so you best and thenso let me gogo

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&&&&&&Tell us about when words couldn’t describe your experience — and then let’s try to find the right words
Have you ever experienced something so
that the only words you could muster up go something like, “There are simply no words to describe?” Or: Have you ever tried to name or define an object or concept and discovered that nothing in that dictionary you carry around in your skull matches? Well, there’s a word for that: .
Derived from the Latin , meaning “unutterable,” from-”not” and “utter,” ineffable is defined as an “inability to describe in words” or “too sacred to be uttered.” Perhaps it’s an overwhelming feeling of love, a work of art, something online, or something we can’t even imagine.
We’ve all found ourselves wrapped in voiceless bewilderment, unable to find the words to properly express that inexpressible something.
We’re secure enough to admit that even the dictionary has limits, and we’ve decided to experiment with those boundaries of ineffability. In the comments below, share a specific example where you could not find words to describe your emotion, concept, object, condition – you name it. Also, if you read someone else’s comment and think of an existing word that you feel does describe the ineffable example, share it as well. Let’s expand the power of words and help each other in the process.
editors will occasionally highlight examples and perhaps contribute suggestions. We can’t wait to learn from all of you.
So far your suggestions have been wonderful:
@VEllisonne on twitter writes: “When I found myself in the middle of a dangerous situation but was completely calm and alright with the whole thing.” Perhaps “” works here.
Let’s keep this going…
Ann Hopps Morgan suggests: “Seeing the 3,500 year old tomb of Nefertari in Luxor, Egypt.”
And Kathie Wallis stumped us with: “The moment when irony and coincidence bring a truth t when you realize the world is not as you were living it.
As if the dimensional plane you are standing in suddenly shifts, just a bit, leaving you disoriented and the world around you is forever changed.”
The suggestions keep rolling in and we are thrilled with what we’re reading.
Liongrrrrl offered the following scenario: “I can’t figure out how to put certain facial expressions to words, like when someone says something sarcastic to another person and that person gives them a *look*, where they blink kind of long and stare at them, maybe pursing their lips or folding their arms. I can’t figure that one out.” To which one reader suggested: .
Chacho is looking for a word to describe the following: “A smell that I don’ either really good, bad or just plain wierd.”
Thanks for all your comments. Keep them coming!
I get this feeling a lot where I’ll be zoning out for a little while, but I’ll become aware of everything and it’s surreal and overwhelming… Is there a word for that? Other than disassociation?
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August 2010Letting Go and Moving Forward
By Karim Hajee
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Let's face it. Many of us choose to hang on to things that at some point have hurt us, angered us, made us feel sad, or depressed us. If we choose to hang on to them, we will never move forward and we could even create physical or medical damage to our bodies. To prevent this from happening we need to let go but no one really tells you how to let go and move forward. Sure it's easy to say: "Just let go, move forward, forget about it, just let go." But that really doesn&t work. I&m about to show you how to let go and start moving forward.
Why You Need to Let Go and Move Forward.
Throughout our lives we go through different experiences, some are positive and some we see as negative and unpleasant. When you hang on to a negative or unpleasant experience you are constantly thinking about it. And when you constantly think about that negative event you prevent yourself from healing. How many pleasant memories do you recall everyday? Chances are you're like most people and you have a number of unpleasant experiences that you're holding on to, which is preventing you from moving forward.
The more you carry the worse life gets. Why? Because you've filled your mind up with negative experiences, because you continually hang on to something that doesn't allow you to move forward, in short, you're carrying useless baggage that's really slowing you down.
Think of it this way: you're on a hiking trip and along the way you keep picking up heavy objects, things that really don't serve you. After a while, these objects begin to slow you down and unless you get rid of them, you'll never complete your trip.
To let go you have to get your mind to focus on different goals and different objectives. It's not about saying: I let go of the pain from my fight with ---- and move on. That will help, but if you really want to start moving on, then you have to get your mind to focus on new things, in the process you automatically let go of the things that have been slowing you down.
How to Let Go and Move Forward
Researchers believe that that if you hold on to negative feelings, sad emotions or depressing memories there is a possibility that you could reshape the human cell to the point where your thoughts of the past have a negative effect on your cells and your physical health.
Hanging on to negative past events is a process that can destroy your life in ways you're not even aware of. Ask yourself these questions: Do the negative things you hang on to serve you any purpose? Do they help you move forward? Do they work in your favor in any way? If you said no to any or all of the above then tell yourself this: This emotion/feeling doesn't help me so I'm letting it go and focusing on what is important. Then begin focusing on what you want next, focus on what is important and what can improve your life. This is a simple process that gets the mind moving in a new direction and you stop building negative energy created from the negative events/emotions, which only attracts more negative situations. When you begin focusing on more positive things you begin attracting positive situations.
The next step is to create an action plan, the past is over. Where do you want to go now and how do you plan to get there? You may not have the answers but merely thinking about the options forces your mind to go in a new direction and you automatically let go of unwanted feelings and emotions.
The key to your success is to train your mind to move in a new direction so you send new messages to your subconscious mind, which then brings you the opportunities to move forward.
The final step is to live in the present moment, to start living in the now. Living in the now is different than living for the moment. Living in the now is the process of enjoying everything that is going on at this present moment. Take a look around you and appreciate those things that you once thought were trivial. When you are here now you can be nowhere else. You are not hanging on to something, you are here now. I know some of you may say the following: "But Karim, where I am right now really sucks, I don't want to think about it." It only sucks because you're looking at all the negative things going on. Focus on a few of the positive things anything from nature to the wonderful
you may have. This forces your mind to look at things differently and tells your subconscious mind that you're ready for new possibilities, then you&ll begin to let go and move forward.
Author's Bio:&
Karim Hajee is the author and creator of the Creating Power system - which teaches you how to direct the power of your mind and subconscious mind so that you achieve your goals and live the life you want. To learn more visit:
Thanks for the inspiring article.
I wish to let go of the past, and move on with a happy life.
However, it doesn't seem to be easy.
I can't avoid facing those people who been hurting me, so how can I move on when facing same situation? Pls give me advise as I'm now living in miserable.
When I smile or laugh, it doesn't come from the heart.
A nice post to give appreciation.
A nice piece of writing.
I really enjoy to reading this article.
Excellent writing.
Best Article on this topic.
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Living in the now, means forgetting about the future and the past. Look around you and act as if you only have a few moments on earth to do something you enjoy without stress. Even if it is work, do it well, quietly and without stress because you only have a few moments. Be calm, be safe and be here now.
Tarik Alsharafi
Best Selling Author and
Great article! Letting go real holding on to negative energy does nothing but attract more negative energy and therefore negative events. Focusing on what you want, clearing blocks, feeling good as much as possible, and taking inspired action will allow you to manifest and attract the life of your dreams.
Great article.
I am a great proponent of letting go.
It is key to moving towards inner knowing and stillness.
I always enjoy reading different takes on the letting go process.
Thanks for sharing.
This was excellent!! The root of all that is bad is not letting go no matter what the topic.
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Great Article!
Visit this site for some excellent Quotes about Moving On!
God is always watching over us..God knws our pains..heartaches...He knws our hearts, our minds..we cant hide anything frm HIM.I truly experienced hw God works in me...hw He comforted me with those painful moments...i....i prayed so hard and He answers.He was telling me ,.that man is not for u...u dont deserve that kind of
man, u will never be happy with this man...this man is not good for u..Dont worry...i will give u someone better., much better than what u think...Now, i apreciate why God allows it to happen...coz HE has better plan ,a better gift for me...He gave me a great job at my dream country as a nurse, not as caregiver, plus He gave me someone which im surprised to realize that this man is perfectly meant for me..the man i dreamt of.
Very touching article. I remember being in some pretty bad places after break-ups, and the best advice everyone gives you is to move on.
The problem is that you don't want to move on, and you can't imagine your life without that person.
I totally agree with the part about keeping yourself busy, I was a student so I couldn't concentrate on my studies, but I had lots offriends around and things going on to take my mind off it.
Eventually you move on without really realising it, and before you know it you're in another relationship, while being an expert on break-ups!
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Sometimes people hold onto the past because they act as crutches.
I've seen people who hold onto relationships, careers, ways of living which don't nurture them.
With these crutches they don't have to venture out into the unknown of new relationships, careers, ways of living etc.
Great advice. One of the biggest mistakes people make is holding onto something that is not working... whether it's a bad relationship or a bad business. The only way out is to take a step back and get a holistic view of things to ask yourself "is this working out?" Huskies for Sale
I've had trouble letting go of my husband's weight gain.
He is starting to max out his double XL T-shirts.
I would like him to be around for a long time.
I love him a lot.
I do make comments that he is growing out of his clothes.
I know this hurts him.
I know I shouldn't make the comments but it is hard for me to ignore.
Indeed, GOd heals the brokenhearted and bandages the wounds..Thank u Lord..
Finally. life must go on....Yeah God provides....Now im having great love...and well, im very
proud about him....and he is also very proud of me...thank u Lord for bringing us together..Truly, God works in mysterious ways...God's will is always good....thank God for loving me this much..coz HE sent him for me to be happy...
I really enjoyed this, Great job!
~~ David McDonough
Forgotten 11 Laws
The Science To Getting Rich
My view is the old tiger at our door image..
I view the negative things as a large hungry tiger at my door, but I'm the one that keeps him at the door with my negatives thoughts.
I say....let the tiger go....and he'll walk away and with him goes the danger and the negativity.
Dear David sir,
Thanks for your motivated self oriented articles, Really I find growth within me. I am reminded each and every moment by your thoughts ideas and guidelines that you have given me.
Benjamin Xalxo
I love the way you explained the process of letting go and the hiking analogy.
Letting go requires us to change our focus and set our minds in the direction we want our lives to go!
Great article.
Thank you!
I'm 54 and just divorced my hubby of a 32 year marriage.
I was ment., verb., emot., spiritually and financially abused.
Raped too, but thought it was my 'wifely duty'.
It took 14 months of counseling at 6 hours a week 3 years ago - and 2 hours a week since.
He is a controller and a narcissist.
He has lied to my children which I've now not seen since Dec. '09 ans well as 2 granddaughters and now an 8 week old grandson who I was told about thru the grapevine.
My parents don't want to see what might heal the relationship as they enjoy hearing from me as well as my children.
I left with love for my husband and he knew it, but used it against me as he always has to be right. I know I have to move on and trying - but we are talking about people I knew before they were born.
Mental issues came about due to the abuse I was not aware of.
I am now unemployable.
I can forgive, but how do I get rid of the pain? I've lost my whole family....
thankyou for the tips,i would like to also add that it would be good if one could write down the strengths that one has and refer to them whenever one feels low and distressed.
Very good & practical advice.
However, not everyone has well developed will power to follow the good advice. Thankfully, in this era of ascension with 2012 round the corner, there are several masters helping the weak ones with kick start to good life by such graces as Shaktipaath which clears a lot of one's Karma in one go and lifts him / her to a totally new high level, from where he / she can resume control over life.
AVADHOOT BABA SHIVANANDJI () in India & STEVEN S SADDLER in USA are 2 such examples if anyone wants such help.
what a wonderful advise!
True pain or hurt cannot be simplified by saying just let it go. Deep anquish shapes your view of the world. Sometimes you need to hang onto this emotion as a warning signal to prevent the situation happening again. We are all different and the level of emotion eah of us feels cannot be understood or experienced by another. Life is all about experiences and they shape the person we are to be. Some things can never be forgotten, trust and faith in the human race should always be cautious.
thank you for your acknowledgment and understanding.
I believe you are right, tho never thought as such - when you said can be a warning signal.
I don't want to fall into the same trap again.
thank you for your acknowledgment and understanding.
I believe you are right, tho never thought as such - when you said can be a warning signal.
I don't want to fall into the same trap again.
True pain or hurt cannot be simplified by saying just let it go. Deep anquish shapes your view of the world. Sometimes you need to hang onto this emotion as a warning signal to prevent the situation happening again. We are all different and the level of emotion eah of us feels cannot be understood or experienced by another. Life is all about experiences and they shape the person we are to be. Some things can never be forgotten, trust and faith in the human race should always be cautious.
Thx for this article.
It was very timely and helpful.
this article helped me to change the mind set i had about the male counterpart. Thanks alot.
Thanks, this is one of my best article for the year.
I really appriciate this article. The self growth team has really helped me to improve my career and life. I'm really thankful to the entier team.
Thanks for a well written and thought provoking article, Karim!
really helpful n enforces ma desire 2 really move ahead. Thanks
truth talk.this article is blessing to me.
Yes, I was living in the past, but now, I will see the present moment and, my actions must be strategic movements. to solve my troubles
an to go forward.
Thanks, this is the best article
have read so far about letting go, though its a little bit hard to let go at some point,many are the time that we hold on to matters that don't benefit us any way.
your article came as a time when i am battling with an emotion of betrayal from a long relationship. to let go in my subcounsiousness is very difficult, but as i go through the article i am already heal and i would move foraward forgeting the past, cherrishing the present moment and looking up to future with more blessing and a fulfil life a head
Very helpful article. I just would like to add that it could help in the appreciation
of the things that we have now to apply the Law of Gratitude. It is said that a thankful heart cannot be cynical and that an attitude of gratitude creates blessings. Therefor, any past negative experiences and their possible bad effects on us will be negated if we are always thankful and grateful for whatever we have now.
yes training subconscious mind is so important. thanks karim.
Well said Karim.
Letting go really is the key. But how?
Most people think that letting go is "not thinking about it", or practicing forgiveness, or pushing things down inside themselves and just "getting on with it".
That's what I did too. All of those things and more, for years!
However the FREEDOM from these energy blocks which remain in our body's energy systems and need to be resolved in order for us to feel & experience the real joy of living can really only be gained by living in THIS very moment.
To clear these energy blocks is simple and easy but few people know how to do this! There are a number of ways.
Would love to have a chat with you sometime about this and see what we can do to create some meaningful change and clarity for people around this issue.
Love and light from Sydney, Australia!
Lyn Bowker
But I've now learned about energy
I have found the best way to move on from a past, painful life event is to move through it - not away from it.
If something has annoyed me I abs this enables me to discharge the emotional energy attached to it, acknowledge my right to have an emotional reaction, normalise the experience and then move on.
Eventually all emotion has gone and my mind is able to validate the overall experience and produces an unemotional decision at the end of it.
There is usually a very good reason why I had the reaction and I have to hang around with the experience long enough to gain full understanding and useful insights from it.
If we pretend we can overcome our emotional reactions by 'thinking positive thoughts' we are fooling ourselves - emotional energy is far more powerful than mental energy and when we try to force ourselves to be 'positive' against our feelings we merely run from ourselves.
This is 'denial'.
T not away from it.
I really appreciate your insight into not only the problem, but also sharing strategies to move forward. I plan to share this information! Thank You!
Really nice article that strikes straight to your subconscious mind, rejuvenates you and lets you know your meaning to yourself.
Thanks and Best Wishes!
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