
哪个版本德··发给你哦·一到英语题求学霸大神老师 谢谢啦some students only use half the pages of their exercise books______getting new ones.A though
B.after C.unless
D.by谢谢啦~一定准时采纳 急啊 明天交.大神帮帮忙吧!_百度作业帮
一到英语题求学霸大神老师 谢谢啦some students only use half the pages of their exercise books______getting new ones.A though
B.after C.unless
D.by谢谢啦~一定准时采纳 急啊 明天交.大神帮帮忙吧!
some students only use half the pages of their exercise books______getting new ones.A though
B.after C.unless
D.by谢谢啦~一定准时采纳 急啊 明天交.大神帮帮忙吧!
My name is××,I'm 21 years old this year.I study in the Nanjing Engineering Institute.Our campus is very beautiful. There is a big lake named Tianyin Lake lieing to the south of the campus.This lake which makes our campus more beautiful is also famous in the whole city.
Usually,I lives in the dormitory which is small but comfortale.And the dormitory is equipped with a separate toilet and water heater.There is a balcony in our dorm. We plant some flowers and grass on the balcony,which makes us very happy.These four students in the dormitory are majoring in the same subject and sharing some common interests. They are all good girls who laughs everyday and be ready to help others.So,we enjoy a good time together.
My hometown is Xuzhou city which is so near to Nanjing that the temperature same to each other.I get uesd to the living in this city.I believe I will have a good time during my four college years.
My name is--this year 20 years old, I now is in the nanjing university, school name is nanjing institute of technology. Our school is very beautiful, in the south of the school, have a big lake: day printed lake, this in the nanjing are very famous, also let us school more beautiful.
I live in a school dormitory, the bedroom is very small, but very comfortable, with independent bathroom and the water heater, and a small balcony. We can be in the balcony some flowers, kind of weeds, all these make a person cheerful. Dormitory altogether four individuals, we are all medical professional, so there's a lot of common language. They are good people, often laugh, and helpful, we get along very well.
My hometown is xuzhou, nanjing from xuzhou very close, and the climate is very similar. I'm used to
My name is ---. I'm 20 years old. I am now studying in Nanjing Engineering College. Our college is very beautiful. In the south of it is a very big lake called Tianyin lake, which is very famous in Nanjing and also makes our school more beautiful.
I live in the dormitory in our college. Our room is very small but comfortable with independent toilet and hot water. Besides, there is a small balcony where we can plant some plants, which makes us very happy. There are four persons in our room. We are in the same major, so we have much in common. They are very nice and helpful. We get along well with each other.
My hometown is Xuzhou.Nanjing is very near Xuzhou, and the climate in Nanjing is similar to that of Xuzhou. I have adapted to the life here. I believe that I will live a very happy life here.
Mein Name ist - in diesem Jahr, zwei Jahre alt, bin ich jetzt auf der Nanjing University, Nanjing Institute der Name der Schule. Unsere Schule ist sehr sch&n, in der Schule Süd, hat einen gro&en See: days of Indian Lake, die sehr berühmt ist ganz Nanjing, lassen Sie unsere Schule noch sch&ner.
Ich lebe in der Schule Schlafsaal, ist Zimmer klein, aber gemütlich, mit separatem WC und Wasserkocher, sowie einen kleinen Balkon. Wir k&nnen ein paar Blumen auf dem Balkon, Pflanze etwas Gras, sind diese Menschen Freude. Insgesamt vier Viertel sind wir Mediziner, so gibt es eine Menge von gemeinsamen Sprache. Es sind gute Leute, immer l&chelnd, hilfsbereit, und wir verstehen uns sehr gut.
Meine Heimat ist in Xuzhou, Nanjing, Xuzhou aus der N&he, das Klima ist sehr &hnlich. Ich passe auf das Leben hier. Ich glaube, ich werde hier war ein sehr glücklicher Tag.明天交作业,今天还有一篇作文没写完.大神们帮帮忙各位谁知道什么作文好写的就给个题材谢谢._百度作业帮
写假期里的趣事 愉快的一天 早晨,我起床时,看见窗户雾朦朦的,就带着满肚子的疑惑走到窗前,看见窗外一片银白,啊,原来下雪啦!下午,我和姑妈、姐姐一起去滨江公园欣赏雪景.来到滨江公园,一眼望去,路边的小树被雪压弯了腰,好像犯了错误的孩子正在低头思过;花坛里面的小草被雪压住,变得毛绒绒的,雪花落在上面好像是绿色的地毯镶上了银色的花边,是那么的晶莹、那么的透彻,美丽极了.欣赏完雪景之后,姐姐出了一个好主意——堆雪人,我们都一致赞成.于是,我团起一个雪球,放在地上滚,雪球越滚越大.不一会儿,就把雪人的身子滚好了.可我的手冷得像冰块,鼻子冻得通红,嘴里呼哧呼哧地冒着白气.站在旁边的姐姐也做好了雪人的头.把脑袋拼在身体上,再插上两根树枝,用手捏紧了,还挺神气的,可就是少了眼睛,嘴巴和鼻子.这时,姑妈灵机一动,随手捡起一个辣椒插在脑袋上,可眼睛和嘴巴就实在没有办法了,哎,干脆直接用手指在上面画一个吧.这样,我们的雪人便大功告成了.不久,太阳在望大地最后一眼后,便躲到后山里去了.我们也该回家了,望着那立在地上的雪人,我真希望下一次大雪早日来到.终于放寒假了.那天天气晴朗,空气格外新鲜,我像一只飞出笼子的小鸟,心中无比欢畅.我拉着爸爸,来到了黄金广场放风筝.广场上面已经聚集了很多人,有几只风筝已经飞上了天空,我迫不及待地拿着风筝跑了起来,可是我很久没有玩风筝了,技术明显地退步了.我跑了几圈,风筝还是没能飞起来,哎,只好请来“高手”爸爸来教我放风筝了.爸爸拉着线,把风筝抛向半空中,然后,他小跑了几步,慢慢地,风筝飞了起来.我欢呼起来,风筝越飞越高,在空中翩翩起舞,就像一只美丽的蝴蝶.我高兴地从爸爸手中接过牵引风筝的线,自己试着放了起来,爸爸则在边上边教我,告诉我要逆着风放,什么时候该放线,并要不断地拽线……我一边放着风筝一边点头.空中的风筝越来越多,好像都在比看谁飞得高,看谁更美.你瞧!那可爱的小鸟、美丽的蝴蝶扇动着翅膀不甘示弱…… 风停下来了,风筝好像也累了,摇摇晃晃地从空中飘落下来,我边收线接住了风筝.我趁机坐在地上休息.不一会儿又刮起了风,我学着爸爸的样子,又放了起来,可风筝一到我手中,就不听话了,尽管有那么大的风,它还是像一只不会飞的小鸟,一不小心就会掉下来.我不灰心,一次又一次,我跑过来跑过去,累得我满头大汗,可最终风筝还是飞了起来,我心里别提有多开心了.风筝虽然很难放,可是,放风筝却是一件多么有趣的事情啊!


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