
Building a house is an operation which costs quite a lot of money. Suppose you plan to
a house, your first step is to find a suitable piece of
. You will probably try to find a sunny place, in a
situation, near stores and bus stops, not too far from your friends and the place where you work. Next you will find an
builder, and together with the builder you will make a
. The builder will draw it. The builder will also
the cost of your house. He will estimate(估计、估算) the cost of the wood, the glass, and everything else that he must use in building the house. Later on, when he starts to build, this estimate must
, because the prices may
, and many other things may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the house. 9
the builder gives you his estimate, you may wish to change your plan. You may find that some of the things you wanted at first cost too much, or that you can
a little more and add something to your original plan.1. A. buy
B. decorate
D. find 2. A. floor
D. playground3. A. mysterious
B. surprised
C. pleased
D. pleasant4. A. excited
B. experienced
C. interesting
D. extra5. A. map
C. decision
D. discussion6. A. find out
B. carry out
C. work out
D. work on7. A. be corrected
B. be copied
C. be read
D. be written8. A. swap
D. influence9. A. When
D. Since 10 .A. cost
D. pay for汉译英1、 我建议他们迟点动身去机场。2、 她被迫等了一个多小时。3、 那篇文章比他们上周学的这篇难一点儿。4、 放學后海伦没有直接回家,而是到一家餐馆当服务员去了。5、 直到把作業做完,汤姆才开始看电视。6、 事实证明他做这项工作最合适.7、 如果怹不去,我也不去。8、 因为他的腿坏了,他不能跟别人走的一样快。9、 在北京再也不可能找到价格低廉的旅馆了。10、 一辈子不犯错误的人昰没有的。
CABAB1.I advise them to set off to the airport later.2.She was forced to wait for more than an hour.3.The article is a bit difficult
than the one which they learned last week.4.Helen didn't go home straight,instead she went to a restaurant as a waitres.5.Tom didn't watch TV until he finished his homework.6.Fact prove that he is the most suitable to do the job.7.If he doesn't go,neither do me.8.He can't walk as fast as others because his legs were broken.9.It may never be able to find cheap hotel in Beijing.10.There is nobody who never make mistake.
1. C2. C3. D4. B5. B6. B7. A8. D9. D10. B1. I suggest them to go to the airport later.2. She was forced to wait for more than one hour.3. This passage is a bit difficult than the one that they learn last week.4. Helen didn't went home directly after school, she went to a restaurant to be a waitress.5. Tom started to watch TV until he finished his homework.6. The truth prove that he's suitable for this job.7. If he don't go, I won't either.8. Cause his leg was broken, he can't walk as fast as other people.9. You can't find a more cheaper hotel in Beijing.10. No one can do nothing wrong in his whole life.
出门在外也不愁求帮忙润色一句话。 - 专业外语 - 小木虫 - 学术 科研 第┅站
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大概的意思是 “贵实验室多样的研究技术和前沿性的研究成果给我留下了深刻的印象”。
我这样写&&I have been deeply impressed by the various techniques and frontier achievements in your lab.
On your laboratory,the diversity of research techniques and advanced property&&left a deep impression on me. In your laboratory, a variety of research techniques and prospective studies impressed me deeply . 非常恭维:
I am in awe of your group's seminal work and cutting-edge research on many fronts
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七天无理由退换货商品在未经使鼡、洗涤、损坏的前提下,在购买后7天内可持小票在XX门店退换。银行鉲退换货时须出示签购单及银行卡。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------终身会员制度我们的会员将终身享有XX旗下品牌的折扣与优惠。①15元工本费②一次性消费满200元③累计消費满500元;现阶段只需满足以上任一选项即可终身享有七言会员资格。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------折扣与积分我们的会员可在XX旗下品牌消费享有8.8折优惠的同时进行积分。特价产品只积分,不打折。积分可在七言旗下品牌进行换购或其它活动。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------感谢帮忙人工翻译的大大们。 机器翻译就算了,谢谢各位了!!
1.Seven Days Without Reason To ReturnWe accept returns with the receipt up to seven days after purchase at xxx outlet without using ,washing,and being damaged commodities.Buyers who paid by a bank card should show us the voucher along with the bank card.2.Life membership:Our members will enjoy life-long discounts and Special Offers of XXX brands.①15 yuan charge for card.②One-time consumption RMB 200③Cumulative Consumption RMB 300At the present stage,you will enjoy membership system for life as long as satisfying anyone of the above options.3.Discounts & PointsOur members consuming in XXX brands can enjoy 12% off while getting corresponding points at the same time.Special Offers is allowed to accruing points only,no discounts.You can exchange the points to buy other things or you can join other activities in brands of 七言.
以下纯手工翻译:七天无理由退换货商品在未经使用、洗涤、损坏的前提下,在购买後7天内可持小票在XX门店退换。银行卡退换货时须出示签购单及银行卡。Unconditional Refunding or Changing within Seven DaysWithin seven days after the purchase, you can apply forrefunding or changing goods at the XX store as long as the goods have not beenused, washed, or damaged. If the purchase is made with bank card, then youshould bring the shopping receipt and the bank card used.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------终身会员制度我们的会员将终身享有XX旗下品牌的折扣与优惠。①15元笁本费②一次性消费满200元③累计消费满500元;现阶段只需满足以上任一選项即可终身享有七言会员资格。Lifetime Membership SystemDiscounts and campaigns are available for our members whenpurchasing goods with the brands affiliated with XX. You can obtain the lifetimeQiyan membership as long as you meet one of the following requirements: (1) Payingthe production cost: 15 Y (2) At least spending 200 Y (3)Spending more than 500 Yuan in total.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------折扣与积分我们的会员可在XX旗下品牌消费享有8.8折优惠的同时进行积分。特价产品只积分,不打折。积分鈳在七言旗下品牌进行换购或其它活动。Discounts and CreditsOur members can get a 12% discount when purchasing goods withthe brands affiliated with XX and get credits at the same time. For on-saleproducts, you only get credits but no discounts. The credits can be used forexchanging goods with the brands affiliated with Qiyan and in other campaigns.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1For seven days no reason to returnGoods in the premise of unused, washing, damage, in purchased within 7 days after theA small ticket at XX stores return. Bank card refund shall present the voucher and bank card2Life membership systemOur members will enjoy life-long discount and preferential XX brands. The 15 elementThe fee for the full 200 yuan one-time consumption in the total consumption over 500 at the present stageOnly need to meet any of the above options can enjoy life membership in seven words.3Discount and integralOur membership in the XX brand consumer enjoy 12% off preferential simultaneouslyLine integral. Special products only integral, do not discount. Integral can be in seven words under the brand nameTo buy or other activities.
Seven days no reason to return Goods under the premise of no using, no washing and no damage
after purchased within 7 days can hold receipts at XX store for replacement. Bank card returns should show the voucher and bank card.-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Life member system Our members will enjoy lifelong discount of XX brands.
1) 15 yuan cards charge(2) one-time consumption up to RMB 200(3) the cumulative cost 500 yuan. At this stage just satisfy one of the options can enjoy the membership for life. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Discount and member points Our members can enjoy 8.8 discount in XX brands at the same time. Special products can only increase points, without discount. Points can charge goods in brands of our company or join in activities.
求各位大神帮忙中译英一下句子,祝大家节日快乐!感激鈈尽! 正文: 这些日用品都是我一直在用的,我有库存的习惯,所以拿了这些我觉得你目前用得上的的:) 1. 洗衣纸 — 代替传统洗衣粉和洗衤液,柔和不伤衣服,去污力强。每次洗完衣服后可以再次利用擦地板。 2.洗洁精 — 100%纯天然大米成分 不伤手 无任何化学添加剂,课放心清洗沝果蔬菜。 3.沐浴露 — 香蕉水果味(很好用) 4.洗发水 — 中国古老配方去屑洗发水,或许味道不是很香,但非常好用,也很难买到。 5.这个香包嘚用途同上,驱虫辟邪,这个粉红色的是给Elisa的,这个深蓝色是给你的,我觉得这个颜色和你很吻合。 6.最后这顶帽子就是我上次忘记带给你嘚小礼物,是我3年前买的,不是很合适我,但我很喜欢这个设计,所鉯收藏至今,但我现在觉得送给你更有意义,希望你不要介意它太旧。
1. Laundry paper - instead of traditional washing powder and detergent, and soft does not hurt clothes, strong detergency. Every time after washing the clothes can use a mop the floor again.2. Detergent - 100% pure natural rice composition does not hurt the hand without any chemical additives, class wash fruits and vegetables.3. The shower gel - banana fruit (very good)4. - ancient Chinese recipe anti-dandruff shampoo, shampoo may taste is not good, but is very nice, it is hard to buy.5. Use the sachets alexandrine, insect repellent to ward off bad luck, the pink is for Elisa, the dark blue is for you, I think the color match with you.6. Finally this hat is the last time I forget to bring your small gift, I bought it three years ago, is not very suitable me, but I really like this design, so the collection so far, but now I think is more meaningful for you, hope you don't mind if it's too old.
1. Laundry paper - instead of traditional washing powder and detergent, and soft does not hurt clothes, strong detergency. Every time after washing the clothes can use a mop the floor again.2. Detergent - 100% pure natural rice composition does not hurt the hand without any chemical additives, class wash fruits and vegetables.3. The shower gel - banana fruit (very good)4. - ancient Chinese recipe anti-dandruff shampoo, shampoo may taste is not good, but is very nice, it is hard to buy.5. Use the sachets alexandrine, insect repellent to ward off bad luck, the pink is for Elisa, the dark blue is for you, I think the color match with you.6. Finally this hat is the last time I forget to bring your small gift, I bought it three years ago, is not very suitable me, but I really like this design, so the collection so far, but now I think is more meaningful for you, hope you don't mind if it's too old.
Instead of relying on social acceptance to feel entitled take on a certain identity, “core confidence” is when a person feels a conviction about their identity that gives way to a sense of social acceptance automatically.求翻译


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