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Use simple language.
Some beginners try to build very complicated sentences with things like
the present perfect tense or conditionals. They make horrible mistakes. Don’t do this!
If you’ve just started to speak or write in English, you should say what you
can say (simple sentences that you have seen many times)
— not what you want to say (complicated sentences).
You may feel you’re talking like a child or that you are not expressing your thoughts,
but don’t worry about that. Right now, your task is not to express
task is to learn the language.
Be slow and careful.
In the beginning, you should write very slowly.
If you need 2 hours to write an e-mail message with 10 correct sentences, that’s okay.
That’s how long it should take if you’re just starting to write.
Why should it take so long? Because you should read your sentences many times, looking for mistakes.
You should correct your own sentences frequently.
You should check if your sentences are correct by using a dictionary and the Web.
And you should look for example sentences to imitate.
When you’re speaking, it’s okay to build a sentence for some time in your head before
you open your mouth.
If you’re not sure how to say something, don’t say it.
(This applies to both grammar and pronunciation.)
If you can’t say something correctly, it’s almost always better not to say it.
You don’t want to teach yourself the wrong way to say it.
You can try to look for the correct sentence in a dictionary or on the Web
(see next point), but
when speaking, usually you don’t have time for that. So it’s a good idea to say something else
— something that you know is correct. It can even be something on a different subject.
When writing, always look things up.
Whenever you’re not sure how to use a word, look it up in a good dictionary to
find example sentences with it.
When you’ve written something, and you are not sure if it’s correct,
search for it on the Web
with Google. If the phrase is found on many pages, then it is probably correct.
Dictionaries and Google should be your everyday tools, and you should use them even many times in one sentence
(especially if you’ve just begun writing in English).
Know where you can screw up.
Sometimes learners don’t even realize how different English is from their native language.
When speaking, they translate
word for word
from their native language, and they think
their sentences are okay.
When reading or listening to English, use the “” technique:
Pay close attention to things like word order, articles,
prepositions, and tenses. Compare sentences in English with equivalent sentences in your
native language. Notice the differences in words and in word order.
This will make you more careful when speaking in English, because you will
realize which parts of your sentences can be wrong and should be double-checked.
“Will I ever be fluent if I speak so slowly and carefully?”
Don’t worry about fluency. Fluency is easy to achieve by simply talking.
If you practice speaking, you will be able to speak faster and faster.
In high school, I achieved pretty good fluency in a month by talking to my English teacher
(a native speaker) about two hours a week. That’s only 8 hours of talking.
It is much better to be slow and correct than
be fluent and make a lot of mistakes. Why? Because if you are slow and correct,
you can easily improve your speed and become fluent and correct. But if you are fluent
and make a lot of mistakes, it is much harder to fix your mistakes and become
fluent and correct.
My experience with error-free writing
When I was in college, I started learning German with the Antimoon Method.
I wanted to start writing e-mails in German as soon as
possible, but I didn’t want to make mistakes and teach myself bad habits.
I wrote my first e-mails in German after reading just one short (40-page) book
for learners written in simple German, a few e-mail messages from a German friend,
and after using my very small
collection for a few months.
And guess what? My e-mails in German had almost no mistakes.
How was that possible — writing correct sentences after getting so little input?
First, my e-mails contained very simple sentences.
But the most important thing was my research: I looked for example sentences on the Web
and in dictionaries.
For example, I knew that the German word for use was benutzen,
but I didn’t know how to use it in a
sentence like “Which program do you use to copy CDs?”. Often, I had an idea how something might
be done in German, but I wasn’t sure if my idea was correct.
In such situations, I looked for the answer on the Web or
in my dictionaries.
I spent a lot of time on each sentence.
It took me more than an hour to write my first message, which contained only a few German
The writing process was long and it took a lot of effort, but it was fun.
The experience was very motivating and it made me even more interested in German.
Perhaps one of the reasons why it was so enjoyable was that I knew I was building correct sentences.
Don’t speak or write too early
If you follow the above rules and still make a lot of mistakes when speaking
(= more than 1 mistake every 3 sentences), you should probably switch to writing for a while.
It is easier to produce correct sentences when writing because:
you don’t need to have good pronunciation
you can write very slowly and nobody will mind
you can use dictionaries, the Web, etc. to look things up
If you make a lot of mistakes when writing, consider a “silent period”: stop speaking and writing,
and spend a month or two getting
Remember that you should first get lots of English sentences into your head, then
build your own sentences.
Your main activity should be reading and listening to English — and the reason is
that you need good examples to follow before you can build your own sentences.
The more sentences your brain absorbs, the more you can express in English.
If you don’t see/hear enough correct, natural English sentences, you will not know
how to say things in English. So you will be inventing your own language.
And you will be making mistakes.
What happens in English classes
The recommended order in the Antimoon learning method is:
(reading and listening) - Writing - Speaking.
Unfortunately, something completely different happens in English classes.
Almost no courses teach you pronunciation at the beginning.
Few teachers give you enough “input”. Instead, they force you to speak and write —
asking you questions, telling you to do grammar exercises or writing assignments.
In a way, they force you to make mistakes and create bad habits.
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Many people think it’s difficult to learn English. The opportunity is right here to gain skills with the most important International language. You can even do this in your spare time. Business and every day people are realizing the necessity of knowing English. While you might be intimidated, the opportunities are present for employment or enjoyment. Learning basic skills, such as the right vocabulary, and proper use in grammar. Grasp the concept of reading, speaking, and listening to different learning techniques of English. Did you know there are other ways to gain knowledge of this popular language? The process can be sped up if you do decide to sign up for any type of online English course, or in person.
There are many opportunities to advance your English skills that don’t require money. You just need effort and an adventurous spirit. One of the quickest way to learn this language is to take a paid course online. You could learn to speak the language easily, and automatically. A , is one option for you.
Learn English Easily OnlineIf you’re reading this article, you may have some insights on reading this  language. Are there other areas of English you struggle with? Are there family members or friends that want to learn, but not sure where to start?Your Online English Tutor will walk you through all the important steps to understand the language.You have  of English, but find it difficult to speak or understand English when spoken. There are many advantages and benefits from various English teaching resources on the Internet. 
Most of these programs use oral language techniques.  You can hear the words and the . They often repeat the phrases slowly. You can review the lessons as many times as you need. This will help you to understand both the tone of the speaker, and the context of the words.  In fact, after listening to the phrases many times, you may even be able to speak without an accent.
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Learn English Easily When You Learn Like a ChildChildren learn language by listening to the adults and other children speak. They only hear their native tongue and eventually the words make sense. You can learn this way also. You have the option to choose this as a primary method or one to supplement your English classes. Your online tutor will hellp you immerse yourself in the language. Imagine watching television programs in this universal language. Think about  and computer programs in English. While this technique can be scary, if you’re afraid of making mistakes, it’s the fastest method of improving your English skills. Practice, particularly if you have no other option, gives you speedier results.
Learn English Easily with the Help of English Speaking FriendsDon’t be afraid to ask friends and family for help to learn English. If you have English-speaking friends at work, tell them you want to  and ask them to help you. Most people consider it an honor to help and appreciate your efforts.Sometimes children grasp English faster than adults do. The schools facilitate the learning experience and children tend to learn languages quicker. You can make your child or children feel important when you ask them to help you . Asking is far better than struggling when help is readily available.If you use all the aids available, immerse yourself in the English language and take  as a second language, you should learn English easily and rapidly. Learning the language helps you advance in your job and gives you . The quicker you learn the language, the faster you receive these rewards.
Imagine how easy your life would be if you could:o Read most of pages on the web.o Read English books you are interested in.o Read English magazines and newspapers easily.o Watch international channels happily.o Write your own letters and send emails in English.o Maintain your job and even get promotions.o Get your dream job and o Travel smoothly.Start today with your very own Online English tutor!
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