
Touch my cake and i well cut you翻译中文意思_百度知道
Touch my cake and i well cut you翻译中文意思
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(: 点心; : 點心; : Diǎnxīn) is a style of
food prepared as small bite-sized or individual portions of
traditionally served in small steamer baskets or on small plates. Dim sum is also well known for the unique way it is served in some restaurants, whereby fully cooked and ready-to-serve dim sum dishes are carted around the restaurant for customers to choose their orders while seated at their tables.
Eating dim sum at a restaurant is usually known in Cantonese as going to "drink tea" (, 飲茶), as tea is typically served with dim sum.[]
Similar small dishes exist in other varieties of Chinese cuisine, sometimes known in English as dianxin, from the pronunciation of the same two characters for "dim sum" in .
A dim sum restaurant in
Dim sum is usually linked with the older tradition from
(tea tasting), which has its roots in travelers on the ancient
needing a place to rest. Thus teahouses were established along the roadside. An imperial physician in the third century wrote that combining tea with food would lead to excessive weight gain. People later discovered that tea can aid in digestion, so teahouse owners began adding various snacks.[]
The unique culinary art dim sum originated with the
in southern China, who over the centuries transformed yum cha from a relaxing respite to a loud and happy dining experience. In , and in most cities and towns in
province, many restaurants start serving dim sum as early as five in the morning. It is a tradition for the elderly to gather to eat dim sum after morning exercises. For many in southern China, yum cha is treated as a weekend family day. More traditional dim sum restaurants typically serve dim sum until mid-afternoon. However, in modern society it has become common place for restaurants to serve dim sum at dinner time, various dim sum items are even sold as
for students and office workers on the go.
A traditional dim sum
includes various types of steamed buns such as ,
(cheong fun), which contain a range of , including , chicken, pork,
options. Many dim sum restaurants also offer plates of steamed green vegetables, roasted meats, congee porridge and other soups. Dessert dim sum is also available and many places offer the customary .
Dim sum can be cooked by
and , among other methods. The serving sizes are usually small and normally served as three or four pieces in one dish. It is customary to order family style, sharing dishes among all members of the dining party. Because of the small portions, people can try a wide variety of food.
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(蝦餃) or shrimp dumpling
(糯米雞) wrapped in
Chinese baked barbecue
(燒賣) dumpling
Dim sum brunch restaurants have a wide variety of dishes, usually several dozen. Among the standard fare of dim sum are the following:
Gao, or Dumpling (: 餃; 餃子; : gaau2; gaau2 ji2): Jiao zi is a standard in most teahouses. They are made of ingredients wrapped in a translucent
skin, and are different from
found in other parts of China. Though common, steamed rice-flour skins are quite difficult to make. Thus, it is a good demonstration of the chef's artistry to make these translucent dumplings. There are also dumplings with vegetarian ingredients, such as
and pickled .
(shrimp dumplings) (蝦餃 haa1 gaau2): A delicate steamed dumpling with whole or chopped-up shrimp filling and thin wheat starch skin.
(潮州粉果 ciu4 zau1 fan2 gwo2): A dumpling said to have originated from the
(Teochew) prefecture of eastern Guangdong province, it contains , , , pork, dried shrimp, and
in a thick dumpling wrapper made from
flour or Tang flour. It is usually served with a small dish of chili oil.
(pot stickers) (鍋貼, wo1 tip3): Northern Chinese style of dumpling (steamed and then pan-fried jiaozi), usually with meat and cabbage filling. Note that although potstickers are sometimes served in dim sum restaurants, they are not considered traditional Cantonese dim sum.
(燒賣 siu1 maai6): Small steamed dumplings with either pork, prawns or both inside a thin wheat flour wrapper. Usually topped off with
Haam Seoi Gaau (鹹水餃 haam4 seoi2 gaau2, salt-water (i.e. savoury) stuffed-dumpling, alternatively 鹹水角 haam4 seoi2 gok3): deep fried oval-shaped dumpling made with rice-flour and filled with pork and chopped vegetables. The rice-flour surrounding is sweet and sticky, while the inside is slightly salty and savoury.
Dumpling soup ( gun3 tong1 gaau2): soup with one or two big dumplings.
(包 baau1 or 包子 baau1 zi2): Baked or steamed, these fluffy buns made from wheat flour are filled with food items ranging from meat to vegetables to sweet bean pastes.
(叉燒包 caa1 siu1 baau1): the most popular bun with a
filling. It can be either steamed to be fluffy and white or baked with a light
glaze to produce a smooth golden-brown crust.
(上海小籠包 seong6 hoi2 siu2 lung4 baau1): These dumplings are filled with meat or seafood and are famous for their flavor and rich
inside. These dumplings are originally
so they are not considered traditional Cantonese dim sum. They are typically sold with pork as a filling.
(饅頭 maan4 tau4): plain steamed bun like cha siu baau without filling stuff.
(鳳爪 fung6 zaau2): These are chicken feet, , ,
and then steamed. This results in a texture that is light and fluffy (due to the frying), while moist and tender. Fung zau are typically dark red in color. One may also sometimes find plain steamed chicken feet served with a vinegar dipping sauce. This version is known as "White Cloud Phoenix Claws" (白雲鳳爪 baak6 wan4 fung6 jaau2).
(牛肉球 ngau4 juk6 kau4): Finely ground beef is shaped into balls and then steamed with preserved orange peel and served on top of a thin bean-curd skin.
: In the west, it is mostly known as spare ribs collectively. In the east, it is
when roasted red, or (排骨 paai4 gwat1) when roasted black. It is typically steamed with
or fermented black beans and sometimes sliced chilli.
(糯米雞 lo6 mai5 gai1):
is wrapped in a
leaf into a triangular or rectangular shape. It contains , dried , mushroom, , and meat (usually pork and chicken). These ingredients are steamed with the rice and although the leaf is not eaten, its flavour is infused during the steaming. Lo mai gai is a kind of . A similar but lighter variant is known as "Pearl Chicken" (珍珠雞 zan1 zyu1 gai1).
(粥 zuk1): Thick, sticky rice porridge served with different savory items. The porridge one will see most often is "Preserved Egg and Pork Porridge" (皮蛋瘦肉粥 "pei4 daan6 sau3 juk6 zuk1")
(酥 sou1): A type of flaky pastry.
is one of the most common ingredient used in dim sum style sou. Another common pastry seen in restaurants are called "Salty Pastry" (鹹水角 "haam4 seoi2 gok3") which is made with flour and seasoned pork.
(芋角 wu6 gok3): This is made with mashed , stuffed with diced , shrimp and pork, deep-fried in crispy batter.
Crispy fried
(魷魚鬚 jau4 jyu4 sou1): Similar to fried , the battered squid is deep-fried. A variation of this dish may be prepared with a
mix. In some dim sum restaurants,
is used instead of squid.
Rolls (捲 gyun2)
(春捲 ceon1 gyun2): a roll consisting of various types of vegetables – such as sliced , cabbage, mushroom and
– and sometimes meat are rolled inside a thin flour skin and deep fried.
or coeng fan (腸粉 coeng4 fan2): These are wide rice noodles that are steamed and then rolled. They are often filled with different types of meats or vegetables inside but can be served without any filling. Rice noodle rolls are fried after they are steamed and then sprinkled with . Popular fillings include beef, dough fritter, shrimp, and barbecued pork. Often topped with a sweetened soy sauce.
(腐皮捲 fu6 pei4 gyun2): a roll made of
Cakes (糕 gou1)
(蘿蔔糕 lo4 baak6 gou1): cakes are made from mashed
mixed with bits of
and pork sausage that are steamed and then cut into slices and pan-fried.
(芋頭糕 wu6 tao4 gou1): cakes made of .
(馬蹄糕 maa5 tai2 gou1): cakes made of crispy water chestnut. It is mostly see-through and clear. Some restaurants also serve a variation of water chestnut cake made with bamboo juice.
(芒果布丁) with milk
Chien chang go (千層糕 cin1 cang4 gou1): "Thousand-layer cake", a dim sum dessert made up of many layers of sweet egg dough.
(蛋撻 daan6 taat1): composed of a base made from either a flaky puff pastry type dough or a type of non-flaky cookie dough with an
filling, which is then baked. Some high class restaurants put
on top of the custard. In other places egg tarts can be made of a crust and a filling of egg whites and some where it is a crust with egg yolks. Egg tarts now come in a variety of different flavors, taro, coffee, and strawberry for example. 葡撻 (po4 taat1) is a Portuguese styled egg custard, common in Hong Kong, with origins in Macau, and has a layer of burnt sugar on the surface.
or Matuan (煎堆 zin1 deoi1 or 麻糰): Especially popular at , a chewy dough filled with red bean paste, rolled in sesame seeds, and deep fried.
(豆腐花 dau6 fu6 faa1): A dessert consisting of silky tofu served with a sweet
flavored syrup.
(芒果布甸 mong1 gwo2 bou3 din1): A sweet, rich -flavoured pudding usually with large c often served with a topping of .
Sweet cream buns (奶皇包 naai5 wong4 baau1): Steamed buns with milk
Malay Steamed Sponge Cake (馬拉糕 ma5 laai1 gou1): A very soft steamed
flavoured with .
Tofu: almond-flavoured tofu served with longans, usually cold.
The drinking of tea is as important to dim sum as the food. The type of tea to serve on the table is typically one of the first things the server asks dining customers. Several types of tea are served during dim sum :
– Chrysanthemum tea does not actually contain any tea leaves. Instead it is a flower-based tisane made from chrysanthemum flowers of the species Chrysanthemum morifolium or Chrysanthemum indicum, which are most popular in East Asia. To prepare the tea, chrysanthemum flowers (usually dried) are steeped in hot water (usually 90 to 95 °C (194 to 203 °F) after cooling from a boil) in either a teapot, cup, or glass. However, Chrysanthemum flowers are often paired with Pu-erh tea, and this is often referred to as guk pou or guk bou (菊普; pinyin: jú pǔ).
– Freshly picked leaves only go through heating and drying processes, but do not undergo fermentation. This enables the leaves to keep their original green color and retain most natural substances like polyphenols and chlorophyll contained within the leaves. This kind of tea is produced all over China and is the most popular category of tea. Representative varieties include Dragon Well (Long Jing) and Biluochun from Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces respectively.
– The tea leaves are partially fermented, imparting to them the characteristics of both green and black teas. Its taste is more similar to green tea than black tea, but has a less "grassy" flavor than green tea. The three major oolong-tea producing areas are on the southeast coast of China e.g. Fujian, Guangdong and Taiwan.
(Cantonese) or
(Mandarin) – The tea has undergone years of fermentation, giving them a unique earthy flavor. This variety of tea is usually compressed into different shapes like bricks, discs and bowls.
– There can be various mixtures of flowers with green tea, black tea or oolong tea. Flowers used include jasmine, gardenia, magnolia, grapefruit flower, sweet-scented osmanthus and rose. There are strict rules about the proportion of flowers to tea. Jasmine tea is the most popular type of scented tea, and is often the most popular type of tea served at yum cha establishments.
The above teas are produced in most of China. Chinese tea bushes () are cultivated in the mountain areas of tropical and subtropical regions or wherever there is a proper climate, sufficient humidity, adequate sunshine and fertile soil. Chinese tea is classified in many ways, e.g., quality, method of preparation or place of production. The main processing methods include fermentation (), heating, drying and addition of other ingredients like flowers, herbs or fruits. These help to develop the special flavor of the raw tea leaves.
A dim sum seller at
night market
One aspect unique to dim sum is its method of serving in specialized dim sum brunch restaurants or teahouses. Here, dishes are pushed around the restaurant in steam-heated carts, with servers offering the dishes to customers. Pricing of dishes at these types of restaurants may vary, but traditionally the dishes are classified as "small", "medium", "large", "extra-large", or "special". For example, a basket of
may be considered a small dish, while a bowl of
or plate of
may be considered a large dish. Dishes are then priced accordingly by size, with orders typically recorded with a rubber stamp onto a bill card that remains on the table. Servers in some restaurants use distinctive stamps, so that sales statistics for each server can be recorded. Menu items not typically considered dim sum fare, such as a plate of , they are typically branded as "" dishes on menus and are individually priced.
As a means of attracting customers at less busy times, many restaurants have promotional periods on certain days, usually in the early morning or late afternoon. This typically involves charging a fixed price to certain dishes. Typically, the "small", "medium" and "large" items would all be charged at the usual price for "small" the rule would not apply to "extra large", "special", or "kitchen" dishes. In some places the "tea fee" may also be waived, or a discount be placed on the entire order. Where such periods exist the bill card would have a designated section that allows the items that were ordered during the period and to be easily recognized and charged appropriately.
Another way of pricing the food consumed is to use the number and color of the dishes left on the patron's table as a guide, similar to the method used in some Japanese
restaurants. Some newer restaurants offer a " dim sum" format, similar to the conveyor belt sushi eating places.
Other Chinese restaurants may not offer dim sum on moving platforms, and instead take orders, generally on a pre-printed sheet of , and serve , in a manner similar to a Spanish
restaurant. Prices of each dim sum dish may then vary depending on the actual dish ordered. This procedure may be used at less busier times in specialized restaurants, as it saves time and resources by
not having to anticipate which dishes would ordered and pre though for the customer, it may take longer for the dishes to be delivered after ordering.
A typical dining set for
Main article:
There are common tea-drinking and eating practices or etiquette that Chinese people commonly recognize and use. These are practiced not only during dim sum meals but during other types of Chinese meals as well.
It is customary to pour tea for others before filling one's own cup during a meal. When pouring tea for people on one's left side, the right hand should be used to hold the teapot and vice versa. A common custom among the
is to thank the person pouring the tea by tapping the bent index finger (if you are single), or by tapping both the index and middle finger (if you are married), which symbolizes the gesture of .
This custom is said to be analogous to the ritual of bowing to someone in appreciation. The origin of this gesture is described anecdotally: an unidentified Emperor went to yum cha with his friends, not wanting to attract attention to himself, the Emperor was disguised. While at yum cha, the Emperor poured his companion some tea, which was a great honor. The companion, not wanting to give away the Emperor's identity in public by bowing, instead tapped his index and middle finger on the table .
Given the number of times tea is poured in a meal, the tapping is a timesaver in loud restaurants or lively company, as an individual being served might be speaking to someone else or have food in their mouth. If a diner does not wish a refill being offered at that time, the fingers are used to "wave off" or politely decline more tea. This does not preclude taking more fresh hot tea at a later time during the meal.
Leaving the lid balanced on the side of the tea pot is a common way of attracting a server's attention, and indicates a silent request that the tea pot be refilled.
Frozen dim sum are widely available at
Certain kinds of instant dim sum have come onto the market in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. People can enjoy snacks after a 3-minute defrosting and reheating of the instant dim sum in a .
In many cities, "street dim sum" is sold from mobile street carts, and usually consists of dumplings or meatballs steamed in a large container, but served on a bamboo . The customer can dip the whole skewer into a sauce bowl and then eat while standing or walking.
Dim sum can be purchased from major grocery stores in most countries with a Chinese population. These dim sum can be easily cooked by steaming or microwaving. Major grocery stores in Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Mainland China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Australia, United States, and Canada have a variety of frozen or fresh dim sum stocked at the shelves. These include dumplings, , , ,
and steamed .
In Singapore, as well as other countries, dim sum can also be purchased from convenience stores,
and other eateries. There is also
certified dim sum available (with chicken taking the place of pork) which is also very popular in Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei.
, a tangentially related Australian dumpling
Parkinson, Rhonda. . <-Chinese Food.
. Taste of tea.Scent of leaves. Taste of tea.Scent of leaves 2013.
AllabouttheChinese. . All about the Chinese. All about the Chinese 2013.
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This audio file was created from a revision of the "Dim sum" article dated , and does not reflect subsequent edits to the article. ()
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Unit 1 单词:animal动物&&cat猫cute可爱的&&dog狗&&elephant大象&&fat胖的&&have有horse马&&like喜欢&&lion狮子&&monkey猴子&&panda熊猫&&tiger老虎短语: toy animals玩具动物& &look at these toy animals看这些玩具动物&&look at this cat看这只猫
look at this horse看这匹马&&look at this lion看这头狮子& & like cats喜欢猫& &like dogs喜欢狗like pandas喜欢熊猫& & like monkeys喜欢猴子& & like cakes喜欢蛋糕&&have a cakehere这里有一个蛋糕have a toy elephant有一个玩具大象& & have a toy tiger有一个玩具老虎& &would like a pie想要一个馅饼cute and fat既可爱又胖嘟嘟&&my good little dog我的好小狗&&go and get my big bag去把我的大包取过来on the log在圆木上&&on the mat在垫子上&&in the tree在树上&&run with me和我一起跑
句子练习:Look at these toy animals,boys and girls.看这些玩具动物,孩子们。
Look at this cat!I like cats. 看这只猫!我喜欢猫。Look at this horse!I like horses.&&看这匹马!我喜欢马。A:Look at this dog!& & B:It'scute.&&A:看这只狗!&&B:它很可爱。A:Look at this panda!&&B:It's cute and fat. A:看这只熊猫!&&B:它既可爱又胖嘟嘟的。I like pandas.They're cute and fat.&&我喜欢熊猫。它们既可爱又胖嘟嘟的。I like cats.They're small and cute.&&我喜欢猫。它们又小又可爱。A:Do you like lions?& &B:Yes,I do.&&A:你喜欢狮子吗?&&B:是的,喜欢。A:Do you like tigers?& &B:Yes,I do.&&A:你喜欢老虎吗?&&B:是的,喜欢。A:Do you like elephants?& &B:No,I don't.I like dogs. A:你喜欢大象吗?&&B:不喜欢。我喜欢狗。A:Do you like monkeys?& &B:No,I don't.I like pandas.&&A:你喜欢猴子吗?&&B:不喜欢。我喜欢熊猫。A:Would you like a pie,Bobby?& & B:No,thanks.&&A:你想来一个馅饼吗,博比?&&B:不了,谢谢。A:Would you like a cake?& &B:Yes,please.&&A:你想来一个蛋糕吗?&&B:是的,谢谢。A:I like cakes.Do you like cakes,Sam?& & B:Yes,I do.I have a cake here.
A:I like pandas.Do you like pandas?& & B:Yes,I do.I have a toy panda here.A:我喜欢熊猫。你喜欢熊猫吗?&&B:是的,喜欢。我这里有一个玩具熊猫。A:I like lions.Do you like lions?& & B:Yes,I do.I have a toy lion here.A:我喜欢狮子。你喜欢狮子吗?&&B:是的,喜欢。我这里有一个玩具狮子。My good little dog,go and get my big bag on the log.&&我的好小狗,去把圆木上我的大包取过来。Little monkey,in the tree.Little dog,run with me!&&小猴子,在树上。小狗狗,跟我跑!Little cat,on the mat.Little panda,cute and fat!&&小猫咪,垫子上。小熊猫,又可爱又胖嘟嘟!A:What's that?& & B:It'sa monkey.&&A:那是什么?&&B:它是一只猴子。A:What's that?& & B:It'san elephant. A:那是什么?&&B:它是一头大象。Unit 2 :单词: any一些[否定句]&&banana香蕉&&cherry樱桃&&cool酷的&&fruit水果&&grape葡萄&&let让&&make做,制作&&mango芒果&&many许多[修饰可数]&&our我们的[形容词性]& &pineapple菠萝& &salad色拉&&some一些[肯定句]& & thanks谢谢& & us我们[宾格]& & wonderful精彩的,极好的短语:let's让我们(let us的缩写)&&make a fruitsalad做一份水果沙拉& &look at ourfruit salad看我们的水果沙拉&&have a pineapple有一个菠萝& &have a mango and an orange有一个芒果和一个橙子have some bananas有一些香蕉& &&&have some grapes有一些葡萄&&have two mangoes有两个芒果& & have three pineapples有三个菠萝&&don't have any mangoes没有芒果 don't haveany grapes没有葡萄how manyapples多少个苹果 how many pineapples多少个菠萝&&how manybananas多少根香蕉&&like mangoes喜欢芒果&&like purple grapes喜欢紫色的葡萄&&nice and sweet既好看又甜how nice真好啊how cool真酷啊howwonderful真棒啊& &have a hotcake with a cherry吃一个带樱桃的热蛋糕句子:I have a pineapple.&&我有一个菠萝。I have a mango and an orange. 我有一个芒果和一个橙子。I have a book,a pear and three bananas.&&我有一本书、一个梨和三根香蕉。A:Here you are& & .B:Thanks.&&A:给你。&&B:谢谢。A:Let's make a fruit salad.& &B:Great!&&A:我们做水果沙拉吧。&&B:好的!A:Look at our fruit salad!& &B:How nice!&&A:看我们的水果沙拉!&&B:真不错!A:Do you have a banana?& &B:Yes,I do.&&A:你有一根香蕉吗?&&B:是的,我有。A:Do you have any bananas?& & B:Yes,Ido.&&A:你有一些香蕉吗?&&B:是的,我有。A:Do you have any grapes?& & B:Yes,I do.&&A:你有一些葡萄吗?&&B:是的,我有。A:Do you have any mangoes?& &B:No,I don't.I have some grapes.A:你有一些芒果吗?&&B:不,没有。我有一些葡萄。A:Do you have any pineapples?& & B:No,I don't.I have some oranges.A:你有一些菠萝吗?&&B:不,没有。我有一些橙子。A:Do you have any apples?& &B:No,I don't.I have some pineapples.A:你有一些苹果吗?&&B:不,没有。我有一些菠萝。A:Do you like mangoes,Bobby?& & B:Yes,I do. A:你喜欢芒果吗,博比?&&B:是的,喜欢。A:Do you like purple grapes?& & B:Yes,I do.They're nice and sweet.A:你喜欢紫色的葡萄吗?&&B:是的,喜欢。它们又好看又甜。A:Look!One,two,three!I have a mango.& & B:Cool! A:看!一、二、三!我有一个芒果。&&B:酷!A:Look!One,two,three!I have two mangoes. B:Wonderful! A:看!一、二、三!我有两个芒果。&&B:妙极了!How many mangoes do you have?&&你有多少个芒果?A:How many bananas do you have?& & B:I have twelve bananas. A:你有多少根香蕉?B:我有十二根香蕉。A:How many pineapples do you have?& & B:I have eleven pineapples.A:你有多少个菠萝?&&B:我有十一个菠萝。Helen,Helen,please hurry.Have a hot cake with a cherry. 海伦,海伦,请快点儿。吃一个带樱桃的热蛋糕吧。Unit&&3:单词:box盒子,箱子&&but 但是 can能够,会&&do做,干 eighteen十八&&fifteen十五fourteen十四&&many许多[修饰可数]&&nineteen十九&&play玩,打球&&seventeen十七&&sixteen十六sticker(不干胶)贴纸&&sure的确,当然&&table桌子&&tennis网球&&thirteen十三&&very很,非常短语:have a look看一看look at mytoy cars看我的玩具小汽车how many cars多少小汽车how many stickers多少贴纸&&don't have any toy cars没有玩具小汽车&&have some stickers有一些贴纸have manyballs有许多球 have eleven crayons有11根蜡笔have twelverobots有12个机器人have thirteen toy cars有13个玩具小汽车havefourteen pencils有14根铅笔have fifteen stickers有15张贴纸have sixteenballs有16个球& &have seventeen erasers有17块橡皮&&haveeighteen bananas有18根香蕉& &&&havenineteen mangoes有19个芒果& & be very nice非常好& & be very beautiful非常漂亮& & in that box在那个盒子里can playtable tennis会打乒乓球&&can play basketball会打篮球& & can do this会做这个&&look at the lion in the library看图书馆的狮子& &look so funny and lovely看上去如此有趣可爱句子:A:Look at my toy cars.& &B:They're very nice.&&A:看我的玩具汽车。&&B:它们非常不错。A:Your stickers are very beautiful.& & B:Thanks. A :你的贴纸很漂亮。&&B:谢谢。A:Do you have any toy cars,Helen?& & B:No,Idon't.&&A:你有玩具小汽车吗,海伦?&&B:我没有。A:What do you have?& &B:Ihave some stickers.&&A:你有什么?&&B:我有一些贴纸。A:What do you have?& & B:Ihave many balls. A:你有什么?&&B:我有许多球。A:Can I have a look?& &B:Yes.&&A:我可以看一看吗?&&B:可以。A:Can I have one?& & B:Sure.&&A:可以给我一个吗?&&B:当然。A:Can you play table tennis?& & B:Yes,I can.&&A:你会打乒乓球吗?&&B:是的,我会。A:Can you play table tennis?& & B:No,but I can do this.&&A:你会打乒乓球吗?&&B:不会,但是我会做这个。A:How many balls do you have?& & B:Ihave twelve balls.&&A:你有多少个球?&&B:我有12个球。A:How many cars do you have,Mike?& & B:Thirteen.&&A:你有多少辆小汽车,迈克?&&B:13辆。A:How many robots do you have?& & B:Fourteen. A:你有多少个机器人?&&B:14个。A:How many stickers do you have?&&B:I have fifteen stickers.&&A:你有多少张贴纸?&&B:我有15张贴纸。A:How many basketballs do you have?B:I have sixteenbasketballs.A:你有多少个篮球?B:我有16个篮球。
A:How manypencils do you have?&&B:I have seventeenpencils.&&A:你有多少根铅笔?&&B:我有17根铅笔。A:How manycrayons do you have?& &B:I have eighteencrayons.&&A:你有多少根蜡笔?&&B:我有18根蜡笔。A:How manydolls do you have?& & B:I have nineteendolls.What about you?A:你有多少个洋娃娃?&&B我有19个洋娃娃。你呢?I have aball.Let's play.&&我有一个球。我们一起玩吧。I have manyballs.They're in that box.&&我有许多球。它们在那个盒子里。
Look at thelion in the library.It looks so funny and lovely.&&看图书馆的狮子。它看上去如此有趣可爱。Look at allthose cakes.One,two,three and four.&&看所有那些蛋糕。一、二、三、四个。See how longit takes for you to eat them all. 看看你把它们吃完要花多长时间。
单词:basketball篮球 either也[否定句]&&fly飞&&football足球&&jump跳ouch(疼痛时的叫声)哎哟sad伤心的&&skate滑冰&&swim游泳[动词]&&well好得[副词]&&quack鸭叫声&&try尝试 tweet小鸟叫声 can't不能yeah[口语]是短语:& &can play basketball会打篮球&&can play football会踢足球& &can play table tennis会打乒乓球can run andswim会跑会游泳&&can jump会跳&&can't play basketball不会打篮球&&can't play football不会踢足球&&can't swim不会游泳&&cannot skate不会滑冰&&cannot jump不会跳 can play basketball very well能把篮球打得很好&&can play football very well能把足球踢得很好&&can skate too也会滑冰can swim too也会游泳&&can fly too也会飞&&can't fly either也不会飞&&can't skate either也不会滑冰cannot swimeither也不会游泳 have a try试一试 don't be sad不要伤心&&eleven years old11岁&&quack,quack呱呱(鸭子叫)tweet,tweet啾啾(鸟叫)have fivefootballs有五个足球for his five funny boys给他五个有趣的孩子
句子:A:Can you play basketball? B:Yes,I can.&&A:你会打篮球吗?&&B:是的,我会。A:Can Mike play basketball? B:Yes,he can.&&A:迈克会打篮球吗?& & B:是的,他会。A:Can Tomplay football?&&B:Yes,he can.&&A:汤姆会踢足球吗?& & B:是的,他会。A:Can you jump?&&B:No,Ican't.&&A:你会跳吗?& & B:不,我不会。A:Can Lucy swim?&&B:No,shecan't.&&A:露西会游泳吗?& &&&B:不,她不会。A:Quack,quack!I can swim. B:I can swim too.&&A:呱呱!我会游泳。& & B:我也会游泳。A:Tweet,tweet!I can fly. B:I can fly too.&&A:啾啾!我会飞。& & B:我也会飞。A:Ouch!I can't fly.&&B:Don't be sad,Bobby.I can't fly either.&&A:哎哟!我不会飞。& &B:不要伤心,博比。我也不会飞。A:I can't swim.&&B:Don'tbe sad.I can't swim either.&&A:我不会游泳。& &B:不要伤心。我也不会游泳。A:He can play basketball very well.Look!B:Cool!&&A:他能把篮球打得很好。看!& &&&B:酷!A:She can skate very well.Look!B:Cool!&&A:她滑冰能滑得很好。看!&&B:酷!A:Have a try,Mike.& &B:OK.Yeah!Ican play basketball!&&A:试一试吧,迈克。& &B:好的。耶!我会打篮球!I can play football.I can't play basketball.&&我会踢足球。我不会打篮球。She can play table tennis.She can't swim.&&她会打乒乓球。她不会游泳。He can't play football.He can run and swim.&&他不会踢足球。他会跑步和游泳。Helen cannot skate,but she can swim.&&海伦不会滑冰,但是她会游泳。Hello!My name is Tom.I'm eleven years old.&&你好!我叫汤姆。我11岁了。This is Lucy.She's my sister.She's nine.&&这是露西。她是我妹妹。她9岁。That's my brother Peter.He's four.&&那是我弟弟彼特。他4岁。Father has five footballs for his five funny boys.&&爸爸有五个足球给他的五个有趣的孩子。
Unit 5:单词:bathroom浴室;卫生间&&bedroom卧室&&clock钟&&come来&&fridge冰箱&&home家hungry饿的&&kitchen厨房&&like喜欢&&room房间&&sofa沙发&&table桌子&&would愿意&&living生活短语:my bag我的包&&my skirts我的短裙&&my white ca我的白色帽子& & in our new home在我们的新家里 in yourbedroom在你的卧室里&&in theliving room在客厅里&&in thekitchen在厨房里&&in thebathroom在浴室里&&on the sofa在沙发上&&on the table在桌子上&&in the fridge在冰箱里 have a clock on the table桌子上有一个钟& &have a mango in the fridge冰箱里有一个芒果& & come and look来看看&&how are you你怎么样& & be hungry饿的& & would likean orange想要一个橙子& &would like ahot dog想要一个热狗like to fly my kite喜欢放我的风筝& & like to ride my bike喜欢骑我的自行车& &&&love my little bedroom喜爱我的小卧室& && & nice and clean漂亮又干净& &&&a sofa,a chair and a desk一个沙发、一把椅子和一张书桌a window,a door and a bed一扇窗户、一扇门和一张床句子:A:Mum,where'smy bag?& & B:It's in your bedroom.&&A:妈妈,我的包在哪里?&&B:它在你的卧室里。
A:Mum,where's my cap?& &B:It's in the bathroom.&&A:妈妈,我的帽子在哪里?&&B:它在浴室。A:Mum,where are my skirts?&&B:They're in the living room,on the sofa.A:妈妈,我的短裙在哪里?&&B:它们在客厅的沙发上。A:Where are my books,Dad?& &B:They're in your bedroom,on the desk.A:我的书在哪里,爸爸?& & B:它们在你卧室的书桌上。A:Where's my clock,Dad?& &B:It's in the kitchen,on the table.A:我的钟在哪里,爸爸?& & B:它在厨房的桌子上。A:Where's my white cap,Susan? B:Is it in your bedroom? A:我的白色帽子在哪里,苏珊?&&B:它在你卧室吗?A:Is my clock in the living room?& & B:No,it isn't.&&A:我的钟在客厅吗?& & B:不,不在。A:Is the pineapple in the fridge?& & B:Yes,it is.&&A:菠萝在冰箱里吗?& & B:是的,它在。Come and look,Susan.Your cap is in the kitchen!&&来看一看,苏珊。你的帽子在厨房!This is my home.We have a living room and two bedrooms in ourhome.这是我家。我们家有一个客厅和两个卧室。This is my home.We have a bathroom and a kitchen in our home.这是我家。我们家有一个浴室和一个厨房。We have a sofa and a TV in the living room.& & 我们客厅里有一张沙发和一个电视。We have a fridge and a table in the kitchen.& & 我们厨房里有一个冰箱和一张桌子。A:How are you?& & B:I'mhungry.& & A:你好吗?& & B:我很饿。A:Would you like an orange?& &B:No!& & A:你想要一个橙子吗?& & B:不!A:What about a hot dog?& &B:No!& & A:那热狗呢?& & B:不!A:What would you like?& &B:I'd like that.& & A:你想要什么?& & B:我想要那个。A:Here you are.& & B:Thankyou.& & A:给你。& & B:谢谢。I love my little bedroom.It's nice and clean.& & 我爱我的小卧室。它漂亮又干净。There is a sofa,a chair and a desk in my bedroom.& & 我的卧室里有一张沙发、一把椅子和一张书桌。There is a window,a door and a bed in my bedroom.& & 我的卧室里有一扇窗户、一扇门和一张床。
Unit 6单词: anything任何东西&&at在…地点&&big大的&&coffee咖啡&&cup茶杯&&dad爸爸& &else其他fish鱼,鱼肉&&glass玻璃杯 hamburger汉堡包 juice果汁 me我[宾格] noodles面条[复数] rice米饭 sandwich三明治&&snack快餐&&tea茶,茶叶&&too也,又[用于肯定句中]&&help帮助[动词]& &bar柜台
短语:&&at the snack bar在快餐店&&would like a hamburger想要一个汉堡包 would like a sandwich
想要一个三明治 would like a pie想要一个馅饼 would like an egg想要一个鸡would like some noodles想要一些面条 would like some rice想要一些米饭 would likesome fish想要一些鱼肉would like aglass of milk想要一杯牛奶& &would like a glass of juice想要一杯果汁 would like acup of coffee想要一杯咖啡would like acup of tea想要一杯茶&&anything else还要其他东西吗 me too我也是 a big egg一个大鸡蛋can see the box能看见这个盒子& &behind Mrs Fox在狐狸太太后面 all very nice都很美味句子:Here's a snackbar.I'd like some fish.&&这里有一个快餐店。我想要一些鱼肉。We're at the snack bar.I'd like an egg.&&我们在快餐店。我想要一个鸡蛋。
A:What would you like?&&B:I'dlike a hamburger.&&A:你想要什么? B:我想要一个汉堡包。A:What would you like?&&B:I'dlike a sandwich.&&A:你想要什么? B:我想要一个三明治。A:What about you?& & B:I'dlike some noodles,please.&&A:你呢? B:请给我来一些面条。A:Can I help you?& & B:Yes.I'dlike some fish,please.&&A:我能帮你吗? B:是的。请给我来一些鱼肉。A:Can I help you?& & B:Yes.I'dlike an apple pie,please.&&A:我能帮你吗? B:是的。请给我来一个苹果派。A:Can I help you?& & B:Yes.I'dlike a cup of coffee,please.&&A:我能帮你吗? B:是的。请给我来一杯咖啡。I'd like a hamburger and a glass of milk,please.&&请给我来一个汉堡包和一杯牛奶。&&I'd like a sandwich and a cup of coffee,please.&&请给我来一个三明治和一杯咖啡。I'd like some rice and a glass of juice,please.&&请给我来一些米饭和一杯果汁。I'd like some fish and a cup of tea,please.&&请给我来一些鱼肉和一杯茶。A hamburger,noodles and a glass of milk,please.&&请(给我)来一个汉堡包、面条和一杯牛奶。A:Anything else?& & B:Asandwich and a cup of coffee.&&A:还要其他东西吗? B:一个三明治和一杯咖啡。A:Anything else?& & B:Somenoodles and a glass of juice.&&A:还要其他东西吗? B:一些面条和一杯果汁。A:Here youare.& & B:Thank you.&&A:给你。&&B:谢谢。A:I'm hungry.& & B:Metoo.&&A:我饿了。 B:我也是。What a big egg!&&多么大的鸡蛋啊!A:Mr Fox,can you see the box?& &B:Yes.I can see the box behind Mrs Fox.A:狐狸先生,你能看见那个盒子吗?& && &&&B:能。我能看见那个盒子在狐狸太太的身后。
Unit 7 单词:fan风扇,扇子 fifty五十 forty四十 her她的[形容词性] long长的 only只,仅仅&&shoe鞋sock短袜[单数]&&tail尾巴&&thirty三十&&twenty二十&&umbrella伞&&yuan元&&forty-five四十五短语:& &how much多少钱& &would like these shoes想要这些鞋子& & these nice socks这些好看的短袜this cool umbrella这把酷的雨伞&&only nineteen yuan只要十九元 have twenty-eight yuan有二十八元forty-five yuan四十五元 for my sister给我的姐姐 live near the river住在河附近 love to swim in summer喜欢夏天游泳& && && &the clothesshop服装店& &&&blue skirts and T-shirts蓝色的短裙和T恤yellow shoes and red socks黄色的鞋子和红色的短袜& && && &very cheap andvery good很便宜很好try them on试穿它们& & buy them all买下它们所有& & well done干得好&&here you are给你句子:Can I helpyou?&&我能帮你吗?I'd like these shoes.How much are they?&&我想要这些鞋子。它们要多少钱?
The socks are very nice.How much are they?&&这短袜很好看。它们要多少钱?This umbrella is cool.How much is it?&&这雨伞很酷。它要多少钱?A:How much are the socks?& &B:They're forty yuan.&&A:这些短袜多少钱? B:它们要四十元。A:How much are the shoes?& &B:Fifty yuan,please.&&A:这些鞋子多少钱? B:五十元,谢谢。A:How much is the fan?& &B:It's only nineteen yuan.&&A:这电扇多少钱? B:它只要十九元。A:How much is the umbrella?& &B:Twenty yuan,please.&&A:这雨伞多少钱? B:二十元,谢谢。We have thirty-eight yuan. 我们有三十八元。A:How many would you like?& &B:Ten,please.&&A:你想要多少? B:十个,谢谢。They're for my sister Tina.Her tail is long.&&它们是给我姐姐缇娜的。她的尾巴很长。Five men live near the river.They love to swim in summer.&&五个男人住在河边。他们喜欢夏天去游泳。They are very cheap and very good.&&它们很便宜很好。You can try them on.&&你可以试穿一下它们。You can buy them all.&&你可以买下它们所有的。
Unit 8 单词:&&ear耳朵&&eye眼睛&&hair头发&&his他的&&mouth嘴 nose鼻子& & short矮的,短的small小的& &snowman雪人&&thin瘦的短语: look at ourdoll看我们的玩具娃娃& & herhair她的头发& &her nose她的鼻子 his mouth他的嘴巴be big大的 be small小的 be fat胖的 be thin瘦的 be long长的 be short短的;矮的&&be tall高的two fat boys两个胖男孩 can talk会说 can jump会跳 in the zoo在动物园 meet in therain在雨中相见句子A:Look at ourdoll.& &&&B:She's beautiful.&&A:看我们的玩具娃娃。 B:她很漂亮。This is our doll.His hair is short.His eyes and nose are small.这是我们的玩具娃娃。他的头发很短。他的眼睛和鼻子很小。The snowman is tall.His mouth is big.His eyes are small.Hisnose is big and red.
这雪人很高。他的嘴巴很大。他的眼睛很小。他的鼻子又大又红。Look at this robot.His eyes are very big.看看这个机器人。他的眼睛非常大。Look at the dog.He is small and thin.His hair is long.His noseis big.His tail is short.看这只狗。他又小又瘦。他的头发很长。他的鼻子很大。他的尾巴很短。Look at the cat.She is fat.Her eyes are big,but her ears aresmall.Her tail is long.看这只猫。她很肥。她的眼睛很大,但是她的耳朵很小。她的尾巴很长。A:Can you jump?& & B:Yes,Ican.Look!&&A:你会跳吗?&&B:是的,我会。看!A:You are great,but you're short.& & B:Look!.Now I'm tall.&&A:你很好,但是你太矮。 B:看!我现在很高。The zebras in the zoo,eat apples with me and you.&&斑马在动物园,和你我一起吃苹果。Two fat boys meet in the rain.Bow and bow and bow again.&&两胖男孩在雨中相见。鞠躬鞠躬又鞠躬。


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