英语翻译器me donas montas

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What the developers have to say:
&WARNING: This version of Montas is unfinished. Only purchase if you are a fan of horror and wish to support the developers. This version is designed to introduce players to the world of Montas without spoiling the story of the final game. [*Those who purchase Montas on Early Access will also receive the Collector's Edition of the final game, which includes the digital Artbook and Soundtrack all together valued at $30.]&
Buy Montas
$9.99 USD
Recent updates
12 November, 2014
Dear friends,
We are proud to release this long awaited, largest update to Montas yet. This time we have made significant improvements to performance, drastically increasing the framerate for most users. AI has been improved and new added content and re-arranged progression will make it a thrilling experience even for veteran players.
We don't want to spoil anything with a detailed change list so for this update we have decided to remain light on the details.
More options such as control mapping will be coming in future updates.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Organic Humans
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About This Game
You wake up at the desk of Joseph Walker, an accountant working for a firm in the city of Montas.
Normal life for Joseph has become a distant memory, haunted by nightmares of events that didn't happen, and cursed with unsettling hallucinations wherever he goes. As a result of stress and anxiety, Joseph is now an alcoholic.
Paranoia is growing, and the situation worsens when police begin to question locals about recent murders in the area. What is happening to Joseph?... and what is Montas hiding?
Run or hide from enemies
Use the environment to your advantage, if it's not already out to get you
Uncover vast underground labyrinths occupied by the unknown
Discover secret areas and hidden content
Explore numerous environ bright, dark, new, old, safe, dangerous, real and imaginary
Play using keyboard or controller
Full support for the Oculus Rift DK1
Final version to support DK2 in Unreal Engine 4
The player is the audience, Montas is the play, and you are invited up on stage...
Welcome to the Opera.
We feel that Early Access is a great way to engage with the community, test integration of Virtual Reality peripherals and receive feedback on the game while supporting development of the final product. Montas on Early Access is built with UDK (Unreal Engine 3), and development is underway on the final version in Unreal Engine 4.
The price of Montas on Early Access and the price of the full game will remain $10. Those who purchase Montas on Early Access will also receive the Collector's Edition on release of the final game, which includes the digital Artbook and Soundtrack all together valued at $30.
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP 32-Bit
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2.7 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI Radeon 3870 or higher, Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT or higher. 512MB VRAM.
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 1600 MB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
OS: Windows 7/8
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon X2 2.7 GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6870, Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti. 1GB VRAM.
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 1600 MB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Copyright (C) Organic Humans 2014
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0.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
As one guy said in some &ceep calm in Dead Space& guide: don't be scared of a thing that can't kill you, because you can kill it first. Well in Montas this rule doesn't freaking apply, alright? You don't have any weapons to kill these things. When you hear &Hey kid, run.& and you turn around and see someone slowly walking towards you, you don't try to negotiate with this guy because you are already far away from him and you are catching your breath.I'll just say that I got spooked so hard that I decided to come back later when the game would be out of early access to get hella spooked again.
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7.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game has a lot of potential, really looking foward to the finished version.
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2.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Early Access Review! Will Update On Final Release:Montas is a horror game for the person who doesnt want to ever feel safe. The world can change around you just because you aren' although not in huge manners, more like smaller, creepier ways. Many times I've walked down a hallway, only to turn around an find that some horrifying mannerism of an enemy has formed behind me. With no attack function (which only adds to the horror of the game, just like Outlast) i have to flee, hoping that the elevator I called has arrived and that the doors will close in time for me to escape.Montas is a great game to keep you on for toes and scared to look around doors and corners. However, it does have many flaws, because it is an early access game at this point.Flaws include the inability to change the key mapping (making it impossible for laptop users to play if they don't have a mouse), intermittent issues with the player falling through the floors or being catapulted across the map, objects beco many of these are the usual issues an EA game could suffer from.The developers were silent for several month but recently uploaded a new patch and have been active in the discussions where players have been reporting said flaws and bugs. I hope that in the future, these bugs will be fixed and I am very excited for the final product (if i'll be able to finish it without crying from fear)If you can cope with the flaws of the current status and you are a fan of horror games, such as Outlast, Slender etc. then I urge you to support the game developer and give Montas a try :)
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0.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Things were going swimmingly...until i fell through the map. -.- Still like what was there though. Hopefully you guys get all the bugs fixed.I can't recomend this at the current time, but hopefully later it will be better.
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1.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game shows alot of promise, i took a gamble by purchasing it, and i don't regret it.But I'm just going to mention that i encountered 3 game breaking bugs that made me have to restart the game.Better to wait untill release, unless you like bug testing.
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0.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
The only thing good about this game is the ambient sounds.
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1.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Played about 10mins, got to the train station, fell through the map, restarted the game, fell through the map, repeated this several times, rage quit.
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0.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
The game is completely broken,after the first 5 mins your character will get stuck,you will not be able to move at all.Not recommended until they fix this game breaking bug.edit: i gave the game another shot,this time my character got out of the map and got stuck of course.I haven't uninstalled a game so fast in ages.
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0.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
In it's current state, I can't recommend Montas. The game is very confusing, and doesn't make any effort to tell you where to go or what to do. The &loading& screens are just pitch black screens that have no indication of informing you that they are loading screens. The movement is very slow and the the turning is very blurry, even when you turn Motion Blur or Bloom off (whatever the option is). On the plus side, the game is fairly atmospheric, and will recommend this game if they fix everything.
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16.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Naja das Spiel war zwar kurz spannend aber das Geld ist es nicht Wert. Die 30 Minuten Spielzeit bis zum End Outro sind nicht Empfehlenswert!
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3.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game is amazing! It completely blew my mind and I never expected it to be so awesome. It reminds me of the first time I played Bioshock. GREAT GAME! If you would like here is a video of it. Dont forget to subscribe! ;)
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2.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
i recommend this game for being creepy as ???? and makes you quit after 3 min
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1.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This is just an introduction to the world where the game takes place and if you want to see more you can watch the first 40 min of my playthrough here:Montas has all the right ingredients to be a great horror game with a lot of exploration to do, platforming and puzzle solving.As an early access game the developers did a very good job not to spoil the story much but it still gives you a lot to do in the game. The city is very much open with plenty of dark corners and secrets, you can go wherever you want, if you are not too afraid to go there...The atmosphere is amazingly creepy, most of the time you have no idea of what's going on and what's real and what's not and if you are dreaming or awake and that makes you fear the game and trust nothing in the game.Lighting is great, sound is also good, there are a few glitches some frame rate drops, some animations also need polishing but this is still a beta.Have in mind that this is not the final product but if you are an horror fan you should at least try it.
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7.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
EDIT: I've changed this review because It lacks of detailss.###########################################First, THIS IS NOT A FINAL PRODUCT... IT'S A DEMO. A similar demo to Stanley Parable Demo which is totally different from full version. Demo may has barely connection to full version. Everything can get changed.Second, game is full of bugs and glitches. If someone who wants to experience a rather normal gameplay I strongly suggest to wait. You can get stuck on the levels forcing you to restart whole game from zero.They left a clear note about it: &WARNING: This version of Montas is unfinished. Only purchase if you are a fan of horror and wish to support the developers.&###BE AWARE OF GLITCHED GIANT COCKROACHES####Third, game suffers from massive frame drop caused by poorly optimized map/engine. Not exactly sure where is fault.Fourth, game promises are real, you can explore the map as you like and get hidden jumpscares but you can often get out of the map by &not properly& exploring it.THIS IS NOT A FINAL PRODUCT, CONSIDER TWICE BEFORE BUYING!(P.S| I may edit this review again If there will be big changes)
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1.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Montas is survival horror game that really focuses on immersing you with its atmosphere. As you explore the environments you can discover multiple paths that can lead you to hidden secrets and content. I was honestly paranoid and scared from the very start even when nothing had attacked me yet. Eventually you will come up against enemies that will chase you down Amnesia style and you must avoid them. This game is currently in early access so it's not a complete game and I did come across glitches and annoying level design flaws but that will be fixed during early access I'm sure. I really recommend trying Montas out for yourself if you enjoy horror games. Here is my video preview of Montas:
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8.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
EDIT: November 19Though the game is early access, it's really worth buying.PROS-Dynamic atmosphere. Especially when you set the game to top notch settings. If you have Oculus Rift, terrifying terrific.-Great ambience. Sometimes the music and the sounds get me instead. Imagine going down a corridor and constantly hearing &Someone's here. Leave.& whispered to your ears. Get a good pair of headphones!-Very immersive. There's a whole town waiting to be explored. I haven't mentioned the sewer system, have I? -Scary. Yes, scary. About the game's horror-o-meter, besides only a few cheap scares, there are elevators, hallways, and illuminating corners. Plus, as I mentioned the sound effect is enough to bring you a good horrifying experience. There are enemies, too. The cool thing is that there's little time for you to react when seeing enemies, and they usually appear out of nowhere. Test your guts, and your mind.CONS-The game is still in the testing phase. That gives it bugs like frame drops. Frame drops are significantly reduced as of update #7.-Light effects are not as good. Sometimes, as you go around corners, the lights go out. This is more of a minor annoyance, really.-Enemies are not too smart. Just run like hell away from them and you'll be fine. I really expected something more challenging.-The character moves at a snail pace.-It's pretty difficult to move things around.-Inventory system is still incomplete.-Some market-sold computers might not be able to handle the graphics. I test the game on Intel HD Graphics 4000 and Intel Core i7 2.00GHz processor, which runs smoothly but gets choppy in certain highly-detailed and illuminated areas.Overall: 8.5 out of 10. You'll just have to see for yourself.
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5.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Short Version:Great game! :3 really scary even as a beta. can't wait for full release of the game! the atmosphere gives you the chills. x.xLong Version:This game is a mystery within a mystery. You have no idea what you're doing, you follow your instinct. Normally, this would be a bad thing, however the way they give you all the choises of where you can go, it makes you feel free from the story and that you can do whatever you want. When you finally get to a place where you were supposed to get to, you're like......wow, too bad i didn't explore more, OH WAIT i can always just go back and check the things out that i missed! :D. This game requires you to spend time in it, and to explore every single corner of the game. Also, not to mention that this game will give you a heart attack without using the ultimate power of pop ups. The sound in the game is enough to make you want to press escape and instantly just want to click that exit game button as soon as possible. The effects can really just start taking over and you just feel in danger and like you should run 4 ur lyf. There was literaly where i was pushed to a point where i just pressed Alt+F4 because of a scary noise that kept going louder and louder. Some Fun/Funny Times I Had:Alright....soooooo..without giving any spoilers here, i got out of some sewers and i decided HEY LET'S PICK UP A TRASH-CAN AND PUSH IT AGAINST THE MONSTERS FACE THE WHOLE TIME TO DODGE IT :D, without expecting it to work ofcourse, i tried it and it worked, so it kept walking into the trashcan, and i was like AH! D: and held the trashcan up a bit higher, then he was stuck underneath the trashcan and i slammed the trashcan down, and poof, i murdered a monster (and by that i pushed him to glitch completely into the ground). My reaction: O.O ...... wut did i just do....I would give this game a 8/10 for being fun and enforcing exploration, not to mention keeping it's horror gamestyle. I can't give it a 10/10 considering it's still in beta, however the score might go up once the game is fully released. Worth every penny.
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1.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
In its current state, I cannot recommend Montas.
The movement is extremely slow, from normal speed walking to what seems to be sprinting, or what I would call, &running knee deep in mud.&
It gets to the point where you become so frustrated because you are being controlled by the game's slow movement speed and animations.
You feel confined and you cannot go at your own pace.
I feel as though the developer was not confident enough in their design to allow the player to move at their own pace.
I find this to be a major drawback.
After several minutes in &slow-mo,& I started to feel nauseated and frustrated at the same time.The platforming, due to the slow movement speed, can be a frustrating task.
I fell a few times due to the clunky, slow movement speed of walk and run.
Mind you, I have played more than my fair share of platformers since the 90s.
I am not claiming to be an expert at platforming, but character movement speed and fluidity is important if you want to platform properly.Another glaring flaw in Montas are the visuals, which is splattered with blur effects and post processing effects that only add more to a distorted image.
It is difficult to enjoy the scenery when every pixel is smeared with post processing effects that ruins the game's visual fidelity.
Overall, I do not feel like Montas is worth playing due to these setbacks.
By the time you proceed to the &scary& and &horror& elements in your dark journey, you find yourself pulled away from the atmosphere that is nothing more than a void.
To further add fuel to the fire, the opening sequence did not draw me in, nor did it introduce me to anything I would be interested in playing.
The terrible pacing that feels like you are being mind controlled by the developers in a horrid dream, hampers any sense of imagination and player choice.
Montas feels like a game without proper direction and it is poorly executed.
And I do not mean to rub salt on the wound, but it is no wonder why Montas was in a PC bundle deal a few months ago that went for as low as $1 for entry donation.
The developers do not even have confidence in their own product.
I would not recommend it to any of my friends.Rating:
5 out of 10
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8.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
A really nice and atmospheric horror exploration game, where you have to run sometimes. And its early access what i like in this genre because it feels organic when you play a game and after the next update new areas before closed are available then or pamm a new enemy`s hiding behind a corner. it sounds crazy but this game feels endless in a really good way. You will never delete it you want to play it again and again to explore and go through these strange worlds. One thing i really love &the handmade graphical art on the walls ingame& awesome motives you will love it. A story i don't need, you are the story, it feels like youre dead and you have infinite time to go through different portals. But you have to play it and you will see :)
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6.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Great game! still in early alpha but it's already doing horror better than most horror games out there, each update makes the game way better, (which by the way they update the game every friday) and the atmosphere is perfect! great sound effects and definetly worth a try to help the devs! i have a series im doing on youtube on it if you want to check me out!1. 2 3. 4 Great game, it may be in early access and semi glitchy but its great, the music is great, the atmosphere is amazing, so far not really many scares but it is a VERY creepy game that builds up suspense and im honestly not sure if that suspense is going to lead to something greater! i think it will, i recommend buying this game, its 10 dollars and the more people that support it the better the game will get. i have a series im doing on youtube if anyone wants to watch to see if they like it, my name on youtube is cubansandwichxd i have the series there, but yes, great game i cant wait till they complete it.
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Title: Montas
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Release Date: 24 Mar, 2014
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