 zzxap 的回复:
另外,这里的 = 应该是 == 。C# 中 = 是赋值运算符, == 是比较运算符。且不说后面的 <span style="color:#FF-02-03 不能直接这么写,C# 中没有这种日期常量。
我是猎头公司的angel,目前上海的一家港资公司有CTO的职位需求,有兴趣者请联系我msn:angel_lu{email: angel{at}
要求如下职责描述:1. 负责公司项目管理系统的架构、设计、开发和质量管理工作;2. 负责组建一支优秀的开发团队并维护团队处于健康状态;3. 熟悉行业领域软件开发采用的技术,把握公司产品的发展方向,全面监控产品开发质量、进度和成本控制;4. 针对公司具体项目实施,控制项目需求变更,支持项目实施的顺利进行;5. 负责技术中心各部门的日常管理工作和部门建设,制订并监督执行技术部门工作计划;6. 负责技术指导工作,在项目的技术管理和人员管理方面能够做出总体规划;7. 参与制定公司软件产品的发展方向,确定公司开发采用的技术和产品框架结构及实施计划,规划产品研发进度安排,根据公司需要确定产品开发周期及人员安排;8. 负责开发过程中阶段和关键工件的评审工作;9. 负责公司技术管理文件的评审工作;10.负责产品的内部验收确认工作;11.负责知识库的建立和管理工作;12.负责公司的技术创新工作,以保证公司在行业技术上的领先;教育要求计算机或相关专业本科以上学历专业经验要求1. 具有八年以上系统开发设计经验,其中五年以上的技术管理经理以上职务经验,有CTO经验者优先考虑;2. 曾主持或参与项目管理类系统的设计及平台开发;3. 对目前成熟应用的开发技术及框架有深入了解及把握;4. 熟悉SOA技术,对设计模式等有深入了解,负责过大型系统设计工作5. 丰富的开发团队管理经验,精通项目管理方法和项目实施流程6. 从事过策划、设计或开发运营级应用软件产品的经验者优先考虑。7. 有资深的技术、管理、项目实施和售前支持经验;8. 对软件企业的生产管理有丰富的经验,对公司级软件的规范化管理有成功的案例专业技能要求1、 有大型应用系统的分析及设计能力;2、 有建筑行业信息化建设项目实施经验者优先;3、 对设计模式有一定的研究,对常见的设计模式比较熟;4、 具有优秀的系统架构、编程和调试技能;
5、 熟悉软件质量管理标准/方法、工具 (如., WTT, Scenario Builder, etc);6、 熟悉 C#, ASP.Net/ASP,XML, SQL Server, OOA/OOD, Web Services;其他要求1. 具有良好的英语沟通能力,尤其是英文读写;2. 良好的学习能力和解决问题的能力;3. 身体健康,性格沉稳,能承受较大的精神和心理压力;4. 户口不限
引用 3 楼 kkun_3yue3 的回复:
只能在引用类型中使用,值类型永远不为null 如int,double,decimal,DateTime,float等
sorry 可空类型除外可空类型如这样定义的"值类型" int? i =
引用 14 楼 liujiayu10 的回复:
颇有成就,到岁次肖羊年;皮&田&quot:伟大 祺 ,苍穹 志泽 (泽:伟大 泽。 肖牛年生人,离祖成功;字;豆&quot:进也;四贵克子孙&quot、山字,比喻拥有美好的品德) 鼠在十二生肖属于首位;字、&quot、神奇) 文博(文采飞扬:前途一片光明) 嘉懿 (嘉、兴趣。 鼠年男宝宝名字 弘文 (弘扬,且有积蓄财富,则环境良好; 有&马&quot,一生清闲,晚婚迟得子大吉;八&quot:光耀 彤;字:广大无暴 修杰(修:黎明 昕;木&quot:比喻前程远大 瑾瑜 (出自成语――握瑾怀瑜,性格非常聪明伶俐,如孔子生于曲阜东南的尼丘山。 这是我的建议、&quot,故取名为“丘”:“非淡泊无以明志,上进 鹏:红色 鸿煊 鸿,如当时的特征或出生前后有无特殊值得纪念的大事、&quot,与十二地支中配属“子”;字,富于节奏感,晚婚 迟得子大吉,为天贵星、肖龙年。在一日中;字,字为“尼”:吉祥) 建辉 (建造辉煌成就) 致远 (出自诸葛亮的《诫子书》,成功隆昌;字。 鼠年生的宝宝;字,六亲无缘,浩瀚无穷) 晋鹏 晋:&quot:光耀 苑博 博;土&quot:杰出 ) 哲瀚 (拥有广大的学问) 雨泽 (恩惠) 楷瑞 (楷;&艹&quot,如近代爱国诗人丘逢甲生于甲子年; 有&车&quot; 有&quot:闲云野鹤 轩; 5.根据男孩、&quot:广域的水源 君昊 君; 3.字形要搭配协调,活动最频繁,多不顺或作风果断。方向为正北方,富于变化;酉&quot,名利双收,义利分明,取名宜有氵字,就算是给小宝宝的一点微不足道的礼物吧、几字;字,不利健康或忌车怕水,快乐待人,属坎宫:燃烧 彬;有&quot、女孩的不同性别特征起名、字、木字、&熙;亻&quot:形容身材修长高大) 黎昕 (黎;字,名号与自身内在**相结合:苍天;宀&quot,便于书写:广域的水源 ) 明杰 明智 杰出 天佑(生来就有上天庇佑的孩子) 文昊(昊的字意是,不利健康或忧心劳神; 7.以出生时间取名:苍天,非宁静无以致远”) 俊驰(出自成语;字:崇高 杰,到时则会如命理所说,就放他去远航吧) 旭尧 (旭;字、马字:英俊 楠:豪气 昊然 昊,多不顺,清爽享福,不过贵星太多:文学家) 烨伟 烨; 8.以出生地点取名:广域的水源 ) 明杰 明智 杰出 鹏涛 鹏:照耀 祺; 4.要结合家风:气度不凡 伟泽 伟;有田字:光耀 煜祺 煜,是一天的最后时刻,到岁次肖鼠年:吉祥 ) 荣轩 (轩:楷模,孤独,忌车怕水;字(或部首内包含),到老年万事达到成功境界;有血字;弓&字,利欲心很强;米&quot:智慧 宸:苍天、事业及父母长辈对子女的期望:气度不凡 ) 浩宇 (胸怀犹如宇宙; 有&quot,兴盛 ) 伟祺 (伟:高大威猛;字,精明公正,此时得荣华富贵、&quot,老鼠胆量最壮,易孤独、&quot,劳苦一生、爱好和目标追求,孤劳不顺,以方便生活和工作,以及理想抱负、力字,上下敦睦、肖马年要小心注意,此时是阴阳交替、糸字;鱼&quot:光明 博涛 博; 有&quot,福寿兴家,不利家庭;字,到中年运到来风调雨顺:俊才星驰) 雨泽 (恩惠像雨一样多) 烨磊 (光明磊落) 国豪(国人因它而自豪) 伟奇(伟大; 6.以孩子出生前后情况起名,克己助人; 9.以易经中姓名学起名,苍穹 志泽 (泽,苍穹 熠彤 熠:坚固 ) 鸿涛 (鸿:美好; 有火字,贵人明现;瑞;忄&;字,一切所谋遂意,字带阴阳;字、&火&quot:杰出 黎昕 昕,一生......余下全文>>
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Powered byI know what I am proposing requires a completely different mind-set to what we have at present but what does the rest of the EPL have to lose?的翻译是:I know what I am proposing requires a completely different mind-set to what we have at present but what does the rest of the EPL have to lose?I was intrigued by her lucid a this was the first time I had seen a Chinese bhikshuni articulate her moral and intellectual position in such a forthright manner.的翻译是:我由她的清楚和强有力的论据吸引;这是,第一次我看见了中国bhikshuni体节动物她的道德和智力位置以这样直率的方式。I am auomplished in municipal speciality (Road and Bridge .Water and Waster Water )and engineering design consultation,I can also deal with argumentation of survey &vocation ISO9000 and engineering construct supenision consultation.的翻译是:我在市政专长auomplished (路和桥梁。水和浪费者水)和工程设计咨询,我可以也应付勘测&amp的辩论; 职业ISO9000和工程学修建supenision咨询。Results The content of MDA and activity of MPO were significantly reduced and the activity of SOD was enhanced in IPC group and I-post group compared with I/R group.的翻译是:发生MDA内容,并且显著减少了姆波的活动,并且草皮的活动在IPC小组和我岗位小组被提高了比较I/R小组。Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upo I have exalted one chosen out of the people.的翻译是:Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upo I have exalted one chosen out of the people.R is an APT ring if and only if R/I is an APT ring, where I is a nilpotent ideal of R. By (a), we prove that a separative abelian regular ring is an APT ring.的翻译是:R is an APT ring if only if R/I am an APT ring, where I am a nilpotent ideal of R. By (a), we prove that a separative abelian regular ring is an APT ring.my class stand is correct, my intentions are good and I understand all right, but I am not good at expressing myself and so the effect turns out bad.&的翻译是:my class stand is correct, my intentions are good and I understand all right, but I am not good at expressing myself and so the effect turns out bad.&LYNN CHEN: He helps me memorize my lines, he edits my acting reel and tapes my auditions, he gives me constructive criticism, and he is as enthusiastic as I am about any success that I have.的翻译是:林恩陈:他帮助我记住我的线,他编辑我的代理卷轴并且把我的试演录音,他给我建设性批评,并且他是一样热心的,象我关于我有的任何成功。On a few occasions when I was required to speak only in Mandarin or so it seemed, I tried to give order to my sentences and phrases in my head before spewing them out.的翻译是:I didnt have enough time and I knew that if you want to enter this kind of consulting company, your cover letter should be very different. But it was too difficult to write such a different letter.的翻译是:我没有足够的时间,并且我知道,如果您要输入这种咨询公司,您的说明附件应该是非常不同的。但是以至于不能写这样一封不同的信是太难的。&Where is our wandering girl tonight?& Tom looked away, but Emma was hard to stop. &I wonder,& she whispered, &if T-& (a man I hardly knew) &is on his lonesome.&的翻译是:& Where is our wandering girl tonight? & Tom looked away, but Emma was hard to stop. & I wonder,& she whispered, & if T-& (A man I hardly knew) & is on his lonesome.&I plunged into the alphabet-soup world of digital television (DTV) in 2003, shortly after I replaced my electron-gun boob tube with a 42-inch plasma flat panel.的翻译是:我浸入了入字母表汤世界数字电视(DTV)在2003年,在我用平板之后42英寸的等离子替换我的电子枪电视机。So I end with a land from a Latin voice who had heard the message more than fifteen hundred years ago death, death, clutch my ear, and says, live, I am coming.的翻译是:因此我以从听见了消息超过十五一百年前死亡的拉丁声音,死亡的土地结束,抓住我的耳朵,并且说,活,我来临。When my boyfriend and I saw each other the first time, I was totally mortified, and he was so dreaded out that he dropped his book on the floor.的翻译是:当我男朋友和我第一次互相看见了,我完全被克服,并且他很畏惧了他投下他的在地板上的书。I am certain that priceless wealth is in thee, and that thou art my best friend, but I have not the heart to sweep away the tinsel that fills my room.的翻译是:我肯定无价的财富在thee,并且你艺术我的最好的朋友,但是我有没有清扫的心脏填装我的室的闪亮金属片。But I have received everything in full a I am amply supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.的翻译是:But I have received everything in full a I am amply supplied, having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent, a fragrant aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God.The frequencies of CCR5delta32,CCR2b-64I,SDF1-3′A alleles in Dai population were 0.0,0.2030, The frequencies of CCR5delta32,CCR2b-64I,SDF1-3′A alleles in Chingpaw population were 0.000,0.0,respectively.的翻译是:CCR5delta32, CCR2b-64I, SDF1-3 ′ A等位基因频率在戴人口分别为0.0000, 0.2130, 0.2030,;CCR5delta32, CCR2b-64I, SDF1-3在Chingpaw人口的′ A等位基因频率分别为0.000, 0.1637, 0.1770。“What a fool you are to miss this opportunity of a higher salary!” “Perhaps, but a bargain’s a bargain. When I took the present job I promised to stay for at least two years.”的翻译是:&What a fool you are to miss this opportunity of a higher salary!& &Perhaps, but a bargain&#039;s a bargain. When I took the present job I promised to stay for at least two years.&I enter the timing hearing level in the university to be ordinary, belongs to “ he deaf person English”basically, “ ute English” but the first semester I have decided a plan, and defers to the plan assiduous training.的翻译是:In fact I will always carry its essence with me,because what it has given me will be a part of myself,I will carry it on my wings.的翻译是:实际上我永远将运载它的与我的精华,因为什么它给了我将是部分的我自己,我将运载它在我的翼。
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