商务英语翻译 急

&&& There was a sweet,wonder-filled little girl who was hurt over and over again.She considered that she was so bad that others just couldn't be nice to her.
&&& She asked many wise people to help her understand why she was so bad that even her mother hurt her,and why she was untable to be better so that others wouldn't hurt her.So she was on a trip that she thought was to help her be''better'',but she carried a big bag with her everywhere she went.Inside was all the hurt she had experienced.During the trip she willingly agreed with what the wise people said about forgiving.
&&& After 50 years,she decided to open the bag up and just see what happened.When she looked inside it was filled with bits of paper.Once they had words on them,detailing the hurt.But as time went on,the words disappeared slowly.She had been carrying this bag that held nothing but the image of something that once was.
&&& The little girl had now become an almost-old woman.She realized the silliness of carrying that bag around.She stared laghing and dancing and she felt free!
&&& She was able to see that her mother loved her child,but was sad that her little girl&felt unloved.By throwing away the bag of paper and forgiving those who hurt her,she looked in the mirror and said,''I am clever,interesting and kind.''But most importantly,she was able to say''I am lovable.''Although it took many years,she was finally open to bringing love into her lift.
&&& She finally saw&the sweet,wonder-filled little girl that she had always&been.
补充:She stared laghing and dancing and she felt free!修改为She stared laughing and dancing and she felt free!
There was a sweet,wonder-filled little girl who was hurt over and over again.She considered that she was so bad that others just couldn't be nice to her.
&&& She asked many wise people to help her understand why she was so bad that even her mother hurt her,and why she was untable to be better so that others wouldn't hurt her.So she was on a trip that she thought was to help her be''better'',but she carried a big bag with her everywhere she went.Inside was all the hurt she had experienced.During the trip she willingly agreed with what the wise people said about forgiving.
& 她询问了许多智者为什么她的讨厌已经到了连自己的母亲都要伤害她的地步,为什么自己就不能变得好一点,让大家不再伤害她。于是,她背上大大的背包,开始了自己寻求“变好”的旅程。背包里装满了她所经历的伤害。旅途中,她乐于接受智者建议——遗忘。
&&& After 50 years,she decided to open the bag up and just see what happened.When she looked inside it was filled with bits of paper.Once they had words on them,detailing the hurt.But as time went on,the words disappeared slowly.She had been carrying this bag that held nothing but the image of something that once was.
&&& 50年后,她决定打开背包,为的只是想要知道发生了什么。当她向里面看的时候,背包里装满了纸片。纸片上都是关于伤痛细节的文字描述。但是当时间流逝,那些文字渐渐消失了。她一直背着的背包中除了有对曾经发生过的事情的想象,再无其他。
&&& The little girl had now become an almost-old woman.She realized the silliness of carrying that bag around.She stared laghing and dancing and she felt free!
&&& 当年的这个小女孩已经成为了一个几近晚年的老妇人。她意识到了背着这个背包的愚蠢。她笑着、舞者,感到自己如此自由!
&&& She was able to see that her mother loved her child,but was sad that her little girl felt unloved.By throwing away the bag of paper and forgiving those who hurt her,she looked in the mirror and said,''I am clever,interesting and kind.''But most importantly,she was able to say''I am lovable.''Although it took many years,she was finally open to bringing love into her lift.
&&& 她能够理解她的母亲曾爱着她的孩子,但可惜的是她的孩子(这个小女孩)却感受不到被爱。扔掉了装满纸片的背包,忘记了那些伤害过她的人们,她对着镜子中的自己说:“我聪明、受欢迎、友善。”但是最重要的是,她能够说:“我是被爱的。”尽管这花费了许多年,但她最后还是把爱装进了背包。
She finally saw the sweet,wonder-filled little girl that she had always been.She stared laghing and dancing and she felt free!修改为She stared laughing and dancing and she felt free!&&& 她看到了曾经的那个可爱、充满奇思幻想的女孩。她笑着、舞者,感觉无比自由!
其他回答 (1)
There was a sweet,wonder-filled little girl who was hurt over and over again. She considered that she was so bad that others just couldn't be nice to her.
She asked many wise people to help her understand why she was so bad that even her mother hurt her,and why she was untable to be better so that others wouldn't hurt her. So she was on a trip that she thought was to help her be''better'',but she carried a big bag with her everywhere she went. Inside was all the hurt she had experienced. During the trip she willingly agreed with what the wise people said about forgiving.
After 50 years,she decided to open the bag up and just see what happened. When she looked inside it was filled with bits of paper. Once they had words on them,detailing the hurt. But as time went on,the words disappeared slowly. She had been carrying this bag that held nothing but the image of something that once was.
The little girl had now become an almost-old woman. She realized the silliness of carrying that bag around. She stared laghing and dancing and she felt free!
She was able to see that her mother loved her child,but was sad that her little girl felt unloved. By throwing away the bag of paper and forgiving those who hurt her,she looked in the mirror and said,''I am clever,interesting and kind.''But most importantly,she was able to say''I am lovable.''Although it took many years,she was finally open to bringing love into her lift.
She finally saw the sweet,wonder-filled little girl that she had always been.
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号关于名人英语的小故事,越短越好,一定英语翻译,急,_百度作业帮
Some Stars Suffocate in Fame It’s lonely at the top.And never before has the isolation of a superstar been so vividly portrayed as in the Michael Jackson documentary airing this month on ABC and VH1.Jackson’s trip with his children to the Berlin zoo turned into a small riot.While he was shopping in Las Vegas,gawking and photo-flashing fans pressed against the store windows.We know celebrities live in a bubble.But this is a glimpse of what it’s like to be trapped inside.有些明星为名所累 高处不胜寒 本月在ABC和VH1频道播映的关于Michael Jackson的纪录片首次生动地展现了作为一位巨星与世人相隔的一面.Jackson和他孩子们的柏林动物园之旅引起了一次小小的骚乱.而当他在Las Vegas购物时,影迷们挤在橱窗上盯着他看,还拍照.我们都知道名人生活在虚幻中.然而,这个纪录片可以使观众瞥见身陷其中是什么滋味.
Helen Keller lived in the U.S.A. She was a great woman.
When Helen was a baby,she got very sick. After many weeks,the doctor said:"she is better,but now she can't see and she...
牛顿研究学问非常专心。有一次,朋友请客,席间,他想起家中有瓶好酒,于是叮嘱朋友稍等,自己回家取酒。这位朋友左等右等,就是不见牛顿回来,只好去看个究竟。原来牛顿在回家的路上,想起一项实验的做法,到家后,就一头栽进实验室,做起实验,把取酒招待朋友的事忘的一乾二净。又有一次,他饿了,煮鸡蛋吃,却一边想问题,一边把鸡蛋放进锅子中,等问题解决了,想吃鸡蛋时,揭开锅盖,捞起的竟是自己的怀表。 英语翻...英语翻译,急!_百度知道
看着美丽的西湖,我禁不住赞美大自然所拥有的魅力(magic)就在小男孩被海浪吞没之前,他父亲伸出手臂抓住了他(reach out)老师不允许学生在这条受污染的河里游泳(过去分词作前置宾语)这起由于工人技术不熟练引起的事故非常严重(过去分词短语作前置定语和后置定语)学生们在英语辩论赛中的出色表现受到英语老师的大力称赞(performance)请高手帮忙翻译一下(我会适当加分的)机器翻的就免了,那是没有英语道德...
1. Looking at the beautiful west lake, I can't help but marvel at the magic of nature.Just before the little boy was taken by the strong waves, his fatherreached out and caught him.The teacher forbids the students from swimming in the polluted river.The accident caused by inexperienced workers was very serious.The English teacher praised the students for their outstanding performance at the debate competition.
1. looking at the beautiful WEST LAKE , i could not stop praising the magic of nature2.his father reached out arm to catch the little boy just before he was swallowed by the sea3.the teacher prohibits the students swimming in the polluted river4.this accident which caused by the worker who was not familiar with the skill was very serious 5.the outstanding performance of the students in the debate competition got the teacher's big praising. / the teas out-standing performance
in the debate compitition楼主,这是我自己翻译的,有点口语化,希望对你有帮助。
就在小男孩被海浪吞没之前,他父亲伸出手臂抓住了他(reach out)
翻译:Looked at the beautiful West Lake, I could not help praising nature owned by the charm of (magic)
On the waves swallowed the small boy was before he stretched out his arm to grab his father's (reach out)
The teacher does not allow students in this contaminated river swimming (past participle to make pre-object)
This ef...
看着美丽的西湖,我禁不住赞美大自然所拥有的魅力这句话的意思:Look, I couldn't help but beautiful west lake nature have charm of praise就在小男孩被海浪吞没之前,他父亲伸出手臂抓住了他意思:The little boy was in before his father engulfed arm caught him老师不允许学生在这条受污染的河里游泳:Teachers are not allowed to students in the polluted the river这起由于工人技术不熟练引起的事故非常严重:The unskilled workers technology because of serious accidents学生们在英语辩论赛中的出色表现受到英语老师的大力称赞:The students in English as the outstanding debate is our English teacher
这是雅马哈KB210型号的:钢琴piano酒吧钢琴honky-tonk piano拨弦古钢琴harpsichord电子钢琴elec piano竖琴harp振琴vibes管风琴pipe organ爵士风琴jazz organ弦乐strings小提琴violin电子合成弦乐synth strings拨弦奏弦乐器pizz strings木琴marimba长笛flute排箫pan flute单簧管clarinet萨克斯saxophone双簧管oboe口琴harmonicn铜管合奏音brass ensemble电子合成铜管乐synth brass小号trumpet长号trombone手风琴accorbion圆号horn班卓bango大号tuba歪音吉他distortion guitar古典吉他classic guitar爵士吉他jazz guitar琵琶pipa扬琴yangqin二胡erhu板胡banhu提琴贝司bowed bass电贝司elec bass大贝司acoustic bass弹弦音slap bass合唱chorus电子合成低音synth bass管弦乐齐奏orchestra hit 电子合成音synth筝zheng笙sheng笛子dizi唢呐suona


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