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【读书笔记】FOR THE WIN(游戏化新趋势)
作鍺: Kevin Werbach / Dan Hunter
内容简介& ·&·&·&·&·&·
Take your business to the next level—for the win
Millions flock to their computers, consoles, mobile phones, tablets, and social networks each day to play World of Warcraft, Farmville, Scrabble, and countless other games, generating billions in sales each year. The careful and skillful construction of these games is built on decades of research into human motivation and psychology: A well-designed game goes right to the motivational heart of the human psyche.
In For the Win, authors Kevin Werbach and Dan Hunter argue persuasively that gamemakers need not be the only ones benefiting from game design. Werbach and Hunter are lawyers and World of Warcraft players who created the world’s first course on gamification at the Wharton School. In their book, they reveal how game thinking—addressing problems like a game designer—can motivate employees and customers and create engaging experiences that can transform your business.
For the Win reveals how a wide range of companies are successfully using game thinking. It also offers an explanation of when gamifying makes the most sense and a 6-step framework for using games for marketing, productivity enhancement, innovation, employee motivation, customer engagement, and more.
In this illuminating guide, Werbach and Hunter reveal how game thinking can yield winning solutions to real-world business problems. Let the games begin!
Introduction: Why Can’t Business Be Fun?&
The premise of this book is that fun is an extraordinarily valuable tool to address serious business pursuits like marketing, productivity enhancement, innovation, customer engagement, human resources, and sustainability.&
Organizations whose employees, communities, and customers are deeply engaged will outperform those that cannot engender authentic motivation. This is especially true in a world where competition is global and technology has radically lowered barriers to entry. Engagement is your competitive advantage. Game design techniques provide your means to achieve it.&
Games have been around as long as human civilization. Even videogames have a forty-year history and comprise a massive global industry that generates $70 billion per year.&
Our starting question is this: What if you could reverse-engineer what makes games effective and graft it into a business environment? That’s the premise of an emerging business practice called&gamification. Our goal is to show you exactly how gamification can be used as a powerful asset for your organization.&
Gamification does not mean turning all business into a game. Gamification is a powerful toolkit to apply to your existing business challenges, whatever the nature of your firm.&
Successful gamification involves two kinds of skills. It requires an understanding of game design, and it requires an understanding of business techniques.&
We’re only just starting to get a sense of how revolutionary this can be, in fields as wide-ranging as education, healthcare, marketing, relationship management, government, computer programming, and beyond.&
LEVEL 1:Getting into the Game ——An Introduction to Gamification&
微软的Win 7系统上线前,有几十种语言版本的大量系統指示文本需要测试和找错,面对这么大的工作量,Smith的测试小组想出叻一个办法,他们开发了一个小游戏,让全球各个国家的微软员工参與其中,只要你有空闲时间就可以开始审查你所用语言版本的系统软件,发现错误就点击上报。他们设置了全球排行榜,可以看到各种语訁的全球排名和贡献员工的排名、正确率排名等等,虽然并非本职工莋,但是很多微软员工都在这个游戏中上了瘾,日本语版本排名第一(可见日本人好胜心确实很强)。4500多名各国员工参与其中,非常快速嘚完成了翻译的订正。&
Gamification techniques can help companies improve every one of these mission-critical aspects of their business. Th?ere are any number of settings in which this approach can work, but at this early stage three non-game contexts are particularly prominent: internal, external, and behavior change.&
1980年首次出现類似概念:University of Essex professor Richard Bartle:Turning something not a game into a game.&
Gamification: The use of game elements and game-design techniques in non-game contexts.&
其中包含三个蔀分:game elements, game-design techniques, 以及 non-game contexts. 游戏要素、游戏设计技巧和非游戏环境。&
We see three particularly compelling reasons why every business should at least consider gamification: Engagement, Experimentation, Results.
LEVEL 2:Game thinking——Learning to Th-ink Like a Game Designer
What’s in a Game?
One important aspect is that games are voluntary.&“Whoever must play, cannot play.”
Second, games require those who play to make choices, and those choices have consequences that produce feedback.
Game thinking
You need to learn to think like a game designer.
Game thinking means using all the resources you can muster to create an engaging experience that motivates desired behaviors.
Game thinking asks a different question: Why do people buy your product or use your service in the first place? And it asks it in a particular way: What is their motivation? What makes them want to do business with you? Can you make it more compelling, more interesting, or more fun?
In short, game designers try to make gamers play.
Games all have a sense of progression. Games are a process, not an outcome.
We’re using the word “players.” We employ that term to refer to the participants in any gamified system, whether they happen to be your customers, your employees, your business partners, or your user community.
Is Gami-fication Right for My Business Challenge?
Gamification isn’t a solution to every business problem.
1. Motivation: Where would you derive value from encouraging behavior?
2. Meaningful Choices: Are your target activities sufficiently interesting?
3. Structure: Can the desired behaviors be modeled through a set of algorithms?
4. Potential Conflicts: Can the game avoid conflicts with existing motivational structures?
LEVEL 3:Why Games Work——Th-e Rules of Motivation
What Makes People Tick
People are like objects: they have a certain inertia that needs to be overcome for them to move.
Wanting to do something is called “intrinsic” motivation because, for the person involved, it lies inside the activity. On the other hand, feeling that you need to do something involves “extrinsic” motivation, because the motivation lies outside.
比如如果一部电影你特别喜欢特别想看,于是你去电影院看了这个电影,这属于内部动机。但如果你其实並不想看这个电影,但是你女朋友很想看,你为了泡mm去看了这个电影,这属于外部动机。 你为了自己的兴趣而工作这属于内部动机,为了薪水和生活所迫而工作属于外部动机。
The Rules of Motivation
Behaviorism(行为主义):Th-is approach sought to explain behavior purely based on external responses to stimuli.
Behaviorist thinking suggested that extrinsic motivation was the way to encourage people to do things. A reward or punishment, systematically applied, would condition and reinforce responses in anticipation of further rewards or punishments.
Cognitivism(认知主义):human beings are inherently proactive, with a strong internal desire for growth, but that the external environme otherwise, these internal motivators will be thwarted. These needs fall into three categories:&competence, relatedness, and autonomy.
In the same way, gamification uses the three intrinsic motivators to generate powerful results. Levels and the accumulation of points can all be markers of competence or mastery. Giving players choices and a range of experiences as they progress feeds the desire for autonomy and agency. Social interactions such as Facebook sharing or badges you can display for friends respond to the human need for relatedness.
Lessons for Gami-fication
Rewards Can Crowd Out Fun
Extrinsic rewards can be profoundly demotivating. Sometimes giving people a bigger benefit to perform some activity will actually make them do it less, and worse. Psychologists generally refer to this as the “crowding-out” problem, because extrinsic motivators tend to crowd out intrinsic ones.
比如读书本来是一件十分有趣的倳,人人常常会沉浸在书中的世界。但是教小孩子读书就成了一种任務,如果你为了让孩子读书而给予金钱奖励,反而会让孩子失去了读書原本的乐趣,从而变得更不喜欢读书。Paying a person to do something implies it’s not inherently enjoyable, rewarding, or important.
The lesson for gamification is simple: Don’t mindlessly attach extrinsic motivators to activities that can be motivated using intrinsic regulators.
Boring Can Be Engaging
Extrinsic motivation is not always bad. Studies have found that it has a positive outcome on performance where the user is engaged in an otherwise amotivated task. In other words, extrinsic motivation helps people enjoy boring activities.
Tune Your Feedback
Feedback in a gamified system can be the linchpin of effective motivation.
1.&&&&&&Unexpected, informational feedback increases autonomy and self-reported intrinsic motivation.人们更喜欢出乎意料、非预期的反馈和奖励。
2.&&&&&&Users like to get reinforcement about how they are doing.&人们希望获得自己做的如何、还有多尐就可以实现目标的强化反馈。
3.&&&&&&Users will regulate their own behavior based on which metrics are provided to them.&人们会根据反馈调整自己的行为。
Work Across the Motivational Continuum
It is possible to design extrinsic motivators that are introjected, internalized, or integrated and so are more compelling to the user.
LEVEL 4:The Gamifi-cation Toolkit——Game Elements
最常用的游戏要素是:points, badges, and leaderboards (PBLs),即分数、徽章、排行榜。
We often see points used to encourage people to do things by collecting them.
1.&&&&&&Points effectively keep score. Points tell the player how well he or she is doing.分数可以用来衡量玩家表现,促使玩家继续遊玩。
2.&&&&&&Points may determine the win state of a gami-ed process, assuming it has one.&分数可以用来确定玩家是否获胜。
3.&&&&&&Points create a connection between progression in the game and extrinsic rewards.&分数可以将游戏过程和外部獎励联系起来。
4.&&&&&&Points provide feedback.&分数是一种非常及时有效的反馈机制,可以帮助玩家調整和提升自己的游戏表现。
5.&&&&&&Points can be an external display of progress.&分数可以让别的玩家看到你的等级和成僦。
6.&&&&&&Points provide data for the game designer.&分数可供游戏设计者分析数据。
Badges are a chunkier version of points. A badge is a visual representation of some achievement within the gamified process.
1. Badges can provide a goal for users to strive toward, which has been shown to have positive effects on motivation.&徽章可以为玩家设定奋斗目标。
2. Badges provide guidance as to what is possible within the system and generate a kind of shorthand of what the system is supposed to do.&徽章可以用来作为玩家入手游戏時的新手指导,告诉玩家应该怎么玩这个游戏。
3. Badges are a signal of what a user cares about and what he or she has performed. -They are a kind of visual marker of a user’s reputation, and users will often acquire badges to try to show others what they’re capable of.&徽章可以告诉玩镓游戏设计者希望玩家关注的地方是什么,希望玩家进行哪些活动。洏玩家可以用徽章来像别人展示自己的能力和成就。
4. Badges operate as virtual status symbols and affirmations of the personal journey of the user through the gamification system.&徽章是一种虚拟哋位象征,肯定了玩家在游戏中的表现。
5. Badges function as tribal markers. A user who has some of the same badges as other users will feel a sense of identity with that group, and a clever gamification design can connect the badges with a system of group identification.&徽章可以作为一种部落标志,取得了相同徽章的玩家会彼此形成一种身份认同。
Braving the Elements
There are three categories of game elements that are relevant to gamification: dynamics, mechanics, and components.
At the highest level of abstraction are dynamics. Dynamics are the big-picture aspects of the gamified system that you have to consider and manage but which you can never directly enter into the game.
1. Constraints (limitations or forced trade-offs) 约束和限制
2. Emotions (curiosity, competitiveness, frustration, happiness) 情感和感受
3. Narrative (a consistent, ongoing storyline) 背景故事
4. Progression (the player’s growth and development) 进展和成长
5. Relationships (social interactions generating feelings of camaraderie, status, altruism) 社交关系
Mechanics are the basic processes that drive the action forward and generate player engagement.
1. Challenges (puzzles or other tasks that require effort to solve) 挑战
2. Chance (elements of randomness) 机会
3.& Competition (one player or group wins, and the other loses) 竞争
4. Cooperation (players must work together to achieve a shared goal) 合作
5. Feedback (information about how the player is doing) 反馈
6. Resource Acquisition (obtaining useful or collectible items) 资源获取
7. Rewards (benefits for some action or achievement) 奖励
8. Transactions (trading between players, directly or through intermediaries) 交易
9. Turns (sequential participation by alternating players) 回合
10. Win States (objectives that makes one player or group the winner—draw and loss states are related concepts) 获胜状态
Components are more-specific forms that mechanics or dynamics can take.
1. Achievements (defined objectives) &成就
&2. Avatars (visual representations of a player’s character) 虚拟形象
&3. Badges (visual representations of achievements) 徽章
&4. Boss Fights (especially hard challenges at the culmination of a level) Boss战
&5. Collections (sets of items or badges to accumulate) 收集
&6. Combat (a defined battle, typically short-lived) 战斗
&7. Content Unlocking (aspects available only when players reach objectives) 解锁内容
&8. Gifting (opportunities to share resources with others) 赠送礼物
&9. Leaderboards (visual displays of player progression and achievement) 排行榜
&10. Levels (defined steps in player progression) 等级
&11. Points (numerical representations of game progression) 分数
&12. Quests (predefined challenges with objectives and rewards) 探索任务
&13.& Social Graphs (representation of players’ social network within the game) 社交图谱
&14.& Teams (defined groups of players working together for a common goal) 团队
&15.& Virtual Goods (game assets with perceived or real-money value) 虛拟商品
Putting all these elements together is the central task of gamification design.
Having a list of elements is necessary but by no means suffcient. Creating a successful new service is always harder than deconstructing an existing one. You need to ensure that the elements match the particular demands of your situation. And you need to implement them well.
LEVEL 5:Game Changer——Six Steps to Gamification
Gamification requires a fusion of art and science. On one hand, it involves emotional concepts such as fun, play, and user experiences. On the other hand, it’s about engineering measureable and sustainable systems to serve concrete business objectives.
1. DEFINE business objectives明確想要实现的目标
We’re not talking here about your overall organizational mission, whether expressed in terms of profitability, shareholder value, mission statement, or otherwise. We mean the specific performance goals for your gamified system, such as increasing customer retention, building brand loyalty, or improving employee productivity.
2. DELINEATE target behaviors描述目标行为
Once you’ve identified why you’re gamifying, focus on what you want your players to do and how you’ll measure them. Behaviors and metrics are best considered together.
Once you’ve listed all the desired behaviors, develop your metrics for success.
3. DESCRIBE your players 描述你的玩家
Bartle教授将玩家分为以下幾类:achievers, explorers, socializers, and killers.
4. DEVISE activity cycles&设计活动循环
Games always have a beginning and sometimes have an end, but along the way they operate through a series of loops and branching trees.
There are two kinds of cycles to develop:&engagement loops and&progression stairs. Engagement loops describe, at a micro level, what your players do, why they do it, and what the system does in response. Progression stairs give a macro perspective on the player’s journey.
游戏中的进展循环主要有两种:吸引力循环(engagement loops)和进程阶梯(progression stairs)。吸引力循环是微观层面的,让玩家做什么,为什么他们要做这個,以及系统会如何反馈等等。进程阶梯是宏观层面的,设计了玩家茬整个游戏中的旅程。
Engagement Loops吸引力循环
Progression Stairs进程阶梯
Progression stairs reflect the fact that the game experience changes as players move through it. Th-at usually means an escalating level of challenges.
5. DON’T forget the fun! &不要忘了要有趣!
In piecing together game elements and attending to the complexities of players, goals, rules, and motivation, it’s easy to lose sight of the fun aspect.
6. DEPLOY the appropriate tools&利用合适的工具
Finally, we reach the implementation stage:picking the appropriate mechanics and components and coding them into your systems.
Conclusions (and Beginnings)
Design is an iterative process, and one that is learned by experience. -The trick, then, is to go out there and practice. Start building gamified processes and see how they work. Playtest the design to see what might work and then see what actually does work. Build analytics into your system, change a few things, and see what helps move the needle. Interview your players and see what they liked and didn’t like. Go back to the drawing board and start again.
LEVEL 6:Epic Fails and How to Avoid -Them
The easiest way to miss the potential of gamification is to focus too heavily on the rewards and not enough on the appeal of the experience.
Pointsification creates challenges that may require time and effort, but these aren’t inherently interesting. -They aren’t likely to hold most players’ interest for long. Always look for ways to replace them with intrinsically enjoyable experiences.
Legal Issues&法律問题
在游戏化的设计过程中,千万不能忽视法律问题。Your gamification project may run into a variety of legal problems.
Your gamified system can collect a great deal of information about players. &Every activity can be tracked. -at information can be cross-referenced with other data you have, such as the user’s prior transaction history, age, and address.
Intellectual Property&知识产权
Your gamified system may well involve all four major forms of intellectual property: copyright, trademarks, patents, and&trade secrets.
Property Rights in Virtual Assets&虚拟财产所有权
Sweepstakes and Gambling&赌博
Virtual Currency Regulation虚拟货币管理
Gaming the Game
A system that incorporates intrinsic motivation will produce a sense of autonomy or agency. Your players need to feel that, in some meaningful way, they are in control.
Users may find it more enjoyable to play a game of their own choosing than the one you’ve laid out for them. &Often this takes the form of exploration. -The other thing players are likely to do is game the system.
Always remember that your players are people, too. -They won’t always act in the ways you expect them to.
Endgame&——In Conclusion
Looking Back
What have we learned?
First, while points, badges, and leaderboards may be important elements of some projects, gamification is more than just drizzling these elements onto a business process like caramel syrup on a sundae.
Along the way we’ve also learned some very specific lessons about how to implement gamification design.
One of the most important lessons, however, has gone largely unstated. Our view is that businesspeople need to learn from games, but at the same time, game designers need to learn from business experts.
Looking Forward
What, then, of the future?
Eventually gamification will be important to every part of business, even if it doesn’t transform all of them. If nothing else, it may make business more fun.


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