一首男stay with me英文歌词,歌词有are you will never stay by min

有一首英文歌有一句歌词的的中文是是都是老朋友了 何必在害羞_百度知道
有一首英文歌有一句歌词的的中文是是都是老朋友了 何必在害羞
someone like you.adele的。never mind i will fine .someone like you.相当有名的一首歌why are you so shy畅长扳短殖的帮痊爆花。你听到的应该是这一句
Someone Like YouOld friend, why areyou so shy? 都老朋友了,干嘛那么害羞。
阿黛尔的someone like you
出门在外也不愁有一首英文歌歌词有一句stay dearling,是什么歌_百度知道
有一首英文歌歌词有一句stay dearling,是什么歌
和&cause I don't know&quot比较欢快的还有一句&dearling dearling&quot
side by side] [t you know that it's right
please stay with me baby
stay with me tonight
i's got me down:will young] [s right to tell you baby
you are my dream complete with me
you are my dream complete with me
are we ever gonna last forever
are we ever gonna make it through
don&#39:from now on] will young - side by side mmmm
i don'm begging darling please
i got to say
this is my time
i feel it't know about this situation
it&#39, it&#39, i gotta be true to you
please stay with me baby
i'm losing you lately
i don's brought me to my knees
if i find perfect inspiratim losing you lately
if you wanna make it happen maybe we can work it out
you and i, i't want to say goodbye
if you wanna make it happen maybe we can work it out
you and i, you know, i read between the lines
many thoughts whispered in my mind
i got to say
this is my time
i feel it&#39, have to try
side by side
i can't hide
sitting here, thinking what you say
all those words running round my heas now or never
i cannot deny, you knowDarling stay by my side
出门在外也不愁有首英文歌只记得有句“what you waiting for”,浑厚有力,声音很像Avicii的wake me up by avicii,求歌名 - 米需爱网 - 老鼠爱大米,人人需要爱!
有首英文歌只记得有句“what you waiting for”,浑厚有力,声音很像Avicii的wake me up by avicii,求歌名
很悲伤,say good night,我一定重谢。绝对重谢,类似于葬礼上的歌曲,wll you,后面高潮部分,我隐约只记得一句歌:will you ,是连续重复单词的例如,希望好心人能帮我,say good night,wiil you,are you lisen,费了很多心血前面很舒缓,有种愤怒的感觉,高潮比较亢奋,这首歌有两个版本,我在网上找了很久了。如果有人能帮我找到这首歌。有一个是吉他版本的
推荐几个英文歌手,几首好听的英文歌 5
Trouble&&is& &a&& friend
The&& show
Been&& away
其他回答 (24)
westlife《uptown girl》
westlife&& 《nothing is gonna change my love for you》《 seasons in the sun》、 《my love》
mariah carey&& 《 hero》,&& 《 i stay in love 》
艾薇儿的& 《girlfriend 》&& ,《 My& happy ending 》& , 《Skater Boy 》 ,& 《I’m With You》
sweetbox的& 《don't push me》
linkin park& 《numb》& ,《in the end》
darin的 《be what you wanna be》
lenka的& 《trouble is a friend》
Over My Head-Sum41
Stronger-Kanye West
back at one-brain mcknight
BOYS LIKE GIRLS-------- The Great Escape (轻快摇滚) la oreja de van gogh------------------geografia (西班牙的) 网址: Right here waiting 席琳·迪翁 ------- My Heart Will Go On.电影《泰坦尼克号》主题曲 经典中的经典. 加洲旅馆 hotel california-----老鹰乐队 EAGLES Elliott Yamin的&Wait For You& Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is High Emilia - Big Big World Shape of my heart------Sting (这个杀手不太冷 结尾曲) POURQUOI TU PLEURES (法文帅气浪漫摇滚) 网址 《LOVE》-------Joss Stone 网址: 小野丽莎---------Jambalaya 藤田惠美----------Every breath you take Backstreet boys: As long as you love me Show me the meaning of being lonely shape of my heart dying in the sun 欧美最新好歌推荐 1.London Bridge----Fergie(菲姬) 从黑眼豆豆合唱团(Black Eyed Peas)的当家女主唱,再蜕变成时尚界的性感宝贝与电影明星,菲姬(Fergie)的风采与魅力不断的加温,2006年9月,随着首张个人大碟【The Dutchess】的出炉,她将把这股热力带到全新的沸点,彻底展现fun到底的流行嘻哈魅力。打头阵的首支单曲《London Bridge》以超顽皮的嘻哈性格抢攻全美排行市场,一举蝉联全美流行单曲榜热门单曲榜3周冠军,同时也在热门数位单曲榜、热门下载单曲榜中夺下冠军后座。 2.A Public Affair 3.When You Told Me You Love Me----Jessica Simpson(杰西卡.辛普森) 她既聪明美丽又幸运。她拥有一副既能诠释初恋情伤,又能表达明日无限希望憧憬的绝佳嗓音。她的现场演唱既洋溢青春气息,又传递出远超过实际年龄19岁的成熟专业水准。在这充满虚情矫饰的歌手的今日,她显得如此清新诚实、积极而全力以赴,并如此真诚地面对自己、自己的信念和自己的心,她就是 Jessica Simpson。A Public Affair是一首清新,中板的歌曲,也是Jessica最新专辑的主打曲。When You Told Me You Love Me就不用说,很多人都是因为这首歌认识Jessica的。 4.What You Gonna Do? (Feat. Bun B)----娜塔莉(Natalie) 一位相当不可思议的女孩,有着邻家阳光女孩的亲和力,带出成熟妩媚的诱人嗓音,并兼人人称羡的天生好歌喉、与目不暇给的高超舞姿,但是这位完完全全的新人Natalie,在首次出击,却没有花俏亮丽的包装,也没有制式化的偶像舞蹈动作之编排,更不拿电吉他耍帅装酷,反以突显歌唱实力的慢板之作,取代热闹强劲的舞曲及摇滚节奏,早已成为全美新优质实力派偶像歌手的Natalie,开始用她亲和力与柔美嗓音感动全球乐迷! 5.U & Ur Hand----Pink(平克) 6.Stupid Girls----Pink(平克) 这位顶著粉红惊世发色的女歌手,确实已经撂下了“我要接收全世界,然後把它漆成粉红色”这样的豪语。自信、率真、直言不讳,Pink常说她的主要目的就是打破陈规。以上两首歌均来自平克最新专辑I'm Not Dead,重点推荐U & Ur Hand,超级好听的歌曲加上平克略带沙哑的嗓音,绝对让你不得不爱。 7.Frostbite----Michael Learn To Rock(迈克学摇滚) 细数过去的18个年头,每一个乍寒还暖的日子,都有摇滚麦克的温暖歌声。曾被形容是斯堪地那维亚音乐传统与西洋流行乐的甜美相遇的摇滚麦克,在们深入流行音乐情感层面并从中精确掌握音符组构成果的能力,使得他们成为丹麦流行音乐史上最成功的团体之一。摇滚麦克在家乡已经有超过五十万张唱片的销售纪录,但更惊人的是他们在全球的销售数字更是超过800万张!其中更在亚洲更是掀起一阵流行狂潮。 8.Year 3000----Jonas Brother(庞克摇滚团) 非常年輕的三兄弟組成的龐克搖滾團,本世紀的韓氏兄弟分別由17歲的老大Kevin, 16歲的老二Joseph跟13歲的小弟Nichloas組成。 歌還蠻好聽的,兄弟三人都有唱 而且小弟當然還是童音,聽起來超可愛的 歌也沒有特別幼稚,真是青春活力無敵呀! 9.Walk Away----Kelly Clarkson American Idol冠军Kelly Clarkson这几年在美国爆红,她拥有完美的嗓音,今年更是凭借Because of you拿下葛莱美奖,实力不容小觑。这首歌为她最新单曲专辑,曲风依旧是Kelly拿手的摇滚,不过略带一些俏皮的味道。 10.Rooftops(A Liberation Broadcast) 直到现在我都不知道这首歌是谁唱的,但是很好听,略带悲伤的摇滚曲。一开始认识这首歌是在youtube上,一个网友制作了一辑视频,背景音乐就是这首歌,我当时就觉得好听,后来知道这首歌曲叫做Rooftops。最近在“好听”找到了这首歌曲,不过对于这首歌曲的介绍是几乎没有。 11.You Are Still The One----Shania Twain(仙尼娅.唐恩) 加拿大最红的女歌手之一,她擅长于乡村歌曲,这首歌算是其比较经典的一支了。淡淡的歌声讲述着恋人之间不变的爱情。 12.Sexy Back----Justin Timberlake(贾斯汀) 贾斯汀终于再回来了,带着他的最新单曲《Sexy Back》。初听这首歌感觉上和Britney spearse的Do Something很像,不知道这算不算是缘分。不过话说回来这首歌真的是太拽了,一听就爱上。 13.Stuck----Stacie Orrico 12岁便为唱片公司发掘,14岁发行了个人第一张专辑,15岁即拿下Billboard Heatseekers冠军,并获得金唱片的销售佳绩,17岁获得全球市场的簇拥,18岁的她已是拥有全球超过3百40万销售,入围过葛莱美奖并与千万巨星共同走过MTV Music Awards的星光红毯,她是甜柠檬Stacie。该歌出自Stacie Orrico个人首张专辑,很难想象一个当时只有14岁的女孩能够拥有如此浑厚,充满爆发力的声音,好歌不可以错过。 14.Play with Fire----Hilary Duff (赫拉瑞达芙) Hilary Duff 的新单曲 play with fire。&br&是18日在北美放映的由她主演的Material Girls的主题曲。依旧继续她擅长的摇滚曲风。 15.Breaking The Habit----Linkin Park(林肯公园) PARK是我的摇滚本命,其实以前我对摇滚也就是一些偏POP的才听,对于这种我真的是不感兴趣,但是自从听了LINKIN PARK,我着迷了,我承认。他们的歌吸引力太强了!太好听了,超级棒的主音再加上一个很棒的RAPPER,真的是无敌,听他们第一张的时候就觉得LP一定会红,至少他们有红的本钱,那就是实力~~不是吗? 16.You'll Never Stand Alone----Whitney Houston(惠特尼.休斯顿) 一首来自美国黑人女歌手惠特尼.休斯顿的老歌,最早认识惠特尼.休斯顿是因为电影保镖,当时就觉得这个黑人唱歌镇得到了出神入化的境地。这首You'll Never Stand Alone旋律十分和我胃口,所以就推荐给大家,希望你们喜欢。 Tanning In Your Sunray(头文字D)看过头文字D的朋友一定不陌生这首英文歌吧,它太舒服了,什么不开心听了之后都会不见,很适合旅行听 Don’t Forget About Us(Mariah Carey)天后级的人物出场,她的歌曲总给人难以言喻的气派,难怪她几年来从未被变化无穷的世界音乐所淘汰 Loving You(Minnie Riperton)海豚音的创始人,也是Mariah Carey的偶像,这首70年代的老歌可以被说成经典,难怪张靓影尽心演唱它 Jenny From The Block(Jennifer Lopez feat. Jadakiss)拉丁美人出场当然少不了激情,这首歌很... Stickwitu(The Pussycat Dolls)以激情舞出道的这个多人组合,在2005年的新专辑问世引起了不小的轰动,也成为了葛莱美的新宠 Cry Me A River(Justin Timberlake)和小甜甜布兰妮一起出道的Justin ,被人和小甜甜称为金童玉女,也是前超级男孩的主唱,现在正玩姐弟恋,这首歌的MV会让人有不安分举动 1.aqua-aquarius(这是水叮当难得的一首慢歌,炫律很不错的,大家没有的去听听哈) 2.the arrogants-neworder shellshock (这是一支美国清新indie pop乐队,成立于1998年乐队。小弟听到这个女主唱jana wittren的声音就喜欢上了,这首歌曲可以是说她们的一种风格的体现……) 3.lene marlin-one year ago(琳恩,玛莲在狗里面的论坛里看到不少介绍她的歌曲的,这位来自北欧挪威的精灵好歌真是不少,大部分的贴子都推荐她的a place nearby这首歌曲,我推荐她这一首歌,是因为这首歌曲是最能体显她的吉它风格的,不信你仔细听听前面部分,那吉它弦抖动的声音,和她的声音真是相得益彰呀) 4.hilary duff-hide away(希拉蕊,这位现在火的一踏糊涂的女生,这首是她的最新的同名专辑里面的一首歌曲,觉的还不错,应该最能反应出她那甜甜的一面的歌曲) 5.groove coverage-fragezeichen(评心的说,这个来自德国的乐队大部分的歌曲,刚听都感觉十分好,但是好像不怎么耐听,只有这首没有歌词.只有漫不经心的哼唱的能多听几次,还不觉的烦.没听过的朋友可以下载一个,一听就有好心情的一首歌曲哟! ) 6.allison krauss-when you say nothin at all(这首歌其实不是她的原唱,但是我更喜欢她翻唱的这版本,alison krauss最火的就算是和union station合作在四十四届格莱美上得了最佳的乡村音乐单曲奖了,听) 7.frou frou-must be dreaming(这个女歌手,我在欧美区曾经发过贴子介绍,记得好像推荐了三首歌,这是其中的一首了,怎么说呢……我是期待她的下一张专辑。她这张专辑的歌曲真是不错,因为有一个好的大牌制作帮她调选歌曲,她的歌曲不但一听就感觉不错,而且很耐听 ) 8.vanessa carlton-private radio(凡妮莎这个小妮子,今年出的专辑感觉不如她三年前的那张了,主打歌曲也不如她上次的a thousand miles那么顺耳了,我推荐的这首歌是她今年出的专辑之中的一首,不是主打歌曲,因为风格特殊一点。还算能养养耳朵) 9.britney spears-shadow(因为是推荐小女生的,如果不放一首布来妮的歌曲上去,我怕男的要扁我,这首歌是我听过她的一首少有的比较大气的歌曲,所以推荐一下!) 10.avril lavigne-complicated*(现在最火的朋克小女生,介绍她的贴子实在太多,她的歌曲总共也只有两张专辑,就推荐她成名的最经典的这首吧,凑凑数吧这样大部分的人都不会怪小弟我不周到了!) 经典女歌手 1,faith hill-breathe(希丝菲尔,这位被称作美国宝贝的女人,不但人长得漂亮,唱歌和创作的功力都是一流的,这首是她的成名曲,还没有的朋友不下载的话,为你婉惜哟) 2.celine dion-i'm alive(席琳狄翁,大家一定很熟悉了,这首是她97年的复出这作,也是电影精明鼠小弟一的主题曲,小弟我保存了她的两首歌曲几达一年之久,还有一首就是我心永恒了,相信会一直保存下去的) 3.sissel-should it matter(这位挪威天后级的歌手好歌也不少,这首由为突出,纯静的声音和美妙的炫律都不能打动你的心,还有什么歌曲会适合你呢) 4.sophie zelmani-oh dear(又一位北欧瑞典的天后,批语和赞美的声音都一样的强烈,相信很多人都听过她的那首going home了,但是这首歌曲,强烈建议八十年代以前出生的听听,因为只有对生活有点阅厉的人,才能欣赏这样的音乐) 5.loreena mckennitt-the mummers' dance(这个爱尔兰的女人通过自己的生活阅厉来创作歌曲,但妙不可言的是,她同时又是一个说故事的高手,听她的歌曲如果不知道这首歌曲所说的故事的话,那就有点可惜了,感觉不到其中的意境了,所以朋友们下载这首歌的同时最好到网上去搜索一下,找到这个故事,这首长达六分钟的歌曲也是强烈建议看到的朋友去下载!) 6.shania twain-the woman in me(仙妮亚。唐恩这个美国乡村歌曲的天后,真是经典的太多,推荐这首主要是因为乡村音乐都是以欢快为主,而这首是她一首少有的深情演绎的歌曲) 7.suzanne vega -luka(这是一首乡村类型的歌曲,是瓶子推荐给我的。一听就喜欢上了,苏珊。维加又一个让我一听就有好心情的歌手) 8.mariah carey-hero(哈哈,一个典型的胸大无脑的美国女人,我影像中她好像当选了两届美国人评先的十大最蠢艺人第一名,但是不可否认她的唱功是真的很不错,这首她的经典歌曲还是有必要保存一下的) 9.victoria beckham-a mind of its own (这首歌曲是小弟帮别人找歌时无意中淘到的,原来一直对辣妹的歌曲不太欣赏,不过这首贝克汉姆的夫人唱的歌曲,还真的是挺好听的!) 10.madonna-american life(麦当娜这个永远走在潮流的最前端的女人,只所以推荐这首是因为她同时在这首歌曲里面尝试多种风格,特别是这首歌曲的mv最后面很有意思,小布什的出现让我有点吃惊,有兴趣的朋友可以到她的中文网站去下载这首歌曲的mtv) 男歌手 1.enrique iglesias-say it(安里奎·伊格莱希亚斯这位全世界最火的拉丁王子通过他磁性的声音把这首情歌唱的……小弟我听的如痴如醉) 2.green day-wake me up when september ends(绿日今年出的这张美国大白痴专辑,水平很高,喜欢听朋克风格的朋友建议你们一定要听听那张专辑,这首是专辑其中的一首,本人觉的最好听的一首!) 3.oasis-stop crying you heart out(英国的绿洲乐队,英伦摇滚的代表人物之一,不过他们这首歌曲一直是小弟我的挚爱,喜欢听伤感的音乐的,这首不能放过呀!) 4.blue-u make me wanna(小弟推荐的这首歌曲萧亚轩翻唱过,不过听听他们的感觉味道更浓哟) 5.eagles-love will keep us alive(老鹰,小弟永远的偶像哈,他们的好歌我就不说了,只所以推荐这首是因为原来好歌推荐里的斑竹瓶子翻唱过哟,建议去听听哈) 6.bryan adams-i will always return(布莱恩亚当斯这位来自加拿大的男人,用他那代表性的沙哑的声音唱出这样的经典歌曲) 7.def leppard-long long way to go(戴夫·莱帕德乐队,通过流畅的旋律和优美的和声又让我们多了一首经典的曲目) 8.hoobastank-running away(相信有很多的朋友已经听过他们的那首the reason.那么听听这首吧,他们第一张专辑里的主打歌之一,一样的经典呀!) 9.alain morisod & sweet people&-no雔 sans toi (通过帮一位狗友找歌曲,淘到了这首好歌,是法语的,目前法语的歌曲在网上有流行的趋势……歌手我就不十分清楚了,但是这首歌曲清新淡雅的风格让我一听钟情) 10.coldplay-the scientist(除了英国的酷玩乐队,还有几个能把摇滚演绎的如此柔情呢,大家看到最多的应该是他们的yellow这首歌曲,但是听听这首吧,不会比那首的效果差) 混杂版 1.busted-year 3000(一个不错的英国新生代的乐队,朝气十足,非常看好他们,这首歌曲在英国金榜top10足足待了7个星期,所以没听过的朋友可以去听一听哟!) 2.stant fast-carcrashes(来自北欧瑞典的双人乐队超快感,经过许茹芸翻唱《他们的故事》的这首英文版,几乎可以说是人见人爱的一首好歌) 3.echobelly-scotty doesn't know(通过一部搞笑的电影听到这首歌曲,通过这首歌曲认识了这个乐队,原来年龄也不小了,1992年就成立了,又是一个英伦的乐队,如果懂e文的,可以看看歌词哟,内容很搞笑的!) 4.evanesence-bring me to life(伊凡塞斯一个很火的摇滚团体,我能接受他们的歌曲不是很多,这首电影夜魔侠的主题曲还是觉的很不错的,他们一张杂选集酷狗里面刚出,有兴趣的朋友可以去下载来听听) 5.die prinzen-deutschland(这是首德语的歌曲,不小心还以为是德国的国歌呢,不过这个德国的组合让德国的民俗pop和rock名扬欧美音乐界,但是在德国本土,他们就是德国人的王子们,如同乐队本身的名字一般,听听这首吧,节奏感很棒的) 6.bbmak-out of my heart(掘迹自英国的bbmak,三个帅气的小伙子.大众都能接受的流行摇滚的风格.他们的歌曲很不错,我挑了这首,很顺耳的听听吧.) 7.a-teens-with or without you(又是一个来自瑞典的组合,两男两女的配对,年龄都很小,但是和声不错,这首是他们最新精选大碟《greatest hits 》中的一首,听听吧,保证你一听就会喜欢) 8.laura pausini-do i dare(拥有全球两千万张专辑销售的意大利首席女声首张英文大碟中的一首打榜歌曲,你有什么理由拒绝呢……) 9.lake of tears-to blossom blue(听听这首经典吧,一首哥特曲风的好歌!泪湖乐队带来的柔情摇滚,真正最温柔的歌曲都是摇滚乐队带给我们的) 10.artist-ctogobeyondii(最后带给大家一首轻音乐,不太接受纯音乐的我,只能接受的纯音乐只有这首恩雅带给我超越二了
My heart will go on.
God is a girl.
my happy ending
one time (贾斯丁)
beep&&(The Pussycat Dolls)
i wanna rock(Snoop Dogg)
Stevie Hoang - Better Man
Stevie Hoang - Addicted (Cutfather Remix)
Stevie Hoang - No Coming Back(Original)
Stevie Hoang - So Cold
Stevie Hoang - Girl For Me
Break& your& Heaet
Nothin'ON& YOU
还有就是LADY GAGA的歌,都很好听的。
maria arredondo - burning.mp3
kelly clarkson - because of you.mp3
kelly clarkson - because of you.mp3
{ lady gaga:&&poker face& just dance&& telephone}
{ justin bieber:baby& favorite girl& one time&}
&&&& &it's ok&&&&等等 &&
Christina:beautiful ,fighter, dirrty,candyman,oh mother...
Justin:my love,sexy back,what goes around
Leona& Lewis:happy,yesterday,better in time
歌手或组合westlife,lady antebellun, black eyed peas.好听歌曲need you now,just one last dance,good girl go bad
179页,1991年,亚当斯为电影《罗宾逊》演唱的主题曲(&Everything I Do) I Do It for You&获得巨大成功,连续七周名列美国排行榜之首;而在英国,它连续十五周位居排行榜之首。
Look into my eyes 请望向我的双眸
You will see what you mean to me 你会看到,你对我意味着什么
Search your heart search your soul 探查你的内心,探查你的灵魂
And when you find me there you'll search no more 当你发现我在那儿,你便无需再次探求
Don't tell me it's not worth trying for 别对我说这一切不值得争取
You can't tell me it's not worth dying for 你岂能告诉我这一切不值得拼死相守
You know it's true 你知道这是事实
Everything I do 我所有的事情
I do it for you 都是为你而做
Look into your heart 请审视你的内心
You will find there's nothing there to hide 你会发现没有需要隐瞒的事情
Take me as I am take my life 请将心比心地理解我,将我全部带走
I would give it all I would sacrifice 我会奉上一切,我愿牺牲所有
Don't tell me it's not worth fighting for 别告诉我不值得为此奋斗
I can't help it there's nothing I want more 我情难自禁,我已别无他求
You know it's true 你知道这是事实
Everything I do 我所有的事情
I do it for you 都是为你而做
There's no love 没有人能
Like your love 像你这样爱我
And no other 也无人能
Could give more love 爱我比你更多
There's no where 没有容身之所
Unless you're there 除非你在左右
All the time all the way 每时每刻,自始至终
Ah you can't tell me it's not worth trying for 你岂能告诉我这一切不值得努力追求
I can't help it there's nothing I want more 我情难自禁,除了你我别无他求
Yeah I would fight for you 是的,我将为你战斗
I'd lie for you 为你倒下
Walk the wire for you 为你涉险
Yeah I'd die for you 甘心为你阵亡
You know it's true 你知道这都是真的
Everything I do 我所有的事情
I do it for you 都是为你而做
240页,当代蓝调大师彼德·麦克利VS世界电子音乐顶级制作人Bastone & Burnz,荣获十一项格莱美大奖之跨界新爵士天才少女的超经典作品,诺拉琼斯,《New York City纽约之歌》。Peter与Norah的相识要回溯至2000年7月的一个夜晚,位在纽约下城东区一间名为Living Room的俱乐部中。当时年仅21岁、在俱乐部表演界中小有知名度的Norah正在该处驻唱,而早已是Muddy Waters, Freddy King,John Lee Hooker以及Big Mama Thornton等蓝调乐巨人最佳战友的Peter Malick,则在命运安排下到此相遇,立刻辨识出她那将撼动整个城市、国家乃至全球乐迷的独特才华。两人随即成为好友,而Peter除了力邀Norah为自己的小型演唱会助阵外,更进而相邀一同灌录作品。尽管Norah 谦虚地表示缺乏蓝调的演唱经验,且后来亦与Blue Note唱片公司签约准备发行个人专辑,但在两人之间微妙的音乐化学反应以及Peter锲而不舍的坚持之下,终于促成了此张“New York City”作品的诞生!
I can't remember what I planned tomorrow
I can't remember when it's time to go
When I look in the mirror
Tracing lines with a pencil
I remember what came before
I wanted to think there was endless love
Until I saw the light dim in your eyes
In the dead of the night I found out
Sometimes there's love that won't survive
New York City
Such a beautiful disease
New York City
Such a beautiful,
Such a beautiful disease
Laura kept all her disappointments
Locked up in a box behind her closet door
She pulled the blinds and listened to the thunder
With no way out from the family store
We all told her things could get better
When you just say goodbye
I'll lay awake one more night
Caught in a vision I want to deny
And did I mention the note that I found
Taped to my locked front door
It talked about no regrets
As it slipped from my hand to the scuffed tile floor
I rode the train for hours on end
And watched the people pass me by
It could be that it has no end
Just an action junkie's lullaby
New York City
We were full of the stuff that every dream rested
As if floating on a lumpy pillow sky
Caught up in the whole illusion
That dreams never pass us by
Came to a tattooed conclusion
That the big one was knocking on the door
What started as a mass delusion
Would take me far from the place I adore
New York City
244页,The Thrill Is Gone,激情已逝。像在倾诉那想要抓住那已去的激情的心情,想要全力去留住的美好瞬间却转眼流逝,而那嘶吼般的歌声在时光前显得那么苍白无力,激情来得太猛去得也来快,要烧尽的还是烧尽了,结束时连理由也是多余,既然一切无法挽回,只好学会去面对那灰飞烟灭后的无奈。
The thrill is gone away
The thrill is gone, baby
亲爱的, 时过境迁
The thrill is gone away
You know you’ve done me wrong, baby
亲爱的, 你心里明白你对不住我
And you’ll be sorry someday
The thrill is gone
It’s gone away from me
The thrill is gone, baby
亲爱的, 我们已不能回去
The thrill has gone away from me
Although I’m still livin’ on
But it’s so longly I’ll be
但这留给我的是无尽的孤独, 我将
The thrill is gone
Its gone away for good
逝去的让它逝去, 我们会过得更好
Oh, The thrill is gone, baby
亲爱的, 我们的感情已不再
Its gone away for good
逝去了, 是为了寻求更好的
Some day I know I’ll be open armed, baby
我知道终有一天我会张开双臂, 亲爱的
Just like I know a man should
像一个男人应该做的那样, 重新去爱
You know I’m free free now baby,
你知道, 我现在已重获自由
I’m free from your spell
Well I’m free free free now
I’m free from your spell
And now that it’s all over,
现在, 这一切都结束了
All I can do is wish you well
142页,《Hotel California》这首歌可以说是老鹰乐队在最佳状态,最佳组合之下完成的一首旷世之作。这首歌曲旋律优美动人,被世人广为传唱。单看歌词,只见寥寥数笔,便几乎把美国上世纪70年代所有的忧伤与迷惘卷携殆尽。这首 《加州旅馆》在1977年5月登上冠军位置,歌曲特殊之处在于Don Felder与Joe Walsh弹奏的双吉他效果。在《滚石》评出的最伟大的100首英文歌曲中名列第十一。
on a dark desert highway,行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上,
cool wind in my hair.凉风吹过我的头发。
warm smell of colitas,温馨的大麻香,
rising up through the air.弥漫在空气中。
up ahead in the distance,抬头遥望远方,
I saw a shimmering light.我看到微弱的灯光。
my head grew heavy my sight grew dim.我的头越来越沉,视线也变得模糊。
I had to stop for the night.我不得不停下来过夜。
there she 她站在门口那儿招呼我
I heard the mission bell.我听到远处教堂的钟声。
and i was thinking to myself,我在心里对自己说
&this could b heaven or this could b hell&.这里可能是天堂也可能是地狱。
then she lit up a candle,然后她点燃了蜡烛,
and she showed me the way.给我引路。
there were voices down the corridor.沿着走廊传来阵阵说话声。
i thought i heard them say...我想我听到他们在说……
welcome to the hotel california!欢迎来到加州旅馆!
such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方!
such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容!!
plenty of room at the hotel california!加州旅馆有充足的房间!
any time of year,u can find it here!一年的任何时候,你都能在这找到房间。
her mind is tiffany-twisted,她的心为珠宝所扭曲,
she got the mercedes Benz.她拥有豪华奔驰车。
she got a lot of pretty,pretty boys.她有许多漂亮的小伙子。
that she calls friends.她称之为朋友。
how they dance in the courtyard,他们在庭院里翩翩起舞,
sweet summer sweat.夏日的香汗淋漓。
some dance to remember!有些舞是为了回忆!
some dance to forget!而有些舞是为了忘却!
so I called up the captain,于是我叫来领班,
&please bring me my wine.&请给我来些酒。
he said&we haven't had that spirit here,他说我们这不供应列酒 since nineteen sixty nine.&从1969年起。
and still those voices are calling from far away.远处仍然传来他们的话语。
wake u up in the middle of the night.在半夜把你吵醒。
just to hear them say...只听到他们在说……
welcome to the hotel california!欢迎到加州旅馆来!
such a lovely place!如此美丽的地方!
such a lovely face!多么可爱的的面容!
they livin' it up at the hotel california.他们在加州旅馆尽情狂欢。
what a nice surprise,好得令人吃惊,
bring your alibis.使你有来到这的借口。
mirrors on the ceiling,天花板上镶嵌着的镜子,
the pink champagne on ice.冰镇着的粉色香槟
and she said&we are all just prisoners here-她说我们都是这的囚徒
-of our own device&.但是是我们自愿的。 and in the master's chambers.在主人的卧房里。
they gathered for the feast.他们为宴会聚在一起。
they stabbed it with their steely knives.他们彼此间用钢刀相互砍杀。
but they just can't kill the beast.但他们甚至不能杀死野兽!
last thing i remember,我所记得的最后一件事
I was running for the door.是我跑向门口。
I had to find the passage back,我必须找到来时的路,
to the place I was before.回到我过去的地方。
&relax&,said the night man,守夜人说放宽心,
&we are programmed to receive.我们只是照常接待
you can checkout any time you like.你想什么时候结帐都可以。
but you can never leave!&但你永远无法离去!
199页,裸体淑女合唱团(Barenaked Ladies)演绎了生活大爆炸的主题曲。
裸体淑女合唱团(Barenaked Ladies)是一个曾获得格莱美提名的加拿大摇滚乐队,由1988年活跃至今。2007年乐队为生活大爆炸写了主题曲。
[ti:the history of everything]
[ar:Barenaked Ladies]
[00:00.26] Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,宇宙一度又烫又稠密
[00:04.12]Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...140亿年前终于爆了炸 等着瞧...
[00:07.38]The Earth began to cool,地球开始降温
[00:08.85]The autotrophs began to drool,自养生物来起哄
[00:10.22]Neanderthals developed tools,穴居人发明工具
[00:12.13]We built a wall (we built the pyramids),我们建长城(我们建金字塔)
[00:14.14]Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, 数学 自然科学 历史 揭开神秘
[00:17.09]That all started with the big bang!一切由大爆炸开始
[00:19.44]Since the dawn of man& is really not that long,其实人类历史没有多久
[00:22.26]As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.星系形成时间比唱完这支歌还要短
[00:25.64]A fraction of a second and the elements were made.元素在微秒间便形成了
[00:27.80]The bipeds stood up straight,两足动物直立行走
[00:30.26]The dinosaurs all met their fate,恐龙都得认命了
[00:31.58]They tried to leap but they were late想要突变 没来得及
[00:32.77]And they all died (they froze their asses off)就死光光了(pp都冻成了化石)
[00:34.83]The oceans and pangea 大洋和泛古陆
[00:36.20]See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya拜拜 才不想学你
[00:37.70]Set in motion by the same big bang! 都是爆炸惹的祸
[00:40.58]It all started with the big BANG! 一切从大爆炸开始
[00:44.26]It's expanding ever outward but one day 宇宙向外膨胀 但有一天
[00:49.65] It will cause the stars to go the other way,星球会反方向运动
[00:54.84]Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt向内坍塌 反正我们不在了 不会觉得疼
[01:00.16]Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!我们美好光辉的形象将引发一场更大的爆炸
[01:18.03]Australopithecus would really have been sick of us南方古猿肯定不爽我们
[01:20.71]Debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses) 在他们捉鹿时唧唧歪歪 (我们现在捉电脑病毒了)
[01:23.75]Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy宗教 天文 e百科 旧约申命记
[01:26.69]It all started with the big bang!一切从大爆炸开始
[01:29.72]Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology音乐 神化 爱因斯坦 占星术
[01:31.63]It all started with the big bang! 一切从大爆炸开始
[01:35.59]It all started with the big BANG!一切从大爆炸开始
第53页,lemon tree 一歌由Fool's Garden(傻子的花园)于1996年首唱,1996年,一曲“LEMON TREE”(柠檬树)使这支原本寂寂无名的德国5人乐队一下子红遍欧洲、亚洲。
I'm sitting here in the boring room.
It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon.
I'm wasting my time, I got nothing to do.
I'm hanging around, I'm waiting for you.
But nothing ever happens, and I wonder.
I'm driving around in my car.
I'm driving too fast, I'm driving too far.
I'd like to change my point of view.
I feel so lonely, I'm waiting for you.
But nothing ever happens, and I wonder...
I wonder how, I wonder why.
Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky.
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.
I'm turning my head up and down.
I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.
And all that I can see is just another lemon tree.
Sing,da ,da la da la, de la da,
da la da la, de la da,da de le de da
I'm sitting here,I miss the power.
I'd like to go out taking a shower.
But there's a heavy cloud inside my head.
I feel so tired,put myself into bed.
While nothing ever happens, and I wonder.
I isolation is not good for me
I isolation... I don't want to sit on the lemon tree.
I'm stepping around in the desert of joy.
Maybe anyhow I'll get another toy.
And everything will happen, and you wonder...
I wonder how, I wonder why
Yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky.
And all that I can see is just another lemon tree.
I'm turning my head up and down.
I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around.
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.
And I wonder, wonder
I wonder how, I wonder why
Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky
And all that I can see.
And all that I can see.
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.
157页,《Sweet Child O‘ Mine》是美国硬摇滚乐队枪炮与玫瑰(Guns N’
Roses)的第三张单曲,也是枪花1987首张录音室专辑《Appetite for
Destruction》的第三首歌,于日发行,Billboard Hot 100冠军
She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stared too long
I'd probably break down and cry
Ow Sweet child o' mine
哦 我亲爱的孩子
Ow Sweet love of mine
哦 我甜蜜的爱
She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me
Of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder
And the rain
To quietly pass me by
Ow Sweet child o' mine
哦 我亲爱的孩子
Ow Sweet love of mine
哦 我甜蜜的爱
Ow Sweet child o' mine
哦 我亲爱的孩子
Ow Sweet love of mine
哦 我甜蜜的爱
Ow Sweet child o' mine
哦 我亲爱的孩子
Ow Sweet love of mine
哦 我甜蜜的爱
Where do we go
Where do we go now
Where do we go
Where do we go
Ow Where do we go now
哦 我们此刻要去哪里
Where do we go now
Ow Where do we go now
Sweet child o' mine
252页,Everytime you kissed me,出自《潘多拉之心最终话》很好听的一首歌。
Everytime you kissed me〖每当你吻我的时候〗
I trembled like a child〖我都颤抖得像孩子一样〗
gathering the roses〖曾与你采摘着玫瑰〗
we sang for the hope〖曾与你唱响着希望〗
your very voice is in my heartbeat〖你的声线漫透我的心房〗
sweeter than my dream〖留下比梦更甜蜜的回响〗
we were there, in everlasting bloom〖我们曾经身处 永不凋谢的花之海洋〗
roses die,〖当玫瑰逝去〗
the secret is inside the pain〖昨日秘密也被伤痛封印〗
winds are high up on the hill〖可山丘上狂风呼啸〗
I cannot hear you〖让我难以听见你的呼唤〗
come and hold me close〖只盼你来将我拥紧〗
I'm shivering cold in the heart of rain〖为我驱散暴风雨的寒意〗
darkness falls, I'm calling for the dawn〖黑暗也已降临 我呼唤着黎明的到来〗
Silver dishes for the memories,〖为逝去的往日回忆〗
for the days gone by〖献上一盏圣洁银盘〗
singing for the promises〖为明天或许就会实现的〗
tomorrow may bring〖那场曾经的约定而歌唱〗
I harbour all the old affection〖我守护的是褪色的情感〗
roses of the past〖和所有从前的玫瑰〗
darkness falls, and summer will be gone〖黑暗也已降临 这个夏天也即将过去〗
joys of the daylight〖日光也洋溢着喜悦〗
shadows of the starlight〖星光也洒落着倩影〗
everything was sweet by your side, mylove〖有你陪伴的一切都格外美妙〗
ruby tears have come to me,〖我流着红宝石般的泪滴〗
for your last words〖回想你最后的话语〗
I'm here just singing my song of woe〖只能在这里低吟着悲伤旋律〗
waiting for you, my love〖默默守候 我最爱的你〗
Now let my happiness sing inside my dream...〖但愿幸福会来我的梦中唱响…〗
Everytime you kissed me〖每当你吻我的时候〗
my heart was in such pain〖我都禁不住一阵阵心痛〗
gathering the roses〖曾与你采摘着玫瑰〗
we sang of the grief〖曾与你唱响着哀叹〗
your very voice is in my heartbeat〖你的声线漫透我的心房〗
sweeter than despair〖仿佛甜蜜而绝望的回响〗
we were there, in everlasting bloom〖我们曾经身处 永不凋谢的花之海洋〗
underneath the stars〖头顶着璀璨的星光〗
shaded by the flowers〖让花丛将我们遮挡〗
kiss me in the summer day gloom, my love〖在夏夜的忧郁中给我一个吻吧〗
you are all my pleasure, my hope and my song〖你寄托着我所有的喜悦 歌声与希望〗
I will be here dreaming in the past〖我愿在这里沉浸于昨日的梦想〗
until you come〖直到你回到我身旁〗
until we close our eyes〖至死不渝〗
122页,《Take a Bow》来自巴巴多斯天后Rihanna的《Good Girl Gone Bad》的改版专辑《Good Girl Gone Bad:Reloaded》。
How about a round of applause
  A standing ovation
  You look so dumb right now
  Standing outside my house
  Trying to apologize
  You’re so ugly when you cry
  你哭起来 还真丑
  Please, just cut it out
  行行好 就别再装了
  Don’t tell me you’re sorry cuz you’re not
  别说啥对不起 因为你根本没觉得对不起我
  Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught
  But you put on quite a show
  You really had me going
  But now it’s time to go
  Curtain’s finally closing
  That was quite a show
  Very entertaining
  But it’s over now
  但现在 什麼都结束了
  Go on and take a bow
  Grab your clothes and get gone
  收拾你的衣服 消失在我眼前
  You better hurry up before the sprinklers come on
  Talkin’ about, girl, I love you, you’re the one
  别再虚情假意的说什麼 女孩, 我爱你,你是我的唯一
  This just looks like the re-run
  Please, what else is on
  And the award for the best liar goes to you
  For makin' me believe
  That you could be faithful to me
  Let's hear your speech out
111,《I Still Believe》是玛丽亚凯莉1999年发行的著名单曲,是玛丽亚凯莉的招牌抒情歌之一,歌曲时而宛转而高亢,是一首经典的欧美情歌。此曲原唱是Brenda K Starr。香港歌手林忆莲于1989年也曾翻唱,翻为粤语《依然》.
You look in my eyes 你看着我的双眼
And I get emotional Inside 我的内心情绪起伏
I know it's crazy but 我知道,这很疯狂
You still can touch my heart 但你仍然可以触碰我的心
And after all this time 毕竟这一次
You'd think that I 你以为
Wouldn't feel the same 我不会有同样的感受
But time melts into nothing 但当时间化解了一切
And nothing's changed 一切都没改变
I still believe, someday you and me 我仍然相信,你和我,在某天
Will find ourselves in love again 会再次陷入爱河
I had a dream, someday you and me 我有一个梦,你和我 在某天
Will find ourselves in love again 会再次陷入爱河
Each day of my life 我生命中的每一天
I'm filled with all the joy I could find 都可能让自己快乐起来
You know that I am not the desperate type 你知道我不是那么绝望的人
If there's one spark of hope left in my grasp 如果手中仅留一丝希望的火星
I'll hold it with both hands 我都会双手紧握
It's worth the risk of burning 这值得冒着燃烧自己的危险
To have a second chance 去换取再来一次的机会
No, no, no, no, no, nooo I need you baby 哦,我需要你,亲爱的
I still believe that we can be together 我仍然相信我们会在一起
Ooooohoh no no nooo
If we believe that true love never has to end 如果我们相信,珍爱绵绵无绝期
Then we must know that we will love again 我们会再次相爱
I still believe, someday you and me 我始终相信,你和我在某天
Will find ourselves in love again 会再次陷入爱河
Oh baby, yeah yeah 亲爱的
I had a dream, you and me 我有一个梦,你和我
Will find ourselves in love Again 在某天会再次陷入爱河
(I still believe) 我仍然相信
Oh baby I do 亲爱的,我愿意
(Someday you and me) 终有一天,你和我 .........
Just give me one more time And love Again 再给我一次机会,一次爱
I had a dream, someday you and me 我有一个梦,你和我
Will find ourselves in love Again 在某天会找回我们的爱情
143,I still haven't found what I'm looking for .
来自U2最伟大的一张装专辑《The Joshua Tree》,Bono 用他独特浑厚的嗓音唱出了许多人来自深心的呼喊。
I have climbed highest mountains 我已经登上了最高的山峰
I have run through the fields 我已经穿越了片片草原
Only to be with you 只为和你在一起
Only to be with you 只为和你在一起
I have run 我奔跑过
I have crawled 也爬行过
I have scaled these city walls 这个城市无处不留下我的足迹
These city walls 我行走四方
Only to be with you 只为和你在一起
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for 但我仍未找到我所追寻的
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for 但我仍未找到我所追寻的
I have kissed honey lips 我曾亲吻过蜂蜜般的嘴唇
Felt the healing in her fingertips她的手指抚平了我心灵的创伤
It burned like a fire 它像火焰一样燃烧着
This burning desire 这燃烧的欲望
I have spoke with the tongue of angels 我曾借天使的口说话
I have held the hand of a devil 也曾握过魔鬼的手
It was warm in the night 在温暖的夜里
I was cold as a stone 我像石头一样冰冷
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for 但我仍未找到我所追寻的
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for 但我仍未找到我所追寻的
I believe in the Kingdom Come 我相信天国将至
Then all the colors will bleed into one 那时所有的颜色变为一体
Bleed into one 变为一体
But yes I'm still running 但是是的,我仍在奔跑
You broke the bonds 你打碎了镣铐
And you loosed the chains 你松开了枷锁
Carried the cross 背负着十字架
Of my shame 为了我的罪恶
Oh my shame 为了我的罪恶
You know I believe it 你知道我相信着
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for 但我仍未找到我所追寻的
第63页,My Everything。98度是一个美国成人当代男子合唱团,由4个拥有完美和声的歌手组合:nick和drew lachey兄弟,justin jeffre和jeff timmons.这个组合由timmons在洛杉矶,加利福尼亚创建。
The lonliness of nights alone
The search for strength to carry on
My every hope has seemed to die
My eyes had no more tears to cry
Then like the sun shined from up above
You surrounded me with your endless love
You are my everything
Nothing your heart won't bring
My life is yours alone
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray
On bended knee
That you will always be
My everything
Now all my hopes and all my dreams are suddenly reality
You've opened up my love to feel
A kind of love that's truly real
A guiding light that'll never fade
There's not a thing inlife that I would ever trade
For the love you give it won't let go
I hope you'll always know
Your my everything
Nothing your love won't bring
My life is yours alone
the only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through
When nothing else will do
Every night I pray, On bended knee
That you will always be, My everything
You're the breath of life in me
The only one that sets me free,
And you have made my soul complete
For all time (for all time)
Your my everything (Your my everything)
Nothing your love won't bring (nothing your love won't bring)
My life is yours alone (alone)
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through (Your spirit pulls me through)
When nothing else will do (when nothing else will do)
Every night I pray (I pray)
On bended knee (on my knee)
That you will always be, My everything
Your my everything (Your my everything)
Nothing your love won't bring (nothing your love won't bring)
My life is yours alone (alone)
The only love I've ever known
Your spirit pulls me through (Your spirit pulls me through)
When nothing else will do (when nothing else will do)
Every night I pray, down on bended knee
That you will always be
My everything, oh my everything
第84页,You are stuck in my heart,容貌帅气,歌声美好的创作型团体C21来自北欧的童话之国丹麦,三位成员分别是大卫、索伦和艾斯本,他们相遇于当地一间足球俱乐部中,共同的兴趣和爱好让他们擦出了音乐上的火花,首张单曲Stuck In My Heart是完满的答案,凭借优美的旋律在众多的排行榜上留下骄人的成绩。
You are stuck in my heart
  like counting a million stars
  for that many reasons you are
  Can’t you tell
  you’ve been all over me like a spell
  I know
  I never wanna let you go
  Can’t you see
  you’ve been changing the world around me
  I know
  I never wanna let you go
  If you hold me close enough
  I can whisper you the words
  If the distance is too far
  I can’t do nothing ’cos
  我将什么也做不了 因为
  You are stuck in my heart
  and we can go anywhere
  whatever the reason you are
  so stuck in my heart
  like counting a million stars
  for that many reasons you are
  Can’t deny
  since I met you that day
  I’ve been blind to see
  Now I wanna know for real
  Inside me
  I’m afraid to wake up from a dream
  and see
  It never really happent to me
  If you hold me close enough
  I can whisper you the words
  If the distance is too far
  I can’t do nothing ’cos
  我将什么也做不了 因为
  You are stuck in my heart
  and we can go anywhere
  whatever the reason you are
  so stuck in my heart
  like counting a million stars
  for that many reasons you are
  You are
  like a dream so deep inside of me
  You are
  the reason that I never sleep
  You are stuck in my heart
  Can’t you tell
  you’ve been all over me like a spell
  I will never let you go
  Can’t you see
  you’ve been changing the world around me
  I don’t wanna let you go
  I can’t do nothing ’cos
  我将什么也做不了 因为
  You are stuck in my heart
  and we can go anywhere
  whatever the reason you are
  so stuck in my heart
  like counting a million stars
  for that many reasons you are
  You are stuck in my heart
  and we can go anywhere
  whatever the reason you are
  so stuck in my heart
  like counting a million stars
  for that many reasons you are
第9页,Always Getting Over You。来自美国的清新甜美的女声Angela Ammons,面容娇好,嗓音甜美,不红不紫...这位来自美国德
州的少女歌手Angela Ammons今年只有18岁,嗓音甜美,有着娇好面容
瑞典制作人Britney Spears‘NSync的风格融入摇滚,而词汇之中更
摸透男人情感的新节奏蓝调女性Sy Smith的“Do Things”!她凭着
在电影”Save The Last Dance” 原声大碟中的倾情献唱引起了乐坛
的关注。这首脍炙人口的”Always Getting Over You”同样也是一
首电影插曲,收录在”American Pie II”《美国派2》的原声大碟
Do do do do do
Was I not enough stimulation 是我没有吸引力么?
Hit by a brick the other day 仿佛给了我当头一棒
Just when I thought that I'm okay 在我自信满满的时候
You didn't like my conversation 你不喜欢我的调调
I can't come up with something new 我已想不出什么新花样
It doesn't really matter what I do 无论做什么都没用
So here's my observation 好吧这就是现实
You could never see it through my eyes 你无法从我眼神察觉到这一切
And I'm too tired to try 我也已经身心疲倦
So don't call and say your coming back for me 所以不要打电话说你会再回到我身边
Don't mean nothing 这不意味着什么
I'm always getting over you 我总会原谅你
And don't lie and say you're over me 所以也不要再骗我你会回来也不再要说你已经忘了我
Don't mean nothing 这不意味着什么
I'm always getting over you 我总会原谅你
Do do do do
Do do do do do
Was it too much aggrevation 难道真是到了我们感情该算帐的时候了吗?
Your telling me the way that I won't see 你说我们的将来是没有将来
And then I change my mind you disagree 而后你回绝了我的妥协
I used to be our inspiration 而我已经习惯了我们以前我们的日子
You chase your mind you disappear 可是你却说要分手
And I know it's never over 我知道已经没有回旋的余地
So don't call and say you're coming back for me 所以不要打电话说你会再回到我身边
Don't mean nothing 这不意味着什么
I'm always getting over you 我总会原谅你
And don't lie and say you're over me 所以也不要再骗我你会回来也不再要说你已经忘了我
Don't mean nothing 这不意味着什么
I'm always getting over you  我总会原谅你
Do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do
Do do do do do
Was I not enough stimulation 是我没有吸引力么?
Hit by a brick the other day 仿佛给了我当头一棒
Just when I thought that I'm okay 在我自信满满的时候
You didn't like my conversation 你不喜欢我的调调
And I can't come up with something new 我已想不出什么新花样
It doesn't really matter what I do 无论做什么都没用
So don't call and say your coming back for me  所以不要打电话说你会再回到我身边
Don't mean nothing
I'm always getting over you  我总会原谅你
And don't lie and say your over me 所以也不要再骗我你会回来也不再要说你已经忘了我
Don't mean nothing
I'm always getting over you 我总会原谅你
Do do do do do
Do do do do
Do do do do do
So don't call and say your coming back for me 所以不要打电话说你会再回到我身边
Don't mean nothing 这不意味着什么
I'm always getting over you 我总会原谅你
And don't lie and say your over me 所以也不要再骗我你会回来也不再要说你已经忘了我
Don't mean nothing 这不意味着什么
I'm always getting over you 我总会原谅你
So don't call and say your coming back for me 所以不要打电话说你会再回到我身边
I'm always getting over you 我总会原谅你  
Always getting over you 一直都想与你分手
第87页,tell me why,演唱者Declan Galbraith(迪克兰·加尔布雷斯),被英国媒体推崇为「终生难得一见的歌唱奇才」这首歌曲是Declan Galbraith(英国)于日发表的,当时正是Declan11岁生日的前10天,这也是他的第一首歌。也正是在这一天,英国和爱尔兰的所有党派和Declan同时唱响了这首歌,并获得世界吉尼斯记录,历史上最大的唱诗班。这个活动是由“young voices in concert”举办的,所有筹款捐赠给了Sargent Cancer Care的孩子们。
歌声娓娓道来又澎湃激昂,直上云宵的高音部,饱满干净清幽空灵自然纯美。是忧郁和愤怒在呐喊与呼唤的tell me why,十岁男孩以歌声诘问人类战争、贫穷、饥饿,祈求人类和平、友爱、富足。触人心弦!
In my dream,
children sing a song of love for every boy and girl .
The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world.
Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need.
Tell me why(why),
does it have to be like this?
Tell me why(why),
告诉我为什么(为什么) ,
is there something I have missed?
Tell me why(why),
cos I don't understand,
when so many need somebody,
we don't give a helping hand.
Tell me why?
Every day, I ask myself,
what will I have to do to be a man?
Do I have to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am?
Is that what my life is far, to waste in a world full of war?
Tell me why(why),
does it have to be like this?
Tell me why(why),
告诉我为什么(为什么) ,
is there something I have missed?
Tell me why(why),
告诉我为什么(为什么) ,
cos I don't understand,
when so many need somebody,
we don't give a helping hand.
Tell me why (tell me why),
tell me why (tell me why),
tell me why (tell me why),
告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) ,
just tell me why!
Tell me why(why),
does it have to be like this?
Tell me why(why),
告诉我为什么(为什么) ,
is there something I have missed?
Tell me why(why),
告诉我为什么(为什么) ,
cos I don't understand,
when so many need somebody,
we don't give a helping hand,
Tell me why?
(Why,why,does the tiger run)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,do we shoot the gun)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,do we never learn)
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?
(Why,why,do we said we care)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,do we stand and stare)
Tell me why?
(why, why, do the dolphins cry)
Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?
(Why,why,if we're all the same)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,do we pass the blame)
Tell me why?
(Why,why,does it never end)
Can someone tell us why we can not just be friends?
Why,why,(do we close our eyes)
Why,why,(do the greedy life)
Why,why,(do we fight for land)
Can someone tell us why we don't understand?
第66页,never had a dream come true.S CLUB 7(也译作“七小龙”)在全世界范围内都称得上是一个奇迹。这支乐队极具天赋,它的成员都是既能唱又能演。他们的首张专辑《超级俱乐部》在全世界的销量达到百万甚至千万张。
Everybody's got something 每个人都有一些
They had to leave behind 被迫舍弃的东西。
One regret from yesterday 昨天的某个遗憾
That just seems to grow with time 今天越来越难以释怀。
There's no use looking back or wondering 回头何用,假设何用
How it could be now or might have been 假设终究只是一场空
All this I know but still I can't find ways To let you go 这些,我全明白,但我无法和你分开。
I never had a dream come true 从未有过梦想成真的感觉
Till the day that I found you 直到我那天发现了你
Even though I pretend that I've moved on 虽然,我假装毫不在乎朝前走,
You'll always be my baby 你却永远是我的最爱。
I never found the words to say 我的心里话无法用语言表达
You're the one I think about each day 你是我朝思暮想的人
And I know no matter where life takes me to 我知道无论生活把我带到何方,
A part of me will always be with you,yeah 我的一部分永远与你同在
Somewhere in my memory 在我记忆的某个地方
I've lost all sense of time(ah-ha,ha-ha)时间已不复存在…
And tomorrow can never be 似乎永远没有了明天
'cause yesterday is all that fills my mind 因为昨天占据了我全部的思想
There's no use looking back or wondering 回头何用,假设何用
How it should be now or might have been 假设终究只是一场空
All this I know but still I can't find ways To let you go 这些,我全明白,但我无法和你分开
I never had a dream come true 从未有过梦想成真的感觉
'Till the day that I found you 直到我那天发现了你
Even though I pretend that I've moved on 虽然,我假装毫不在乎朝前走,
You'll always be my baby 你却永远是我的最爱。
I never found the words to say 我的心里话无法用语言表达
You're the one I think about each day 你是我朝思暮想的人
And I know no matter where love takes me to 我知道无论爱把我带到何方,
A part of me will always be 我的一部分永远与你同在
You'll always be the dream that fills my head 你永远是我心中全部的梦想
Yes you will,say you will 是的,你就是,说吧你就是,你知道
You know you will,oh baby 你就是,噢宝贝
You'll always be the one I know I'll never forget 我知道你是我永远不会忘记的恋人
It's no use looking back or wondering 回头或是假设都无用
Because love is a strange and funny thing 因为爱是一件奇怪而有趣的东西
No matter how I try and try 无论我如何努力又努力
I just can't say goodbye,no,no,no,no 我就是无法说分离 ,不,不,不,不
I never had a dream come true 从未有过梦想成真的感觉
'Till the day that I found you 直到我那天发现了你
Even though I pretend that I've moved on 虽然,我假装毫不在乎朝前走,
You'll always be my baby 你却永远是我的最爱。
I never found the words to say (to say)我的心里话无法用语言表达
You're the one I think about each day(each day)你是我朝思暮想的人
And I know no matter where love takes me to 我知道无论爱把我带到何方,
A part of me will always be 我的一部分永远与你同在
A part of me will always be with you,ooh 我的一部分永远和你同在,噢……
296页,来自 Geri Halliwell 的“Calling” ( 呼唤)。辣妹组合(Spice Girls)前主唱之一的生姜辣妹杰瑞.哈莉维尔(Geri Halliwell),单飞后的第二张专辑的第三首歌“Calling”是首十分悦耳的歌曲,温柔的思念让人爱怜,一声声呼唤动人心魂;同时,又不是一味的消沉,Geri Halliwell游走在感性与知性的边缘, 音色中偶尔掠过的沙质感更为这首歌多添几分意韵。Geri Halliwell的这首“Calling”是花儿乐队的《已到花朵盛开时》的原曲。
The sun is going down on me
As she surrenders to the sea
So steal the night and fly with me
I'm calling, I'm calling
The moon is high on me and you
Is my message breaking through
Darkened skies that once
Were blue are falling
(So hear me now)
Calling out your name
Burning on the flame
Played the waiting game
Hear my calling
Hear my calling
(Forever and ever)
Through distant lands
Through mountain streams
My river's running through your dreams
There's an ocean in between
Forever and never
Chasing shadows through the years
I whisper softly to my dear
Be sure to know
That I am hee forever
So hear me now
Calling out your name
Burning on the flame
Played the waiting game
Hear my calling
Hear my calling
Whispers in the air
Hear a lover's prayer
(I pray for you tonight)
I can feel you there
Hear my calling
Hear my calling
No man is an island
That's an empty sin
Discovery is a journey
Just have to let me in
Calling out your name
Burning on the flame
(I'm reaching out to you)
Played the waiting game
Hear my calling
Hear my calling
Whispers in the air
(I dream you into life)
Hear a lover's prayer
(I pray for you tonight)
I can feel you there
Hear my calling
Hear my calling
No man is an island
(A wish that could come true)
That's an empty sin
(I'm reaching out to you)
So steal the night and fly with me
I'm calling
Hear my calling
106,&Halo&是美国著名歌手Beyonce(碧昂丝)于日发行的双碟概念专辑《I Am...Sasha Fierce》中的歌曲,是抒情《I Am》碟中的第二首歌曲,也是专辑的第二波主打单曲。Beyonce在大量管弦乐器和柔美的钢琴声的交织下,用相当Power的力量诠释了这首感人至深的歌曲。在歌曲中,可以听到的不仅是Beyonce完美的声音和唱功,还有在优美动人的歌声中,Beyonce所表达的深深的爱与感激。&Halo&是Beyonce的代表作之一,是Beyonce每场演唱会都不可或缺的歌曲。
Remember those walls I built
Well baby they're tumbling down
亲爱的 看吧 现在它们都已倒塌
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now
It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm takin'
I ain't never gonna shut you out
Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
亲爱的 我能看到你那神圣的光环
You know you're my saving grace
你知道吗 你就是我的守护神
You're everything I need and more
你是我需要的一切 甚至更多
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
亲爱的 我能感到你那神圣的光环
Pray it won't fade away
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
I can feel your halo (halo) halo
I can see your halo (halo) halo
Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light
I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again
请松开我 让我自己站起来
第86页,sweet dream 。Jewel的风光成绩包括三座格莱美奖提名、一座全美音乐奖和一座MTV音乐录像带奖。1999年6月,美国录音艺术和科学学院颁给Jewel一座Governor奖。这个奖表扬“创意和成就打破所有音乐藩篱并被肯定为音乐界资产”学院会员。
[00:19.97]The shadows are waltzing 影子像在跳华尔兹
[00:22.83]The moon beams are calling 月亮发光像在呼唤
[00:25.81]Like a dream I am falling into 就像一场我做的梦
[00:35.02]Silver threads lined with dew 银色的丝线和露水
[00:38.51]Twinkling stars seem to shine just for you 闪烁的星星好像只为你闪耀
[00:48.84]Behind your eyes 在你眼睛背后
[00:52.20]Are endless blue skies 是无止境的蓝天
[00:55.02]You travel places I want to come, too 你走过的地方我也想去
[01:04.81]Each breath that you breathe 逆呼吸的每一个气息
[01:07.59]Is a brush stroke that leads me to you 是一支带我走向你的刷笔
[01:18.15]So sleep 太困了
[01:24.20]Fall into night's indigo hue 坠入了夜的靛蓝色
[01:31.36]Believe me, it's true 相信我,这是真的
[01:37.27]There's nothing that I would not do 没有任何事我不会做
[01:43.72]For my dream is sweet dreams for you 我拥有甜美的梦是因为你
[01:57.05]It seems far away 看起来很远
[01:59.97]But there once was a day 但是曾经有一天
[02:03.12]It was grey in a world without you 没有你的世界是灰色的
[02:12.29]To this heart like a dove from above 我的心就像是一只天上的鸽子
[02:18.16]The miracle of your love found me 你爱的奇迹发现了我
[02:26.24]So sleep 太困了
[02:32.43]Fall into night's indigo hue 坠入夜的靛蓝色
[02:39.26]Believe me, it's true 相信我,这是真的
[02:45.31]There's nothing that I would not do 没有任何事我不能做
[02:51.86]For my dream is sweet dreams for you 我拥有甜美的梦是因为你
[03:02.00]So hush you bye 你走的时候很安静
[03:06.47]And don't you cry 你没有哭
[03:13.35]Sweetly dream, little baby 甜美的梦,我的宝贝
[03:24.98]Yes, sleep 是的,睡吧
[03:30.26]Lose yourself in night's indigo hue 把你自己遗失在夜的靛蓝色里
[03:37.62]Believe me, it's true 相信我,这是真的
[03:43.64]There's nothing that I would not do 没有任何事我不能做
[03:50.19]For my dream is sweet dreams 我拥有甜美的梦
[03:57.03]Yes, my dream is sweet dreams for you 是的,我拥有甜美的是因为你
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