
【上英语课,老师是个刚毕业的漂亮妹子,很清纯,由于我们上课一直乱,她没耐心了就说了句“一天都是上课上课,我都上不动了,还要一天上上上的,都快被你们上死了”我们全班顿时石化了】 - 我能说脏话吗的日志,人人网,我能说脏话吗的公共主页
搬运糗百高中时一段时间,晚上宿舍经常有打群架的,然后每晚每层楼4个老师在值班室插上门值班,他们打牌的声音特别大,然后被一学生在外面把值班室锁上了!gc!喊:里面四个sb,别打了,门已经被锁上了,快想办法明天怎么出来吧!--------&热乎的!卤煮屌丝上班族一枚。下班超喜欢吃旁边御水湾小区的一家铁板鱿鱼。&&该唱歌了&&刚刚骑着同事电瓶车去来了几串,边骑车边吃着,忽然前面一个躲闪不及,华丽丽的摔倒,翻滚几圈一直举着手,保证鱿鱼串丝毫没占地!忍着疼痛,忍着泪水,坐在地上吃完了手中鱿鱼! 那家鱿鱼真心好吃,老板人很好!为老板求人品!&现在凌晨一点五十三分!!!我刚刚在梦里找到厕所了!!!我23了!!!谁来给我几刀!!!&陪同事夫妻逛街,同事夫妻吵架,女方越吵越气,挥拳欲击。同事身手敏捷,一把抓住她的胳膊。女方还在气头上:抓我胳膊干什么!哥们正在考虑如何回答时,哥深吸一口奶茶淡定回答:执子之手,与子偕老。深藏功与名&&&旅馆看到的,是内涵图吗?
&家有乖乖老公一枚,各种模范各种爱,鸽革葛个&一次晚饭后麻利的洗好碗筷后轻声抱怨说:我在家就是一个纯的男保姆。老娘听了不爽回道:你见过谁家男保姆能天天xxoo女主人的?这货当场就跪了,cnt也不知道能过不&&刚刚微博上有一娃回复我说,你女的哪来的膀胱! 不割!我震惊了!难道这娃长这么大都以为只有男人有膀胱吗?!这么纯洁的娃应该不看糗百。。。&&&今天下午外出,割了干净....隔壁物流公司门口几个人正在装车,好多纸箱子,上面写着天然橡胶超薄颗粒byt,几个人装完车,一个老板模样的人捡起地上掉的几个byt,塞给物流公司的小哥说,拿着用吧,小哥很尴尬的笑笑接了过去,旁边物流公司的妹子笑着说,他单身,用不着,老板一笑说:你俩一起不就用的着了??妹子的脸立刻红了,小哥忙挥手:算了吧,我还不如自己回去吹着玩!&小时候一群孩子在院子里玩,大家最喜欢干的就是搞恶作剧-----哥--------有一次大家坐在地上聊天,小朋友A站起来问小朋友B,我屁股脏不脏?B把脸凑到A屁股旁,这时A放了个响屁。。。&五一期间是我的死期有木有!!天天接到陌生电话,喂?哥们儿,下月我结婚来啊!!喂?老同学,下月我结婚来啊!喂!兄弟,下月我儿子满月!来啊!!喂&&喂&&这一个月我只能勒紧我的裤腰带了!!!!同感的举手&&大婶给过吧!!!&今天公司培训,培训老师讲执行力,要先拿岳飞举例引出,全场很肃静,老师很投入,一本正经的说,岳母在岳飞后背上写下四个大字&&精尽人亡。顿时全场爆笑,而且我发现女生笑的貌似最狠。只有讲师满脸通红的无助&&&偶想起初中一次偶们上语文课,老师问:郑人买履的主角是谁,一超可爱的童鞋说:鞋子!老师哭笑不得,叫后面一个童鞋回答,后面的2b思考良久,说:脚板!&去年一个女孩跟我说,我快成年了,你送我什么成人礼?后来我送了一个跳蛋给他。。。&再后来好像就不认识我了。。和几哥们通宵回宿舍本打算洗洗更健康的入睡,可谁知天不遂人愿 垃圾学校停水。无奈只好上床睡觉,下铺的兄弟对我床头的哥们说:&你不是有湿巾吗?&2货哥们淡淡的回道&那湿巾只能擦jiba&就在我要睡着的一刹那隐隐的看到他拿着湿巾狠狠的擦了自己的jiba脸 jiba脸&&说个同事家的、新手不会割&& 同事说他老公晚上睡觉从不洗脚、冬天晚上睡觉时裤子、棉裤、袜子一起脱,袜子和棉裤连在一起的那种、你们以为这是gc么&&gc是她老公第二天能把裤子、棉裤还有袜子原封不动的穿回去。第一次听她说起、觉着她老公就是个神,最后想了想、也许是那袜子已经成型了&&成型了!&&&未来的婆婆在一个机构的招待所工作,今天领导说要升她做领班。。。割割割。。。婆婆很爽快地拒绝了,理由是:做了领班就没时间秀十字绣了。。。为可爱的婆婆求人品。。。&不要隔啊~~ 刚才上英语课,坐在前排的一个二货 ,看到老师长得漂亮,拿出手机拍照,拍了几次,老师怒了,对那二货说了一句,xxx,你要拍照可以,但你可以把快门声关掉不&【更多精彩欢迎关注 主页君小站 &】&
搬运糗百今天带着一妹子去吃饭,家不远的路口那有个卖水果的,买了点草莓,。。。。。。最后付钱的时候是十一块钱,我说十块钱吧,常在你这买东西了。。老板说,一看你就是撒谎的,我今天第一次来这摆摊。。有木有掐死他的冲动。。&上英语课,老师是个刚毕业的漂亮妹子,很清纯,由于我们上课一直乱,她没耐心了就说了句&一天都是上课上课,我都上不动了,还要一天上上上的,都快被你们上死了&我们全班顿时石化了&住院中&&晚上进来一蚊子。专咬我。怎么也打不到。无奈起来开灯看书。还没有看两分钟。这货飞书中间了。lz果断合上。关灯睡觉。&&为我和病友求康复。&上课睡觉姿势很重要。。。割割割。。。上课睡觉,腿麻了,刚站起来还没事,走出教室之后,突然就没知觉扑通跪下了。。。擦!就当拜年了!&屌丝一枚,今天坐火车路过唐河车站,看见貌似5、60年代的标语"小事当成大事干,n次当成首次干',当时感觉不对劲,现在想想确实有内涵,糗百,我的节操碎了一地啊&每个人都会认识一个叫超哥的人吧&割了他的jj&问,超哥你妈给你取这个名字是不是希望你像超人一样。回答:其实我是超生的&超生的&的&说个真事 去中医给孩子看病 前面一男人正听老中医开方子 又进来一30左右男人 吊儿郎当的 一坐 就听中医说 四个猪蹄 再加上黄豆 煮烂乎乎的 然后连汤带肉的一起吃 多吃几次效果会更好 这时后进来男人欠儿欠儿的说 呦 你这是得什么病啊 我也回去生病 吃这么好 享福病吧 告诉告诉我 我最爱吃猪蹄了 中医满脸黑线说 她老婆刚生孩子没奶 然后&&没有然后了 屋里人都憋到内伤&家有老弟一名,各种调皮。一日,对狗狗各种折磨,狗狗实在忍不住咬了他。老爸带去打针,吓唬他,,你已经被狗咬两次了,要是还有第三次就没药救了,你就死定了。老弟突然嚎啕大哭,,,老爸忙问怎么了,以后注意就是了。弟弟继续...
你会不会忽然的出现 ,在街角的咖啡店 ,
我会带着笑脸,和你寒暄 ,
不去说从前,只是寒暄 ,
对你说一句,只是说一句 ,
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中文翻译英英解释朝上的, 翻过来的, 翻转的倒翻的掘翻的上挑的向上翻转的
例句与用法1.He pointed to the upturned furrows of a ploughed field .他指向耕地翻掘出的犁沟。2.As a sea of upturned faces, they were melville's people, good, generous, and free .一片人海仰脸听讲,他们是梅尔维尔所谓的人民:善良、慷慨、直率。3.He leant back against the hives, and with upturned face made observations on the stars, whose cold pulses were beating amid the black hollows above .他把身子往后靠在蜂窝上,仰着脸儿观察起天上的星星来;那些星星凄清的光芒,正在一片一片苍苍的穹窿上,闪烁搏动。4.He came into the room , his overcoat collar upturned他进屋时大衣领子向上翻起。 5.He awakened many times to feel it falling on his upturned face他醒了好几次,感觉到雨落在他仰着的脸上。 6.He felt a sharp prick when he stepped on a upturned nail他一脚踩在一枚尖头朝上的钉子上,感到一阵剧痛。 7.The little baby ' s lid , half - raised , show the pupil horribly upturned婴儿的眼皮半开,可怕地露出向上翘著的瞳孔。 8.John ' s opinion upturned the meeting so bitterly that no one trust him约翰的意见把会议扰得很乱以致无人会相信他。 9.The little baby ' s lids , half - raised , showed the pupils horribly upturned婴儿的眼皮半开,可怕地露出向上翘著的瞳孔。 10.From the corner of his eye barney see the sea of face upturned toward him巴尼从眼角斜瞥见到那麽多的面孔朝他翻转过来。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
我有一个室友,真的很不文明,他很不讲卫生,经常乱仍东西,把宿舍弄的很乱,每次都是我打扫.I have a roommate who is quite incivilized and pays no attention to the room sanitation.He usually litters to make the room in in sad disorder,which always needs me to handle the aftermath properly.
i have a roommate who doesn't civilized and healthful ,usually throw something everywhere ,keep the dormitory dirty ,but
i clean evry time
I have a roommate, he is very uncivilized and unhealthful. he always throw everything optionally,our room is disarranged. Everytime I need to sweep out.
I have a roommate, really very civilized, and he is not speaking of health, things are often arbitrary, up to the Henluan quarters, every time I sweep.
I have a roomate who is really very uneducated and dirty,.he often throw things about and mess up the dormitory,andevertime it was me who tidied up the room.
I have a roommate, very is really uncivilized, he does not speak the health very much, randomly still the thing, made frequently the dormitory very chaotically, each time all was I cleans.
我有一个室友,真的很不文明,他很不讲卫生,经常乱仍东西,把宿舍弄的很乱,每次都是我打扫。 I have a roommate, really very civilized, and he is not speaking of health, things are often arbitrary, up to the Henluan quarters, every time I sweep.
I have a roommate that is really very civilized, and he is not speaking of health, things are often arbitrary, up to the Henluan quarters, I sweep every time .大概是
网找的!I have a roommate, really very civilized, and he is not speaking of health, things are often arbitrary, up to the Henluan quarters, every time I sweep.
I have a roommate who is quite incivilized and pays no attention to the room sanitation,usually litters to make the room in disorder,which always needs me to handle the aftermath properly。
I have a roommate, really very civilized, and he is not speaking of health, things are often arbitrary, up to the Henluan quarters, every time I sweep.
I have a roommate, is really very uncivilized, he does not pay attention to hygiene very much, still the thing, made randomly frequently the dormitory is very chaotic, each time is I cleans.
I have a roommate who is quite uncivilized and unhealthful,He usually litters to make the room in a mess.which always needs me to sweep out.肯定正确
I have a roommate who is quite uncivilized and unhealthful,He usually litters to make the room in a mess.which always needs me to sweep out
I have a roommate, is really very uncivilized, he does not pay attention to hygiene very much, still the thing, made randomly frequently the dormitory is very chaotic,
I have got a roomate who's really terrible. He never cares about cleaning the room,always throw things about,which makes our room always a mess,and every time it is me to clean up.
I have a room-mate, really very uncivilized, he does not pay attention to hygiene very much, often anything still messy, whom dormitory get being in a mess, I sweep each time.
i have a roommate.really very Uncivilized and unhealthful.he often Throw things.Quarters up to the Henluan.everytimes i seeep.
I am the very person cleaning our room, for my roommate is uncivilized and do not pay attention to the room sanitation. He always throwa things here ans there, making the room being a mess.
我有一个室友,真的很不文明,他很不讲卫生,经常乱仍东西,把宿舍弄的很乱,每次都是我打扫。 I have a roommate, is really very uncivilized, he does not pay attention to hygiene very much, still the thing, made randomly frequently the dormitory is very chaotic, each time is I cleans.
I have a roommate, really very civilized, and he is not speaking of health, things are often arbitrary, up to the Henluan quarters, every time I sweep.
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求翻译:我喜欢唱歌跳舞, 我想进演艺圈,但是我爸爸不让,他说演艺圈太乱,怕我受伤。是什么意思?
我喜欢唱歌跳舞, 我想进演艺圈,但是我爸爸不让,他说演艺圈太乱,怕我受伤。
I like to sing and dance, I would like to enter the entertainment world, but let my father, he said the entertainment too messy, I am afraid of injuries.
I like dancing and singing, I would like to make performing arts circle, but my father did not let that he said performing arts circle too chaotic, I'm afraid I was injured.
I like singing dance, I want to enter the performance circle, but my daddy does not let, he said the performance circle too is chaotic, feared I am injured.
I like singing and dancing, I want to get into Showbiz, but my father not to, he said that the showbiz is too messy, I was injured.
I like singing and dancing, I want to get into Showbiz, but my father not to, he said that the showbiz is too messy, I was injured.
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请输入您需要翻译的文本!据说在喜马拉雅北部的印度,有一个奇怪而可怕的生物。这个地区的人们都叫它野人。有的人叫它不愉快的雪人。这种生物是。它站在它的后腿像个男人。它的毛很厚,棕色。从前面的头皮,乱蓬蓬的头发垂下了眼睛照得像火炭。头部像一个圆顶和一个指向顶部。它的脚是最奇怪的特征。他们像人类的脚。但脚跟指向前方,后方的脚趾。和脚是远远大于一个人的。随着生物的动作,它吹口哨的声音很尖。回答口哨来自附近的悬崖。的翻译:It is said that in the Himalayas in northern India, has a strange and terrible creatures. The people in this area are called savages. Some people call it unhappy snowman. The creature is. It stands on its hind legs like a man. It's fur is very thick, Brown. From the front of the scalp, Fo Tan, thick 什么意思?中文翻译英文,英文翻译中文,怎么说?
It is said in the Himalayas in northern India, there is a strange and terrible creatures. People call it the region's savage. Some people call it unpleasant snowman. The creature is. It stands on its hind legs like a man. Its hair is very thick, brown. From the front of the scalp, matted hair hangin
It is said that in the Himalayas in northern India, has a strange and terrible creatures. The people in this area are called savages. Some people call it unhappy snowman. The creature is. It stands on its hind legs like a man. It's fur is very thick, Brown. From the front of the scalp, Fo Tan, thick
It is said north the Himalayas's India, some strange and fearful biology.This local people all call it the savage.Some people call it not the happy snowman.This living thing is.It stands in its hind leg likely man.Its wool is very thick, brown.From the front scalp, the dishevelled hair dangled the e
It is said that in the Himalayas in northern India, there is a strange and terrible biological. The area is known by its savage. Some people call it unpleasant snowman. The organism is. It stood by its legs like a man. It is very thick and gross brown. From the preceding the scalp, shaggy hair droop
It is said that in the Himalayas in northern India, has a strange and terrible creatures. The people in this area are called savages. Some people call it unhappy snowman. The creature is. It stands on its hind legs like a man. It's fur is very thick, Brown. From the front of the scalp, Fo Tan, thick


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