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Unit 1 《School life》教案4(牛津版必修模块1)
你可能喜欢Mosel Reference Manual - Error messages
Error messages
The Mosel error messages listed in the following are grouped according to the following categories:
General errors: may occur either during compilation or when running a model.
Parser/compiler errors: raised during the model compilation.
Runtime errors: when running a model.
All messages are identified by their code number, preceded either by the letter
E for error or W for warning. Errors cause the compilation or execution of a model to fail, warnings simply indicate that there may be something to look
into without causing a failure or interruption.
This chapter documents the error mesages directly generated by Mosel, not the messages stemming from Mosel modules or from
other libraries used by modules.
General errors
These errors may occur either during compilation or when running a model.
E-1 & Internal error in `location' (errortype)
An unrecoverable error has been detected, Mosel exits.
Please contact Dash.
E-2 & General error in `location' (errortype)
An internal error has been detected but Mosel can recover.
Please contact Dash.
E-4 & Not enough memory
Your system has not enough memory available to compile or execute
a Mosel model.
E-20 & Trying to open `file' twice
The same file cannot be opened twice (e.g. using fopen
or include).
E-21 & I cannot open file `file' for writing (driver_error)
Likely causes are an incorrect access path or write-protected
E-22 & I cannot open file `file' for reading (driver_error)
Likely causes are an incorrect access path or filename or not
read-enabled files.
E-23 & Error when writing to the file `file' (driver_error)
The file could be opened for writing but an error occurred during
writing (e.g. disk full).
E-24 & Error when reading from the file `file' (driver_error)
The file could be opened for reading but an error occurred while
reading it.
E-25 & Unfinished string
A string is not terminated, or different types of quotes are used
to indicate start and end of a string.
E-26 & Identifier expected
May occur when reading data files: a label is missing or a
numerical value has been found where a string is expected.
initializations from "test.dat"
Contents of test.dat:
The label D: is missing.
E-27 & Number expected
May occur when reading data files: another data type has been
found where a numerical value is expected.
C: set of real
initializations from "test.dat"
Contents of test.dat:
C: [1 2 c]
c is not a number.
E-28 & Digit expected for constant exponent
May occur when using scientific notation for real values.
b:= 2E -10
E must be immediately followed by a signed integer (i.e. no spaces).
E-29 & Wrong file descriptor number for selection (num)
fselect is used with an incorrect parameter value.
E-34 & I cannot find IO driver `driver'
The system cannot locate the IO driver driver for opening
a file. This may happen if the driver is provided by a module not already loaded
in memory. To avoid this problem the module name should be given with the
driver name. For instance use "mmodbc.odbc" instead of "odbc"
E-35 & Error when closing file `file' (driver_error)
An error occurred while closing a file. Typically the last write operation
for clearing buffers failed.
Parser/compiler errors
Whenever possible Mosel displays the location where an error has been detected during compilation in the format (line_number/character_position_in_line).
E-100 & Syntax error before token
The parser cannot continue to analyze the source file
because it has encountered an unexpected token.
When the error is not an obvious syntax error, make
sure you are not using an identifier that has not been
defined before.
writeln(3 mod)
mod must be followed by an integer (or a numerical expression evaluating to an integer).
token: write
then has been omitted.
token: end
if i & 0 then write("greater") end-if
A semicolon must be added to indicate termination of the statement preceeding the end-if.
E-101 & Incompatible types (type_of_problem)
We try to apply an operation to incompatible types.
Check the types of the operands.
type_of_problem: assignment
The first assignment defines i as an integer, the second tries to re-assign it a real value: i needs to be explicitly declared as a real.
type_of_problem: cmp
A truth value (the result of 12=1 is compared to a numerical value.
E-102 & Incompatible types for parameters of `routine'
A subroutine is called with the wrong parameter type. This message may also be displayed instead of E-104 if a subroutine
is called with the wrong number of parameters. (This is due to the possibility to overload the definition of subroutines).
procedure myprint(a:integer)
writeln("a: ", a)
The subroutine myprint is called with a real-valued argument instead of an integer.
E-103 & Incorrect number of subscripts for `array'(num1/num2)
An array is used with num2 subscripts instead of the number of subscripts num1 indicated at its declaration.
`array'(num1/num2): `A'(2/1)
A: array(1..5,range) of integer
E-104 & Incorrect number of parameters for `routine'(num1/num2)
Typically displayed if write or read are used without argument(s).
E-106 & Division by zero detected
Explicit division by 0 (otherwise error only detected at runtime).
E-107 & Math error detected on function `fct'
For example, a negative number is used with a fractional exponent.
E-108 & Logical expression expected here
Something else than a logical condition is used in an
if statement.
E-109 & Trying to redefine `name'
Objects can only be defined once, changing their type is not possible.
i is already defined as an integer by the assignment.
E-111 & Logical expression expected for operator `op'
2+3 and true
E-112 & Numeric expression expected for operator `op'
uses "mmxprs"
Multiplication of decision variables of type mpvar is only possible if a suitable module (like mmquad) supporting non-linear expressions is loaded.
E-113 & Wrong type for conversion
Mosel performs automatic conversions when required (for instance
from an integer to a real) or when explicitly requested
by using the type name, e.g. integer(12.5).
This error is raised when an unsupported conversion is
requested or when no implicit conversion can be applied.
E-114 & Unknown type for constant `const'
A constant is defined but there is not enough
information to deduce its type or the type implied cannot be
used for a constant (for instance a linear constraint).
E-115 & Expression cannot be passed by reference
We try to use a constant where an identifier is expected.
For instance, only non-constants can be used in an
initializations block.
E-118 & Wrong logical operator
A logical opeartor is used with a type for which it is not
if("abc" in "acd") then writeln("?"); end-if
The operator in is not defined for strings.
W-121 & Statement with no effect
An expression stands where a statement is expected. In this
case, the expression is ignored — typically, a constraint
has been stated and the constraint type is missing
(i.e. &= or &= ...) or an
equality constraint occurs without decision variables,
E-122 & Control parameter `param' unknown
The control parameters of Mosel are documented in the Mosel
Reference manual under function getparam.
All control parameters provided by a module, e.g. mmxprs,
can be display with the command EXAM, e.g. exam -p mmxprs.
In IVE this information is displayed by the module browser.
E-123 & `identifier' is not defined
identifier is used without or before declaring it.
Check the spelling of the name. If identifier is defined
by a module, make sure that the corresponding module is loaded.
If identifier is a subroutine that is defined later in
the program, add a forward
declaration at the beginning of the model.
E-125 & Set expression expected
For instance computing the union between an integer
constant and a set of integers: union(12+{13})
E-126 & String expression expected
A string is expected here: for instance a file name for an initiazation
E-127 & A function cannot be of type `type'
Some types cannot be the return value of a function. Typically
no function can return a decision variable (type mpvar).
E-128 & Type `type' has no field named `field'
Trying to access an unknown field in a record type.
k is not a field of r.
E-129 & Type `type' is not a record
Trying to use a record dereference on an object that is not a record.
For instance using i.j with i defined as an integer.
E-130 & A type definition cannot be local
It is not possible to declare a type in a procedure or function.
E-132 & Array `identifier' is not indexed by ranges: assignment may be incorrect
When performing an inline initialization (operator ::) on an array, it
is recommended to list indices if the indexing sets are not ranges. Indeed, since order of set elements
is not guaranteed the values provided may not be assigned to the expected cells in the
a:array({3,2,1}) of integer
! a::[3,2,1]
!=& a(1)=3 a(2)=2 a(3)=1
a::([3,2,1])[3,2,1] !=& a(1)=1 a(2)=2 a(3)=3
E-132 & Set or list expression expected
Aggregate operators (like sum or forall) require sets or lists
to describe the domains for their loops.
forall(i = 2) writeln(i)
Since i is declared as an integer before the loop, the expression i=2 is a
logical expression (it checks whether i is equal to 2) instead of an index definition.
E-147 & Trying to interrupt a non existing loop
break or next is used outside of a loop.
E-148 & Procedure/function `identifier' declared but not defined
A procedure or functions is declared with forward,
but no definition of the subroutine body has been found or
the subroutine body does not contain any statement.
E-149 & Some requirements are not met
A package may declare requirements: these are symbols that must be
declared by models using this package. This error occurs when a model uses a package
without providing the definitions for all the requirements.
E-150 & End of file inside a commentary
A commentary (usually started with (!) is not
terminated. This error may occur, for instance, with several
nested commentaries.
E-151 & Incompatible type for subscript num of `identifier'
The subscript counter num may be wrong if an incorrect
number of subscripts is used.
A:array(1..2,3..4) of integer
This prints the value 2 for num, although the
second subscript is actually missing.
W-152 & Empty set for a loop detected
This warning will be printed in a few cases where it is
possible to detect an empty set during compilation.
E-153 & Trying to assign the index `idx'
Loop indices cannot be re-assigned.
C: set of string
forall(d in D) d+=1
forall(c in C) if (c='a') then c:='A'; end-if
Both of these assignments will raise the error. To replace an element of the set C, the element needs to be removed and the new element added to the set.
E-154 & Unexpected end of file
May occur, for instance, if an expression at the end of the
model file is incomplete
and in addition end-model is missing.
E-155 & Empty `case'
A case statement is used without defining any choices.
E-156 & `identifier' has no type
The type of identifier cannot be deduced. Typically,
an undeclared object is assigned an empty set.
E-157 & Scalar expression expected
1: writeln("stop")
The case statement can only be used with the basic types (integer, real, boolean, string).
Declaration of arrays by assignment is only possible if the index set can be deduced (e.g. definition of an array of linear constraints in a loop).
E-159 & Compiler option `option' unknown
Valid compiler options include explterm and
noimplicit. See section
for more details.
E-160 & Definition of functions and procedures cannot be nested
May occur, for instance, if end-procedure or
end-function is missing and the definition of
a second subroutine follows.
E-161 & Expressions not allowed as procedure/function parameter
Occurs typically if the index set(s) of an array are defined
directly in the procedure/function prototype.
procedure myproc(F:array(1..5) of real)
Replace either by array(range) or array(set of integer) or define A:=1..5 outside of the subroutine definition and use array(A)
E-162 & Non empty string expected here
This error is raised, for example, by uses ""
E-163 & Array declarations in the form of a list are not allowed as procedure/function parameter
Basic types may be given in the form of a list, but not arrays.
procedure myproc(F,G,H:array(range) of real, a,b,c:real)
Separate declaration of every array is required:
procedure myproc(F:array(range) of real, G:array(range) of real,
H:array(range) of real, a,b,c:real)
W-164 & A local symbol cannot be made public
procedure myproc
public i:integer
Any symbol declared in a subroutine is local and cannot be made public.
W-165 & Declaration of `identifier' hides a parameter
The name of a function/procedure parameter is re-used in a
local declaration.
procedure myproc(D:array(range) of real)
D: integer
This procedure prints the value of the integer D. Unless this behavior is desired, rename either the subroutine argument or the name used in the declaration.
W-166 & `;' missing at end of statement
If the option explterm is employed, then all
statements must be terminated by a semicolon.
E-167 & Operator `op' not defined
A constructor for a type is used in a form that is not defined.
uses "complex"
The module complex defines constructors for complex numbers from one or
two reals, but not from three.
E-168 & `something' expected here
Special case of ``syntax error'' (E-100) where the parser
is able to provide a guess of what is missing.
something: :=
The assignment is indicated by :=.
something: of
S: set integer
of has been omitted.
something: ..
A: array(1:2) of integer
Ranges are specified by ...
E-169 & `identifier' cannot be used as an index name (the identifier is already in use or declared)
sum(i in 1..10)
The identifier i has to be replaced by a different name in one of these lines.
E-170 & `=' expects a scalar here (use `in' for a set)
Special case of syntax error (E-100).
sum(i = 1..10)
Replace = by in.
E-171 & The [upper/lower] bound of a range is not an integer expression
A: array(1..2.5) of integer
Ranges are intervals of integers, so the upper bound of the index range must be changed to either 2 or 3.
E-172 & Only a reference to a public set is allowed here
All index sets of a public array must also be public.
E-173 & Statement allowed in packages only
The block requirements can only be used in packages.
E-175 & Index sets of array types must be named
User types defined as arrays must be indexed by named sets (i.e. declared
For instance it is not allowed to use range or set of string
as an index of such an array.
E-176 & Only a public type is allowed here
If a user type depending on another user type is declared declared public,
the secondary type must also be public. For instance, assuming type T1 is
private, it is not possible to declare T2 as a public T2=set of T1.
E-177 & Incorrect number of initializers (n1/n2)
In an inline initialization (operator ::) the number of provided
values to assign does not match the list of indices.
E-202 & Integer constant expected
Versions numbers (stated by means of the version compiler directive)
must consist in 1 to 3 numbers separated by dots (e.g. 1.2.3). This error
is displayed if a version number does not conform to this syntax.
Errors related to modules
E-302 & The symbol `identifier' from `module' cannot be defined (redefinition)
Two different modules used by a model define the same symbol (incompatible definitions).
E-303 & Wrong type for symbol `identifier' from `module'
Internal error in the definition of a user module (an unknown type is used): refer to
the list of type codes in the Native Interface reference
W-304 & The symbol `identifier' is hidden by module `module'
Two different modules used by a model define the same symbol (definitions are compatible, second replaces first definition).
W-306 & Unknown operator `op' (code num) in module `module'
Internal error in the definition of a user module: refer to
the list of operator codes in the Native Interface reference
E-307 & Operator `op' (code num) from module `module' rejected
Internal error in the definition of a user module: an operator is not defined correctly.
E-308 & Parameter string of a native routine corrupted
Internal error in the definition of a user module: refer to
the list of parameter type codes in the Native Interface
reference manual.
Errors related to packages
E-320 & Package `package' not found
A package has not been found in the module path (see section
for the search rules).
E-321 & `file' is not a package
Typically displayed if a model is used as a package
(the source for the bim file starts with the model keyword
instead of package).
E-322 & Wrong version for package `package'(num1.num2.num3/num4.num5.num6)
A model is compiled with package A depending on a package B.
The bim file Mosel has loaded for B is not compatible with the one used for
compiling A.
E-323 & Package `package' imported several times
A package cannot be imported several times in a model. This
error occurs usually when a model uses packages A and B, and package B
already includes A.
Runtime errors
Runtime errors are usually displayed without any information about where they have occurred.
To obtain the location of the error, use the flag g with
the COMPILE, CLOAD, or EXECUTE command.
E-30 & Duplicate label `label' at line num of file `file' (ignored)
The same label is used repeatedly in a data file.
D: [1 2 3]
D: [1 2 4]
E-31 & Error when reading label `label' at (num1,num2) of file `file'
The data entry labeled label has not been read correctly. Usually this message is preceded by a more detailed one, e.g. E-24, E-27 or E-28.
E-32 & Error when writing label `label' at (num1,num2) of file `file'
The data entry labeled label has not been written correctly. Usually this message is preceded by a more detailed one, e.g. E-23.
E-33 & Initialization with file `file' failed for: list_of_identifier
Summary report at the end of an initializations section. Usually this message is preceded by more detailed ones, e.g. E-27, E-28, E-30, E-31.
General runtime errors
E-51 & Division by zero
Division by 0 resulting from the evaluation of an expression.
E-52 & Math error performing function `identifier'
For example ln used with inadmissible argument,
such as 0 or negative values.
E-1000 & Inconsistent range
Typically displayed if the lower bound specified for a range
is greater than its upper bound.
E-1001 & Conflicting types in set operation (op)
A set operation can only be carried out between sets of the
same type.
C: set of integer
The inverse, C:=D, is correct because ranges are a special case
of sets of integers.
E-1002 & An index is out of range
An attempt is being made to access an array entry that lies outside of the
index sets of the array.
E-1003 & Trying to modify a finalized or fixed set
Occurs, for instance, when it is attempted to re-assign a
constant set or to add elements to a fixed set.
E-1004 & Trying to access an uninitialized object (type_of_object)
Occurs typically in models that define subroutines.
type_of_object: array
forward procedure myprint
A:array(1..2,3..4) of integer
procedure myprint
Move the declaration of A before the call of the subroutine
E-1005 & Wrong type for ``procedure''
Occurs when procedures settype or getvars
are used with incorrect types.
E-1009 & Too many initializers
The number of data elements exceeds the maximum size of an array.
A:array(1..3) of integer
E-1010 & Trying to extend a unary constraint
Most types of unary constraints cannot be transformed into
constraints on several variables.
x,y: mpvar
c:=x is_integer
E-1013 & Infeasible constraint
The simple cases of infeasible unnamed constraints that are detected at run time include:
E-1014 & Conflicting types in array operation (op)
An array operation (like assignment) can only be carried out
between arrays of the same type and structure.
E-1015 & Trying to modify a constant list
Occurs, for instance, when it is attempted to apply
a destructive operation (like splittail) to a
constant list.
E-1016 & Trying to get an element in an empty set
The function getfirst or getlast is applied to
an empty set.
E-1017 & Trying to get an element in an empty list
The function getfirst or getlast is applied to
an empty list.
E-1100 & Empty problem
We are trying to generate or load an empty problem into a solver (i.e. bounds do not count as constraints).
E-1102 & Problem capacity of student license exceeded (num1 type_of_object & num2)
The problem is too large to be solved with a student license.
Use a smaller data set or try to reformulate the problem to
reduce the number of variables, constraints, or global entities.
BIM reader
E-80 & `file' is not a BIM file
Trying to load a file that does not have the structure of a BIM file.
E-82 & Wrong file version (num1/num2) for file `file'
A BIM file is loaded with an incompatible version of Mosel:
preferably the same versions should be used for generating and
running a BIM file.
E-83 & Bim file `file' corrupted
A BIM file has been corrupted, e.g. by saving it with a text editor.
E-84 & File `file': model cannot be renamed
A model file that is being executed cannot be re-loaded at the same time.
W-85 & Trailing data at end of file `file' ignored
At the end of a BIM file additional, unidentifiable data has been
found (may be a sign of file corruption).
Module manager errors
E-350 & Module `module' not found
A module has not been found in the module path (see section
for the search rules). This message is also
displayed, if a module depends on another library that has
not been found (e.g. module mmxprs has been found but
Xpress-Optimizer has not been installed or cannot be located
by the operating system).
E-351 & File `file' is not a Mosel DSO
Typically displayed if Mosel cannot find the module
initialization function.
E-352 & Module `module': wrong interface version
A module is not compatible with the Mosel version used to load it.
E-353 & Module `module': no authorization found
Module module requires a license for its use. Please
contact Dash.
E-354 & Error when initializing module `module'
Usually preceded by an error message generated by the module.
Please refer to the documentation of the module for further
E-355 & Wrong version for module `module'(num1.num2.num3/num4.num5.num6)
A model is run with a version of a module that is different from
the version that has been used to compile the model.
E-358 & Error when resetting module `module'
A module cannot be executed (e.g. due to a lack of memory).
E-359 & Driver `pkg.driver' rejected (reason)
A module publishes an IO driver which name is invalid or that is
missing some mandatory function.
E-360 & Control parameter `module.param' unknown (setting ignored)
It is possible to set module parameters when running a
model (using the RUN command for instance): in the list
of assignments, a control parameter cannot be found in the indicated
E-361 & Version number truncated (`vernum')
A version number (for module, model or package) consists in three
positive numbers a.b.c. This error is raised if one of these numbers
is larger than 999.
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