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参考译文1:正在翻译,请等待...参考译文2:My name is Rong, 22 years old, a high school education, character, cheerful, and like singing, outdoor extension and variety shows. Have done graphic design for about half a year, about a year working in Mobile Business Hall. Early stage is to salesman's post, and later served as Manager. Hall found参考译文3:My name is Rong, 22 years old, a high school education, character, cheerful, and like singing, outdoor extension and variety shows. Have done graphic design for about half a year, about a year working in Mobile Business Hall. Early stage is to salesman's post, and later served as Manager. Hall found参考译文4:My name is Ouyang Yi Rong, 22 years old, high school diplomas, cheerful person who likes to sing, and outdoor expansion and see arts programs. It has done about half of the graphic design, work in the mobile business office about a year. As early as late as a salesperson, store manager. At the busin语义参照:he is from England
Maintain a world recordHow is the new movie?
How is the new movie?想和李烨翻译公司
Want to make love and Lee Seung-yeop他读过这本书吗?
He read this book?没有人可以取代你
No one can replace you我十分希望能为贵公司服务
I very much hope for your service你是amartboy
You is amartboy,我发现你太有才了
I found you too talentedyesterday it was
Alloy steel我相信你会是一个好导游
I believe that you will be a good tour guidepress ENTER to choose
按 enter 键以选择老师说学新单词的最好方法是通过读英语杂志
Teachers say the best way to learn new words through reading English magazines抑不住的悲伤
Anti not sadjust admiring you
Sparkling love可真要问我大学毕业想干什么,我有的只是深深的彷徨和迷惘
I may really want to ask graduate want to do, I only have a deep loss and confusion今生今世 我只属于你
Dick I only belong to youWhat colour's his new tie?
what colour's his new tie?土耳其
n. (Trad=土耳其, Pinyin=tu3 er3 qi2) Turkey, country in western Asia and southeastern Europe between the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea & adj. (Trad=土耳其, Pinyin=tu3 er3 qi2) Turkey peau mixte grasse a grasse
结合油性至油性皮肤Quiet Heart
I want to go to a good CollegePlease have May do the swatch book accordingly
InsecticidalShun'Ke ?
Shun'Ke?傻猪 有什么不开心跟我说 我来替你分担 你不开心我也会不开心 知道么?
Stupid pig is not happy with what I said I was not happy to back you to share your happy I will not know it????
美味I like dancing and I can dance very well
我喜欢跳舞,我不会跳舞很好my flat is __the end of the street
正在翻译,请等待...But only the memories will never withered
Invite them to join parties or activities, which not only can improve their standard of English, can also help they lined task alonesorry i left
对不起,我离开I am a 10-year-old boy and i'mquite healthy.
我是一名10岁男孩和我'mquite健康。I want to learn more
Obese people love to eat meat最近查询:
Child, my mother said to me the speed of light faster than sound
12 o'clock today, dad sent me to an aunt that I began to work, setting the table, floor, serving, tea, received the package has been busy until 1 o'clock in the evening, dad called me even sleep without eating a meal
It was insulting to
Network Circle
我父是比我大三岁母亲今日: 0|昨日: 0|帖子: 891|会员: 11582|欢迎新会员:
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