军 翻译成英语单词翻译发音,怎么说

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英文翻译a contingent of troops:&&&&one:&&&& offshoot:&&&& ...
例句与用法1.Bayin sent a force in pursuit of him .莽应里派出一支军队对他进行追击。2.Rebel leaders hastily tried to get an army together .叛乱首领急于想纠集起一支军队。3.In the region of chufu we gathered an army of military escorts .在曲阜境内,有一支军队保护我们。4.Before the romans could collect an army he was on the march .罗马人还来不及组成一支军队,他就进军了。5.Puts together an army and moves east , swiftly ,召集起一支军队迅速东进6.Cato and scipio have raised an army in numidia卡托跟西比乌在努米底亚已经征召了一支军队7.Puts together an army and moves east , swiftly ,召集起一支军队迅速东进8.They say no matter how big the army is他们说不管一支军队有多少人9.The foolish prince raised an army against his father愚蠢的王子召募一支军队来对付他的父王。 10.The dauphin . he s sending us food and supplies and an army皇太子送来了食物,补给和一支军队&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
就是比较同音的读法!用单词表示出来!可能我的说明不太准!我也不知道怎么表达!~就是像把外国的名字翻译成中文!现在是把这个名字翻译成英文!帮帮忙啊!谢谢!~乐,为快乐的乐!LE!~ 有好的我加分啊!~3楼说的那个我看了!就想到李宁!~。。。
晕.....这么翻译还真没试过..........请问LZ, 乐在这里是读 快乐, 还是 音乐?? 中文的哪个读音?当前位置: &
英文翻译win the championship:&&&& ...:&&&& gold medalist
例句与用法1.He was the pride of the village after winning the championship .他获得冠军之后成了全村的骄傲。2.If their luck holds , they could still win the championship .他们假若能继续交好运,还能获得冠军。3.After winning the championship , i felt i could walk on air获得冠军后,我飘飘欲仙。 4.The archer who won the game is very young获得冠军的那个弓箭手很年轻。 5.I didn ' t go into the final , and i got the third prize我未能获得冠军,只获得了第三名。 6.Hell , man , i already got the title我说,老兄,我已经获得冠军称号了7.I placed first place at the verdi concours我在威尔第大赛中获得冠军8.He gloried in his winning the championship他因获得冠军而洋洋得意。 9.The champion horse won by a nose获得冠军的马以微弱优势取得了胜利。 10.Our team got the championship by 8 victories and 2 defeats我们球队以8胜2负的成绩获得冠军。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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