
一、解题思路 做完型填空(Cloze Test),我们首先要考虑的是所选答案在原文中与上下文(Context)是否协调,是否合乎逻辑,是否使之语义通顺.好的语感在这里非常重要,这就需要我们在平时多读、多看一些有关的英语文章,从而培养对文章词句的良好衔接感觉.其次,填进的词往往一词多义,并且会和一些固定词语搭配有关,因此我们在选择时,就应考虑所填词和其临近的上下文的关系及其确切含义.例如:①You must be fair to both sides.(你必须公平对待双方.)②She has a fair complexion.(她拥有白皙的皮肤.)③I belived his fair promises.(我轻信了他花言巧语的承诺.)④His grandpa has gone to a cattle fair.他的爷爷去牲畜集市了.⑤I’d like to see that new film tonight.Fair enough,I’ll meet you outside the cinema at 7:30.我想今晚去看那部新影片.好主意,七点半我在电影院外等你.第①句中的fair是公平的意思;第②句中的fair是白皙的意思;第③句中的fair是讨好的,花言巧语的;而第④句中的fair则是名词,意思是集市.最后一句的fair和enough组成短语,意思是说得对,有道理.同一个词在不同的情况中有不同的意思,就是因为语境在起作用.我们在做题的时候一定要注意上下文对所选词的规定性,要认真对上下文进行推敲,寻找能帮助我们确定答案的信息词(或句子).一般来说,在空白处前后必须有暗示考生作出正确选择答案的标志.无论是一个词,一个短语,还是一句话,只要找到了它,我们就找到了确定答案的依据,这样的标志我们通常把它叫做语境线索(Contextual Clue).语境线索的发现必须通过认真仔细地阅读文章的内容,尤其是空白处前后的关键词句才能实现,因此,我们在做题时,一定要注意在有限的时间内对文章关键部分的内容、结构,以及上下文逻辑进行必要的了解. 二、高分解题步骤 鉴于完型填空在整个试卷中分值所占的比重不大(满分为10分,共20道题,平均每道题只有0.5分),时间不多(只有15分钟),在这里,我们不提倡有些作者所给的所谓“四遍(或更多)通读”填空法.当然,如果我们非要做到“万无一失,稳拿满分”,从头到尾仔细地研读四遍或更多遍还是有必要的.然而,这绝不是考场做题的好方法.而且,我们根据对上千考生的实际调查,几乎没人能在考场上有限的时间内通读完型填空文章四遍(及四遍以上)而不耽误其余考题时间的. 既然我们平时所做的各种练习最终都是为了适用于考场环境,从而使我们在考场上镇静自若,应付自如,那么我们就应从平时起,使所做的一切努力都和考场保持一致.在这里,我们推荐基本的三遍完型填空法. 1.第一遍为快读(或略读). 其主要目的是把握文章的主旨和大意,在这一遍中,重点应放在明确具体的事实上,如:时间、地点、人物及其关系;起因、发展和结果;整体与局部等,并了解短语、句子与段落之间的关系.初步理清文章在结构、内容等方面的脉络. 快读中,一般可跳过空格,或者只对要填的内容做笼统的猜测.如果空缺部分影响到文章整体意思的连贯,这时可参考一下有关选项,从而得到一些提示.在阅读时,千万不可忽略文章的第一句,因为它通常是本段甚至全文的主题,是理解文章的重要线索.也正因如此,这一句通常特意作为完整的句子留出,以使考生不易对文章大意及内容产生误解. 第一遍通读最好不要超过3分钟. 2.第二遍为细读. 在对文章有了总体印象后,我们便可以开始逐句细读,并同时开始进行选择.在选择的过程中,一般需要考虑词义、语法、搭配以及上下文结构等多方面的因素.考生可将被选答案分为两类.先把易填的功能词(主要是连词、介词或冠词)填上,以增加文章的可读性;然后再进行“语义填空”,即实义词填空(主要为名词、动词、形容词或副词).实义词中,通常答案并非惟一,可先结合短文内容,把四个备选答案分别放进空白处,进行试验性选择,删去词义上明显错误的选项,接着反复阅读空白处前后若干个句子,结合余下的选择项在短文中寻找“语境”线索.这时需要注意
句间的逻辑关系,词汇的复现和同现关系等. 这一遍可以用十分钟左右的时间. 还应该注意的是,解答完形填空题也要和做阅读一样,紧紧围绕作者的观点和思路,不要将自己的想法强加于作者,或者仅凭常识答题. 3.第三遍为通读. 主要目的是检查错误和解决难题.将所有已确定的选项放入空白处后通读一遍,检验每个选项在整篇短文中是否合拍,是否使文章的内容与结构完整、逻辑正确.如果一切“天衣无缝”,则证明选择基本无误,如果感到有意思或逻辑上的不连贯,则需要根据上下文重新进行选择. 这一遍用时不应超过两分钟. 需要格外注意的是,完形填空可分配的时间只有15分钟,不能无限制地花费宝贵的时间,以免与其他考试项目相冲突,所以抓紧时间,有条不紊地选择对于成功解答完形填空是至关重要的. 三、考前复习策略 1.制定有针对性的复习计划,根据自己实际情况,不平均用力. 最好的复习计划,应是根据个人的实际情况,符合自己的需要.不要千篇一律,人云亦云,被别人牵着鼻子走路.古人云,知己者明.只有了解自己的实际英语水平,发现自己做题的主要困难,归纳自己常犯的错误类型,分析出错的原因,才能在复习中对症下药,从而因己致宜,作出全面有效的复习计划. 另外,考前复习是一个从全面到有针对性,再到全真模拟的循序渐进的过程,而绝不是盲目的简单重复.我们在做第一轮全面复习的时候,除了对所有常考的知识点进行熟悉,记忆之外,应该对自己所有的弱项及其原因有一个全面的总结和归纳,并对自己英语学习中的卓有成效的规律性特点,如记忆的最佳途径和每天的最佳学习时段等有一个了解,从而使在第二轮针对性复习的时候做到扬长避短,事半功倍. 2.区别全面复习与模拟复习的不同,做到合理做题. 当我们在做全面复习的时候,应首先借助教材系统的复习学过的知识与技能,不能抛开课本直接依赖模拟试题进行复习.单纯依赖模拟试题,无异于没有训练便上战场,不仅出错率高,影响自信心,而且每次出错,都相当于强化脑海中错误信息的记忆.而当我们进入考前最后冲刺阶段的时候,也就不能再大量地依赖教材,不能每次出错便去查找课本.这一阶段的复习主要是熟悉题型,培养临考的感觉,以达到临考不乱,稳定答题. 3.考前复习应注意的问题. 同学们在制订了好的计划之后,还应对英语知识运用的内涵有一个清楚的了解.英语知识运用是一项综合技能的测试,它不仅测试考生基本词汇和语法的熟练掌握程度,而且对考生的逻辑思维能力,语言的感悟能力,以及是否具有良好的推断能力都有所考察.因而我们就应在平时进行大量的英语训练,然而这绝不是让我们进行纯粹的题海战术.没有科学的做题技巧,盲目的训练只会让我们望题生畏.在这里,我们提醒广大考生,在复习的时候,一定要有意识的注意总结做题方法和答题技巧,并结合我们前面所讲的应试策略,通过大量有目的的训练,以量的积累求得质的飞跃,最终提高自己的英语实际水平和应试能力.八上英语题一份 悬赏一百 要快!跪求&&&&_百度作业帮
八上英语题一份 悬赏一百 要快!跪求&&&&
八年级上英语阶段目标检测(一)Unit 2Class_____________
Name ______________
) 1. How was the weather yesterday?
) 2. What does Cathy’s mother usually do on weekends?
) 3. Allan does it twice a week, what activity is it?
) 4. What does Bob want to be?
) 5. What do the boys do on weekends?
第二节:听独白,完成信息记录表.(10分)Information FormTeacher:
Things to bring:
) 6. Who is the teacher?A. Jane Brown
B. Karl White
C. Alice Read(
) 7. What is the new subject?A. American music
B. English art
C. Chinese history(
) 8. When are they going to have the lesson?A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday(
) 9. Where are they going to have the lesson?A. Room 207
B. Room 206
C. Room 205(
) 10. What should the students bring to class next time?A. Chinese books
B. Chinese maps
C. Chinese pictures 笔试部分(70分)一.单项选择.(15分)(
) 1. I like English very much, so I __________ read English books in the morning.A. often
B. hardly ever
D. don’t(
) 2. We _________ used computers years ago, but now they are everywhere.A. always
B. hardly ever
C. usually
D. almost(
) 3. - __
____ do you go shopping with your mother? -Sometimes.A.How often
B.How many
C.How much
D How old(
) 4. My father tries __
__ vegetables five times a week.A. eat
) 5. If you want to be healthier, you must eat __
__ junk food, I think.A. more
) 6. -What’s your favorite _________?
-It’s CCTV 3.
A. program
D. animal(
) 7. -How often ___
___ she exercise?
- Twice a week.A. do     
B. does     
C. doing  
) 8. Is her lifestyle the same ______ yours or different?A. as     
B. in     
C. at    
) 9. _______ he is ill, _______ he goes to school.A. Although, but
C. /, although
D. Although, /(
) 10. Mary’s parents aren’t at home and she has to _____ her little brother.A.look for
look after
D. look into(
) 11. Please drink some milk. It’s good ______your health.A. to
) 12. She doesn’t look after her_________. She often eats________ food.
A. healthy
C. unhealthy
D. unhealthy(
) 13. All of the students in our class are very ______ and we often play games after class.A. quiet
C. different
D. active(
) 14. Here _______ the results _______ the student activity survey.A. with
) 15. _______homework, we do their homework on Sunday.A. As for
D. As from二.完型填空.(10分)Bill is __1__ good friend. He __2__ short, black hair. He usually gets up very early. __3__ he goes exercising. His favorite sport is __4__ and playing ping-pong. He plays ping-pong very __5__ and he plays it every day. Sometimes he plays basketball, too. Bill doesn’t like football, __6__ he hardly ever plays football.Bill has good __7__ habits. He likes eating __8__ and fruit. He eats __9__ apple every day. So he always keeps healthy. I like playing __10__ him(
) 2.A. has
D. having(
) 4.A. swim
C. swiming
D. swimming(
) 5.A. good
) 7.A. eating
) 8.A. vegetable
B. vegetables
C. a vegetable
D. an vegetable(
D. with三.阅读理解:(20分)AAmerican children have exciting after-school life, a new study says. Many junior and senior students have lots of funny things to do in their free time. More than 57% have activities every day. 82% have activities at least four times a week. American students spend their free time doing sports, or enjoying arts, music and dancing. They like to have life outside school because they can make a lot of friends during their activities.(
) 1. What are American children’s life like after school?A. Unhappy.
B. Exciting.
C. Boring.
D. Unhealthy.(
) 2. How many students have activities every day if there are 2,000 students?A. More than 570.
B. More than 820.C. More than 1,840.
D. More than 1,140.(
) 3. How often do 82% students have activities?A. Every day.
B. Every weekend.C. At least four times a week.
D. Every Sunday.(
) 4. American students ______, or enjoy arts, music and dancing in their free time.A. do sports
B. surf the InternetC. have fun
D. watch TV(
) 5. American students like to have life outside school because______.A. activities outside school are more interestingB. they can make a lot of friendsC. they don’t like school life
D. they are free to do anything outside school BEarly to bed,early to rise makes man healthy, wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying(谚语). Have you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich(wealthy)and clever(wise).This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours’ sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!The body also needs exercise. Walking,running,jumping,swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.Exercise also helps the blood(血液)to move around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to think better!(
) 6.If we get up early and go to bed early,we’ll ________.A.have enough exercise
B.be healthy
C.think better
D.have strong blood(
) 7.If a chill doesn’t have 10 hours’ sleep,maybe he or she ________.A.will become wise
B.won’t do well in his workC.will go to school in time
D.will have enough sleep(
) 8.A person needs exercise because ________.A.it makes him healthy
B.he or she has a lot of homework to doC.he or she is strong enough
D. he or she does exercise(
) 9.Exercise makes the ________ move quickly and smoothly(流畅地).A.body
) 10.Keeping taking exercise every day can make our body ________.A.bad
D.weak 四.词汇运用: (10分)
Hello! My name is Alex. This year I’m 60. My living 1.__________(习惯) are pretty good, so I’m very 2.__________(健康的). In the morning, I usually 3.___________ (锻炼) for half an hour, and then have breakfast at 7:00 am. At 9:00, I often 4.__________(阅读)some newspapers. Sometimes I try to learn English on the 5._________(网络). After lunch I 6.__________(总是) sleep for an hour. Then I go to the park and do sports to 7.________ (保持) fit. I 8.__________(几乎不) ever watch TV in the evening. I never eat junk food and drink 9.________(咖啡). I go to bed at around 9:00 pm. I do the 10.__________(相同的) things every day and I live happily. 五.书面表达(15分):请你以“Peter’s healthy life”为题介绍一下你的朋友Peter的生活.70词左右. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
然后百度一下 就有题和答案了
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来源:青年人()& 18:12:58 & 【青年人考研网】
& & 1. C signal
  2. D much
  3. C plugged
  4. A message
  5. C behind
  6. A misinterpreted
  7. B judged
  8. D unfamiliar
  9. B anxious
  10.D turn
  11.A dangerous
  12.A hurt
  13.B conversation
  14.D passengers
  15.C predict
  16.D ride
  17.A went through
  18.C in fact
  19.B since
  20 B simple
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英语 第二大题全部填空 快 快 急 求快英语第二大题全部填空快快急求快


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