
ang so on:&quot,you will learn more.
*Songs in English---find the soungs you like best,download the words from Google and sing them again ang again untilSTOP&quotThere are a lot of ways to learn English by yourseif.If you soend more time stueying:
*Reading---there are different books in En
*DVDs ---many films are also in English with words in your language.
*Magazies---there are specialized magazines for English students..
Remember,you should study at least two or three hours each week.
*Internet---there are a wide range of materials on the internetyou can improve your English in reading and listning
每周坚持学习两到三个小时自学英语有很多种方法,并在谷歌上找到歌词。阅读——有很多适合你的英语书网络——通过网上海量的材料有助你在阅读,唱至你的邻居都叫停光碟——很多电影都是英文发音中文字幕杂志——有很多专门为英语学习者设计的杂志 谨记,听力等方面的提高英文歌曲——寻找你最喜欢的英文歌曲
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bolt of lightning是什么意思
中文翻译英英解释闪电箭 原力:&&&&n. 筛子。 vt. 1.筛。 2.淘汰;筛选。 3.〔 ...:&&&&短语和例子 five minutes of four 差 ...:&&&&n. 1.闪电,电光。 2.意外的幸运。 3.〔美俚〕劣 ...
例句与用法1.Bolts of lightning and heavy rains appeared .闪电熠熠,大雨倾盆。2.Now the first bolt of lightning stabs the earth .这时,第一个雷电劈向大地。3.He was struck by a bolt of lightning and died instantly他随即被闪电击中,当场死亡。 4.A bolt of lightning flashed across the horizon一道闪电划过地平线。 5.And the living beings ran to and fro like bolts of lightning结1 : 14这活物往来奔走、好像电光一闪。 6.Snake : fired by a bolt of lightning . . . a fitting end . it ' s finally over被闪电劈死. . .真是合适的死法。终于结束了。 7.Summons a bolt of lightning from the heavens to strike a target enemy从天空召唤一道闪电对目标造成伤害。晕眩0 . 01秒。 8.How could i miss it ? that bolt of lightning must have hit very near here我怎么会看不到呢?那道闪电一定就打在这附近。 9.Out of the brightness of his presence clouds advanced , with hailstones and bolts of lightning12因他面前的光辉,他的厚云行过便有冰雹火炭。 10.He shot his arrows and scattered the enemies , great bolts of lightning and routed them14他射出箭来,使仇敌四散;多多发出闪电,使他们扰乱。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&
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简明英汉词典lightning[5laitniN]n.(1)闪电(2)(“闪电”) 英国第一种超音速喷气式战斗机,英60年代的主力机种。美国传统词典[双解]lightninglight.ningAHD:[lot“n1ng] D.J.[6laitni0]K.K.[6la!tn!0]n.(名词)(1)An abrupt, discontinuous natural electric discharge in the atmosphere.闪电放电:大气中突然而又不连贯的自然放电现象(2)The visible flash of light accompanying such a discharge.闪电:随这种放电现象的可见的闪光(3)Informal A sudden, usually improbable stroke of fortune.【非正式用语】 突然的,通常意外的不幸v.intr.(不及物动词)light.ninged[-n1ngd] light.ning, light.ningsTo discharge a flash of lightning.打闪:释放光火花adj.(形容词)Moving or occurring with remarkable speed or suddenness.闪电似的:快速或突然地行动或出现语源(1)Middle English [gerund of] lightnen [to illuminate,] 中古英语 [] lightnen的动名词 [照亮] (2)lighten lightnen from lighten lighten lightnen 源自 lighten (3)from Old English lon * see leuk- 源自 古英语 lon *参见 leuk- 现代英汉词典lightning[5laItnIN]n.闪电词性变化lightningadj.闪电般的,极快的现代英汉综合大辞典lightning[5laitniN]n.(1)闪电(放电), 电光, 雷(电)(2)意外的幸运(3)[美俚]劣等威士忌酒词性变化lightning[5laitniN]adj.闪电般的, 快速的vi.闪电lightning arrester避雷器lightning bug[美]萤火虫lightning war闪电战习惯用语(as) quick as lightning快如闪电地, 转瞬间chain lightning [chained, forked lightning](1)链状闪电(2)[美俚]下等威士忌酒forty-rod lightning[美俚]下等 威士忌酒like lightning (=greased lightning)闪电似地, 风驰电掣地, 飞快地white lightning[美俚]自制的威士忌酒lightning before death回光返照特殊用法ball lightning球状闪电fillet lightning带状闪电forked lightning叉状电闪globe lightning球状闪电heat lightning热闪ribbon lightning带状闪电stellar lightning星状闪电streak lightning枝状闪电zigzag lightning锯齿状闪电用法词典lightning(来自中古英语 lightning)[七国语言]英汉电子工程大词典lightning闪电[七国语言]英汉物理大词典lightning闪电美国传统词典lightninglight.ningAHD:[lot“n1ng] D.J.[6laitni0]K.K.[6la!tn!0]n.(1)An abrupt, discontinuous natural electric discharge in the atmosphere.(2)The visible flash of light accompanying such a discharge.(3)Informal A sudden, usually improbable stroke of fortune.v.intr.light.ninged[-n1ngd] light.ning, light.ningsTo discharge a flash of lightning.adj.Moving or occurring with remarkable speed or suddenness.语源(1)Middle English [gerund of] lightnen [to illuminate,] (2)lighten lightnen from lighten (3)from Old English lon * see leuk- [名词委审定]英汉大气科学名词(1996)lightning(1)闪电(2)大气中的强放电现象。按其发生的部位,可分为云中、云间或云地之间三种放电。英汉船舶大词典lightning n.雷电,闪电 朗文英汉综合电脑词典lightning 雷击,雷电 英汉电信大词典lightning n.闪电 英汉地质大词典lightning n.闪电 英汉广播大词典lightning n.闪电 英汉环境大词典lightning n.闪电 英汉航空大词典lightning n.闪电 英汉化学大词典lightning n.闪电,电光,雷电;adj.闪电的,快速的 英汉海运大词典lightning 电闪,雷闪,雷电电(弧)光闪电般的 基本词义lightning 电闪,雷闪,雷电电(弧)光 基本词义lightning 电闪,雷闪,雷电,电(弧)光,闪电般的,闪电闪电的 基本词义lightning 闪电 英汉计算机大词典lightning n.闪电(电光,雷电);adj.闪电的(快速的) 英汉建筑大词典lightning n.闪电,雷电 英汉水利大词典lightning n.闪电,电光,雷电 英汉消防大词典lightning 闪电 英汉医学大词典lightning n.闪电击,闪电样
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例句与用法1.The extensive and up - to - date wordlist includes terminology from such diverse fields as business and finance , culture and sport , and computing and it最新的词库包含有商务、金融,文化,电脑和信息科技各领域的最新术语。 2.The regions of data space produced by the operations described in 3 . 3 . 3 . 2 contiguous regions may be non - contiguous if wordlist is executed between allocations如果wordlist在配置之间被执行的话,由描述于3 . 3 . 3 . 2连续区域的操作所产生的资料空间区域可以是不连续的3.Tools which have been successfully developed include " dictionary widget " ( a dictionary software which can be activated in every web page ) and " wordlist " ( your own online list of selected words )已成功开发的工具包括"字典精灵" (一个可以在所有网页启动的字典软件)和"词库" (一个可以记录你的词汇的网上名单) 。 4.That it might be useful for debian to create and maintain a non - eu archive . one reason for this is the european database directive which provides legal protection on things such as wordlists如此建议的原因之一是欧盟向其会员国提出的资料库保护指令database directive提供如字库wordlist等文件合法的保护。
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List two types of subjunctive mood List three types of non-finite verbs是什么意思?晃着分词 什么样的相关条款,我们通常使用修改了名义上的先例吗?


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