
Keywords: Motor modules, Robotic gait trainer, Motor control BackgroundThe description and understanding of a complex task such as walking have been challenging researchers for centuries [1]. Animal models suggest the major role of dedicated neural circuitries responsible for the rhythmic muscular activity during locomotion determined by a rhythm generating network (central pattern generators, CPG) and a muscle weighting network, the latter being devoted to determine the activation of muscles based onthe target and sensory input( [2-6]). The rhythmic activity of locomotion can be described by means of a quantitative representation based on motor modules (alsoreferred to as muscle synergies or muscle weightings) and activation signals (also called primitives or factors).
> 谁能帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文?不要在线翻译,非常感谢
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为了帮助网友解决“谁能帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文?不要在线”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“谁能帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文?不要在线”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:约有39%的儿童希望今年圣诞节收到苹果的消费电子产品作为礼物,只看到去年风靡全球的电子仓鼠(ZhuZhuPet)和今年热映电影《玩具总动员3》中的“巴斯光年”玩偶还依然存在于榜单当中。玩具目录中的玩具适合任何年纪,从移动动作控制器,以及演奏者触摸表面就可演奏的新型纸Jamz吉他都在列,电子产品的数量已经占到半数之多,如新的VectronWave不再用遥控了,具有更多功能的高科技玩具自然能够更加吸引孩子们的注意,传统玩具如玩偶。前20名玩具中具有更大互动性的玩具新品,高科技数码电子产品成为新宠、VTech阅读器等电子产品在英国的一份关于圣诞礼物的调查中发现,在榜单中。而科技的发展也使很多玩具都出现的较大的进步,包括更加强孩子摩托技巧的跳蛙系列,今年反斗城公布的圣诞热门玩具精彩纷呈,尽管受经济危机影响。随着高科技被注入玩具当中。从世界上最细的遥控直升机到去年风靡全球的电动仓鼠玩具。取而代之的,而是用人们的手作“运动感应器”。新西兰Toyworld近日宣布了2010圣诞季20个热销玩具系列、毛绒玩具,而从热门玩具的榜单中我们能也看到,但圣诞节毕竟是人们舍得花钱的日子、汽车模型等似乎已经越来越不被青少年所青睐了。业内人士认为较高价位的品类的销售在圣诞期会保持稳固,而且价钱也大众化、电视游戏到机械人学习器,同时分析了代表的新西兰市场趋势,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:s hope this year received the apple of consumer electronics products as Cs high tech digital toys as Christmas gift, see only swept the global electronic hamster ZhuZhuPet last year and this year the heat - reflecting film &quot. F about 39% children want Apple&#39. Otherwise, high - tech digital electronic products became popularIn a document on Christmas gift of the British survey found that traditional toys such as toys and stuffed toys. More and more children are attracted by the multi-function high tech toys due to the high-tech have been used in toys commonly children are attracted by the multi-function high tech toys, about 39 of the children't have to use remote but movement inductor to control the new VectronW Toy Story 3 &quot. Most of the toys are improved a lot because of the devel Buzz Lightyear &quot, which is prevailed in the world last year. Traditional toys, are not so popular during yo dolls still exists in the list.As a traditional toy. Only ZhuZhuPet. instead, Tiny Tots Toymakers is also facing the challenges as well as other traditional toys, you don&#39, such as puppets, in list, and Buzz Light Year from one of the latest movies “Toy Story3”of this year are still on the list, high tech digital toys are taking it over, model cars seem to have less and less favored by youngsters, the plush toys and the models of motor car解决方案2:谢谢喽~通过对数据库的索引,我们还为您准备了:问:民以食为天,中华民族在日常的生活生产中,不断探索有利自身生存、延续...答:F it is part of the Chinese culture. In the course of history, Chinese continues to enrich their dietary experience with foods that are beneficial to survival and appealing to their palates. In the vast nation of ...===========================================问:在英国的一份关于圣诞礼物的调查中发现,传统玩具如玩偶、毛绒玩具、汽...答:In a document on Christmas gift of the British survey found that traditional toys such as toys and stuffed toys, model cars seem to have less and less favored by youngsters, in list, see only swept the global electronic hamster...=========================================== i am a inspector in my works, it is a important work as it is the last process in the operation line. the main content of my work will be describe as follow:inspecting the original inst...===========================================and rural areas, security of the interests of farmers, persistance in sustainable development, rational use of resources, protection of the environment, and so on. 手工翻译~欢迎...=========================================== Since Xiaogan City entirely stepped into the stage of aging society around the year of 2004, the aging population has deeply influenced the city's economy, society, politics and ...=========================================== How are you. Kindly note that we cannot finish 4 bags yellow-ink today for the order10560 due to problem of material.The 4 bags yellow-ink will be sent out with upcoming order, ...=========================================== Dear Valued Customer, We had contacted the courier services company. TNT is not charging double for the service. It is because that when the art piece arrived at your coun...===========================================为什么会每天一次甚至很多次的去你的校内和空间 为什么总想知道你在干什么,和谁在... 想让你不要再想过去那些事,不要再想她 想让你知道那些会影响我,那些对我很重要 想要...===========================================反正其含义是这银行在波多干不了这事)。我说知道画能送到,我愿意交那个税(that tax突... 照原文翻译的,这个客户有点语无伦次。有些地方表达模糊,只能翻译成这样。 不明...===========================================i only know little english, so looks like we can not communicate well each other.===========================================promotion of racism. The chain pulled the shirts soon afterward. 注:可以看看这个:alltheragefaces, 当然前后要加http和com, 不过不要3个w。 另一个是 ragecomics。 【英语牛...===========================================天天和你爹还有你娘说吧? 没想法6 你会说话不?不会说话也滚,靠了什么叫做把你放进... 这句话,如果不能去的话,最还还是用中文的吧。 我英语也不太好,怕错的话就不要选择我...===========================================
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This is the Iphone my father bought me from the Internet.
the apple was bought by father
出门在外也不愁求大神速度翻译一篇英语短文,要准确的,百度中英文在线翻译的就算了,我用过了不准确,急Creativity is the key to a bright future. Here is how
schools and parents can help their children to develop their creativity.Drew _作业帮
求大神速度翻译一篇英语短文,要准确的,百度中英文在线翻译的就算了,我用过了不准确,急Creativity is the key to a bright future. Here is how
schools and parents can help their children to develop their creativity.Drew
求大神速度翻译一篇英语短文,要准确的,百度中英文在线翻译的就算了,我用过了不准确,急Creativity is the key to a bright future. Here is how
schools and parents can help their children to develop their creativity.Drew worked for a company in 1925. At work he invented a kind of material strong enough to hold things together. But his boss told him not to think more about the idea. Drew didn’t stop and finally, using his own time, made a kind of tape, which now is used everywhere by many people. And his company learned from its thought.Now the company asked its workers to spend 15 percent of their work time just thinking about and developing new ideas.Creativity is not something one is just born with. A person with high intelligence does not mean that he uses it creatively. Creativity is the matter of using your intelligence to think of new ideas that are good for something.We know that many schools have tried to develop students’ creativity, but some teachers only want to develop students’ reading, writing and math skills, and have to give up creativity for correct answers. Children from such schools can give correct answers, but they are unable to use them to work out problems. It is important to give children choices. From the earliest age, children should learn to make decisions and understand their results . Even though it’s choosing between two kinds of food for
lunch, decision-making helps thinking skills. As children grow older, parents should let their children decide how to use their time or spend their money, but not help them too much if they make the wrong decision. The child may have a hard time, but that is all right.求大神速度翻译啊,百度的就算了,翻译的太不准了.


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