diltiazem hclcd是什么意思

- Progor 保樂康緩釋膠囊, Hesor
優爽錠, Cardizem
凱帝心徐放錠, Cartil 卡迪爾錠,
Calnurs 卡魯納施錠劑, Herbesser
合必爽錠, Aerisin
易利心錠, Pertiazem 普心暢錠,
Nakasser 能得爽緩釋膠囊, Nakasser
能得爽錠, Diltisser
迪心贊錠, Diltelan
C Cardizem CD; Cardizem LA; Cartia XT; Dilacor XR;
Diltia XT; D Matzim LA; Taztia XT; Tiazac
- Apo-Diltiaz CD; Apo-Diltiaz SR; Apo-Diltiaz TZ; Cardizem
CD; Diltiazem TZ; Diltiazem-CD; Nu-Diltiaz-CD;
PMS-Diltiazem CD; ratio-Diltiazem CD; Sandoz-Diltiazem CD;
Sandoz-Diltiazem T; Tiazac XC
Acalix (阿根廷,
委內瑞拉); Adizem (愛爾蘭,
盧森堡); Altiazem (香港,義大利);
Cardil (丹麥,
馬來西亞, 俄羅斯); Cardizem (澳大利亞
芬蘭, 印尼,
挪威, 紐西蘭,
瑞典); Cardizem CD (澳大利亞
Cardizem Retard (丹麥,
芬蘭, 瑞典);
Cordizem (印尼,馬來西亞);
Dilcardia (印度,泰國,
南非); Dilrene (捷克
匈牙利); Diltahexal (德國 ,
盧森堡); Dilzem (阿拉伯,
瑞士, 德國,
巴基斯坦, 波蘭,
泰國); Dilzem Retard (阿拉伯,
Herbesser (印尼,
日本, 馬來西亞,
泰國); Herbesser 60 (馬來西亞,
泰國); Herbesser 90 SR (香港,馬來西亞,
新加坡, 泰國);
Herbesser R100 (香港,日本);
Herbesser R200 (香港,日本);
Herbessor Tilazem (阿根廷,&
秘魯, 南非); Tildiem (比利時,瑞士,
愛爾蘭, 義大利,盧森堡,馬來西亞)
&&&& Diltiazem
&& 如果使用Diltiazem的目的在預防心絞痛,就必須定期服用才能收到預防效果,若是在心絞痛發作時才緊急服用此藥是無效的,心絞痛的急性發作必須使用其它藥物如硝酸甘油等來紓解。在經過一陣子服藥後,不可因為心絞痛不再發作而突然增大運動量。應該先與醫師商討何種運動較適合體能,或多大的運動量,才不會造成心臟過度的負荷以及造成心絞痛再發生。
Micromedex公司哺乳評級結論﹕ 對嬰兒的風險極小。
Copyright 2011&Long-acting diltiazem CD is safe and effective in a hypertensive Mexican-American population.
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1997 Nov-D17(6):1254-9.Long-acting diltiazem CD is safe and effective in a hypertensive Mexican-American population.1, , , , , , , .1Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas-Houston, 77030, USA.AbstractSTUDY OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of diltiazem CD for reducing blood pressure in Mexican-American patients with mild to moderate hypertension.DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.SETTING: Twelve clinical sites in the United States.PATIENTS: Patients with baseline diastolic blood pressures between 95 and 115 mm Hg.INTERVENTIONS: Patients were treated with an average daily dose of diltiazem CD 246 mg (60 patients) or placebo (58 patients) to achieve a trough diastolic blood pressure below 90 mm Hg.MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Diltiazem CD significantly reduced mean diastolic blood pressure compared with placebo, -8.2 versus -4.1 mm Hg, respectively (p=0.0025). Diastolic blood pressure below 90 mm Hg or a reduction of 10 mm Hg or more was achieved by 57% of diltiazem CD versus 28% of placebo recipients. Systolic blood pressure and heart rate were also reduced with diltiazem CD. Adverse events were mild, with similar frequency for diltiazem CD (15%) and placebo (19%).CONCLUSION: Diltiazem CD is safe and effective in hypertensive Mexican-Americans, and diastolic blood pressure reductions compare with those in non-Hispanic white patients.PMID: 9399608
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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External link. Please review our .People will share, re-share, or like just about anything on Facebook. Much of it is crap. Some of it is silly. Some is crude. Some of it offensive. Sometimes it’s sexist. Sometimes racist - both casually and explicitly. Some things are sensationalised. Some are just factually&incorrect.
And some of it is several of these things packaged up in a lovely clusterfuck-coloured box of human&stupidity.
The following image is currently doing the rounds (again) on the book of faces, I’ve seen many, many of my FB friends share this image, and from a varying number of sources. Where, and from whom, this particular variant actually originated I don’t know. I also don’t&care.
What is the goal here? To highlight that aged pensioners supposedly don’t get enough? That “illegal immigrants/refugees” supposedly get too much? That they’re ageist? That they’re racist?&Thick?
Maybe they’re just showing off their Grade 7 ability of multiplying small numbers by 52 to get bigger numbers? Who&knows.
This lovely diagram is usually accompanied by a grammatically brilliant one-liner such as “how disgusting”, “this is horrible”, “we should be ashamed”, “wot a joke”, “this isn’t right”&etc.
Well, at least the last one is on the money. Pun intended. It isn’t right, it is actually viral bullshit (Which is different to viral diarrhea, in case you were wondering. Ok, you&weren’t).
As you’d expect the aged pension, like pretty much any government-provided benefit, will vary depending on personal circumstances. Not everyone will receive - nor is entitled to - the same level of assistance. Yes, it’s entirely possible that the numbers in the above image are correct for one specific scenario, but that’s just one scenario, and one that doesn’t appear to be fit for use in their&comparison.
35 seconds on Google and you can find your way to the actual government information relating to the . For reference, the figures they give for various scenarios are the fortnightly&maximums.
The figures given on the FB image for “illegal immigrants/refugees” also appears to be the maximums (or close to it, based on numbers in ). It doesn’t seem to be quite as simple to calculate a definitive fortnightly figure as there are many variables that come into consideration when determining what types of assistance an individual may or may not be entitled to. The government has a “” to assist with such a task if you’re actually&curious.
The government-run Human Services site also has a specific section relating to “”, and the first thing you see on the page is&this:
- Information about the hoax emails which have been circulated throughout Australia claiming to describe the social security entitlements of refugees compared with those of other Australian&residents.
Yup. The Australian Parliament House website has an entire “research publication” relating directly to manufactured bullshit like the offending image at the beginning of this post. It also covers the origin of such nonsense tracing it way back to 2004 in Canada of all&places.
10 fucking years and people are still posting/sharing/emailing this crap.&Sigh.
Anyway, the numbers. Using the maximum values set out , the “total yearly benefit” for an aged-pension couple would be&$64,792.
This includes the maximum basic pension rate for couples of $1,133.20, plus a maximum pension supplement of $93, and a clean energy supplement of $20.60 - for a total of $1,246.80 per&fortnight.
$48,724 more than the figure of $16,068 in the shared image. Interestingly my figure, is very close to exactly 4x their figure. Perhaps the ‘minimum’ pension is 25% of the&maximum?
It’s also $8,112 more than the “illegal immigrants/refugees” figure in the shared&image.
But comparing $64,792 to $56,680 doesn’t look as good when you’re sensationalising things in search of the odd like or 50,000. Why? Because the peeps they fancy the internet fame and likes and idea validation and wheeeeeeeeee. Grow&up.
So, if you happen to disagree with anything above, that’s fine, I don’t really&care.
No-one is perfect, I’m certainly not, and I’ll happily admit that I haven’t spent hours researching the information above. But, to be fair, the people sharing images like this on Facebook have spent exactly 0 hours researching anything, so I guess I’m still&ahead.
If you care enough that you’re going to get cranky with me, or you want to dispute any of the numbers I’ve given above, that’s totally fine. Opinions being like arseholes and all&that…
Simply provide me with some evidence that I’ve gotten something wrong and I’ll very gladly correct and/or remove the incorrect&info.
Have no proof, but just looking to start an argument? Sod off. I’m not&interested.
“Please share I don’t think people realise how bad ‘factually misleading’ this&is.”DILTIAZEM地尔硫卓(迪太赞)台湾 ,用药 ,说明_百度文库
DILTIAZEM地尔硫卓(迪太赞)台湾 ,用药 ,说明


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