
物理学中的美 广西玉林市博白县实验中学&&&&&&&&&&&&& 刘& 杰
摘要:本文主要阐述物理学在自然美、科学美和精神美方面的美学内涵,让广大师生充分认识物理美,加强在物理教学中实施美育渗透,全面推进素质教育。 关键词:& 自然美、科学美、精神美 &&& 物理是研究自然界中物体运动变化规律的一门科学,是自然科学的一个重要组成部分,那么物理中蕴涵着美也是必然的。物理中的美是科学美的一部分,而科学美又不同于艺术美那么直观,不易为人们所理解,为揭示物理学中的美,本文就根据美的一般范畴和领悟方法,做一抛砖引玉的浅论,物理中有自然美、科学美和精神美。
一、物理现象的自然美 &&& 中学物理涉及力、声、热、光、电、磁和原子物理等内容,物理现象千姿百态、美妙无穷。如星移斗转、日夜交替、春秋轮回、物态互变等自然规律,因有序而美;光的反射与倒影、折射与海市蜃楼、色散与彩虹、日食和月食都有奇异的美。人类在研究和应用物理方面创造的辉煌成果,是美的精品。蒸汽机、发电机、激光器、电子对撞机的发明,步步促进人类生产、生活和高科技的发展;“阿波罗”登月成功,“嫦娥奔月”的传说变成了现实美谈,“神五神六”畅游太空再次实现人类超载地球之梦;众多的航天器和卫星正在全球通讯、气象观测、国防和科研等方面建功立业;电磁技术、激光技术、能源开发技术突飞猛进;核电站、太阳能电站的相继林立充分展示了物理前景无限美好。 && 二、物理理论的科学美 &&& 现代物理学家杨振宁教授说过:“科学中存在美,所有的科学家都有这样的感觉”。物理学具有简洁、对称、和谐与新奇方面的科学美感,是“审美者通过理解、想象、逻辑思维所体验到的美。” 1、简洁美
2、对称美 &&& 对称性给人的美感是“圆满、均衡和协调”。人们这样描述对称性:若图形通过某种操作(如时空坐标系的改变,尺度的放大和缩小)又回到它本身,则这样的图形具有对称性。对称性的概念应用于物理,研究对象不仅是图形,还有物理量和物理规律。“对称美”在物理中显而易见。从空间角度看,原子的核式结构、晶体的空间点阵、磁体的两极是对称的;物体的上升下落,圆周运动是对称的;物体的平衡、弹性形变、简谐振动具有对称性;平面镜成像、光与波的反射更具有对称美。从时间角度看,行星的公转与自转、理想单摆和简谐振动、波的传播都具有时间周期性的对称美。对称性的美学意境引起很多科学家的心驰神往,从伽利略时代开始,物理学家就把追求理论上的对称性作为一种有效的研究手法,并取得了成功。例如牛顿发现万有引力(F=Gm1m2/r2)和库仑的静电力(F=Kq1q2/r2)非常对称;法拉弟受奥斯特“电生磁”现象的启发之后发现了“磁生电”的现象,进一步揭示了电磁联系;后人还发现电场和磁场在规律上有许多惊人的对称关系。
4、新奇美 &&& “新奇”也是物理美的特点。物理学发展到今天,无论是理论方面还是实践方面都是硕果累累,新颖的发明创造和新奇的理论成果层出不穷。。自然界中的物体都有区别于其它物体的个性,这种个性往往闪烁着超群脱俗、不同凡响的新奇美,正如培根所说:“没有一个极美的东西不是在调和中有某种奇特!”科学的新奇美表现在两个方面,一是概念或结论的不同凡响、惊人骇世;二是其表达的神奇奥妙、令人折服,例如,E=mc2告诉我们每单位物质都具有惊人的能量,而原子弹、氢弹则能释放出这种惊天地泣鬼神的能量,E=mc2所表达的内涵就是如此的深刻,而形式又是这样的简洁,确给人以一种惊人骇世之感,这就是一种新奇美。
三、物理学家的精神美 &&& 物理理论的科学美具有很高的审美价值,而物理学家的精神美堪称无价之宝。中无论是从哥白尼的、爱迪生的发明,或者法拉第的发电机、周光召的原子弹,还是牛顿定律、麦克斯韦方程与爱因斯坦理论都能领略到伟人美的风范。回顾物理学的发展史,可知这座辉煌的殿堂,凝聚了多少人的智慧和心血。其中牛顿和爱因斯坦这两位科学巨人,永远是中学“德育”和“美育”的典范。所有的科学家,都具有伟大的思想和天才的智慧,不馁的精神和高尚的品格。华裔物理学家丁肇中力排美国政府的阻挠,登上诺贝尔授奖台,用汉语作了一次激动人心的演讲,二千多名来宾为之震动。这是1901年诺贝尔奖问世以来,500多名获奖者中第一次用中国人民的语言在这里演讲。他要在这科学圣地抒发中华民族子孙的自豪感。他们给人类留下了丰富的物质和精神财富。科学是美的,创造科学的人更美。&&& 总之,物理现象五彩缤纷,其中有直观亮丽、奇特美妙的自然景观;也有简洁优美、博大精湛的理论科学;还有千古留芳、永不磨灭的艺术足迹。把“物理美”延续下去,我们责无旁贷。mwwu为《至美无相:创造...》写的书评
《至美无相》新书介绍 吴明卫 (中国科学技术大学 物理系)我的朋友意大利人乔万尼 (Giovanni Vignale)兄是在美国Missouri大学物理系供职的讲席教授,他除了在凝聚态理论研究方面成就斐然,著述颇丰外,兴趣广泛,对艺术、哲学和文学都有涉猎。几年前在我们闲聊当下学生缺乏做物理(科学)的品味时,他提到他正在写一本关于物理的科普书,从哲学和艺术的角度来看物理学,冀望对提高学生欣赏物理的能力会有裨益,只是担心写出来后没有出版社肯出。当时我就对此书充满了兴趣,并和乔万尼兄讨论了该书的大概内容。此后我一直期盼着该书能早日付梓。后来我听说他正在找出版社,似乎并不顺利。忽于两年前,收到了乔万尼兄寄来的新书,不禁欣喜过望,一睹为快。我越读越觉得有必要将此书介绍给国内的读者,尤其是年青的学生。我们知道,科学和艺术无论是在审美还是在抽象方面,都有着极大的相通性。在这本书中,乔万尼兄用了大量的故事(涵盖了圣经故事、印度的早期史诗、文学名著)、绘画、事例展现了抽象在物理学,尤其是理论物理学中的威力:理论物理通过富有创造性的想象之透镜来认知感官世界,是用事实做为约束的虚构。一个物理理论从来不是原样地反映自然,而是对自然现实的理想化――是离题(抽象)的现实,是思想的极限。书中将物理学的审美和艺术的审美直接/间接地加以联系,将虚幻的呈现与真实的存在、大胆的假定与小心的求证、形式与抽象等的关系通过一系列故事、艺术作品自然地展现给读者。全书浸淫着的想象力及自由思想对科学(人类)发展的重要作用,而想象力及自由思想正是我们目前教育所奇缺的。因此我相信,这本书对于学生在学习时,从另外一个更高的视角品味物理、品味学问更进而品味人生;学会自由思考(思想)而不是只看重记忆及解题,提高学术(人文)品味,无疑会有诸多裨益。承蒙乔万尼兄欣然应允,及中国科学技术大学出版社郝诗仙社长慨然玉成,我们得以获得中文译本的版权。由于此书涉猎的人文背景甚为宽广,翻译此书难度极大,远非常人力所能及。光是此书的书名“The Beautiful Invisible”就极难翻译,且在翻译中要批阅大量背景资料(有些只有意大利语的版本),难度之大可想而知。所幸吾兄中科院物理所曹则贤研究员博闻强识,通晓数国语言,在繁重的科学研究之余,致力于物理学教育,出版了《物理学咬文嚼字》等一系列著作,为翻译此书的不二人选。涕蒙则贤兄慨然应允,并在一年不到的时间给出了精确优美的译本,实为我等广大读者之幸。书名中“invisible”翻成“无相”,得到吾友九华山沩仰宗第十一代禅人及临济宗第四十六代禅人妙虚法师之提点,在此一并致谢为忱。
(意)维尼亚勒 著,曹则贤 译
诺贝尔物理学奖得主Murray Gell-Man浅谈物理中的美
诺贝尔奖得主 Murray Gell-Mann 用简单和幽默的语言向我们介绍了粒子物理的知识。优美的方程比不优美的方程更加正确吗?所谓“超弦理论”的基本定理真的能够解释一切吗?他的回答会给你们带来惊喜。
Wielding laypeople's terms and a sense of humor, Nobel Prize winner Murray Gell-Mann drops some knowledge
about particle physics, asking questions like, Are elegant equations more likely to be right than inelegant ones? Can the fundamental law, the so-called &theory of everything,& really explain everything? His answers will surprise you.
诺贝尔奖得主 Murray Gell-Mann(也被称为夸克之父) 用简单和幽默的语言向我们介绍了粒子物理的知识。优美的方程比不优美的方程更加正确吗?所谓“万有理论”的基本定理真的能够解释一切吗?他的回答会给你们带来惊喜。
Thank you for putting up these pictures of my colleagues over here. (laughter) We'll be talking about them.
Now, I'm gonna try an experiment. I don't do experiments, normally. I'm a theorist. But I'm gonna see what happens if I press this button. (presses button on remote)
(slide appears: &Elementary particles are the building blocks of all matter everywhere in the universe. Their properties are connected with the fundamental forces of nature. We are very familiar through observation with four such forces:
The Strong Force, which holds atomic nuclei together
The Weak Force, responsible for several forms of radioactivity&)
Sure enough. OK. I used to work in this field of elementary particles, what happens to matter if you chop it up very fine. What is it made of. And the laws of these particles are valid throughout the universe, and they're very much connected with the history of the universe. We know a lot about four forces. There must be a lot more, but those are at very very small distances and we haven't really interacted with them very much yet.
(slide- &What is especially striking and remarkable is that in fundamental physics a beautiful or elegant theory is more likely to be right than a theory that is inelegant&)
The main thing I want to talk about is this, that we have this remarkable experience in this field of fundamental physics, that beauty is a very successful criterion for choosing the right theory. And why on earth could that be so?
(slide-&In 1957 some of us put forward a partially complete theory of the weak force, in disagreement with the results of seven experiments. It was beautiful and so we dared to publish it, believing that all those experiments must be wrong.
In fact, they were all wrong.&)
Well, here's an example from my own experience. It's fairly dramatic, actually, to have this happen. Three or four of us, in 1957, put forward a partially complete theory of one of these forces, this weak force. And it was in disagreement with seven -- seven -- count them! Seven experiments. Experiments were all wrong. And we published before knowing that, because we figured it was so beautiful, gotta be right! And the experiments had to be wrong, and they were. Now, our friend over there (gestures to Einstein portrait), Albert Einstein, used to pay very little attention when people said, 'you know, there's a man with an experiment that seems to disagree with special relativity. D.C. Miller, what about that?' He would say, aw, that'll go away. (laughs)
Now why does stuff like that work? That's the question.
让我讲一个我自己的经历吧。它非常有戏剧性。在1957年,我们中的3,4个人提出了一个还算完整的弱相互作用理论。它和当时7个实验的结果都不符。想一想,有7个之多啊。后来知道那些实验都是错的。但我们当时并不知道这些,可我们还是出版了我们的理论。因为我们发现这个理论太美了,应该错不了。那些那些实验必须是错的,他们的确也是错的。当有人对我们的朋友爱因斯坦说,&D. C. Miller的实验结果看起来和狭义相对论有矛盾,这是怎么回事?&他会说,噢,别傻了。(众笑)现在为什么像那样的事有效呢?这就是个问题。
(slide-&What do we mean by beauty and elegance?
Why is beauty or elegance a successful criterion in choosing a correct theory in fundamental physics?
What is the role here, if any, of human beings and human thinking?&)
Now, what do we mean by beautiful, that's one thing, I'll try to make that clear- partially clear. Why should it work, and is this something to do with human beings? I'll let you in on the answer to the last one that I offer, and that is there's no need to be a human being. Somewhere in some other planet, orbiting some very distant star, maybe in a different galaxy, there could well be entities that are at least as intelligent as we are, and are interested in science. It's not impossible, I think there probably are lots. Very likely none is close enough to interact with us, but they could be out there, very easily. And suppose they have, you know, very different sensory apparatus, and so on, they have seven tentacles, and they have 14 little funny-looking compound eyes, and a brain shaped like a pretzel.
Would they really have different laws? There're lots of people that believe that, and I think it is utter baloney. I think there are laws out there, and we of course don't understand them at any given time very well, but we try. And we try to get closer and closer. And someday, we may actually figure out the fundamental unified theory of the particles and forces -- what I call the fundamental law -- we may not even be terribly far from it. But even if we don't run across it in our lifetimes, we can still think there is one out there, and we're just trying to get closer and closer to it.
(slide-&A theory appears to be beautiful or elegant (or simple, if you prefer) when it can be expressed concisely in terms of mathematics we already have.&)
I think that's the main point to be made. We express these things mathematically, and when the mathematics is very simple, when in terms of some mathematical notation you can write the theory in a very brief space, without a lot of complication, that's essentially what we mean by beauty or elegance.
(slide-&Nature obeys laws and, in Newton's words, 'it is the business of natural philosophy to find them out.' (Natural philosophy was, in his day, the term for science.) The laws are not just some construct of the human mind, although human beings are engaged in an effort to find successive approximations to those laws and finally, perhaps, discover their exact form.&)
Here's what I was saying about the laws. They're really there. Newton certainly believed that, and he said, here, it is the business of natural philosophy to find out those laws.
(slide-& The basic law really takes the form of a unified quantum theory of all the fundamental forces and all the elementary particles.&)
The basic law, let's say -- here's an assumption -- the assumption is that the basic law really takes the form of a unified theory of all the particles. Now some people call that a theory of everything. That's wrong, because the theory is quantum mechanical. And I won't go into a lot of stuff about quantum mechanics and what it's like, and so on, you've heard a lot of wrong things about it anyway. (laughter) There're even movies about it with a lot of wrong stuff.
(slide-&Since it is quantum-mechanical, it predicts probabilities (some of which can be near-certainties) for future events, given past ones.
The history of the universe is thus co-determined by the basic law and an unimaginable long sequence of accidents (outcomes of chance events).&)
But the main thing here is that it predicts probabilities. Now, sometimes those probabilities are near certainties, and in a lot of familiar cases, they of course are. But other times they're not, and you have only probabilities for different outcomes. So what that means is that the history of the universe is not determined just by the fundamental law, it's the fundamental law and this incredibly long series of accidents, or chance outcomes that are there in addition. And the fundamental theory doesn't include those chance outcomes, they are in addition. So it's not a theory of everything, and in fact a huge amount of the information in the universe around us comes from those accidents, and not just from the fundamental laws.
(slide- &The Skins of an Onion&- etching of onion-
&Physicists approach that much-desired unified theory, working our way to smaller and smaller distances, or higher and higher energies or higher and higher accuracy. That situation has often been compared to peeling the skins of an onion.&)
Now it's often said that getting closer and closer to the fundamental laws by examining phenomena at low energies, and then higher energies, and then higher energies, or short distances, and then shorter distances and then still shorter distances and so on -- is like peeling the skin of an onion. And we keep doing that, and build more powerful machines, accelerators for particles. We look deeper and deeper into the structure of particles, and in that way we get probably closer and closer to this fundamental law.
(slide-&As we go to higher and higher energies (smaller and smaller distances), the next onion skin (manifestation of the basic law) resembles the previous one to some extent.&
appearing later- &The result is that newly encountered phenomena are described rather simply, and therefore elegantly, in terms of mathematics close to what was already developed for phenomena discovered earlier.&)
Now what happens is that as we do that -- as we peel these skins of the onion, and we get closer and closer to the underlying law, we see that each skin has something in common with the previous one, and with the next one. We write them out mathematically, and we see they use very similar mathematics. They require very similar mathematics. That is absolutely remarkable, and that is a central feature of what I'm trying to say today. Newton called it -- (gesturing to portrait of Newton) that's Newton, by the way- (slide of Newton) -- that one. (slide of Einstein) This one is Albert Einstein. Hi, Al! And anyway, he said 'nature conformable to herself,' personifying nature as a female. And so what happens is that the new phenomena, the new skins, the inner skins of the -- slightly smaller skins of the onion that we get to -- resemble the slightly larger ones.
(slide- previous one with new line of text added- &That is a property of the basic law, not of human observers. The manifestations of the law at different scales exhibit approximate self-similarity. Newton called it 'Nature conformable to Herself.'&)
And the kind of mathematics that we had --For the previous skin, is almost the same as what we need for the next skin. And that's why the equations look so simple. 'Cause they use mathematics we already have.
A trivial example is this:
(slide-&Example: Newton's famous approximate formula for the gravitational force between two bodies. The force is proportional to the inverse square of the distance between those bodies.
Coulomb later discovered the formula for the electric force between two charges. Again, the inverse square law.&)
Newton found the law of gravity, which goes like 1 over the square of the distance between the things gravitated. Coulomb, in France, found the same law for electric charges. Here's an example of this similarity. You look at gravity, you see a certain law, then you look at electricity- sure enough, the same rule. It's a very simple example. There are lots of more sophisticated examples.
Symmetry is very important in this discussion. You know what it means. A circle, for example, is symmetric under rotations around the center of the circle. You rotate around the center of the circle, the circle remains unchanged.
(slide-&We must now refer to the idea of symmetry. A circle, for example, is symmetrical under all rotations about the center of the circle. In three dimensions, a sphere is likewise symmetrical under all rotations about its center. An object or a phenomenon exhibits a kind of symmetry if performing certain operations consistently on all parts leaves its description unchanged. We say the object or phenomenon is symmetrical under those operations.&)
You take a sphere, in 3 dimensions, you rotate around the center of the sphere, and all those rotations leave the sphere alone. They are symmetries of the sphere. So we say, in general, that there's a symmetry under certain operations if those operations leave the phenomenon, or its description, unchanged. Maxwell's equations are of course symmetrical under rotations of all of space. Doesn't matter if we turn the whole of space around by some angle, it doesn't leave the -- doesn't change the phenomenon of electricity or magnetism.
(slide-&Improved Notation
The development of a new mathematical notation, vector analysis, by J. Willard Gibbs at Yale and Oliver Heaviside in England made the expression of Maxwell's relations even more compact and therefore more beautiful or elegant.
Then, with Einstein's special theory of relativity, a still more concise formulation became possible, one that fully exhibited the symmetries of the system. Maxwell's equations were thus reduced to just two in number. One of them describes how electric and magnetic fields are generated by electric charges and their currents. The other describes the absence of magnetic fields that don't come from electric currents.&)
(幻灯片出现:随着由耶鲁大学的Willard Gibbs和英国的Oliver Heaviside 创建的一门叫做矢量分析的
There's a new notation in the 19th century that expressed this, and if you use that notation, the equations get a lot simpler. Then Einstein, with his special theory of relativity, looked at a whole set of symmetries of Maxwell's equations, which are called special relativity. And those symmetries, then, make the equations even shorter, and even prettier, therefore.
Let's look. You don't have to know what these things mean, doesn't make any difference. But you can just look at the form (laughter). You can look at the form.
(slide-shows original equations, then equations re-written as vector analysis, then using the symmetry of special relativity)
You see above, at the top, a long list of equations with three components for the three directions of space x, y, and z. Then, using vector analysis, you use rotational symmetry, and you get this next set. Then you use the symmetry of special relativity and you get an even simpler set, down here, showing that symmetry exhibits better and better- the more and more symmetry you have, the better you exhibit the simplicity and elegance of the theory. The last two, the first equation says that electric charges and currents give rise to all the electric and magnetic fields. The next -- second equation -- says that there is no magnetism other than that. The only magnetism comes from electric charges and currents. Someday we may find some slight hole in that argument. But for the moment, that's the case.
Now, here is a very exciting development that many people have not heard of. They should have heard of it, but it's a little tricky to explain in technical detail, so I won't do it. I'll just mention it.
(slide- &Yang-Mills TheoryFifty years ago a new set of equations was presented by C.N. (Frank) Yang and Robert Mills. They were generalizations of Maxwell's equations incorporating a highersymmetry.&)
But Chen Ning Yang, called by us Frank Yang, (laughter) and Bob Mills put forward, 50 years ago, this generalization of Maxwell's equations, with a new symmetry. A whole new symmetry. Mathematics very similar, but there was a whole new symmetry. They hoped that this would contribute somehow to particle physics- didn't. It didn't, by itself, contribute to particle physics. But then some of us generalized it further:
(&Further Generalizations Successful
Then, over the next few years, some of us elementary particle theorists showed how to generalize the Yang-Mills idea further to include still higher symmetries and also broken symmetries. We also pointed out, over time, how particular generalizations of the Yang-Mills equations could describe the forces -- the so-called strong and weak forces -- that were known to exist in addition to electromagnetism and gravitation.&)
And then it did! And it gave a very beautiful description of the strong force, and of the weak force. So here we say, again, what we said before -- that each skin of the onion shows a similarity to the adjoining skins -- so the mathematics for the adjoining skins is very similar to what we need for the new one. And therefore it looks beautiful. 'Cause we already know how to write it in a lovely, concise way.
So here are the themes. We believe there is a unified theory underlying all the regularities. Steps toward unification exhibit the simplicity -- symmetry exhibits the simplicity -- and then there is self similarity across the scales, in other words, from one skin of the onion to another one. Proximate self similarity. And that accounts for this phenomenon. That will account for why beauty is a successful criterion for selecting the right theory.
Here's what Newton himself said:
(&From Newton's Optics:
'For Nature is very consonant and conformable to her self'&)
Nature is very consonant and conformable to her self. What I think he was thinking of is something that most of us take for granted today, but in his day it wasn't taken for granted. There's the story, which is not absolutely certain to be right, but a lot of people told it. Four sources told it. That, when they had the plague in Cambridge, and he went down to his mother's farm, because the university was closed, he saw an apple fall from a tree, or on his head, or something, and he realized suddenly that the force that drew the apple down to the earth could be the same as the force regulating the motions of the planets and the moon. That was a big unification for those days, although today we take it for granted. It's the same theory of gravity. So he said that:
(&From Newton:
'This principle of nature being very remote from the conceptions of Philosophers, I forbore to describe it in that book, least I should be accounted an extravagant freak and so prejudice my Readers against all those things which were the main designe (sic) of the book.'&)
This principle of nature -- consonance -- &this principle of nature being very remote from the conceptions of philosophers, I forbore to describe it in that book, lest I should be accounted an extravagant freak.& That's what we all have to watch out for. (laughter) Especially at this meeting. 'And so prejudice my readers against all those things which were the main design of the book.'
Now, who today would claim that as a mere conceit of the human mind? That the force that causes the apple to fall to the ground is the same force that causes the planets and the moon to move around, and so on? Everybody knows that. It's the property of gravitation. It's not something in the human mind. The human mind can, of course, appreciate it, and enjoy it, use it -- but it's not -- it doesn't stem from the human mind. It stems from the character of gravity. And that's true of all the things we're talking about. They are properties of the fundamental law. The fundamental law is such that the different skins of the onion resemble one another, and therefore the math for one skin allows you to express beautifully and simply the phenomenon of the next skin.
(slide- picture of basket of apples- &Newton and Gravity
Newton's summer of 1665 was really part of an annus mirabilis, a marvelous year, as it is often called. At the University of Cambridge he worked on his theory of gravitation, his laws of motion, calculus, and created a demonstration with a prism that white light is composed of the colors of the spectrum.&)
I say here that Newton did a lot of things that year -- gravity, the laws of motion, the calculus, white light composed of all the colors of the rainbow -- and he could have written quite an essay on 'what I did over my summer vacation.' (laughter)
(&Three principles- the conformability of nature to herself, the applicability of the criterion of simplicity, and the 'unreasonable effectiveness' of certain parts of mathematics in describing physical reality- are thus consequences of the underlying law of the elementary particles and their interactions. Those three principles need not be assumed as separate metaphysical postulates. Instead, they are emergent properties of the fundamental laws of physics.&)
So we don't have to assume these principles as separate metaphysical postulates. They follow from the fundamental theory. They are what we call emergent properties. You don't need something more to get something more. That's what emergence means. Life can emerge from physics and chemistry, plus a lot of accidents. The human mind can arise from neurobiology, and a lot of accidents. The way the chemical bond arises from physics and certain accidents. Doesn't diminish the importance of these subjects, to know that they follow from more fundamental things, plus accidents. That's a general rule, and it's critically important to realize that. You don't need something more in order to get something more. People keep asking that when they read my book, The Quark and the Jaguar, and they say 'isn't there something more beyond what you have there?' Presumably they mean something supernatural. Anyway, there isn't. (laughs) You don't need something more to explain something more. Thank you very much.
因此我们不需要假定这些原则是独立的抽象假设。它们是由基本定律推导出的。我们称之为涌现性。我们不需要更多的东西来得到更多的东西。这就是涌现性的含义。生命源于物理和化学,再加上很多意外。人类的智慧源于神精细胞和很多意外因素。这些化学作用源于物理和特定的意外因素。知道它们遵循基本定律和一些意外因素并不会较少其重要性。存在一个大体上的原则,意识到这点很重要。你不需要更多的东西来得到更多的东西。当人们读我的书《Quark and the Jaguar》,他们总是禁不住要问:除了你说以外,还有其他更多的吗?他们很可能在问是否存在超自然。无论怎样也不会存在。(众笑)你不需要更多的东西来解释更多的东西。非常感谢。
&theory of everything&应该翻译成“万有理论”。
'unreasonable effectiveness' 翻译为 “不可思议的有效性”也许更好?
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