
y day
Wei Hua had a busy day yesterday. She got up before 7 o&clock in the morning , and quickly washed her hands and face. She got to school early. She had a little rest after lunch , but she worked hard in class all day , She played basketball after school , and then walked home.
Wei Hua&s pen was broken, so she needed a new one. On her way home she bought a new pen at a shop. When she reached home , she had a short rest and a glass of water . After that she helped her parents . She quickly cooked the supper , and cleaned the house .
She watched TV for half an hour after supper . Then she started her homework . She finished it at half past nine . She went to bed before a quarter to ten .
I asked Wei Hua this question: &Do you enjoy work?&
&Yes , I do,& she answered . &I like to keep busy!&
请求翻译一篇短文,汉译英,非常急,多谢!请哪位好心人帮我翻译下,千万别发电脑(软件)翻译的,小女子我实在是英语不行译不出来,无奈老师非要让写英文版,我一时半会也提高不了英语水平,只好来这里.帮帮忙吧,真的万分感谢!下面是正文贺州概况各位早晨好,欢迎大家光临广西贺州.我是您此行的导游员Elizabeth,各位不妨叫我Lisa.今天非常高兴有机会与各位一起游览美丽的贺州.这次旅程全程3天,共游览姑婆山等5个景区. 各位如果有什么问题,请随便提出,我将尽我所知为各位解答.在此,我预祝大家旅途愉快并喜欢我们的导游介绍.接下来呢,为了我们能有一个顺利又快乐的旅程,我想先嘱咐几点.首先,我们的车已经行驶在高速公路上了,朋友们在座位上坐好就不要乱动了,以免车速过快发生危险,坐在窗边的朋友千万不要把手或头伸出窗外,以免被其它车辆刮伤.旅游固然重要,但平安最重要.其次,就是请朋友们注意下我们的车是蓝白相间的金龙车,车牌号是5158,希望大家上下车时注意识别.最后一点就是请大家在爱护自己的同时呢,也同样爱护我们的环境,因为环境好了我们才能生活的更好,我想各位一定很认同吧,所以呢,请大家随时携带垃圾袋以备不时之需.好了,那平安有保障了,接下来呢就让我来给各位简单介绍下贺州的概况,贺州市位于广西壮族自治区东部,背靠大西南,面向粤、港、澳,处于湘、粤、桂三省(区)的结合部,全市总面积11855平方公里,辖八步区、钟山县、昭平县、富川瑶族自治县,人口206万人.居住着汉、瑶、壮、苗、回、侗、彝等20多个民族.
贺州已有两千多年的历史,文物古迹繁多,民风古朴浓郁,自然风光秀丽.贺州如诗如画的山水田园景色,不仅吸引了众多的国外游客,还成为多部香港著名电视剧的外景拍摄地.如果说,桂林是奇山秀水堆砌的一座世界旅游名城,那么贺州便是自然风光组合的生态绿洲.贺州得天独厚的山光水色,古往今来,有多少游人为之倾倒,有多少墨客为之折服. 怎么样,说的各位有点动心了吧,那么接下来我们就要到达今天的第一站,姑婆山国家森林公园!大家一会下车的时候呢,请记一下我们的客车外观,然后看好自己的随身物品,注意安全,下午三点,我们准时在公园大门前集合.那讲解就暂时先到这里,谢谢大家!
Hezhou OverviewMembers Good morning, welcome to visit Hezhou. I'm your tour guide this trip Elizabeth, you may wish to call me Lisa. Today, you are very pleased to have the opportunity to visit with beautiful Hezhou. 3 days throughout the trip, a total of five scenic tour Guposhan other.If you have any questions, please feel free to put forward, I will answer for you the best of my knowledge. Here, I wish you a pleasant journey and to enjoy our tour guide.Now what, in order that we can have a smooth and happy journey, I would like to asked a few points.First, we have been driving the car on the highway, the friends sit in the seats, do not tamper with, and to avoid excessive speed danger, sitting by the window Friends Do not handle or head out of the window to avoid being other vehicles scratch. Tourism is important, but peace is most important.Second, is to ask friends to note that our car is blue and white dragon car, license plate number is 5158, and down when we want to pay attention to recognize.The last point is please do while in the care of their own, too, care for our environment because the environment is good that we can live better, I think you will very much agree with it, so, please bring garbage bags to prepare for any time from time to time needs.Well, that safe and secure, and then it let me give you a brief overview of the next Hezhou, Hezhou in the eastern part of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, backed by Southwest, for Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macao, in the Hunan and Guangdong and Guangxi provinces (regions) of the junction, the city's total area of 11,855 square kilometers, governing eight-step Zone, Zhongshan Xian, Zhaoping County, Bucheon Yao Autonomous County, population 206 people. Inhabited by the Han, Yao, Zhuang, Miao, Hui, Dong, Yi and more than 20 nationalities.Hezhou more than two thousand years of history, heritage numerous ancient folk rich natural scenery. Hezhou picturesque pastoral landscape, not only attracts many foreign tourists, but also to become more than the famous Hong Kong TV series of the shooting location.If we say that Guilin is a world piled Qishanxiushui tourist destinations, then the combination of natural beauty is Hezhou ecological oasis. Hezhou unique sights, through the ages, the number of visitors to dumping, the number of letters have been humbled and privileged.How, say you have a crash it, then the next we will arrive at today's first stop, Guposhan National Forest! Everyone will get off it, please remember about the appearance of our coach, and then look after their own belongings, pay attention to safety, three in the afternoon we have time at the park gate collections. That explanation for the time being first here, thank you!
grammes are very realistic. One who watches TV often feels that whatever happened in the film could well happen to him. With only a little imagination, every man in the street becomes a thief, a spy or a murderer. Jane had been watching a spy film at a friend&s house. In it, a young girl had been followed and murdered. She felt a little frightened walking to the station. She took the train back to the centre of the city. There were a lot of people travelling, so she felt much safer. She looked round at the other people in the train.
A man, sitting opposite her, reading a newspaper, glanced (看一下) at her. She thought nothing of it until she saw him staring at her. Remembering the film and feeling very uncomfortable, she got out of the train and went to the bus stop. When the man got on the same bus as her she found that he was following her. As long as she had been with other people she wasn&t frightened, but when she got off the bus, the streets were almost empty. She walked as quickly as she could. She could hear footsteps following her but she didn&t dare to look back. After what seemed to have been hours, but was in fact only a few minutes, she reached the front door. She felt for her keys, but was unable to find them, because she was so frightened. The footsteps stopped behind her. She heard a pleasant voice.
&I apologize if I frightened you. I&m your new neighbour. I thought I recognized you in the train, but I wasn&t sure.&
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外语领域专家翻译请求加入。,Translation is added as request.,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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1)&&Translation is added as request.
2)&&translation of request
3)&&translation brief
The writer makes an attempt to analyze a corpus of authentic materials to find out the specific effective strategies of advertisement translation in the context of international communication, and expects to provide with the concrete translation brief involved in the translation practice.
After applying both to translation practices in examples for test, the thesis holds that in light of the situation of company profile translation in Wenzhou, Nord’s translation brief model proves very practical, f
在将两种途径都运用在翻译中检验之后,本文认为针对温州招商引资项目中的企业简介翻译,Nord的翻译要求(translation brief)特别有用,因为它充分考虑到了翻译活动的各个参与者。
4)&&need for translation and interpretation
5)&&access request
6)&&load on call


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